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An Open Letter to BioWare: Improving the Overall State of SWTOR.


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There's very little point in me paying for a game I no longer desire to play. No, I don't expect the game to be built around my wishes and desires, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be disappointed that it changed from the game I enjoyed.


And no, I'm not sure why I'm still posting either. I know people hate these kinds of posts. I'm sorry. I've spent a lot of time on these forums over the last year and a half...coming here is kind of a habit that it appears I'm going to need to break.

To be fair, this "habit" you have is more than okay.


The trolls and all the flame-baiting that goes on here on these forums makes it so much more fun than watching primetime television on ABC Family.



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So bcuz its his job he cant work on a business trip? I dont get your point. Passion has everything to do with it if u want a good product cu just keep proving my point. My friends dont look at work as a job. Why? Because they love it. They go the extra mile when they dont have to instead of doing just your job duties. Ever heard of over achieving? Guess not


Keep spouting your personal dribble if it makes you feel like more of a man. I dont really care what you think. You are the one now making baseless assumptions. What do i need from him? How about an acknowledgement about the issues that get 140 pages built up in a few days


Like i said. Novody is too busu to take 10 minites out of their day to DO HIS JOB. Good thing he didnt go to my college where it was 24 hours a day open and u went 8 hours a day 7 days a week and each class lasted a month and my scedule was sometimes 9 pm to 1 am and same day 5 am to 9 am


You know what? Thats a horrendous schudule and i sucked it up and DID MY JOB no matter how horrid the hours. Dont see why you make excuses for laziness


I hope they never respond because you don't deserve a response.


No one cares where anyone went to college. This is an online forum.

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So.. back on topic.


Mr. Jurgins,


I'm no hardcore PvP'er although I dabble just enough to hold my own. But given that we have quite a list of things here what should we consider the low hanging fruit for PvP. Not the change the game forever stuff, but the, presumably, easy bits that can be enacted to start making a change as collectively BW begins to address the issues listed on the petition.


For PvE it is seemingly easier in general, but keep in mind that changes in PvP can and often to affect PvE.


Oh, and don't say class balance. Lol! Yeah, I know, but what specifically what can be changed without taking a bat to all of them. IMO, BW can start with tweaking Shadows/Assassins with relatively no consequences to the whole.

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I hope they never respond because you don't deserve a response.


No one cares where anyone went to college. This is an online forum.


Wow you are daft arent you. I was using college as an example of a horrible schedue and that it can be overcame with a little passion and determination

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So.. back on topic.


Mr. Jurgins,


I'm no hardcore PvP'er although I dabble just enough to hold my own. But given that we have quite a list of things here what should we consider the low hanging fruit for PvP. Not the change the game forever stuff, but the, presumably, easy bits that can be enacted to start making a change as collectively BW begins to address the issues listed on the petition.


For PvE it is seemingly easier in general, but keep in mind that changes in PvP can and often to affect PvE.


Oh, and don't say class balance. Lol! Yeah, I know, but what specifically what can be changed without taking a bat to all of them. IMO, BW can start with tweaking Shadows/Assassins with relatively no consequences to the whole.

The thread got somewhat derailed.




Anyways, I think BW has to first improve the other system PvP has, which is 8v8. They're going smaller and that's probably easier for them because they probably don't have the time or manpower to focus on bigger PvP systems (like WPvP), but if they wish for their PvP player-base to thrive and grow they're going to need to think bigger. Sadly, their pre-alpha engine does prove to be a major issue.


I genuinely think they need to keep in RWZs, and each PvP patch take turns with both systems of PvP. One PvP match they'll focus pretty much only on Arenas, and next PvP patch they'll focus pretty much only on 8v8. Since Arenas are coming with 2.4, I think BW should focus solely just on 8v8s next PvP patch. My recommendation is to have more 8v8 WZ maps in place.


Not my best recommendation, but it's the start...



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mmjarec, you are doing the exact opposite of helping to get these changes implemented. If anything you making it even less likely that Bioware will pay attention with your constant rhetoric.


Cut it out.


I was on topic until you derailed it with personal attacks i habe the right to defend myself against verbal assault. They arent going to answer regardless of what i say

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And what will you do when you don't get your response, hold your breath, refuse to eat your vegetables, fall on the floor kicking and screaming, start another "petition?"


No, I think people will unsub or eventually unsub as the games' endgame content decreases in quality in their eyes. Like you say, it is THEIR choice to pay for the game or not and if the reasons listed in this letter are their final stroke then so be it. I would also like to point out it is THEIR choice to post something like this and ask for a response. No one has a right to judge them for it. If you disagree, why waste your time beating dead horses with a stick? Shouldn't you just go play the game you are okay with instead of trolling and being generally toxic towards these "complainers" you have an issue with?


Not only is it childish, but it leads me to believe that maybe you too find this game lackluster and you would rather spend your time as a "forum warrior" of a sort instead of playing the game you are so okay with. I am sorry if I seem like a b-word, but why exhaust yourself arguing when the people you argue with are as likely to change their stance as you are ?


Let everyone have their opinions. I may disagree with your opinions and your methodology, but while I am annoyed with what you have brought to this thread as I see as an observer, you are still entitled to feel the way you feel. There are definitely more constructive ways to go about debating things if that is what you REALLY want to do though.

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I was on topic until you derailed it with personal attacks i habe the right to defend myself against verbal assault. They arent going to answer regardless of what i say


...until I derailed it with personal attacks? Where do you get that from?


I'm trying to HELP you mmjarec. I would have expected you to recognize that by now.

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...until I derailed it with personal attacks? Where do you get that from?


I'm trying to HELP you mmjarec. I would have expected you to recognize that by now.


Just ignore him, He's a troll who doesn't care about the game and all he's doing is trying to cause the same drama that happened in the other Petition.

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...until I derailed it with personal attacks? Where do you get that from?


I'm trying to HELP you mmjarec. I would have expected you to recognize that by now.


Well someone attacked me i assumed it was you. As long as nobody is spewing vitriol at me im fine just as i was earlier in the thread

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Well someone attacked me i assumed it was you. As long as nobody is spewing vitriol at me im fine just as i was earlier in the thread


...unless the name of the person that puts up the post is lordartemis, it most definitely is not me.


Your passion is notable mmjarec. I understand what you are fighting for and why. I would like to see you demonstrate a semblance of control over the whole "brain, mouth" thing you have going on though.


Your message gets lost in the anger.

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The thread got somewhat derailed.




Anyways, I think BW has to first improve the other system PvP has, which is 8v8. They're going smaller and that's probably easier for them because they probably don't have the time or manpower to focus on bigger PvP systems (like WPvP), but if they wish for their PvP player-base to thrive and grow they're going to need to think bigger. Sadly, their pre-alpha engine does prove to be a major issue.


I genuinely think they need to keep in RWZs, and each PvP patch take turns with both systems of PvP. One PvP match they'll focus pretty much only on Arenas, and next PvP patch they'll focus pretty much only on 8v8. Since Arenas are coming with 2.4, I think BW should focus solely just on 8v8s next PvP patch. My recommendation is to have more 8v8 WZ maps in place.


Not my best recommendation, but it's the start...




Fair enough. And with the introduction of 4x4 the fear is 8x8 will fade away? Seems like a simple clarification will get the ball rolling. We need to know the future of 8x8. Just a message on the commitment will go a long way then.


Next bit of low hanging fruit? A general statement about the Open Letter I think. It doesn't have to address every line item but in general a word about direction. Seems simple enough to me. From there we get more specific.

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Fair enough. And with the introduction of 4x4 the fear is 8x8 will fade away? Seems like a simple clarification will get the ball rolling. We need to know the future of 8x8. Just a message on the commitment will go a long way then.


Next bit of low hanging fruit? A general statement about the Open Letter I think. It doesn't have to address every line item but in general a word about direction. Seems simple enough to me.

Well one main reason I'm afraid 8v8 will fade away is because Arenas will be included in the same queue as 8v8. With PvP getting very slow updates and focus, I'm afraid the PvP player-base will die down again after several weeks pass by and Arenas will queue almost all the time. :(


IMO BW made a huge mistake including Arenas in the same queue. They should have totally been separate for those who don't care for the DPS race, CC-fillled PvP Arenas are gonna be.

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Well one main reason I'm afraid 8v8 will fade away is because Arenas will be included in the same queue as 8v8. With PvP getting very slow updates and focus, I'm afraid the PvP player-base will die down again after several weeks pass by and Arenas will queue almost all the time. :(


IMO BW made a huge mistake including Arenas in the same queue. They should have totally been separate for those who don't care for the DPS race, CC-fillled PvP Arenas are gonna be.


And their assertion that: "Getting eight friends together and hoping another eight people are doing the same at the exact same time AND your two teams were equally matched was a nightmare for the players."?

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Just ignore him, He's a troll who doesn't care about the game and all he's doing is trying to cause the same drama that happened in the other Petition.
+10. I find that threads usurped by people on my ignore list are easier reads, not to mention being more comprehensible. If enough people start clicking the Report Post button on intentionally offensive posts, he/she/it will eventually get the message. Literally.
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Not to mention premades facing 4 pugs. I can hear the complaints already.


Then again.. what exactly is the point of ranked play for PUGs?


My point? Arenas are contest play. To show how good a well oiled team is. It's the very definition of premade play venue.


They really should be premade vs premade IMO as the level part of the playing field. Otherwise they are just a clusterfest pretending to be a contest.


At the same time.. if a handful of scrubs want to PUG Arena contests.. hey.. let 'em at it. Just ignore their tears is all that is required. Some tears should be ignored in MMOs.. and this would be one of them IMO.

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Then again.. what exactly is the point of ranked play for PUGs?


My point? Arenas are contest play. To show how good a well oiled team is. It's the very definition of premade play venue.


They really should be premade vs premade IMO as the level part of the playing field. Otherwise they are just a clusterfest pretending to be a contest.


At the same time.. if a handful of scrubs want to PUG Arena contests.. hey.. let 'em at it. Just ignore their tears is all that is required. Some tears should be ignored in MMOs.. and this would be one of them IMO.


Just to be clear, I was talking about regular queues, not ranked. Solo queue'd people will get arena pops in the regular queue and end up facing 4 man premades, which will be about as fun as facing superqueued 2x4 person groups in warzones. Unless there's matchmaking for *regular* arenas that I'm unaware of.


(I never had an issue getting my *own* premades but in this case I could definitely see the point of the complainers.)

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Just to be clear, I was talking about regular queues, not ranked. Solo queue'd people will get arena pops in the regular queue and end up facing 4 man premades, which will be about as fun as facing superqueued 2x4 person groups in warzones. Unless there's matchmaking for *regular* arenas that I'm unaware of.


(I never had an issue getting my *own* premades but in this case I could definitely see the point of the complainers.)


Oh, OK.


Let em cry IMO. I know that sounds harsh, but I just do not have any sympathy for PUGs in PvP complaining when they meet a prepared team.. ranked play or not. Suck it up cupcakes.. or get into a regular team IMO.

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Oh, OK.


Let em cry IMO. I know that sounds harsh, but I just do not have any sympathy for PUGs in PvP complaining when they meet a prepared team.. ranked play or not. Suck it up cupcakes.. or get into a regular team IMO.


We don't really want them to get discouraged and stop PvPing, though, do we? After all, isn't one of the big points of 2.4 making PvP accessible to a broader range of people, not just the hardcore?

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