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[Trooper Companion] Yuun has Force abilities but primary stat is Aim


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There are 3 abilities that Yuun uses that are categorized as Force abilities and are dependent on Willpower. However, Yuun's primary stat is Aim and therefore these abilities are rendered inefficient and ineffective.


Names of the abilities incorrectly designated as "Force":

Run Through

Tracker's Strike

Whirling Force


Repro steps to verify these abilities are listed as Force:

1. On a Trooper (either Commando or Vanguard), bring out Yuun.

2. On the Menu Bar, Select Abilities (P key by default)

3. Click on Companion tab.

4. Here you will see various abilities listed as Melee or Tech abilities, all gaining benefit from Yuun's primary stat of Aim. You will see Run Through, Tracker's Strike, and Whirling Force are listed as Force powers.


Repro steps to verify Yuun's primary stat is Aim:

1. On a Trooper (either Commando or Vanguard), bring out Yuun.

2. On the Menu Bar, Select Character Sheet (C key by default).

3. On the bottom of the Character Sheet window, select Companion.

4. Hover your mouse over the Aim stat for Yuun and you will see that this is his primary stat because it provides bonuses to 6 different abilities including Melee and Tech.

5. Hover your mouse over the Willpower stat for Yuun and you will see that this is -not- his primary stat, but it is what determines the power of the abilities incorrectly attributed to be Force powers.


Repro steps to verify Run Through, Tracker's Strike, and Whirling Force do not gain bonuses from his Primary Stat, Aim.

1. With Yuun as your active companion, start with having him equipped with no gear except a mainhand weapon of any stats.

2. When hovering your mouse over his abilities, note what the tooltip lists as the amount of damage range he will do with Run Through, Tracker's Strike, and Whirling Force (categorized as Force) as well as the damage range for Power Slash (categorized as Melee) and the damage range for Exsanguination (categorized as Tech).

3. Equip him with any piece of moddable gear (armor, implant, earpiece, weapon, is fine) that has Aim as the Primary stat. For simplicity's sake, boots with green quality Reflex Armoring 2 (has Aim) will suffice.

4. You should notice that the damage range of Power Slash and Exsanguination has increased as they are Ranged and Tech. However, there should be no change to Run Through, Tracker's Strike, and Whirling Force.

5. Remove the boots and replace them with another pair of boots that has Resolve Armoring 2 (has Willpower).

6. You should notice that Power Slash and Exsanguination are no longer increased and instead, Run Through, Tracker's Strike, and Whirling Force is.


Expected Result:

Run Through, Tracker's Strike, and Whirling Force should be gaining bonuses from his Primary stat, Aim.


Actual Result:

Run Through, Tracker's Strike, and Whirling Force are not gaining bonuses from his Primary Stat, Aim.


Proposed Solution:

The solution should be to change these 3 abilities from Force to Tech and they should then utilize Yuun's Primary Stat.

Edited by SpacerSebben
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I will help you keep this bumped. I am also going to copy this thread's address and put in to an in game ticket. I will repeat this process regularly until this issue is acknowledged and addressed.


My Commando and Merc both prefer to use their melee DPS companions. Torian does not suffer from this issue...it would be great if Yuun were equally effective. Thank you for making this thread to bring the issue to light.

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Update: I appreciate the support you fellow responders have given to this! I went to the SF Cantina Tour on 11/13/13 and personally talked to Eric Musco about this problem with Yuun. He said this definitely sounds like a bug and would talk to the team about it. Hoping to hear from him or see any changes soon and will continue to stay on top of this. Edited by SpacerSebben
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Oh my, I remember reading about this bug a long time ago. I've been slowly working through all the class stories in the game. I've finally gotten Yuun on my Trooper and I am surprised to see this bug still alive!


There's a larger issue if such a bug can go unfixed for so long after being publicly acknowledged. It seems that a bug that significantly weakens a companion's abilities should be a more of a priority.


Maybe it didn't deserve an immediate fix, but having it stick around for many months makes me pretty sad.

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