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Everything posted by tehpwner

  1. No. The solo content is way too difficult. I understand why the group content is difficult, but the class quests just seem arbitrarily hard. I mean, really, I'm supposed to be able to fight 3 lvl 32 elites when I'm only lvl 33 myself? I just want to experience the f*cking story, but I can't do that because I have to spend 2 hrs trying to get through a single quest.
  2. Didn't know about the 'escape' button. Thanks for the info.
  3. Pretty much what the title says. The "Fondor Escort" mission, which is the first space battle for the Republic faction, is way too difficult. I've attempted this mission 20+ times I haven't even come close to completing it. I've tried several different strategies, but every time the escort shuttle gets destroyed in the final stretch. The difficulty for this mission is just unreasonable, especially considering that it is the first space battle available once you get your ship. I was so frustrated with this mission that I almost gave up on space combat in general, but then I decided to try out some other missions. Ironically, the other space battles are just fine in terms of difficulty, and they're very fun. It's only the "Fondor Escort" that's giving me trouble. Also, I wish there was an option to restart the mission while you're in the middle of it. There have been several instances where I have screwed up in the beginning of the mission, to the point that completing it is nearly impossible, but I have to wait until the time runs out or my ship gets destroyed to restart it. Anyway, that's my little rant about that particular space battle. Anybody else having trouble with the first mission?
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