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Any reason to not have a day/night cycle


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Why couldnt they just lightly soften the brightness to indicate night time. I mean its been done in mmos for almost 15 years. Its slightly offputting to have such a completely static game world everywhere.


Sure every planet can maintain its theme and add a little darkness or for dromund slightly brighter. Nothing drastic to where you cant see at night. Is the game engine too bad to impliment it. Im sure it could be done by adding a few less things to the cartel that is added every month


It seems so dead and sterile. It would give way to more atmpshere. Sure you could argue a few planets might not ever have a night cycle but theoretics can only be used as a lame excuse for not doing something cool. Ie you couldnt logically conclude every planet doesnt rotate therefor there is no night. There arent enough excuses to apply to where you can argue that every planet wouldnt have a night cycle


Each planet could have its own hue of twilight etc etc. the engine already looks old and horrible enough and this would go a long way at least to slighlty change my constant perception that im playing such a crappy outdated engine


The only excuse not to would be the engine is too big of a pile to impliment it

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Why couldnt they just lightly soften the brightness to indicate night time. I mean its been done in mmos for almost 15 years. Its slightly offputting to have such a completely static game world everywhere.


Sure every planet can maintain its theme and add a little darkness or for dromund slightly brighter. Nothing drastic to where you cant see at night. Is the game engine too bad to impliment it. Im sure it could be done by adding a few less things to the cartel that is added every month


It seems so dead and sterile. It would give way to more atmpshere. Sure you could argue a few planets might not ever have a night cycle but theoretics can only be used as a lame excuse for not doing something cool. Ie you couldnt logically conclude every planet doesnt rotate therefor there is no night. There arent enough excuses to apply to where you can argue that every planet wouldnt have a night cycle


Each planet could have its own hue of twilight etc etc. the engine already looks old and horrible enough and this would go a long way at least to slighlty change my constant perception that im playing such a crappy outdated engine


The only excuse not to would be the engine is too big of a pile to impliment it


I would fully support this request :)


Right up until the point in your OP where it became obvious this is just another thinly veiled attempt to have a dig at the CM and the engine. I personally think that whilst the engine may be limited in terms of scope, the graphics in SWTOR actually look very nice and are in keeping with the theme of the game.


I assume that BW could overcome any technical issues in implementing a day/night cycle however there may well be no compelling businss case to justify the development effort currently.


Your logic that day/night cycle does not exist because of the CM, or that day/night cycles could exist if less effort was put into the CM is flawed at best, but then you already know that before posting it. You know as well as I do that the CM team is entirely separate from the teams working on the core game.



Edited by ImperialSun
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I would fully support this request :)


Right up until the point in your OP where it became obvious this is just another thinly veiled attempt to have a dig at the CM and the engine. I personally think that whilst the engine may be limited in terms of scope, the graphics in SWTOR actually look very nice and are in keeping with the theme of the game.


I assume that BW could overcome any technical issues in implementing a day/night cycle however there may well be no compelling businss case to justify the development effort currently.


Your logic that day/night cycle does not exist because of the CM, or that day/night cycles could exist if less effort was put into the CM is flawed at best, but then you already know that before posting it. You know as well as I do that the CM team is entirely separate from the teams working on the core game.





I almost took this post seriously until i saw who it was from. Looks like my favorite klingon is back. You should really find something better to do than follow me around and post negative attacks at me under every post i make

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I support the request, just lower gamma, brightness and contrast a bit, don't even need changes in sky or so, would be nice.


And I want "Moonriver" to play quietly in the background :-))


...crossing you in style...


Thats about as practical as launching a mmo with a single player engine. Oh wait.... They did. Ok you win. If my monitor breaks expect a call from my attorney

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While Day/Night cycles would be cool, I think they are not needed. Having fixed day/night helps to create an atmosphere of certain location. For example, running Darvannis operation during day would make no sense.


Also, you would need a day/night cycle for every planet (shocking, I know, that different planet might have different day/night cycles) and not have it based around real world clock, because some people only play during nights, which would simply suck for them.


I think it is not a question of technically implementing it, as that would seem easy (add a clock to each planet and when it hits certain number, change lightning). Changing lightning is something BW can do on the fly, as proved by the recent graphics update, when lightning can change when entering building, etc.


I think it was a question of choice to have each planet with certain "feel" to it.

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I almost took this post seriously until i saw who it was from. Looks like my favorite klingon is back. You should really find something better to do than follow me around and post negative attacks at me under every post i make


Ummmmm who did I attack?


I simply pointed out that a) your OP was a thinly veiled way at trolling the CM and the game engine. Which it is, and b) that your assumption that day/night cycles could be acheived if less effort were put in to the CM is based in flawed logic. You DO understand that and you DID understand it when you posted it.


Just so you know, telling the truth is not considered an attack...



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Uh, dude... It's not like your name is a stamp of quality around here these days either... Just so you know.


I never intended my forum recognition to insinuate my character. As erroneous as your perception is. I didnt join forums to make friends. If i wanted to have a meaningless sparkly forum rep id kiss biohiney. I deliver facts if you dont like the way i defend them or myself that is your problem. Ill let my real life achievments vouch for my character.


My only purpose is to get my point across and at that ive been doing well. But once again what is it about me that makes it impossible for you to stay on topic and not make personal attacks an unbased judgements?


Last i checked none of these topics were about me no matter how hard you try to make it so. The only way your opnion would matter would be if i valued anything you said

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not having a day / night cycle is still one of the biggest mistakes in swtor's development.

they thought it would be cool to not have them, well it isnt.

mmo's are fantasy world simulations. Day night cycles are important, npc's going on with their business, maybe even going to sleep and open up shop during daytime including walking from shop to home is good design. having static npc's that just stand there all the time is lazy and bad, there's just no sweet talking around it, every other argument is just the bioware propaganda used to excuse for not having it.

(they would never say, they did not include it because they did not want to spend the development costs, they say: we chose to do it because its cooler and everyone who really believes that is a mindless zombie)

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They chose to not have day/night cycles for artistic reasons, look at some of the articles from before the game's launch and they talk about wanting the feel of every world and every location to be very specific.


Republic play's through Taris and it is bright, you are there to rebuild a planet....you get there as an Imperial and it is dusk and dark as you are there to kill a planet. Imperials hit Balmorra first and the time of day appears to be just before sunset, the end of an era as the Imperials change leadership and take control of the planet and bring in a dark time...Republic reaches it later and it appears to be sunrise, brighter, the dawning of a new age as the Republic frees the planet from imperial control.


This kind of artistic meaning is gone when you add in the day/night cycle.


BTW....I would love the day/night cycle to show up...on SOME worlds. Nar Shadda should have only night (the neons would look rediculous in the day, it would also be nigh impossible due to the smog cover from lore). Dromand Kaas is suppose to be in perpetual thunderstorms and makes no sense for light to really make it through the cloud-cover. Tat's night cycle would also have to be very very short. Alderaan and Hoth would look amazing at night (many of us have seen Hoth with an all black sky due to a glitch that still exists there).

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While Day/Night cycles would be cool, I think they are not needed. Having fixed day/night helps to create an atmosphere of certain location. For example, running Darvannis operation during day would make no sense.


rejecting day/night cycles completely because it wouldn't make sense in one specific examples doesn't really make sense.


day/night cycles have been a staple of MMOs for a very long time. it is a relatively basic feature among most MMOs.



as to the question: it was reported recently that the devs made an aesthetic choice not to go with them. 'snapshot in time' i believe was the term they used. i don't really agree with it. one, i don't agree that that was the reason, and two, i don't agree with that as a proper justification for not having them.


the whole story from 1-50 takes place over many years, so it's just silly to think we'd spend only a few hours on each planet where nothing would change. especially now that we have all of these missions that are taking us back.

each planet could be different with their cycle times, and they can still have artistic flavor with certain planets like drumond kaas perpetually storming and go from dark at night to still pretty grey during the day.

Edited by oaceen
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rejecting day/night cycles completely because it wouldn't make sense in one specific examples doesn't really make sense.
I do not reject them, I simply think they are not needed. I even outlined how relatively simple would adding them be (if my understanding of how lightning works in this game is correct).

as to the question: it was reported recently that the devs made an aesthetic choice not to go with them. 'snapshot in time' i believe was the term they used. i don't really agree with it. one, i don't agree that that was the reason, and two, i don't agree with that as a proper justification for not having them.
Absence of Day/Night cycles was confirmed pretty early in development for artistic reasons. It is nothing recent
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Well let's get real here then for a second. You say you want day/night cycles. How about a toilet routine. Surely even the sith must go to the loo. Why not throw in that you must eat and drink to survive. Also you need to sleep and you could catch a cold on Hoth or Alderaan, also then you will need medcine and bed rest. Your speeder runs on fuel so that will have to be refueled. Your armour gets sweaty so you will have to change it out for others whilst they are in the wash. Endless possibilities which can be implemented but would seem rather trivial.


Leave the game as the devs made it, they are entitled to their version.

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While Day/Night cycles would be cool, I think they are not needed. Having fixed day/night helps to create an atmosphere of certain location. For example, running Darvannis operation during day would make no sense.


I kinda agree with this. I think the fixed time works well with the planets we have and it has never really bothered me. I wouldn't say no if they implemented day/night cycles on new worlds in the future however. It'd be cool to see. If they do it well that is... I wouldn't want 30 minute timers or anything like that. If I remember correctly, SWG had a pretty short cycle and that always bothered me. On the other hand, having the cycles follow RL time isn't pefect either... Well, if they figure something out I'm all for it. Keep the current worlds as they are though.


IMy only purpose is to get my point across and at that ive been doing well. But once again what is it about me that makes it impossible for you to stay on topic and not make personal attacks an unbased judgements?


Didn't you just make a completely unrelated post about Assassins in the "I was lied to thread"?... Yeah... Staying on topic. And I simply stated that I think there are quite a few who don't take your posts very seriously either.

Edited by Trenter
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Wow u are extrmely gullible if you beleive that artistic reasons copout. Please explain how dimming the light for a few hours will void artistic expression. Its not a picasso its a fantasy simulation


You want to forgo some semblence of balance ad immersion for what? They can add night and keep their artistic vision. I fail to see how artistry would be removed if they added a bit of variety to the static boringness.


There would be no permanet mood or color pallette change. Its obviously an excuse necause atistry is in the eye of the beholder i personally think a night cycle would be more artistic than not

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I suppose I would like to see day/night cycles as well. But either they would be synched for all the planets, in which case people would complain that in itself is too artificial.


Or they would be planet specific, which might mean you could go from planet to planet as you played and maybe hit them during their night cycles all the time for a long stretch.


In which people would complain. "OMG, it's always night when I go to a planet why is the game broken?" And if you think they wouldn't complain about that then you haven't been paying attention.


This is one time I'm willing to give Bioware a bit of a pass if for no other reason than whatever they do people would still do what many of them do best....whine.

Edited by KennethHoover
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Well let's get real here then for a second. You say you want day/night cycles. How about a toilet routine. Surely even the sith must go to the loo. Why not throw in that you must eat and drink to survive. Also you need to sleep and you could catch a cold on Hoth or Alderaan, also then you will need medcine and bed rest. Your speeder runs on fuel so that will have to be refueled. Your armour gets sweaty so you will have to change it out for others whilst they are in the wash. Endless possibilities which can be implemented but would seem rather trivial.


Leave the game as the devs made it, they are entitled to their version.


Best strawman arguement of the year hands down.


To be fair, some planets have multiple suns. The total resistance by the community to so many MMO staple features is really puzzling to me though.

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Thx bud... i'll take it as a compliment ;)

Luckily they put rain cycle on Dromund Kaas otherwise this might also have been an issue. Oh heck where's the seasonal changes? I say enjoy it for what it is. Buggs is another story and one should ask for a fix or change in a tactfull mannner.


Best strawman arguement of the year hands down.


To be fair, some planets have multiple suns. The total resistance by the community to so many MMO staple features is really puzzling to me though.

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