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My name was the product of the random name generator on the LEGO website when it came out. It was originally Mindstinger but I dropped the "er" since it had too many syllables for my liking. I've used the name in most of the games I've played until I got really creative in SWTOR and named my ingame consular..."Consular"


My creativity fluctuates.

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my name i created about 8 or 9 yrs ago for another MMO with the intent of skirting their T&C... people seemed to like it so it kinda stuck.

since then i've tried to come up with more silly or outrageous names for my alts like Force'din, Fridge'shelf, Eau'de'toilette or Manky'tanky (not a tank, causes confusion in raids).

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It is, unsurprisingly, my Star Wars name.


For your new first name:

1. Take the first 3 letters of your 1st name & add

2. the first 2 letters of your last name


For your new last name:

3. Then take the first 2 letters of your Mom's maiden name & add

4. the first 3 letters of the city you were born.


(Except I literally just noticed :p I misread the part about the first name. It really should have been Guiva but I prefer Vangu anyway)


I tried it once, liked the result, and have been using it ever since.

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It was a hot summer night when me and my friends were hiking through the Corsican mountains. We had been walking for hours and hours trying to get to the next cabin before dark. Finally we could see the hut around the corner but it was deceptively far of still. When we finally arrived I sat down on a chair laying my head on the table never having been this tired in my life. I knew if I would take another step I would either vomit or faint and I was not eager to find out which one. Luckily some of my group-mates still had the energy to cook and I decided to lay down for a while to gather my strength. And as I lay there, exhausted, I heard a voice calling from above: "you have done well my friend to overcome this great challenge, from this day forth you will be known as: Gokkus. Carry your new name with pride". I have been Gokkus ever since...



Honestly though, it is based on a Dutch word pronounced differently. It was a joke between me and my brother when doing the dishes about 10 years ago. Seemed as good a nickname as any.


Edited by Gokkus
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