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Please switch the engine now before its too late..


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Here is the really hilarious part in this ongoing tirade demanding a new engine.


I still visit the Rift forums from time to time.. and one of the running rants over there is... wait for it..... "lousy engine optimization" :D


In fact.. a lot of the same nonsense posted here could be a direct copy and paste from other gaming forums like Rifts.




source: http://forums.riftgame.com/general-discussions/general-discussion/386489-when-optimization-fixes-coming-wasnt-supposed-come-2-4-a.html


Seriously.. every game engine in every gaming forum (except probably WoW) get's the same armchair sidecar chuckwagon drive-bys.


Conclusion: Either 1) every game engine used by every MMO sucks.. or .. 2) players are just being whiny coping-challenged attackers of faux-windmills. My money is on #2


There are also legitimate claims in those games too. Stop trying to dismiss issues with baseless facts. Time to get off your high horse. You're not the messiah that has every answer.

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Ahh the old, "I don't know how to do it myself, but I know for a fact it's easy, so just do as I say because it shouldn't take more than a day or two." argument.


Tell you what, you get the few 100 million dollars it took to make the game and go make a better version yourself. I mean, it should be easy right?

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Could the game use a better engine? Absolutely.


However, in order for it to be implemented, BioWare/EA would have to do the same thing Final Fantasy 14 did. Take the entire game down for a year or more and rebuild it from the ground up. Seeing what scripts work with the new engine and what don't.


Realistically, EA won't waste the money to do that.


Second problem with that, is one of the primary reasons this engine was chosen was so low end computers could run the game as well. That way not every body needs a mid to high range machine to be able to run the game.


Frankly, this engine is fine. Yes, BioWare screwed up on it with their meddling, but it can be fixed and optimized in time.

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(The real joke is on the trolls who defend this game on the forum, because ultimately I take solace in knowing Disney will eventually find that the quality of this product is garbage and will give one of their own studios the license.)

Name: Xorcist on Sep 25, 2013

Comments: Was on POT5. Was a subscriber until August 27th 2013. No longer playing SWTOR, and have not logged in for close to two months now. Don't plan on logging in anytime soon. Reasons for leaving after supporting the SWTOR project since October 2008: Death by a thousand paper cuts. One of the very last straws was learning that nothing changed when Revan's gear was supposed to be changed to appear more like the classic Revan that we know with better textures+costume design, and not a poorly rendered Inquisitor rip off. The other last straw was the Collectors Edition Vendor did not receive the attention it was promised since the servers went live. The Cartel Market received all the attention and it was clear that BioWare did not give a flying **** about their loyal subscribers and constant stream of posts battering the company for putting the Cartel Market first for many many many months. BioWare defaulted on the agreement that we the consumer would purchase the Collectors Edition and they would regularly supply the vendor with goodies. As we know that it is possible to do so because BioWare has shown us they can by example of the Cartel Market and it's regular updates. They have chosen rather to treat their loyal customers like third class citizens. That of course is unacceptable, and subject to persecution. They charge extra real money to monthly paying Subscribers for things like the barber shop features, emotes, special holiday offerings rather than through in game quests, and one time use color dyes at approximately $20 per unit. Not to mention luring individuals to purchase insane quantities of gambling packs for a chance to get that very rare and special item or dye. Costing a single individual approximately $150 in packs perhaps more depending on the person. BioWare depends on the Cartel Market to carry them on but the Cartel Market is just a life support system keeping the patient (SWTOR) alive however, in a comatose state. This is no way to live. The game engine can not support large quantities of players at once in the same area, The game engine does not like to be touched or modified in any way. Gordon Walton needed the Hero engine because it would get the work done faster and therefore meet tight deadlines. Unfortunately the engine was not ready nor was it tested. Now what is in place running the SWTOR game is something I can only describe as a Frankenstein game engine. Bugs on top of bugs that seem never ending. No server transfer capability. It seems as though features that should be able to be added relatively quickly within reason take an eternity to see the light of day. That coupled with a very basic and stone age style of character creation for a 2011 MMO is extremely sad. The options available to create your character are mostly variations of each other with a very slight difference between them. There is no thought or creativity to the designs that were created for the various different colored humans (species). The options available to change the head, complexion, hair etc.. are 99% ugly and undesirable choices. There was so much that could've been done with this and they decided to leave it as basic and void of creative design as possible. The worlds are super basic in design. The rocks and rock formations look atrocious. The geographical details in the environments are incredibly basic using a cut and paste type of design. Nothing truly separates one world from the other in geographical design. Textures are beyond amateurish and nowhere near professional quality. Landscapes are all unimaginative and in no way inspire awe on any part of any world. Sound music/ambiance/effects quality is not Star Wars worthy. It does not put the player in the environment or make them feel like they are truly in a Star Wars universe. ALL Character animations are static and basic right through to all species and classes. They appear as though, again, an amateur designed them. Colors/light/shade on the worlds and the environment are again amateurishly done. There is no light and shade to speak of. We are given a light source that is not there. Imaginatively created light sources. "Light" sabers do not emit a strong enough source of light and is very square in nature when pressed near a wall. Badly designed light source all around. Areas are again atrociously shaded as though an amateur did the work. The Costume designer(s) should be fired as they obviously do not know what belongs in a Star Wars universe and what does not. I am certain they have never seen the movies or had any contact with any related material concerning Star Wars. Appalling and embarrassing should cover the costume designs in SWTOR from launch to present. Jawa's for example, do not appear nor sound like Jawa's are supposed to in SWTOR. Cantina designs are ridiculous and boring. Music is unappealing and quite honestly stupid sounding, even for a sci-fi fantasy surrounding. With so many disappointments and flaws that have gone live I don't think anyone at that studio has what it takes to create memorable Star Wars experience in an MMO. The teams that created the Force Unleashed series did it right. They were a very talented bunch when it came to design and execution. All of the mentioned above Needs to be addressed to create a positive and memorable long lasting Star Wars MMORPG. Doing so by hiring new designers who know how to design a living breathing Star Wars universe, and also re-designing the game engine from the bottom up is what is expected by a loyal subscriber of this game. In addition to not being taken advantage of and be shown that Subscribers continued business is truly important and not to be taken lightly as it has been since the launch of the Free to Play model. A one time appreciation gift is insulting to a loyal Subscriber. What about next month and the month after that? EVERYTHING... I've seen and experienced through this hollow journey has shown me that BioWare Austin doesn't care about it's customers past whatever they can rip from their pockets and take advantage of them for a virtual piece of candy. Their greed has no bounds or shame. They have become so truly disgusting as a game studio it sickens my stomach just thinking about it.


OP's "joke is on the trolls who defend this game on the forum" is all anyone needs to know about this thread's tone & message.


If Disney creates a better MMO in the Star Wars IP then you can bet many of those troll defenders will play it. The spoiler was nothing more than a game not meeting someone's personal preference expectations. Happens everywhere in the real world, not just in virtual digital worlds. C'est la' vie.


Blizzard changed WoW's engine 5 months prior to release and it took them 13 months after launch to finally fix the crashes. That's a year and a half for those of you scoring at home. Was it worth it? In the long run (i.e. 9 years later), yes. But we aren't 5 months before launch, and pretending that time is reversible is plain ludicrous. Besides, WoW's first year was unbelievably painful because of that engine change ... a lesson this game's dev is probably taking to heart.


We're 21 months after launch and a core player base that is keeping this game thriving is already established. So an engine change is probably not feasible unless they release it as a parallel package where all character information can be auto-transferred across on the back end in a patch. But then, the same people who whined for the new engine would also be the first to whine about having to digitally download a whole new game.

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Second problem with that, is one of the primary reasons this engine was chosen was so low end computers could run the game as well. That way not every body needs a mid to high range machine to be able to run the game.


Frankly, this engine is fine. Yes, BioWare screwed up on it with their meddling, but it can be fixed and optimized in time.


Are you for real?! If that was the reason this engine was chosen (which it is not - it was chosen for its modular adaptability) it has failed spectacularly.


Plenty of people with low end systems are complaining about the performance issues. Heck plenty of people with high end systems are complaining about the performance too!


I have an i7 ivy bridge (4770K) OCed to 4.2Ghz and a GTX670 OCed to 1GHz and at times Im getting as low as 20fps in certain instances. When this game first came out I could run it fairly well on high settings on my 4 year old laptop.


But oh wait, the engine is running fine :rolleyes:

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First, I know you think EA's financials are sound, but they are not.. anybody who believes they can keep the train of lies going is a fool.

Remember EA Louse? Yeah I do too


c/p from: http://www.gamerevolution.com/manifesto/ea-artist-soon-to-be-laid-off-burns-ea-management-2803


Hi everyone,

I would think myself to be part of some noble cause, like the original EA Spouse trying to save her husband from a hellish work environment at EA. That had a happy ending, however, with tons of publicity and a total change of overtime wages and salaries and how they are handled within the company. I do not expect a happy ending, so I’ll be personal and selfish, and this is just for me.


So just call me EA Louse.


I found out recently that I will be dismissed from Bioware Mythic during the next round of layoffs EA coming this November. I’m sick of seeing EA outsource their art and find every excuse to get rid of us and still not achieve anything. Mythic is dying, and its not us who killed him but we’re taking the fall.


But if you want to know what really went down with Warhammer, I’ll tell you right now.


First, the project leaders did not know what they were doing. Jeff Hickman was the saddest excuse for a producer I’ve seen. All he did was drink the Koolaid and suck up to the right people. He was the perfect yes-man, and this reached down to almost all managers.


My boss who will not be named, again and again would tell us that Rob Denton, one of the original owners, said we should “do this” and “do that” and we would say “omg it makes NO sense, please explain A, B, and C to him. “And then he’d come back and tell us, after we thought he had gone to talk with him,” No, Rob wants in this way. Jeff agrees, this is what we’re going to do. Understood? ” They never actually talked back to Rob. We didn’t talk back to them.


Rob said jump, our leaders said, “How high?! And on who?”


So we shut up and did what we were told, by people too afraid to tackle real problems. It is a culture of fear, especially since Mark Jacobs was fired.


Oh, he left voluntarily you say? No, he was fired, and everything placed on his shoulders by those closest to him so they could divide his salary and annual bonus. I bet Rob is enjoying that sweet new Maserati he bought after leaving the knife in his partner of 15 years.


Want to know more? Keep reading. I can keep ranting.


Rob was never there during the development of Warhammer. We always joked about when his next weekly holiday was coming. (Answer? Next week!) Mark was not available, was way too head down trying to design his own contributions or whatever. Rob always handled things. We were told NOT to speak with Mark in person, never, or else we would be explaining to Rob.


The coup began long before Warhammer, and Jacobs did not even realize it.


And yet, this is common gossip in the company, and nobody in this industry seems to get it. So get it! Rob was responsible for the entire project, then blamed Mark when things went wrong.


Ah, but could not do it alone. No, he needed Jeff Hickman, promoted from customer service to produce the Warhammer project. Wait, let me let you have that sink in. The man running customer service, on the theory that the management of a large team of CSRs qualified him to run a game development project, was put in charge of a $50 million project with no previous experience.


And he needed Eugene Evans, the man who brought you the almost non-existent marketing campaign behind Warhammer. We could not even believe how bad they ****ed up the marketing campaign. There was almost none. We slaved for years, and this is how we were rewarded for it by Eugene and the people of EA? Being told that Warhammer was not “worth” a lot of money spent on it? LOL. Now he’s in charge of Bioware Mythic.


Oh yeah, and he needed Paul Barnett. You know him as the crazy British dude that appears in random videos at EA to promote his latest bull*******y. We know him as the crazy British dude who we have no idea of how he still has a job. This man was supposed to be the savior of Warhammer’s vision and design. Now all he can do is promote his strange ideas about his little secret project web Ultima game that’s been almost universally criticized by all of us and focus groups. What’s that? You didn”t know Paul loves one of those old Ultima games sooooo much he’s making a literal copy of it for Facebook? Well, the cats outta the bag. Too bad it sucks ***.


So what do they all have in common? All of them failed, badly, in Warhammer, and each of them is in a position of authority in the new company, while the rest of us are facing pink slips. How do they sleep at night? They spin aruond, blame everything on Mark, divide his old salary between them, and never speak about it again. Oh, and they **** us little guys as well.


Almost makes me congratulate them for having the balls, but after watching them work, it’s obvious they don’t have any. They’re cowards running scared trying to hide under the wing of Bioware, now that Rob has become a general manager of EA.


And Bioware? Don’t make me laugh. They’ve spent more money making the Old Republic than James Cameron spent on Avatar. **** you not. More than $ 300 million! Can you believe that?


And you know what they’re most proud of? This is the kicker. They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That’s the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas,they’re panicking , and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can’t keep pushing back launch.


Old Republic will be one of the greatest failures in the history of MMOs from EA. Probably at the level of the Sims Online. We all know it too ……


Anyway, back to Warhammer. We shouldn’t have released when we did, everyone knows it. The game wasn’t done, but EA gave us a deadline and threatened the leaders of Mythic with pink slips. We slipped so many times, it had to go out.


We sold mor ethan a million boxes, and only had 300k subs a month later. Going down every since. It’s “stable” now, but guess what? Even Dark Age and Ultima have more subs than we have. How great is that? Games almost a decade make more money than our biggest project.


So there it is. Rewarding the incompetent. Firing the competent.


I say it anonymously so I can keep my next few paychecks coming.


So I’m a louse. A big fat EA louse.


Want some more questions answered? Ask away.



so lets see what SWToR has cost humanity


1. Bioware lost all credibility and its founders.

2. Lucas had to sell Star Wars Ip to Disney

3. Game didnt really go F2P they just introduced their "gambling" model from FB which garnered them alot of $$$, although something tells me they are not reporting all the money they make from these transactions. (see: Madden NFLSS)

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For those of you who can't understand what is going on here i'll try to use a "metaphor"


I know it hurts, but it is better to cut the cancer out of this game now!


Think about it the same way you would "Old Yeller" a Disney classic..


here we have the story of a boy who loves his dog (like some of you love the current version of SWToR)


even though he loved yeller, Travis had to shoot him dead.. why? because he had rabies.. he was infected, sullied, disabled, ca-put, not working as intended, etc.. you get the point.


The wonderful thing about this: Travis got "new yeller"


watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6hB9NTYD0E


Shoot it now before its too late.

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For those of you who can't understand what is going on here i'll try to use a "metaphor"


I know it hurts, but it is better to cut the cancer out of this game now!


Think about it the same way you would "Old Yeller" a Disney classic..


here we have the story of a boy who loves his dog (like some of you love the current version of SWToR)


even though he loved yeller, Travis had to shoot him dead.. why? because he had rabies.. he was infected, sullied, disabled, ca-put, not working as intended, etc.. you get the point.


The wonderful thing about this: Travis got "new yeller"


watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6hB9NTYD0E


Shoot it now before its too late.


The hyperbole is strong in this one.

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There are also legitimate claims in those games too. Stop trying to dismiss issues with baseless facts.


I did not say there weren't performance issues with ALL MMOs pal. Derp.


I am simply illustrating that the complaints are genre wide.. generally are very biased against <insert your game here> by players who cannot or will not manage their frustrations and embrace the fact that there are many factors affecting game performance for millions of players... AND.. the ever popular "replace the engine" mantra is not only wasted, it's misplaced.


And I have to say... reading a forum post in another games forums about how badly that game (which is generally touted by the anti-SWTOR crowd as a poster child of developer responsiveness and responsibility) plays when compared to SWTOR. Such rich circular discussion, from gaming forum members.. who would have thought such a thing is possible. :rolleyes:


Whereas people like you would like us to believe that if they just replaced the engine in SWTOR then life would be great. Which makes this last statement of yours:

Time to get off your high horse. You're not the messiah that has every answer.


An ad hominem attack, with a good does of irony sauce on top. And not very clever either.

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First, I know you think EA's financials are sound, but they are not.. anybody who believes they can keep the train of lies going is a fool.

Remember EA Louse? Yeah I do too


<deleted unverifiable urban legend used as fact to support completely specious and hyperbolic ranting against EA, over and over again>


You could not be more wrong if you tried.


EA financials are actually more sound then Blizzards. Why? Because EA is broadly diversified such that any single, or even multiple, game properties can underperform and they still operate and report sound operations and financials. Blizzard is heavily exposed to any rapid movements in a single game property --> WoW.


Protip: In the Sarbanes Oxley era of corporate reporting and accountability... you cannot materially mis-represent your financials to investors. Corporate officers go to jail if they do, and so does their independent auditor. Having been involved in audit reviews of product financials in the Sarbanes Oxley era, I can tell you for a fact that company execs are deathly afraid of mis-representing company financials.. because they have to sign off on them and are held legally responsible for them once they do. Learn business regulatory statutes and enforcement, and how it actually works, or stop pontificating IMO.

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For those of you who can't understand what is going on here i'll try to use a "metaphor"


I know it hurts, but it is better to cut the cancer out of this game now!


Think about it the same way you would "Old Yeller" a Disney classic..


here we have the story of a boy who loves his dog (like some of you love the current version of SWToR)


even though he loved yeller, Travis had to shoot him dead.. why? because he had rabies.. he was infected, sullied, disabled, ca-put, not working as intended, etc.. you get the point.


The wonderful thing about this: Travis got "new yeller"


watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6hB9NTYD0E


Shoot it now before its too late.


So now we have gone to copy and paste into a new engine because its easy to "kill" the game in favor of a new and improved game.

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You could not be more wrong if you tried.


EA financials are actually more sound then Blizzards. Why? Because EA is broadly diversified such that any single, or even multiple, game properties can underperform and they still operate and report sound operations and financials. Blizzard is heavily exposed to any rapid movements in a single game property --> WoW.


Protip: In the Sarbanes Oxley era of corporate reporting and accountability... you cannot materially mis-represent your financials to investors. Corporate officers go to jail if they do, and so does their independent auditor. Having been involved in audit reviews of product financials in the Sarbanes Oxley era, I can tell you for a fact that company execs are deathly afraid of mis-representing company financials.. because they have to sign off on them and are held legally responsible for them once they do. Learn business regulatory statutes and enforcement, and how it actually works, or stop pontificating IMO.


This is especially true the last couple of quarters. EA has been very sound financially.


I have to deal with SOX at work...its a HUGE pain in the *** because you have to be able to trace all financial records back to their source.

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For those of you who can't understand what is going on here i'll try to use a "metaphor"


I know it hurts, but it is better to cut the cancer out of this game now!

I will use a different metaphor, since you seem to like those...


You go to your doctor and he tells you, that your bone structure is severely damaged and that you need to avoid certain activity for danger of dying. You can then tell your doc "okay, so gimme a new skeleton then" and even if a new skeleton stands ready right beside you, made from titan with extra adamantium shell and even full scale wolverine claws invluded... that doesn't mean, that any responsible doctor would rip your body apart, replace your bone skeleton with the metal one, sew you up and then expect you to still be living.


Cause THAT is what the engine is. It is not some replaceable pet... it is the very core structure of the game.

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why is this thread still going?!? WHY!!!!


Make it stop. Pointless conversation is pointless.


1) There are performance issues in every game due to the nature of hardware, software and distance

1b) No single change will ever fix this problem. It is a combination of both server and user side.

2) One does not simply copy and paste code from one platform to another

2b) it CAN be ported, but takes time, money, and resources that can be better spent other places

2c) thinking it IS possible AND simple, best go ask your mechanic to double check your headlamp fluid or your transmission belts.

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I have to deal with SOX at work...its a HUGE pain in the *** because you have to be able to trace all financial records back to their source.




The last two large projects I Program Managed before retiring... I had auditors crawling around inside the program financials, deliverables commits, even the risk assessments every quarter. True, they were large projects from a financial perspective.. but even smaller programs and projects being managed by more junior members of the Program Office were getting ganked as well. They were crawling way inside the bowels of the companies day to day operations. It's like they get a cookie for every potential issue. Part of it is "billable hours syndrome" but it's also about making sure the auditing firm does not get "Arthur Andersoned". The partners at the auditing firm have to feel comfortable facing a federal inquiry on literally anything stated by the company in it's financials.

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why is this thread still going?!? WHY!!!!


Make it stop. Pointless conversation is pointless.


Meh.. I generally favor letting absurd topics and claims meander to their terminal conclusion.


It lets the forum readers gain a better insight as to where thread starters stand and how credible they actually are with their claims.


This thread is a best in class example of critical discussion refuting fantasy and hyperbole. :) We actually have had a number of them recently and I find the general reasonableness and objective nature of the forum improving as a result. So I say... let them bring them on and let us discuss them in the open.

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Meh.. I generally favor letting absurd topics and claims meander to their terminal conclusion.


It lets the forum readers gain a better insight as to where thread starters stand and how credible they actually are with their claims.


This thread is a best in class example of critical discussion refuting fantasy and hyperbole. :) We actually have had a number of them recently and I find the general reasonableness and objective nature of the forum improving as a result. So I say... let them bring them on and let us discuss them in the open.


i just feel like bashing my head into my desk trying to discuss the technical details and effort of porting over into a new engine or complaining about small performance issues at times.


honestly, the only reason i still read this...to see what people will say next.. in hopes that is is so from reality that i can only help but <jackie chan meme>


cause yeah, everyone needs a good laugh from time to time.

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i just feel like bashing my head into my desk trying to discuss the technical details and effort of porting over into a new engine or complaining about small performance issues at times.


hehe.. yeah. Makes you wish you had a virtual shock collar button in forums eh? :p


honestly, the only reason i still read this...to see what people will say next.. in hopes that is is so from reality that i can only help but <jackie chan meme>


cause yeah, everyone needs a good laugh from time to time.


This is exactly how one should approach threads like this IMO.


The nice quality of these types of threads being:

1) faced with reason, logic, and facts.. the OP will usually double down on their topic, dig in like a tick, and then roll into waves of self-contradiction. :)

2) topics like this are like a coagulant in the forum.... drawing together and gluing like minded believers in the OP together

3) are hyperbolic enough in nature that they actually ENCOURAGE reasoned discussion between forum members.

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hehe.. yeah. Makes you wish you had a virtual shock collar button in forums eh? :p




This is exactly how one should approach threads like this IMO.


The nice quality of these types of threads being:

1) faced with reason, logic, and facts.. the OP will usually double down on their topic, dig in like a tick, and then roll into waves of self-contradiction. :)

2) topics like this are like a coagulant in the forum.... drawing together and gluing like minded believers in the OP together

3) are hyperbolic enough in nature that they actually ENCOURAGE reasoned discussion between forum members.


I could try and use logic and reason with my 6 year old nephew. Honestly a bold face lie and/or magic explanation is actually an easier route to compliance and acceptance.


The more fairies, unicorns or dragons i toss in the more interested he seems and understanding since he's actually SEEN them on TV and the movies.


I could use some of those same arguments here, but fear repercussions when using dragons and magic to explain something that can be simply copy/paste....since only one of those is actually possible to exist..the other is pure utter nonsense when it comes to programming.

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You could not be more wrong if you tried.


EA financials are actually more sound then Blizzards. Why? Because EA is broadly diversified such that any single, or even multiple, game properties can underperform and they still operate and report sound operations and financials. Blizzard is heavily exposed to any rapid movements in a single game property --> WoW.


Protip: In the Sarbanes Oxley era of corporate reporting and accountability... you cannot materially mis-represent your financials to investors. Corporate officers go to jail if they do, and so does their independent auditor. Having been involved in audit reviews of product financials in the Sarbanes Oxley era, I can tell you for a fact that company execs are deathly afraid of mis-representing company financials.. because they have to sign off on them and are held legally responsible for them once they do. Learn business regulatory statutes and enforcement, and how it actually works, or stop pontificating IMO.


last I check it was blizzard-activision not just blizzard and they pump out the CoD franchise


not that I brought up Blizzard in any of my previous post.. just wanted you get your facts straight.

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