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Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. We are the Dread Masters. We are your nightmares incarnate. No longer contained by the Empire or the Republic, we will terrorize the galaxy as we please. It is futile to resist.


You have a choice - become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bear. You must tell us why you are worthy of us.


Choose your words wisely. We will be watching.

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Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. We are the Dread Masters. We are your nightmares incarnate. No longer contained by the Empire or the Republic, we will terroize the galaxy as we please. It is futile to resist.


You have a choice - become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bare. You must tell us why you are worthy of us.


Choose your words wisely. We will be watching.


Hmm, let's see... Could you bear the burden of the sight of my bare, pasty-white backside pointed in your general direction?


I'll bare it! I swear! The brightness will eclipse the sun!

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You have a choice - become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bear. You must tell us why you are worthy of us.


Yes, your colleague Mr.s Went on about my courage and power, but then the cultists, and Mr.S himself attempted at my life. But he got killed. Sowwy :(


May I redeem myself and take his place? :)

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Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. We are the Dread Masters. We are your nightmares incarnate. No longer contained by the Empire or the Republic, we will terrorize the galaxy as we please. It is futile to resist.


You have a choice - become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bear. You must tell us why you are worthy of us.


Choose your words wisely. We will be watching.


I am the Emperor's Wrath. I've killed more Darths than I can count. I killed Styrak and your pet Kephess -- twice. And I freed all of you on Belsavis, where you tried to crush my mind with fear.


You failed.


Fear is my slave. Entire sectors cower at my name. Nothing and no one can stand before me, and I will not be stopped.

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FYI dulfy your link is broken the pursuer's bounty pack items is broken

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Greetings DreadMasters, let me be the first to congratulate you on posting on the forums this week. It seems your specialist combat team have been unable to do so.


Secondly Styrak died quite some time ago now unfortunately your information is out of date and slow to reach us.


I suggest it is you who are not worthy of us.

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I am Wrath incarnate! You betrayed our Emperor and his Empire and have laid waste indiscriminately to multiple systems. A feat that few can accomplish. But I have stopped your machinations at every turn. The ancient Rakatan you inadvertently freed I bested! The Hutts you sent scurrying fell to my blade. Your pet Kephess failed to stop me twice! The Terror you beckoned from the shadows fears me now. Your vast Dread Guard speak rumors of my power! And finally your brother, your companion Styrak coughed up blood as I held his throat tight with the force. You witnessed this yourselves.


You ask if I am worth your time... You should ask yourselves if that void in your union gives you pain. Because I am about to widen it further. I will best your dread and nightmares and slay what's left of you five. I, The Wrath, will take your titles and remain as the last standing Master of Dread!

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Cute, but how bout some real info about what's to come?


War and death will claim you even in your most cherished sanctuaries.


Oceans of despair will engulf the rot in your cores.


The horror and doubt you bury in your past will grasp forth, and rend your worlds asunder.

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I freed you on Belsavis. I demanded respect and you used your "fear" on me...and yet I rose from my knees, and stood before you, unaffected. You said "impossible!", you said I had potencial, you promised to teach me the darkest side of force. Instead... you unleashed terror upon the galaxy.

It is time to hold you to the promise. I became stronger since our last meeting - horrors of Eternity Prison did not slowed me, Cartel mercenaries fell before me, your "tool" was useless against me, Styrak fell from my hand, show me the forces that you command! Madness?! Of course power comes with a price, you of all the Sith know that to be true!


I am ready. I am willing. I am waiting.

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Fear is my slave. Entire sectors cower at my name. Nothing and no one can stand before me, and I will not be stopped.


Mastery of fear is not enough. You must know humiliation. You must be hollowed out by despair, allowing all that you are to leak out so that our union may find purchase and make you what you can be.


Was it worth it, Sith? Your failure, your corruption, your madness? The lives ruined, the pointless destruction? Surrender, and the Council may be merciful.


Mercy is slavery by a kinder name. You think to gain power over us by exploiting regret or doubt or hesitation.


Perhaps there is promise in you yet...

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War and death will claim you even in your most cherished sanctuaries.


Oceans of despair will engulf the rot in your cores.


The horror and doubt you bury in your past will grasp forth, and rend your worlds asunder.


Your words are as empty as the void you created.


The Republic and the Jedi is United more than ever. We will not run, We shall not hide.


With The Force we will defeat you and bring every last one of you to justice for the Deaths you caused ONCE AND FOR ALL! Surrender now while you live.



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