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Makeb +10 Endurance Datacron


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For the last week I have been banging my head against this ridiculous excuse for content.


It isn't the difficulty, it is the bugs that have completely frustrated me beyond the point of anger and straight into loathing.


As a body type 3 commando, there exist jumps where my autocannon...projecting high above my shoulder...catches invisible walls and stops me from jumping out. It took me a while to figure it out since I figured I was clipping something else. It wasn't until I actually filmed my jumps that I saw I wasn't hitting anything real. And since Recharge and Reload requires a weapon to use (what kind of stupidity is that considering nothing in the ability description says you need a weapon equipped. So does Kolto Bomb which has absolutely nothing to do with weapons) I have to either keep equipping and unequipping my autocannon or face the chance my jump will get boned because of it.


In addition, there are way too many terrain features that don't do anything until you drive./run off of them. At that point, some invisible POS mechanic kicks you out at an angle that you can't possibly know exists.


If that wasn't bad enough, making a jump only to get "stuck in terrain" and teleported all the way back to the beginning is enough to make people pull out their hair. At no point should a server issue punish the player by forcing a re-run all the way from the beginning.


Fix this. My suggestion is to put respawn points at various points along the route so that you do not have to keep redoing the entire stinking path in order to recover from mistakes that are a result of the game. This level of frustration for an extra 100 hit points simply isn't worth the effort.

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I one-shotted this with my bodytype 3 commando without any issues. Not saying there arent issues, but it doesnt seem to be that common, as its the first time i hear of this.

Datacrons are meant to be frustrating to get. Which is why I hope they dont expect us to do them all with 12 alts.

We really need a legacy wide perk for datacrons.

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I one-shotted this with my bodytype 3 commando without any issues. Not saying there arent issues, but it doesnt seem to be that common, as its the first time i hear of this.

Datacrons are meant to be frustrating to get. Which is why I hope they dont expect us to do them all with 12 alts.

We really need a legacy wide perk for datacrons.


No.. We don't need a legacy perk.. Nobody needs this.. If you want the stats they give them get them on all your toons.. Otherwise live without them..


Nobody should get free stats.. They are there for those that choose to get them.. Making them legacy removes the reward for putting forth the effort to get them.. It is pretty lame to ask that they take out the effort and give you the reward anyways.. :rolleyes:


People need to stop looking for legacy to play the game for them..


As for the OP.. I also one shot this with a type 3 character.. Both male and female.. :)

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Were you watching the Dulfy walkthrough on YouTube OP?


I am a body type 3 Commando as well and did both Makeb datacrons in 1 flawless run b/c I took my time and watched every detail in her videos.


No.. We don't need a legacy perk.. Nobody needs this.. If you want the stats they give them get them on all your toons.. Otherwise live without them..


Nobody should get free stats.. They are there for those that choose to get them.. Making them legacy removes the reward for putting forth the effort to get them.. It is pretty lame to ask that they take out the effort and give you the reward anyways.. :rolleyes:


People need to stop looking for legacy to play the game for them..


As for the OP.. I also one shot this with a type 3 character.. Both male and female.. :)


You do know it's not "free stats" if you worked to unlock all the datacrons rights haha? And people have been asking for legacy unlocks for Rep and Imp side for ages. :rolleyes:

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You do know it's not "free stats" if you worked to unlock all the datacrons rights haha? And people have been asking for legacy unlocks for Rep and Imp side for ages. :rolleyes:


Just to paraphrase:


You do know it's "free stats" if you get all the stat bonuses on each character without actually doing the work getting the Datacrons on each character, right?


People have been asking (read: QQ) for Legacy unlocks for ages cuz it's not happening and they won't take a hint and just move on to bigger and better things. :rolleyes:


The amount of time people spend here begging for Legacy Datacrons they could have actually just gotten the Datacrons. But I guess QQing for free stuff they didn't earn is also a worthy endeavour.

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Full disclaimer I SUCK AT 3D PLATFORM JUMPING but i did have to pay to switch from 3 to1 to get this done but when i did i was like HELL YEA WHO'S THE MAN!!! so its all good i would not change it


Then it's a good thing that 90% of the Datacrons are just walk up to them and click, right?

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Were you watching the Dulfy walkthrough on YouTube OP?


I am a body type 3 Commando as well and did both Makeb datacrons in 1 flawless run b/c I took my time and watched every detail in her videos.




You do know it's not "free stats" if you worked to unlock all the datacrons rights haha? And people have been asking for legacy unlocks for Rep and Imp side for ages. :rolleyes:


I don't know?? Was there a point there?? First.. There is no unlocking the datacrons.. That is your first mistake.. Doing them on one character so that others may get the stats for free is free stats.. I just have to wonder why you wrote your post.. There doesn't seem to be any logical point..


When we say free stats, we mean legacy datacrons.. Sure.. Most likely people will have to at least do them once on one character.. But then they want to get the datacrons through the legacy for all their other characters.. Which means all the other characters will get the stats for free..


In the simplest of terms.. Everyone should collect the datacrons on a per character basis.. Like you pointed out.. There are a number of walk throughs people can use to get them.. But nobody should get them for free on a character..


I take it English isn't your first language?? Just trying to help you out here.. :)

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That datacron is the most frustrating, hair pulling, keyboard smashing one in the game. And what makes it even worse is when someone says "Yeah it was easy, did it in one try." But it's also very rewarding when you finally get it. A lot of datacrons are just walk up and pick them up, it's the challenging ones you remember though.


I totally disagree with anyone who things datacrons should be legacy wide. Each and every toon should have to go get them. I've done every planetary story arc on both sides but that doesn't mean new toons should automatically get the experience for them. Datacron stat boosts are the same as gaining experience, loot, or credits. To give them away for free to new toons would be wrong.

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I recall the nightmare was to unlock HK-51 for me, trying to jump on those pipes was particularly hard for me. Let me explain why, two years ago I was bitten at the back of my neck by a brown recluse spider and nearly died from it. I was lucky the poison did not get to my spinal cord, bit it did somehow destroy the 6th and 7th cranial nerves, which I am partially recovered from. As a result of the bite, I lost the use of my right eye (among many other horrors) and with it my depth perception. I can now use my right eye once again, but my depth perception is less than perfect, and thus some aspects to this game does become more challenging than others. The HK-51 jump sequence was more than I could handle, but fortunatly my son did it for me :<)


I would prefer to have a fight to get to it, and then just click than have to do jumping feats, but that is me, I am handicapped.



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I recall the nightmare was to unlock HK-51 for me, trying to jump on those pipes was particularly hard for me. Let me explain why, two years ago I was bitten at the back of my neck by a brown recluse spider and nearly died from it. I was lucky the poison did not get to my spinal cord, bit it did somehow destroy the 6th and 7th cranial nerves, which I am partially recovered from. As a result of the bite, I lost the use of my right eye (among many other horrors) and with it my depth perception. I can now use my right eye once again, but my depth perception is less than perfect, and thus some aspects to this game does become more challenging than others. The HK-51 jump sequence was more than I could handle, but fortunatly my son did it for me :<)


I would prefer to have a fight to get to it, and then just click than have to do jumping feats, but that is me, I am handicapped.




that sucks bad bit they have set things up for a individual accomplishment if it was a fight then guild would wont the fight harder youll see iv said i suck at 3D platform jumping and i have 2 good eye and no spider bit if your on shadowlands i have a sorc that can give a pull any time you need just send me a PM

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No.. We don't need a legacy perk.. Nobody needs this.. If you want the stats they give them get them on all your toons.. Otherwise live without them..


Nobody should get free stats.. They are there for those that choose to get them.. Making them legacy removes the reward for putting forth the effort to get them.. It is pretty lame to ask that they take out the effort and give you the reward anyways.. :rolleyes:


People need to stop looking for legacy to play the game for them..


As for the OP.. I also one shot this with a type 3 character.. Both male and female.. :)


They already have a feature like this in game with the companion character bonuses under Global Unlocks in the Legacy Window. It would be a simple add-in (at least graphically, don't know much about coding) to the character unlock screen, possibly involving cartel coins or credits similar to the HK/Treek unlocks. Once your first republic character achieves 69/69 datacrons (yes all of them on 1 toon) then you can purchase the republic legacy unlock for all datacrons on other toons for a hefty sum. Copy and paste for Imperial.

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They already have a feature like this in game with the companion character bonuses under Global Unlocks in the Legacy Window. It would be a simple add-in (at least graphically, don't know much about coding) to the character unlock screen, possibly involving cartel coins or credits similar to the HK/Treek unlocks. Once your first republic character achieves 69/69 datacrons (yes all of them on 1 toon) then you can purchase the republic legacy unlock for all datacrons on other toons for a hefty sum. Copy and paste for Imperial.


And again?? What stats do Treek and or HK provide?? None.. Therefore they are irrelevant to the topic of legacy datacrons..


Please stop trying to compare apples and oranges in attempt to justify your views.. You are entitled to your opinion.. But you are not entitled to your own facts..


Nobody should get free stats.. Period.. There is no justification for that.. No free stats!! You want stats then you need to earn them, on each character.. That is how an MMO works.. You have the choice to either get them and enjoy the stats, or you can leave them and ignore the stats.. But that is your only two options.. There is no third.. Nobody has the right to free stats.. :rolleyes:

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They already have a feature like this in game with the companion character bonuses under Global Unlocks in the Legacy Window. It would be a simple add-in (at least graphically, don't know much about coding) to the character unlock screen, possibly involving cartel coins or credits similar to the HK/Treek unlocks. Once your first republic character achieves 69/69 datacrons (yes all of them on 1 toon) then you can purchase the republic legacy unlock for all datacrons on other toons for a hefty sum. Copy and paste for Imperial.


It's not and never has been a question of how simple this would be to implement so dunno why this train of thought even matters.


What *does* matter is that people are raging and QQ about Datacrons just cuz a few of them are difficult to get. About 90% you just walk up to and pick up while doing your planet/class mission chains, but oh no, those last 10% that take longer than a minute everyone screams to get them for free.


Hey, here's $100 in a paper bag, but there's $10 in a box inside that you have to smash open to get to but you need to find a rock and cover your eyes to get it. Would you say "no good, just give me the whole $100" or would you make a little effort to get the extra $10 or just be happy with the $90?


SO WHAT if a few of them are difficult, are ALL THE REST that are BRAINLESS and EASY not worth anything at all to you people that just want to QQ forever about this?

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why is it that every time there's a post about datacrons, all the usual trolls come out to berate others about things they would like to see added to the game?


this thread didn't even start as a legacy datacron request. it was an offhand comment in an actual reply to topic.




as for the topic, i did not experience the same issues on my body type 3 commando with regards to having my cannon catch on walls and overhangs and things like that, but i did get stuck in the landscape many times (on all of the characters i've used to get them), and yes, it's extremely frustrating doing /stuck or the game autostucking me back at the beginning

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why is it that every time there's a post about datacrons, all the usual trolls come out to berate others about things they would like to see added to the game?


So your response is to call people names.. And you call others a troll?? Talk about irony.. :rolleyes:

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So your response is to call people names.. And you call others a troll?? Talk about irony.. :rolleyes:


TBH I don't frequent MMORPG forums frequently because they impair my enjoyment of the game. I make rare exceptions for the suggestions forum.


My own impression of your posts is that you are a bit of a jerk to folks. Take that for what it is intended. While it may not your intent, the impact is often negative and that's with me only seeing a few of your posts.

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TBH I don't frequent MMORPG forums frequently because they impair my enjoyment of the game. I make rare exceptions for the suggestions forum.


My own impression of your posts is that you are a bit of a jerk to folks. Take that for what it is intended. While it may not your intent, the impact is often negative and that's with me only seeing a few of your posts.


I am sorry you feel that I am acting like a jerk or being a jerk toward someone.. In all honesty.. I am not the one calling others names or insulting them.. So I think that kind of identifies who the real jerks are...


My issues with this are simple.. This issue, Legacy datacrons, has been around since the beta forums.. When people first started complaining about how hard they were to get.. Of course back then, there weren't any kind of website with a walk through to help you out.. When you got a datacron it was because you earned it by figuring out how to get it..


People now, it is all about how they are tired of doing it on their alts.. Well.. They should stop making alts if they aren't going to be motivated to play them the way they do their mains.. It is that simple.. The game does not need to be changed to accommodate them..


I am blunt.. I tell it like it is.. I am not here to win any popularity rewards.. This is the internet.. If people are so thinned skinned that they are getting their feeling hurt?? Well.. This is the internet, they shouldn't let the virtual door hit where it shouldn't as they leave..


I have no tolerance for someone that resorts to name calling instead of at least trying to support their position.. Calling someone a troll doesn't make someone right.. It usually means the person being called a troll is right.. He at least has a point to make and not just to call someone a name.. Does that make me a jerk?? Nope.. Being right doesn't make me a jerk.. It just makes me right.. ;)

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  • 1 year later...

I've been trying this one (again) for the past 2 hours or so

Finally get to the moving lift, only to miss the jump off onto the next platform.

Try again and just as I am about to land on the moving platform, it disappears and I go splat again.

Challenging is okay, but add the buggy terrain and this becomes a real pain.

Would it really be so bad to add a respawn point?

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