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Any reason to not have a day/night cycle


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Because Bioware does not understand MMO's.


Their rationale had something to do with the planets existing at a "moment in time" for the player's individual, linear story.


The reality is TOR is two solo games in one that share a lot of graphic resources between the two. They use day/night differences between factions to give the illusion of it being double the content.

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This...so many people don't even notice the lack of a day/night cycle unless they spend far too much time standing around not fighting (which is mostly limited to RPers).


Now, as an RPer...I will sjay this, don't place a day/night cycle into the game unless night will be NIGHT. Want to know what I mean? When it is night, you can only see 20m infront of you, that is it. You cannot even see out to your max range. You have a giant wall of darkness and shadows simulating the proper night. Many people don't know what real night is, they live in town or in a city...you never experience true night. We are fighting out in areas with no lights...go out into the wilderness 50 miles fromt he nearest town and experience real night, you can't see very far (ok...I can...but I have albinism in my eyes so I'm by no means a good indicator of average night vision) and are very likely to justs tumble into enemy mobs. THAT is how a night cycle should be, otherwise there is no point in it.


No. If its done right you can see fine. I dont think anyone notices is it necause tjey dont want to. Once its there you will think where has it been all this time. Its not that ppl dont notice it its that they ignore it cmy question is why not? What is wrong with it. Its been done for 15 years. If its done right despite what u thinkt it can be a gameplay enhancer. Why wouldnt you want more immersion


I think these cycles are crucial for a mmo because they are supposed to be persistint worlds. Wothout them its like u are just taking a ride on a coaster instead of actually being part of the world. People dont notice space combat either? Why? Cuz they just igore it unless ur the two percent that for somexreason want a sticjed onshallow minigame. If tjey do space combat why not immersive cycles so you feel like an inhabitat rather than a visitor

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Because Bioware does not understand MMO's.


Their rationale had something to do with the planets existing at a "moment in time" for the player's individual, linear story.


The reality is TOR is two solo games in one that share a lot of graphic resources between the two. They use day/night differences between factions to give the illusion of it being double the content.


Hit the nail on the head, I think.

That kind of reasoning works in a single player linear campaign (I'm thinking like KOTOR) but you know what? SWTOR ain't KOTOR3. It's an MMO. They can't use that excuse.

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Most likely, it got pushed off the development table in a rush to launch since the game was so delayed. EA told them to hurry up and get it out, they cut corners (massive corners), and we got planets with no day or night cycle. If you pay attention to the details of the game, you can literally see what corners they cut.


For example. NPC crowd design. During the Trooper class quest where you go to get resistance fighters together, each safe house as a set of twins. One set is Asian with mullets, the other set are poofy haired bastiches with Wolf Blitzer beards. In the Senate Tower during another quest, when a senator is taken away for being an imperial plant, the guards that come get him are the same four models. They look EXACTLY the same (skinnier versions of Grand Moff Kilrand...sans scar).


If those jerks at EA would have just given them six more months, I think we would have had a far more pleasurable environment to play in.


Can you imagine if they had 6 MORE months? How about 6 more months on that? What about 6 MORE months after that?

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Ppl are always going to gripe thats no reason to not implemt something.


As to this point, I was specifically answering your early statement that no one would gripe about this. This specific quote from your earlier post.


Again why would you be against something that doesnt harm you and only makes people happy.


You claimed it would only make people happy, and I provided what I believe to be a valid counter argument that this would not "only make people happy". Like every change made in this game, it will spawn rage and annoyance, and demands that people be compensated for whatever inconveniences it causes.


For the record, I think day/night cycles would be cool, but I would rate it very, very low on my list of priorities for the developers to spend time on in this game. The simple fact is that despite you attempts to oversimplify the problem, this would be an enormous undertaking that would take vast amounts of time away from other developments, and would provide very little value in return.


Would it make a certain segment of the population happy? Sure.


Would it suddenly attract 100k more subscribers, or additional revenue through other channels? No. (Well, maybe if you only offered lamps through the CM, but can you even imagine the rage over that if it happened?)


If they were going to implement day/night, I would want it to be done right, and unfortunately the resources they have are insufficient to the cause. For that reason, I don't want them wasting time on it. Give me more content, fixes to bugs and cooler things to find/build/see/kill.



Thinking along your lines would have never put a man on the moon. Yeah i just went there


Well, since you went there...


Actually, what you are asking for is the opposite. To use your analogy, you are asking NASA to take the technology they used to land on the moon and fly astronauts to Mars. Moreover you want them to do it now, and at the expense of all other space programs and research. Also, forget the fact that the technology is insufficient to get astronauts there alive, or that doing so would raise the cost of the space program tenfold, they are engineers! They are paid to engineer, so they should be engineering! If they can't get a man to the moon on a Saturn V rocket, it's because they are lazy and bad at their jobs! It's just metal and gears and gas. It's not like it's rocket science.


Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn't it?

Edited by Brewski
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Can you imagine if they had 6 MORE months? How about 6 more months on that? What about 6 MORE months after that?


Yeah.. by some players approach.. an MMO is Never ready for launch. Seriously.. by some peoples standards no MMO is ever good enough to launch.

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I dont know many people that would be annoyed by putting more persistence in a persistent online world. Persostent as in not a snapshot in time. Its impossible to jabe any timescale if thats the case.


If done right its fine ppl always gripe about something. If its that big of a deal then make it toggleable as i said already

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I think the better question to ask is: Is there any reason TO HAVE a day/night cycle?


Not really. It's fluff and if it is fluff with no ROI.. it's a waste of resources.


Yes, that's right it's fluff.


Also now officially fluff in this particular MMO...


- Character customization

- Character race

- Companions

- Titles

- Armor

- Weapons

- Emotes

- Vehicles

- Mounts

- Weapon components

- Armor components

- QoL or convenience features




Well, anything else they think they can get away with charging a subscriber extra for. It's a brilliant plan really. You only charge extra for "fluff" but you redefine "fluff" to be anything you say it is.

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Any reason to have it?


I'm in this boat.


If I'm not in a ship or on fleet, I'm on a planet for a very finite time...typically long enough to run dailies. A day/night cycle would have absolutely no meaning.


I'd rather keep the artistic feel of the planets, I feel it does more than any day/cycle ever could.

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Would be nice to see day/night cycles for some planets. However I don't see it being implemented properly for this MMO.


I think it would be wonderful to have it, especially on places like Tattooine...to see the desert in the dark would be pretty cool. There have been some pretty iconic movie images with Tattooine at night in the movies, and would add a lot to the ambiance of the game, especially for those who like to role play.


It wouldn't be needed on all planets...DK is always usually pretty dark and Coruscant is a cityscape, so it would have a lot of artificial light which would make it fairly bright always...I think the planets that would most benefit from day/night would be Tattooine, Voss, Alderaan, Korriban, those are the ones I like anyhow..


Nice idea, hopefully they'll be able to implement it someday.

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I'm in this boat.


If I'm not in a ship or on fleet, I'm on a planet for a very finite time...typically long enough to run dailies. A day/night cycle would have absolutely no meaning.

I'd rather keep the artistic feel of the planets, I feel it does more than any day/cycle ever could.

Ncuz added depth and persistnce are bad amirite?

How would a few hours of slightly darker hue hinder any artistiry that is such a lame excuse. Picassoxwas an artist. Booware isnt


Why are such an enemy of sunsets and sunrises? What did they ever do to you. If you dont want it why cant you just turn it off theres no reason to not have it other than to rain on my parade for no reason

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If ts like a movie they should have went with non cartoon engine. They want me to see it was at a certain time ? Well inless you live in another dimension time moves forward and cycles are part of reality and immersion


So its supposed to be the same time, all the time. Thats great if the whole story arc takes place within 24 hours otherwise it makes no sense


It really loses that epic feel if you spend so much time developing a characte that exists in a snapshot of a day. I though mmos were to experience PERSISTANCE. You cant really develop any kind of character empathy if you are just part of a static world. Movies cover hours and days and last i checked had night scenes.


It doesn't look like a cartoon...and that's not the engine. ESO uses the same engine, and it has "realistic" style...and looks terrible for characters.


Also...you clearly don't understand what I'm saying.

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It doesn't look like a cartoon...and that's not the engine. ESO uses the same engine, and it has "realistic" style...and looks terrible for characters.


Also...you clearly don't understand what I'm saying.


Obviously you know nothing about three d game design chow is it not cartoony there are two spectrums of engine one cell shaded and photo realism how can you with a straght face say that is is photo realism. Exageratted shapes and colors is not realistic

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The reason to not have it is because the game does not have it. As others have said, there's no particular reason to not have a cycle, but the game doesn't have it and it's worth expending development effort to put one in. LotRO has a cycle and all it does is change the sky. Edited by branmakmuffin
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Ncuz added depth and persistnce are bad amirite?

How would a few hours of slightly darker hue hinder any artistiry that is such a lame excuse. Picassoxwas an artist. Booware isnt


Why are such an enemy of sunsets and sunrises? What did they ever do to you. If you dont want it why cant you just turn it off theres no reason to not have it other than to rain on my parade for no reason


What am I reading?

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We all know the official reasons for why they made this decision, but with the current trend of sending us planet hopping for different activities at level 55 (a good change), the planets really need to appear like they exist and move forward in time with us.


I would put this one up there with making planet hopping in the ship easier and quicker. Give visual variety to the planets, as well as continuing to add reasons to revisit them for elder game repeatable content.

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Then you have no respect for any of us reading your dribble every **** day. I just dont get why you are so obtuse on these forums.


Yeah this thread isnt about my spelling and grammar so stay game related. I am honored by your concern but these buttons are small and im not going to waste time correcting mistakes
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