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I have a serious question for the SW:TOR community: Does Healing get any easier? :'(


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I play a Jedi Consular.


I've been healing in Warcraft for a while now... I've healed competitive end game on a Paladin, Shaman, Priest and Druid... and I must say, healing on my Consular is like pulling teeth while someone is slamming a sledge hammer into my gut.


The heals are weak and I run out of force way too easily. I wont go into the "no mouseovers" and addons and whatnot... but seriously, the healing arsenal you get and the core mechanics so far is not fun.


Running our of resources is not fun. I'm hoping it may be a gear issue. Can anyone confirm if this gets any better with gear?


At endgame you should never run out of force as a full spec Seer.

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Healing in this game just plays different than the "game that will not be named" Admittedly my opinion excludes parts of the last xpac because I was sick of it.


The other game felt like it rewarded you for spam healing and having to keep everyone up at 100% all of the time. This game feels less like that especially with a Sage.

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Something I have noticed is that some players are better than others. Nope, hang on, I'm not trolling. This game so far seems to be the epitome of 'The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts.' It is one of those things that people coming from other games may have gotten a bit lazy about. I went through a Flashpoint where 3 + 1 companion, on level, were able to win when 4 players couldn't. That 4th player that left was breaking CC and trying to take elites on 1vs1. Complaining when I wasn't healing him enough and that the Tank wasn't grabbing aggro from him, even though every mob was clearly 'labeled'.
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You realize your class plays exactly like a Disc Priest in the 'other game' right?


Except for the TOR analogues of Riptide, Ancestral Healing and Swiftmend w/ Efflorescence.


Plus we get a ranged interrupt.


The most disorientating thing for me is the toolkit is all over the place. They seem to give you a little bit of everything but it all feels completely inadequate when the situation goes to complete hell like pulling a second group by accident. No output cooldowns, no force reduction cost cooldowns, no tank cooldowns, no tranquility.


The whole point of these is that judicious use of cooldowns provides an additional level of skill based metagameplay. Without them having someone make a mistake becomes purely punitive and vindictive to the player.


You all can walk both ways uphill in the snow if you want but this isn't 1999. We don't train to zone anymore and we shouldn't put up with crap toolkits.

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Are you sure your tanks are tanks? Not all juggernaughts and guardians are specced for tanking but a lot of people think merely having the advanced class is enough to be a tank. Tanking is a dps specc will mean they take a lot more damage.


Wrong. Tanking is a THREAT spec. Healers can out dps a tank, and still not get bitten. Why do you think there is a dps and then a separate tank tree for guards?

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Speaking from my EQ1 days... the learning/teaching tool is simple:

Let idiots die


Problem is people have been brainwashed by WoW and other games with addons and tools to make it so you can heal with 1 click or 1 button over and over. the "problem" people find with this healing is it takes thinking. Spend your points right, know what your group is doing and the biggest, situational awareness. Imo the only part of a game that should be easy is getting past the login screen.

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Wrong. Tanking is a THREAT spec. Healers can out dps a tank, and still not get bitten. Why do you think there is a dps and then a separate tank tree for guards?


There was a typo in the post you quoted. He meant, "tanking AS a dps spec will mean they take more damage," and thus might explain why healing might seem harder if he was healing people who hadn't actually specced in the tank tree.

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Problem is people have been brainwashed by WoW and other games with addons and tools to make it so you can heal with 1 click or 1 button over and over. the "problem" people find with this healing is it takes thinking. Spend your points right, know what your group is doing and the biggest, situational awareness. Imo the only part of a game that should be easy is getting past the login screen.


You don't heal with one button over and over. That would be silly and also impossible with the mod system. Also, if you can heal with one button over and over (*cough*deliverance*cough*) you can do that equally well with or without mods and macros.

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You don't heal with one button over and over. That would be silly and also impossible with the mod system. Also, if you can heal with one button over and over (*cough*deliverance*cough*) you can do that equally well with or without mods and macros.


I am not quite sure if I am reading this right, are you insinuating that as a Sage Seer you only need to use Deliverance to heal effectively?

If so then you really need to take a better look at the spells and their synergies because you'd be burning unneeded force and very much diminish your healing potential (hps), at the same time.


That being said, Overall though I wouldn't mind a few macros and a better functioning UI (too static and cluncky at the moment), but I am not missing healbot at the moment.

Edited by Lugardian
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IMO most important thing is to consider this game as tottaly different game than other MMO's . We have to learn from beginnign how to heal here , and what we should use when .

Afte 1 month all should more or less fine . DPS will know what to do , tank will know how to tank and we will be able to heal without issues with 1 dps vs 1 elite [just coz he like ] . We do noth have healbot - thanks god , our UI is not good as it should be , and we are having fun . Thats what i like in this game . I hope that it will stay like that

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You say you've been reading a guide but it sems like you haven't been paying attention to your character's talent tree or abilities. There is a pefect way to roll out heals that you never run out of force. I haven't run out of force in a long time.


At level 36 you should be able to put the last point into a talent that will give you a free Noble Sacrifice every time you use Healing Trance, which is an extremely powerful healing spell, especially when used after Rejuv. If you're just spamming Rejuv then Deliverance, that's a huge reason you'd run out of force. It's a bomb heal that isn't force efficient. It's kinda the oh **** thing to do when your tank takes a spike of damage, which also shouldn't happen often as you should be putting a bubble on every person in the party as soon as they lose their debuff or their bubble has timed out seeing as how the bubble is bugged atm and a new shield will fall off when the old one would if placed before the old one ran out. (maybe not a bug?)

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