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An Open Letter to BioWare: Improving the Overall State of SWTOR.


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Hate to say it but firefall has a way better engine and its still in beta itz pretty fun too. Especially when theres nothing left to do in swtor


Thank you for sharing. That is both constructive and conducive to the goals you, I, and the rest of the participants have in mind.


Do you not understand that your perpetual negativity and disparaging comments are not helping, but harming any cause that may be put forward, that your dragged out arguments defending such behavior are equally disrupting and side-rail actual discussion and problem resolution?


I would suggest that you begin to understand that your issues are not absolute, are not any greater then anyone else. Perhaps you would consider joining, rather then using other people's efforts as an opportunity to repeat, ad nauseam, your angry attitude, and cease hijacking and disrupting joint ventures with your own personal vendetta with little to no concern for anything beyond yourself? Too much to ask?

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I think the fact that Bioware has one guy responsible for responding to PR-related player concerns on the forums, with no support to be expected when that one guy is away, speaks volumes as to where the players are on the company's priority list when communication is concerned. This is NOT an indictment of Eric, mind you; I'm sure he does what he can with the tools allotted to him.


If they cared in the least, someone would have responded by now. Just sayin... :(


Truth be told, one person can easily handle monitoring a number of boards. I've run board systems and done well with the same ratios. A problem will, however, occur if that board monitor is assigned additional duties that would detract from his/her attention to said boards.

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Thank you for sharing. That is both constructive and conducive to the goals you, I, and the rest of the participants have in mind.


Do you not understand that your perpetual negativity and disparaging comments are not helping, but harming any cause that may be put forward, that your dragged out arguments defending such behavior are equally disrupting and side-rail actual discussion and problem resolution?


I would suggest that you begin to understand that your issues are not absolute, are not any greater then anyone else. Perhaps you would consider joining, rather then using other people's efforts as an opportunity to repeat, ad nauseam, your angry attitude, and cease hijacking and disrupting joint ventures with your own personal vendetta with little to no concern for anything beyond yourself? Too much to ask?


Im not angry im honest if you dont like it thats your problem. If you didnt cherry pick my statemts youd see the ones where i offered ideas for pvp and sins. Once there is something positive to post about i will do so

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Im not angry im honest if you dont like it thats your problem. If you didnt cherry pick my statemts youd see the ones where i offered ideas for pvp and sins. Once there is something positive to post about i will do so


So go play Firefall and tell us all about your positive experience there, in a game that has so little to do that it doesn't even have PvP....at least SWTOR has a PvP game :)



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Im not angry im honest if you dont like it thats your problem.


You do understand that this is classic sociopathic behavior, yes?


If you didnt cherry pick my statemts youd see the ones where i offered ideas for pvp and sins. Once there is something positive to post about i will do so


yes, I have seen them, and that is great that you do participate in that way. If you would curb your negativity and said behavior, consider, as I've stated, that there is social structure that suggest that the dismissal of all others in favor of your personal axe grinding is inappropriate that would be great also, and garner you greater support rather then dissension.


I'll not continue to argue pointless insistence with you. It was an attempt to help you step outside and see yourself, and that your behavior not only serves others poorly, but yourself as well.....and a plea to cease disrupting this thread, and other people's honest attempts and efforts.

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I think the fact that Bioware has one guy responsible for responding to PR-related player concerns on the forums, with no support to be expected when that one guy is away, speaks volumes as to where the players are on the company's priority list when communication is concerned. This is NOT an indictment of Eric, mind you; I'm sure he does what he can with the tools allotted to him.


If they cared in the least, someone would have responded by now. Just sayin... :(


Hmm... I don't know. I don't disagree with what you are saying, but I would assume someone is monitoring for him in case of server outages etc. etc.


As for a reply, I would rather it come from Eric.


So... I'm cool with waiting a few days, but I don't want this to be at the bottom of his pile when he gets to work.

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Here's the thing. Is what you're saying true? I'd say, most likely yes. If we're talking about a few hundred people out of thousands, that could likely be an inconsequential number as far as BW is concerned.


With that being said, even if an *individual* member is inconsequential, I don't think that actions which make them feel inconsequential are generally the way to go especially if they can be avoided with minimal expense or effort. And regardless of what it's labeled as, the removal of 8v8 ranked after people paid to transfer to play it had the effect of making people feel inconsequential, like their subs didn't matter.


Regarding the removal of ranked 8v8, I think there are a couple of ways this could have been handled that would have lessened the impact significantly.


1)Leave ranked 8v8 intact, but make it PERFECTLY clear that the focus and development time is going to be focused solely on 4v4 arenas for the foreseeable future, due to their appeal to the larger player base. This might have caused some minor grumbling, but likely not on the scale of entire PvP guilds disbanding/leaving the game entirely. People grumble about it in the future? They were already told how it was going to go, it was their choice to continue playing.



2)If the above was not possible for whatever reason, then I do think that allowing (free) transfers back to original servers for those who had been shown to have participated in a ranked match since the introduction of transfers would also have lessened the impact. If the player quit anyway, zero money lost. If the player decided to go back to their old server and play with people they knew there - the only loss is the money the player *might* have paid to transfer back; the gain is the continuing subscription.


What #2 above would have shown these subscribers is that "yes, we're aware that many of you paid to transfer to play a game option that will no longer be available to you. We regret that this may have caused you inconvenience, but we'd like you to stick around."


In the absence of either of these - or a better suggestion someone else might come up with..what some people are left with IS a feeling that their subs don't matter. Which may be true, but....am I crazy for thinking that leaving a customer with that impression should be avoided if possible? Was it *really* impossible to do either option 1 or option 2?


I understand what you are saying here:


1)Leave ranked 8v8 intact, but make it PERFECTLY clear that the focus and development time is going to be focused solely on 4v4 arenas for the foreseeable future, due to their appeal to the larger player base. This might have caused some minor grumbling, but likely not on the scale of entire PvP guilds disbanding/leaving the game entirely. People grumble about it in the future? They were already told how it was going to go, it was their choice to continue playing.



The reality is that an undeveloped, unsupported modules needs to be removed. Being undeveloped and unsupported is just the same as being removed.


Its not an option. Unsuppoted features left in the game mean they are technically supported. So if you want them to do what you ask, they would have to, technically, support it and they obviously don't want to do so.


So its not really an option. There was a period of time on pot5 (my server) when ranked queues didn't even pop. It didn't work. So its time to remove it.


Who knows...it might come back some day.

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You do understand that this is classic sociopathic behavior, yes?




yes, I have seen them, and that is great that you do participate in that way. If you would curb your negativity and said behavior, consider, as I've stated, that there is social structure that suggest that the dismissal of all others in favor of your personal axe grinding is inappropriate that would be great also, and garner you greater support rather then dissension.


I'll not continue to argue pointless insistence with you. It was an attempt to help you step outside and see yourself, and that your behavior not only serves others poorly, but yourself as well.....and a plea to cease disrupting this thread, and other people's honest attempts and efforts.


Call it whatever you want i was just defending myself you were the one being disruptive by trying to psycho analyze someone you dont even know. All i said was firefall had a good engine and swtor should havr one like it because they both use that cartoony art style. Im not here to serve others im here to make critical assements about the game

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Call it whatever you want i was just defending myself you were the one being disruptive by trying to psycho analyze someone you dont even know. All i said was firefall had a good engine and swtor should havr one like it because they both use that cartoony art style. Im not here to serve others im here to make critical assements about the game


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Yeah no doubt id hate to disturb him and have him do his job during weekdays. Obviously its just a job to them and not a passion or they would be happy to work constantly if you love your product


I don't know what concentration camp you live in.. but in the free world... people do not work 7/24, many people actually are required to do business travel as part of their job, AND... wait for it ----> people do get personal time off from time to time.. it's called vacation.


You act like responding to this thread asap will do anything to make you feel better and stop behaving the way you do in every thread you visit. It won't... so IMO you are fooling nobody.

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I understand what you are saying here:


1)Leave ranked 8v8 intact, but make it PERFECTLY clear that the focus and development time is going to be focused solely on 4v4 arenas for the foreseeable future, due to their appeal to the larger player base. This might have caused some minor grumbling, but likely not on the scale of entire PvP guilds disbanding/leaving the game entirely. People grumble about it in the future? They were already told how it was going to go, it was their choice to continue playing.



The reality is that an undeveloped, unsupported modules needs to be removed. Being undeveloped and unsupported is just the same as being removed.


Its not an option. Unsuppoted features left in the game mean they are technically supported. So if you want them to do what you ask, they would have to, technically, support it and they obviously don't want to do so.


So its not really an option. There was a period of time on pot5 (my server) when ranked queues didn't even pop. It didn't work. So its time to remove it.


Who knows...it might come back some day.


/Agree with this assessment.


Besides.. aren't WZs staying in? Just that they won't be ranked?


Ranked focus.. which frankly is noting more then contests (not even real classic MMO PvP), essentially multi-party duels, IS popular with some PvPers. I accept and acknowledge this and encourage devs to support it whether I personally like it or play it.


That said.. it should also be done in a manner that is more accessible to more players. That is good for players, good for the game, and good for the company. Keeping ranked WZs in place, and not being actively supported and expanded in their current state would take attention off of Arenas (both by players and by the devs).

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Truth be told, one person can easily handle monitoring a number of boards. I've run board systems and done well with the same ratios. A problem will, however, occur if that board monitor is assigned additional duties that would detract from his/her attention to said boards.




Besides which.. it's not like timely response to the contents of the OP actually changes anything. It's certainly not going to make the person you responded to feel more neutral about the company and it's devs. He was just making the usual snarky drive-by IMO.. and adding nothing to the actual topic. He would likely do that even if they made a personal visit to his home, promised to drop everything and only focus on his needs, and brought cookies with them.

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I don't know what concentration camp you live in.. but in the free world... people do not work 7/24, many people actually are required to do business travel as part of their job, AND... wait for it ----> people do get personal time off from time to time.. it's called vacation.


You act like responding to this thread asap will do anything to make you feel better and stop behaving the way you do in every thread you visit. It won't... so IMO you are fooling nobody.


So what? I know ppl that take laptops on business trips with them. It would take a whole 10 minites to reply or saying ll get back to you. An acknoeledgement takes no time. And i know ppl that work seven days a week because they love their job. You are just proving my point. Hes just looking at it as a job instead of a passion

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So what? I know ppl that take laptops on business trips with them. It would take a whole 10 minites to reply or saying ll get back to you. An acknoeledgement takes no time. And i know ppl that work seven days a week because they love their job. You are just proving my point. Hes just looking at it as a job instead of a passion


You have some very nasty boundary issues IMO.


Protip: IT IS HIS JOB. Passion has absolutely nothing to do with it. His passions in life are his business and you are in no position to criticize him on it. So just stop with the ad hominem attacks on Eric. Besides.. it is clear from his prior comments to us that he does in fact have a passion for MMOs.. so you are so wrong it's beyond hilarious.


What is your real point? That you are not getting your needs met? Umm... we got that in all the other threads you have spammed with off-topic anti-game rhetoric the last couple of months. I notice you still subscribe.. so.. we have an apparent conflict of interest being portrayed by you here.. but that's a separate topic.


Point is.. he is out of the office. You don't control his schedule. You are not his employer. For all you know.. he had a personal family emergency (we just don't know)... you are just going to have to suck it up and try not to explode 20 more times today.

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So what? I know ppl that take laptops on business trips with them. It would take a whole 10 minites to reply or saying ll get back to you. An acknoeledgement takes no time. And i know ppl that work seven days a week because they love their job. You are just proving my point. Hes just looking at it as a job instead of a passion


Epic QQ threads like these take the passion out of any job.


Ever notice how a man is elected president and after four years it looks like he's aged 20 years? Well I couldn't imagine what Musco looks like after he took over the "Forum Rah-rah boy" position.

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That said.. it should also be done in a manner that is more accessible to more players. That is good for players, good for the game, and good for the company. Keeping ranked WZs in place, and not being actively supported and expanded in their current state would take attention off of Arenas (both by players and by the devs).


I give it - 24 - 48 hours after 2.4 comes out until threads start popping up about people getting wrecked by premades in regular arenas, since there is no option to exclude them from the regular warzone queue. And since those premades *have* to do regs to finish dailies/weeklies, "go queue ranked" won't be really a valid complaint anymore. This has potential to scare people off from even queuing for regular warzones, IMO.


As for myself, I've come to the (sad) conclusion that if arenas aren't my thing - this is no longer the game for me. I'm genuinely sad, I've had a lot of fun playing it (since beta.) I guess you're right though, in the grander scheme of things, my subscription doesn't really matter. (My sincere apologies if this sounds overly melodramatic, it's just that I'd rather NOT unsub. It happens, games change, but I don't have to LIKE it. :/ )


I haven't seen anyone comment on option #2, by the way. It might not have been *enough* for some people, but it would have at least been an acknowledgement that for some people (even a minority) - this decision really sucked.

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As for myself, I've come to the (sad) conclusion that if arenas aren't my thing - this is no longer the game for me. I'm genuinely sad, I've had a lot of fun playing it (since beta.) I guess you're right though, in the grander scheme of things, my subscription doesn't really matter. (My sincere apologies if this sounds overly melodramatic, it's just that I'd rather NOT unsub. It happens, games change, but I don't have to LIKE it. :/ )

If you'd rather not unsub, then don't. It is entirely within your control.

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I give it - 24 - 48 hours after 2.4 comes out until threads start popping up about people getting wrecked by premades in regular arenas, since there is no option to exclude them from the regular warzone queue. And since those premades *have* to do regs to finish dailies/weeklies, "go queue ranked" won't be really a valid complaint anymore. This has potential to scare people off from even queuing for regular warzones, IMO.


As for myself, I've come to the (sad) conclusion that if arenas aren't my thing - this is no longer the game for me. I'm genuinely sad, I've had a lot of fun playing it (since beta.) I guess you're right though, in the grander scheme of things, my subscription doesn't really matter. (My sincere apologies if this sounds overly melodramatic, it's just that I'd rather NOT unsub. It happens, games change, but I don't have to LIKE it. :/ )


I haven't seen anyone comment on option #2, by the way. It might not have been *enough* for some people, but it would have at least been an acknowledgement that for some people (even a minority) - this decision really sucked.


Sorry to hear that. I hope it doesn't work out that way, but if it does, speaking with your wallet outweighs a forum post any day of the week.

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You have some very nasty boundary issues IMO.


Protip: IT IS HIS JOB. Passion has absolutely nothing to do with it. His passions in life are his business and you are in no position to criticize him on it. So just stop with the ad hominem attacks on Eric. Besides.. it is clear from his prior comments to us that he does in fact have a passion for MMOs.. so you are so wrong it's beyond hilarious.


What is your real point? That you are not getting your needs met? Umm... we got that in all the other threads you have spammed with off-topic anti-game rhetoric the last couple of months. I notice you still subscribe.. so.. we have an apparent conflict of interest being portrayed by you here.. but that's a separate topic.


Point is.. he is out of the office. You don't control his schedule. You are not his employer. For all you know.. he had a personal family emergency (we just don't know)... you are just going to have to suck it up and try not to explode 20 more times today.


So bcuz its his job he cant work on a business trip? I dont get your point. Passion has everything to do with it if u want a good product cu just keep proving my point. My friends dont look at work as a job. Why? Because they love it. They go the extra mile when they dont have to instead of doing just your job duties. Ever heard of over achieving? Guess not


Keep spouting your personal dribble if it makes you feel like more of a man. I dont really care what you think. You are the one now making baseless assumptions. What do i need from him? How about an acknowledgement about the issues that get 140 pages built up in a few days


Like i said. Novody is too busu to take 10 minites out of their day to DO HIS JOB. Good thing he didnt go to my college where it was 24 hours a day open and u went 8 hours a day 7 days a week and each class lasted a month and my scedule was sometimes 9 pm to 1 am and same day 5 am to 9 am


You know what? Thats a horrendous schudule and i sucked it up and DID MY JOB no matter how horrid the hours. Dont see why you make excuses for laziness

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If you'd rather not unsub, then don't. It is entirely within your control.


There's very little point in me paying for a game I no longer desire to play. No, I don't expect the game to be built around my wishes and desires, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be disappointed that it changed from the game I enjoyed.


And no, I'm not sure why I'm still posting either. I know people hate these kinds of posts. I'm sorry. I've spent a lot of time on these forums over the last year and a half...coming here is kind of a habit that it appears I'm going to need to break.

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There's very little point in me paying for a game I no longer desire to play. No, I don't expect the game to be built around my wishes and desires, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be disappointed that it changed from the game I enjoyed.

Exactly. No point in playing a game you don't enjoy. The choices t to like it or not and play it or not are yours.

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