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U are right, i forgot FT after SoS because normally the target will already be dead after that opener. But if the target was a skilled player, your opener is the best to gets the job done, for sure :)


No you were right. That guy is playing PVP wrong.


In PVP we're looking for burst, skipping followthroughs allows for optimal burst.

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my jugg loves facing snipers like this. Seems snipers get set in their rotation, and i can pick and choose which skill i'm going to let them kill themselves in. though if i'm not paying attention to the sniper, they are deadly.


I eat snipers for lunch on my madness sorc. It seems i'm in the minority here, but i do quite well on my madness sorc, and i actually go after marauders and snipers...


This in only one of a vastly number of openers and rotations for the MM sniper.

A Jugg have no chance to face a skilled sniper, we have all the CC we need to get down a jugg.

Trust me, you probably have killed noob snipers and then u put in your mind that is easy to beat them ;)

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No you were right. That guy is playing PVP wrong.


In PVP we're looking for burst, skipping followthroughs allows for optimal burst.


lol how is that less burst? FT>TD>FT is more bursty than TD>FT

You only skip the FT if you are absolutely positive the TD will kill the target.

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No you were right. That guy is playing PVP wrong.


In PVP we're looking for burst, skipping followthroughs allows for optimal burst.


I know that, but if the target survive ill go for that rotation he show me...

But mine opener still the best to shut down quicklly all the classes ;)

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lol how is that less burst? FT>TD>FT is more bursty than TD>FT

You only skip the FT if you are absolutely positive the TD will kill the target.


Yes, you got the point. U dont need FT if the target gonna die with TD. Thats why i made that opener, presuming that i dont need the FT to kill my target. :rolleyes:

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This in only one of a vastly number of openers and rotations for the MM sniper.

A Jugg have no chance to face a skilled sniper, we have all the CC we need to get down a jugg.

Trust me, you probably have killed noob snipers and then u put in your mind that is easy to beat them ;)


thats interesting, and given no LoS, i would agree with you. BUT the arenas i have been in, there is so much LoS, that it makes it interesting. Either I can force the sniper to move to get los on me and cancel their entrench, or they can sit there and wait, while i wait for entrench to whittle away. Then its a cc race on when to use reflect and breaker (on fb against sniper of course). Smash monkey has the extra leap while cc'd, though less burst. vengence has the cc immunity+huge burst.


I dunno, i've fought some really good snipers, i win some and lose some. If i get the push off though, or the choke to prevent the FT (assuming reflect on ambush), it makes things dicey for the sniper. Assuming of course theres at least one line-of-sight i can use.


Amazing though how many snipers go for the big ambush after the kb-auto-root. One reflect there, then the leap (if smash) and the dps/cc race begins. Smart snipers wont use their big hitter while the jugg is rooted, as they know the jugg will pop reflect. But thats what makes pvp fun, its always adjusting to your opponents adjustments.


No LoS though, and the jugg is toast no matter what..

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Snipers are an truly OP class agianst people who try to kill em in a pure dps race....





So giving stupid people the just rewards for their stupidity qualifies as "OP" nowadays?



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If you are a sorc and are 55 with pve gear and unaugged you have a bit over 20k hp correct? Hybrid lethality/engineer with a crit relic and power relic (obaran) Fully augged in conq with some of the new gear . Corrosion grenade,dart,shatter shot,explosive probe w/bomblets (at this point you arent taking all that much damage as its dots so you may not notice it),legshot so you cant kite then cull.If both relics proc I have an additional 425 to crit and 600+ to power. If not finish with interrogation probe. Burns down most Sorcs and Sages fairly fast if they dont notice the sniper until its too late. Edited by Ravenschild
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Snipers have a big red shield, or they have a sniper barrel sticking out from behind a rock. How is that hard to notice?


I use the assassins touch bowcaster and find nice out of the way places...you;d be amazed at how unobservant most people are. In short I act like a sniper rather than stand in the middle with the big red "hit me Im here" visible to all. There are places on all the maps but huttball to do this.

Edited by Ravenschild
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I use the assassins touch bowcaster and find nice out of the way places...you;d be amazed at how unobservant most people are.

nice.... I go against that play style all the time. They usually get screwed out of their kills, 'cause I Force Stealth. But a Sorc? Why would a Sorc even be dumb enough to fight a non-stealth DPS with a shield up?

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nice.... I go against that play style all the time. They usually get screwed out of their kills, 'cause I Force Stealth. But a Sorc? Why would a Sorc even be dumb enough to fight a non-stealth DPS with a shield up?


Im guessing it happened in a wz and he got overconfident or the snipier/slinger ambushed the sorc. Positioning is everything for a good sniper ambush and there are nooks and such in most of the maps (not the arenas but the 8v8) where unless they approach cautiously you can ambush a solo guy who isnt stealthed. With passive stealth detection sometimes even stealthers. There is a reason my armor blends in with the walls/turrets etc. It may not be colorful but the eye tends to slide past muted colors,even on a screen.

Edited by Ravenschild
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I use the assassins touch bowcaster and find nice out of the way places...you;d be amazed at how unobservant most people are. In short I act like a sniper rather than stand in the middle with the big red "hit me Im here" visible to all. There are places on all the maps but huttball to do this.


Never mind the giant red nameplate over your head.....

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Im guessing it happened in a wz and he got overconfident or the snipier/slinger ambushed the sorc. Positioning is everything for a good sniper ambush and there are nooks and such in most of the maps (not the arenas but the 8v8) where unless they approach cautiously you can ambush a solo guy who isnt stealthed. With passive stealth detection sometimes even stealthers. There is a reason my armor blends in with the walls/turrets etc. It may not be colorful but the eye tends to slide past muted colors,even on a screen.


I don't know. Seems to get out of the way and hidden behind something, you tend to leave yourself in a position to have a LOS issue. Also, you can really set up for someone to not be knocked back if they get on top of you.

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Why would you use TD after SoS? You should do SoS >Followthrough > TD > FT

Using TD immediately after SoS or Ambush is a waste of a FT


Also anything that sits there and eats all that and doesn't Los or pop a DcD will die. If it has a brain it will live


You'd be surprised how many people do eat the full rotation, otherwise snipers/gunslingers wouldn't ever be able to kill anyone. Most people will be too busy fighting someone else on your team to notice you sitting in cover and killing them from afar.

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