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Being a jerk or smart gameplay?


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You think is a game???




This is not a game!


There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy and there is no Queen of England.


This is real life and you need to wake up!


That kind of attitude will not get you a quarter under your pillow:eek::eek:

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It is a jerk move, but I'm used to it happening. I think I may have done it twice on quest items on Coruscant right when I first started playing, but once someone did it to me... :mad:


The one that really surprised me was a sith inquisitor on Balmorra. Some sort of side quest to get reactor cores or something, where you click to open the device up, then get attacked, and then have to pick up the revealed core. The sith took the core that I opened up while I was stuck at an odd angle, desperately trying to keep my companion from biting the dust. Yeah that was the jerkiest thing I've ever seen in this game. There's no way that the guy didn't realise I was after that item. :rolleyes:


I always wait if I see someone taking on a mob right by a chest/quest item. It's not like most of them don't respawn quickly, after all.

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If they're fighting the mobs and haven't touched the chest or objective by now, then it's obvious they don't want that item and it is up for grabs.


Simple as that.


What? Now you are just being obtuse. Clearing the mobs so that they can open the chest is "obvious thy don't want the item" now? That is more rationalizing your behavior. It would seem to anyone with half a brain that they are clearing the mobs because they DO want the chest, and honestly I think the best way to solve this is to lock the item, be it chest or node if it is being guarded, until said mob/s have been removed. The exception to that would be the resource nodes, things like the crystal formations or the scrap piles etc.

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It's not called being rude, it's called survival of the fittest and being self sufficient and efficient. I know for a fact when I'm doing dailies for the hundreth time, that I don't want to be out there all day. If I see something clickable, you better bet your ***, I'm gonna hurry myself over there to click it so I can get done quicker.


Survival of the fittest? Really? We aren't on the plains of the Serengeti dealing with lions, gazelle, and zebras here. Your kids aren't going to starve tonight because you didn't act like a douche sneaking in and taking it out from under people who were clearing out the mobs. Believe me I'm all about being self sufficient and doing things in a smart and efficient manner, but I can also do so without acting like a self indulgent ******* teenager that thinks he can go around acting whatever way he likes with no consequences attached to anything I do.

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Not sure why there is even a question. Common sense should dictate that it is no different then one preparing a plate at a buffet only to have another walk up and take it for their own, because it was left at the table while attaining a drink.


The solution, OP, is to send pet in, take chest, then kill mobs. I don't even do that at this point, I just run in, take the chest, then kill the mobs. Very doable, prevents the degenerates among us from entertaining their id.


Not quite. The plate would belong to you. It would be more like you looking at the ham down the line and seeing there is only one slice left and thinking you really want that ham but you take your time and scoop up some mashed potatoes first and someone else comes by and gets the last piece of ham while you are getting other food. At no time does that ham belong to you until it is on your plate. Looking at it and thinking you want it in no way makes it yours.

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It is a jerk move, but I'm used to it happening. I think I may have done it twice on quest items on Coruscant right when I first started playing, but once someone did it to me... :mad:


The one that really surprised me was a sith inquisitor on Balmorra. Some sort of side quest to get reactor cores or something, where you click to open the device up, then get attacked, and then have to pick up the revealed core. The sith took the core that I opened up while I was stuck at an odd angle, desperately trying to keep my companion from biting the dust. Yeah that was the jerkiest thing I've ever seen in this game. There's no way that the guy didn't realise I was after that item. :rolleyes:


I always wait if I see someone taking on a mob right by a chest/quest item. It's not like most of them don't respawn quickly, after all.


That is balmora and yes, that would be a jerk move.

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Not quite. The plate would belong to you. It would be more like you looking at the ham down the line and seeing there is only one slice left and thinking you really want that ham but you take your time and scoop up some mashed potatoes first and someone else comes by and gets the last piece of ham while you are getting other food. At no time does that ham belong to you until it is on your plate. Looking at it and thinking you want it in no way makes it yours.


Eh, it's more like picking up the tongs to grab a piece of ham and having some douche run up and snatch it with the hands and run off.

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Damn, now Im hungry for ham....


But again, not condoning that behavior but not condemning it either. It is allowed in game and there are means to protect against it. Only a few exceptions with the poisoning of the water supply on DK and that one quest in balmora the 2 that pop into mind as ones where you cannot use while in combat.

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What? Now you are just being obtuse. Clearing the mobs so that they can open the chest is "obvious thy don't want the item" now? That is more rationalizing your behavior. It would seem to anyone with half a brain that they are clearing the mobs because they DO want the chest, and honestly I think the best way to solve this is to lock the item, be it chest or node if it is being guarded, until said mob/s have been removed. The exception to that would be the resource nodes, things like the crystal formations or the scrap piles etc.


It would seem to anyone with half a brain that since anyone can grab the chest at any time, if they want what is in the chest, they should get it as soon as they can instead of taking extra time fighting and allowing someone else the chance to take it. No need to put manpower of BW into fixing something that is not broken.

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So I'm interested in the opinions of other players...and this isn't a complaint, rather, I'd like to hear what you folks think...

So, hypothetically, in a daily area, I see a large loot crate and attack the npcs that are guarding it. While in combat, another player runs in and grabs the loot crate. Now, is this a jerk move, or just smart playing? What are the thoughts? :rak_02:


It's a loot ninja.


No need to put manpower of BW into fixing something that is not broken.


I actually did what you propose here recently.


I decided to loot an nearby crystal (Archaeology). I went there as fast as I could, because i wanted to have it.


Because i wanted it.


they should get it as soon as they can instead of taking extra time fighting


Yes, I really did it !


I got it as soon as possible instead of taking extra time for fighting !


Because it was a crystal I WANTED to have !


And i REALLY REALLY wanted to have it BEFORE others could loot it !


After the 35rd attempt, I managed to get it. Level 30 Sage against level 43 Kiliks standing too close to the crystal. BUT I GOT IT !


No need to put manpower of BW into fixing something that is not broken.


Of course not. Because I had unlimited med probes available as a subscriber, I could try it as oiften as I wanted to ! And in the end, even with these level 43 Kiliks attacking me, I GOT IT ! My character died very, very soon after looting, though. But - I still had unlimited med probes available !


No need for Bioware to fix this encounter i had.


And - by the way - that's a true story. I'm not trolling here.


I'm merely using my true story as an extreme example.

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I take pride in the fact that I have never once done that. If I see another player attacking mobs while near a mission object or item, I will let them have it and move on. In my mind, they have tagged it and to take it will be like cheating or stealing. Letting them keep and have it just seems like the right thing to do. Of course, it happens to me all the time on both SWTOR and WoW, but that's MMO's for you... :i_angel:
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When Darth Jerk appeared on Corellia yesterday, I thought of this thread....


My Trooper had already died once attempting to enter one area, raised by Med Droid, and then battled the remaining foes to find some Darth toon that jumped in the area, or appearing from stealth to steal the contents of one of those spawning lockers. If they had appeared as a target, I would have gleefully continued firing my rotations. Or if my eyes had not failed me, I would have declared the loot thief's ID in Chat. But since that did not occur, I simply waited in place for the next 5 minutes or so for them to move on to other places, and hoping they fell into the secreted crater nearby that housed a 50th Guardian droid.


Silver lining: they missed the Slicing safe on the other side of a wall, and I was able to return 15 min later to recover the next spawned locker without having any respawned opponents. And thankfully, most like Players du Jerk were probably examining the new planet, FP, WZ, Op, etc that came with the latest patch, and that they are not so commonly seen on my server thus far.

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I take pride in the fact that I have never once done that. If I see another player attacking mobs while near a mission object or item, I will let them have it and move on. In my mind, they have tagged it and to take it will be like cheating or stealing. Letting them keep and have it just seems like the right thing to do. Of course, it happens to me all the time on both SWTOR and WoW, but that's MMO's for you... :i_angel:


I agree.I just sit there and drink some coffee.

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A group of friends gets together from time to time to play through everything as a full group. We were playing our Imperial characters earlier and we were on Tatooine. We were at the bonus mission for the part of the planet questline that's in the area east of Outpost Varath. You kill a ton of Sand People, then you poison their water, then you kill the boss enemy at the end of their area.


When I've been through this part solo before with other characters on a different server I've seen it where there's a line of several people or groups working on it at the same time and people wait their turn to take out the boss. He's out in the open and on a respawn timer instead of having to click something like what the game does in most other situations like that, so it took a long time for everyone to get through it. But everyone was civil and patient about it. They saw the situation and they waited for their turn.


Getting there with my group, there was no line but we arrived to find it already dead from whoever had been through there before us so we settled in for a bit of a wait. Someone else arrives to find us waiting for the respawn and he crowds in next to it with us. We could tell what was coming but he was just that fraction of a second quicker than us to hit it when it did respawn, so he gets the kill and gets to move on while we have to wait for the next respawn.


One of my friends apparently whispered something to him calling him out on the jerk move, and his response went something like "I was just doing my job so **** off!" There's no defending this jerk. There's no justifying his actions.


Although I would ask why the **** that mission still has that enemy respawn on a lengthy timer at all instead of just clicking on something to summon him as needed the way so many other similar missions in the game do it. Just make it so the idol in his tent is the object to click on.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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I take pride in the fact that I have never once done that. If I see another player attacking mobs while near a mission object or item, I will let them have it and move on.:


you take pride in something that doesnt require any skill

Congrats, you are a great person, maybe you should go feel good about being boring in some random latitude-longtitude too(aka nationality)


Like i said, you can be as evil as you are capable, but the opposite doesnt apply

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you take pride in something that doesnt require any skill

Congrats, you are a great person, maybe you should go feel good about being boring in some random latitude-longtitude too(aka nationality)


Like i said, you can be as evil as you are capable, but the opposite doesnt apply

I disagree with you here. Resisting a temptation might not require skill but it is not easy for everyone either. Sure, I for my part don't see anything wrong with taking what is there, so I don't see it as an evil that one has to resist, but I can understand that people might view it that way and if they do it might take effort to resist or they might feel dirty if they can't.


Glad that I see it as part of the competition and not asa challenge in morality.

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