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Solo mode for heroics...my thoughts


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I think it would be fun to get 3 companions out together. I don't think it is hard to find a group and this is an mmo... but the challenge would be nice. The lone wolf anti social players sure would be happy. My contribution ... back to PvP now.




That is the point. I would guess that most folks have experienced the difficulty in trying to use a comp to replace a real player in a heroic 4...its tough. Imagine how tough if you had to replace 3.


And for less reward. But AT LEAST you would be able to do it solo at the appropriate level, where it would offer a significant challenge.


As a Sorc, even if I strip down naked I still can't find challenge in most lower end heroics because no matter how hard they try they can't hit me. I could just stand there and they will miss all day. There isnt any challenge at all.


I do get to see the content, but its more of a faceroll....I might as well watch a video of the run.


Sometimes blowing through 100 mobs like butter is fun....but most of the time it isnt IMO.

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As someone that intends to play solo, I find the Heroic +2 instances fine for my use. And while greater Heroic areas or FP's are indeed skipped due to toughness, if I am interested in the storyline, I can play them at a greater level if possible; sacrificing the XP and loot for the tale being told.


No change is really necessary, though if greater rewards were implemented, that would be great.

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Personally I solo a lot, and even when not I only group with one other player (my girlfriend, as it happens). We do Heroic 2 missions all the time, but always skip the Heroic 4 ones. While I understand that part of the difference between an mmo and, say, a solo console game is the idea of grouping, I personally would like another option for the Heroic 4 stuff. But even if that didn't happen due to lack of demand, I find it REALLY annoying that certain quests can be done solo for a while and then throw a Heroic 4 at you towards the end. Macrobinoculars, Seeker Droid, HK-51, ALL of these can be soloed ALMOST the entire way through...and then, BAM, Heroic 4, better group up or abandon. That's just really aggravating...I seriously do not mind group exclusive content...I don't do Operations or Flashpoints, and I don't do the Daily Heroics in places like The Black Hole, and I'm FINE with that, but the "mix it up" missions are just crappy.


OMG, that's so true re-- Macrobinocs and Seeker-Droid finale :(


I do wonder, because during the mission-chain leading up to them, you get a number of missions which flash big red letters on your screen upon entering the instance: "THIS MISSION WILL SCALE TO GROUP-SIZE."


Why can't the end-missions do that too? No-one --and I mean, no-one, even on Harbinger, the nominally highest-population server-- seems to want to group to do those, and it's been like that since they were introduced (are they really that bad?) :/


That's a real shame, because the mission-chain and story-arc (imp-side, at least, haven't done Rep-side) along with the use of the droid and binocs, are really cool IMO (although some of the Seeker-droid...ummm...seeking...can be rather tedious).


Conversely, a lot of [HEROIC 2/2+] can be solo'ed, depending on your class as long as you're careful, take your time, and willing to accept maybe a death or two.

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Yeah, I run all Heroic-2's solo on my Guardian when I'm a couple levels higher...but I never tried to solo any Heroic-4's.


If you're a stealth-class with heals, then some of the basic "loot-and-scoot" H4s can be solo'ed, especially at lower levels --examples: [HEROIC 4] Trouble In Deed, on Coruscant, and maaaaaybe [AREA 4] Hadra's Defeat on Dromund Kaas, even though the latter is a "kill the boss at the end" mission.


You probably will still die a few times, and healing the companion through the boss-fight may need an extra attempt or two (although you don't have to kill the Champion in the Coruscant one).


Running yourself out of resources during these fights will kill you, after that, it's the dealing with any adds whilst the Big Guy is beating on you, because the H4 bosses I've fought are all Boss-Immune (IE, you can't CC, or in some cases, even interrupt them).


It can be done, but not really worth it, IMHO, unless you're just going for the "Hero of [Planet-name]" achievement, or whatever.


Just as an aside, what is it with trash mobs often being more of a pain in the arse to deal with than the bosses in this game?

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/Agree. This is exactly what would it would evolve into.


Besides.. a lot of Heroics (not all) can be done these days with a well equipped player and companion. Some people actually find challenge in doing so.


And another thing... this represents a "dumbing down" of content. Rift did it.. and I personally did not like their solo content dumb down of group content. They also dumbed down the rewards and made them a joke.


People do group and do run heroics in this game. They do it with friends and guild mates most often. It's only the random folks on a planet that are having an issue.. and frankly... the heroics waste more time then then any return in reward from my experience.



Yeah I have to agree with this, but I still say that the developers would be well served in creating a end game path that included soloist and duoist. Not dumb down the missions already available. A path could make the character part of an advanced scouting squad or Intel gatherer for these missions, the player could get the gist of whats going on in the group missions which would make them feel like they can participate as well, receive rewards suitable for the mission and they could include fights that would acclimate the player to the group content so she would stand a better chance of not wiping the group when/if they chose to do the group mission later.


I really think this would solve a lot of issues, it would give soloist/duoist a end game path, it would help teach them the fights for group missions and it would add a considerable amount of content to the game. I see it as a win/win.

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I'm not opposed to this, but I find it unnecessary. My husband and I duo Flashpoints (at level, except maybe Colicoid War Games due to the turrets and HM's.) all the time for the daily for the comms, or if we are just bored. I've solo'ed Heroic 4's (also at level) as well. It takes a bit of time and working to get CC's and mobs down, but it is 100% doable (I solo BT/Esseles at 10, but mostly because I like do spacebar runs or if I am feeling it, watching the whole thing).


The problem I see is that fact that doing it like that is actually slightly more time consuming then having a full group of four or so with you. I understand that some people don't like that or don't have the time to take an hour to do something like that, life happens. (For me it is a challenge (Now if they only had an option to tell Companions to not sit in red circles that would be great :D) and I love it, so I love to do it).


Like I said, I'm not opposed to it, but they aren't 'impossible' to do with one other person or even by yourself. (if you are willing). I know that it is hard to get groups because most people just want to get done with the planet and leave or don't like pugs, and if Bioware wants to implement it,more power to the solo guys. :D

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I very much agree with this idea. I do usually skip the Heroics, and so I would love a solo-type mode so my characters can experience them. I care about the story and experience, so I would gladly give up rewards for this feature.


Well, I personally do not think they would be a good idea for FPs, but naturally heroics would be good fit IMO.


I think solo FP's would be cool actually, offering few and weak rewards but just allowing everyone to experience the stories (And in the way they want). :i_angel:

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I think solo FP's would be cool actually, offering few and weak rewards but just allowing everyone to experience the stories (And in the way they want). :i_angel:


Well, again, I think the outcry from the remaining hardcore players in this game would be very strong if this was done for FPs.

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I would loveeeee the chance to run a mission with 3 of my companions. I'm sure they could figure out a way to summon two additional companions, maybe as guests along with your main companion.

I'd make it a make it la very small number of daily missions with reputation for companion rewards. You don't want too much because it could be abused or really take way from group content. As much as I like to solo stuff, it's nice to know I can some how find a group or find satisfaction helping someone out.

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My wife & I have 2-"manned" HMs up to Cademimu and continue to gear up for higher. But to even attempt them I've found that both characters and their companions need to be geared to at least 151 (156s preferred), which is more than the Makeb vendor's 140 item level wares will provide. But 140 to 146 gear will get 2 players & companions through the regular 50 FPs and 50+ planet H4s (with some effort) which is how you can gear up for HMs. Save planetary comms so when you reach 50 you have the full 100 available to go shopping.


Caveat ... it can be overwhelming when relying on companions for tanking & heals, so one of the players needs to fill one of those slots. If players do the tanking & heals, then it's just a question of microing to keep 'em out of the stuff & becoming familiar enough with their rotations to beat the enrage timers. If you can only choose one (i.e. one of the players is deeps) then I like a player tank to manage the fights - something AI can't do.


We have found HMs with 2 players + companions to be one of the greatest challenges in this game so far. At least for us.

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Well, again, I think the outcry from the remaining hardcore players in this game would be very strong if this was done for FPs.


True, but I am not suggesting it be a replacement or anything. We could still have the normal and Hard FP's etc, but also just have a, additional 'storytelling/solo' option too. Or perhaps adding something similar to the 2.3 FP's added older content.


Of course, some hardcore raiders will rage against the option no matter how it is implemented. It could just be me, but allot of hardcore players never seem happy unless everyone is forced to do the big, hard content only.

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I think it's an interesting idea, and I'd be fine for this for ops and fp too. Tbh, I wouldn't even care if they made it super easy, so that you could go through with 1 companion, just to see the story and cut scenes, because I don't socialize or play with others, but I'd like to see the stories.

I wouldn't even need any sort of loot prize, just seeing the cut scenes would be prize enough. It would also be nice for others to see the cut scenes, because so many people are mean and make people spacebar thru, and people miss out. I'm sure there must be someone out there who wants to experience this stuff, but go along with the space bar freaks, to shut them up and keep the activity moving for worry of getting kicked...

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I like the idea for Heroics only, especially since players can purchase HK and Treek at start. Since players get a companion on starter planet, this could be viable on that planet of playing, even though players can 2 man all starter Heroics. This could add to players wanting another challenge while leveling, although, no social points should be awarded, of course.


The only problem I could see if implemented, is that players couldn't command all three companions. This of course would add to the difficulty. I really like this idea especially if Bioware keeps introducing purchasable companion characters.

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Well, again, I think the outcry from the remaining hardcore players in this game would be very strong if this was done for FPs.


There is nothing hardcore about sitting on your duff pounding keys.OMG I got a paper cut.Medic!You have been on the forum and know people will complain no matter what.So let them.If they don't like it recommend this site.



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Absolute support for Heroics (not for FPs). I finished leveling one of my alts few days ago. Up Nar Shaddaa incl. I was able to group for every Heroics. After that planet is very very hard to find someone to do Heroics. And for "Bonus series" Heroics you can simply forget it!
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This makes no sense.


The OP is not upset that people group up for this...nor is the OP against the idea of grouping up for said content.


I think they are against the idea that you're basically "forced" to group up with people in order to complete some of the said content.


you're "forced" because it's DESIGNED as GROUP content. Who'd of thought y'know? in an MMO? CRAZY!


if they do this then I want the option for "solo" mode for Operations. Because...y'know..I shouldn't be "forced" to group to see that content either (by this...logic.)


seriously..asking to be able to "solo" what's designed as "group" content..is asinine.

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Absolute support for Heroics (not for FPs). I finished leveling one of my alts few days ago. Up Nar Shaddaa incl. I was able to group for every Heroics. After that planet is very very hard to find someone to do Heroics. And for "Bonus series" Heroics you can simply forget it!


well this is mostly due to the fact that doing the heroics isn't worth the time it takes to get a group together and complete it. the rewards just aren't worth it. Not while leveling.


You'd find more people doing them if the rewards justified the "risk" (which includes time spent not just difficulty)

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I must say I am impressed by the number of people able to solo or with just one other player do the Heroic 4 missions at level. I am not one of those. Probably a combination of good (but not great) gear and average command of some classes.


My play time is erratic - an hour here, an hour there, depending on work and real-life commitments. I'd love to experience more of the content, but even using group finder I've had to wait upwards of 60 minutes to get a group for those heroics on leveling planets.


I don't see any harm in scaling heroics, or even FP's, with reduced rewards. I'm not looking to be uber-geared without the effort the hardcore put in with groups; I am more interested in gaining enjoyment from experiencing the content.


Keep the best rewards for those who group and have the time to play more often, but let the casual players see more of the story - that is the reward we most want. :)

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