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Serendipitous Assault Relics


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We were in a TC HM today, I was on my Gunslinger with an Arkanian Relic of Serendipitous Assault. The tool tip for this relic says that healing an ally or attacking an enemy procs the power boost.


I dont know if this is a bug or not, so I thought I would drop it here.... As the tanks were positioning their isotope 5 barrels, I was in cover, just sitting there. The passive heal in my cover (which is a self heal, not an ally heal) was proccing my relic. This seems to not be the way it is intended to work. It also doesnt seem like a big deal. The only foreseeable problem with this would be someone who was just sitting in cover waiting for the fight to start, the relic could proc 5 or 6 seconds before the fight, and lock him out of a potential proc for 20 seconds. If the self heal is to be treated (for purposes of this relic) as an ally heal, then it is working as intended. Just thought Id share and see what devs say.

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you do realize that that would be a nerf?



also it works the same way as the Healing relic that's why there's one class in this game that has one spec for which it's actually useful.



Not in all instances. In fact, it could actually only be a buff for Slingers who get in cover and wait for a tank to pull.

The passive heal begins immediately. It is quite possible that the buff will proc before the tank pulls and actually cost you a proc at the beginning of the fight. The only way it could conceivably be a nerf is if the tank is watching slingers, and only pulling the moment the relic procs.

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Granted that the OP doesn't understand, but it certainly wouldn't be unheard-of to have Bioware nerf one of the classes most in need of help (Shadow/Assassin tanks) to buff one that is most over-powered (Sniper/Gunslinger)....


Speaking of which, our Answers are now more than a week over-due...

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