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A 20 Hour Queue is better than keeping the community in the dark.


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I agree, ill take a few crashes and 5+ hour queues over this any day.


Right now this is a WIN only for those few who pre-ordered on the very first day. For the rest of us this means waiting for days instead of hours before we can finally get our hands on the game.

This whole thing has fail marketing scheme written all over it.



Nope, you would be on here whining about the crashes and long queues.


Bottomline is you'll get over it. And if you dont? certainly no loss.


Handful of whiners on boards vs. Crashes, 5 hour queues, and unplayability due to camped spawns and lag........ Bioware made the right decision, whether you think so or not.

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Hey, to all you cry babies who do not like the way this launch is going... go and play what ever game you were playing before. Wait untill the 20th when everyone will be in and start then.


My god children... learn to wait. If you do not like it, go away. No one is holding you here.

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Hey, to all you cry babies who do not like the way this launch is going... go and play what ever game you were playing before. Wait untill the 20th when everyone will be in and start then.


My god children... learn to wait. If you do not like it, go away. No one is holding you here.


Why not show me what a big man you are and give me your access? Cause I needs it badly...

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EXACTLLY someone with selfrespect ragging at their customer service.


They are treating their customer like they are a herd of sheep simply because they giving them "free" few days they think they can keep us in dark tell us any info they want and tell us rest of the info is private.




you either show some respect to your customers of FOFF with your game no matter how brilliant and good it is.


so simply put


KODOS to whoever developed such a great game, and FAIL to those responsible for markting-customer service and communication.


FAIL to the playerbase that feels they have to spend every waking hour refreshing email.


Do you think that the reason they did not send the notices out ahead of time is because they do not know and are monitoring in real time to ensure stability?


They actually ADDED a wave today because of how well it is going.

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you people need to grow up its a EGA that started 2 days earlier then expected. They let in a HUGE amount of people in today and they will do the same tomarrow. I'm willing to bet most people will get in by the 15th or 16th. Giving people that where only going to get 1 day EGA 4. People want instant gratification way to much now a days. Be happy with what you get!
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Perception is key to a customer. It not only matters WHAT you give them, but HOW you give it.


By closing up early access for the day, its perceived as VERY BAD. If you wanted to let X players in on day one, space it out over the whole day, keep it going for the evening and start with new numbers after midnight. You dont let X in then stop. It just LOOKS bad.


At this rate, no early access would have been taken by the community better than the way this is handled.


Now, I didnt expect to get in today, or even tomorrow likely. But the physiological implications of stopping early access invites is what people will remember, not what day they got in on.


You should have keep the invites rolling, even in a reduced capacity, 24/7 till everyone was invited.

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If they promised you you'd get in on Wednesday and then they weren't able to get you in tell me, would you be more or less angry than you are now.....?


Less because I wouldn't have spent all day trying to figure out which one of the forum trolls was right instead of getting something that was at least partially reliable given to me by someone who knew what they were doing but ran into an issue.


If you treat your customers like children, you can expect this kind of thing.


When they explained why the color change thing wouldn't be at release there was very little crying. There was conversation, and people suggesting interm bandaids ... but the developer posted a well thought out post that described why things were the way they were, and the community largely accepted that.


They keep leading us along like this and they will be in for years of distrust.

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Do you guys know what would happen if they just allowed everyone in? We wouldn't see queues because the servers would constantly be crashing and down. And instead of threads like this one, there would be threads complaining that the servers were down. Also this is a nice system as it kinda rewards the people who went out day 1 and pre-ordered the game.
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you people need to grow up its a EGA that started 2 days earlier then expected. They let in a HUGE amount of people in today and they will do the same tomarrow. I'm willing to bet most people will get in by the 15th or 16th. Giving people that where only going to get 1 day EGA 4. People want instant gratification way to much now a days. Be happy with what you get!


The problem is I want Star Wars and other people have Star Wars. I don't care if we all have to wait until January, just let us all in at once.


They did a study on this, you know... They took two cages of mice and put them together, side by side. One group, they gave fancy toys and running wheels. The other group got nothing. Group 2 ended up stressed out. See, staggered access. Not healthy. Bioware doesn't care about my health. They want me to stress out and die.

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Would have been much better to just cap the number of connections per server, and let the queue system filter people in and out.


I'd rather watch a queue timer click down from 20 hours of wait time, then sit around like an idiot with a big question mark over my head due to Bioware deciding my time is not important enough to tell me when I may get in.


Worst release management I've seen for a subscription based platform.


I feel the same way. It's like they need to breed more hamsters for their servers or something.

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Early access is a courtesy not a right.

You'll get in when you get in, take this time to finish up some old games.

do some laundry, watch the star wars movies, play Kotor. etc


We paid extra for the early access. It not a courtesy. And they are still advertising that if you pre order now you "may get to play up to 5 days early" when they have stated that if you pre order in december you will only get one day. So there is no chance of playing 5 days early. They are misleading people in an attempt to seel more pre orders.

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The important thing here is the you "MAY" get early game access until launch. So it's not a guarantee you'll get it. If you think about it, this is like gambling. You put down $5 for preorder to get a chance at EGA.


Well, actually, I paid full price and am getting overtaken by $5 reservations, but that's a whole other can of worms.

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Would have been much better to just cap the number of connections per server, and let the queue system filter people in and out.


I'd rather watch a queue timer click down from 20 hours of wait time, then sit around like an idiot with a big question mark over my head due to Bioware deciding my time is not important enough to tell me when I may get in.


Worst release management I've seen for a subscription based platform.


I agree, this is a horrible way to do things.

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I'm not concerned when I get in. I know I get it eventually.


The problem I am having is the lack of information. A few directions should be given. Indications on how many estimate people they're sending each wave. Where they're at with pre-orders (July, August etc).


All you have now is being in the dark and just hoping to see an email drop in your inbox. Knowing when to possibly expect your ticket to go can put most people's mind to ease.


Just my two cents.

Edited by Fixiooo
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Would have been much better to just cap the number of connections per server, and let the queue system filter people in and out.


I'd rather watch a queue timer click down from 20 hours of wait time, then sit around like an idiot with a big question mark over my head due to Bioware deciding my time is not important enough to tell me when I may get in.


Worst release management I've seen for a subscription based platform.


And I'm sure most people making this argument would then be complaining about having to sit through a 20 hour queue if they actually did what you suggested. Not to mention anyone that has an error and is disconnected and has to get in that queue.


With that said I do agree with you that being told in advance what day and time you can get in would be nice, but they've already explained why they can't do that and it makes sense to me.


Just wait a tad longer. Patience is a virtue :)

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I'd like to suggest all of you so upset about this launch to please cancel your pre-order. Speak with the loudest voice you have, your wallet. And if you cancel your pre-order, please post so here, because I'm actually screen shotting as many of you as I come across. That way when you're still here in 6 months I can remind you of your tantrum today.
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There are several positives for the players and Bioware in staggering the launch of early access. Lower queues, more server up time and stability, less technical support issues as the servers are hammered, etc.


There is also several disadvantages for the players and for Bioware in staggering. Many of your customers become angry and feel alienated, general mistrust in the company that they will be in control of your playtime in the future and somehow hamper your fun (unlikely, but the feeling is there), and other such customer relations issues.


In reality, the staggering is a good idea, as it prevents many of the issues that other MMO's have suffered from at launch.


I, however, would have preferred a staggered launch that also included a timeline for waves, listing the dates included in each wave (and with Bioware provided feedback on setbacks and changes to the timeline on a continuous basis, communicating constantly with the playerbase on what is occurring).


I also feel that new waves should be correlated with new servers being released, so that each wave will have the opportunity to start on a new server, thereby negating the supposed benefits of starting earlier to some degree.


Could this have been done better? Probably, but it doesn't matter now, so let's just hope to see lots of people get in tomorrow, so everyone will feel a lot better.

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