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Who or what is your favorite Star Wars Character?!


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Man I'm dying to see what Ben and Sel will put......man I just can't think of anyone :rolleyes:


Traya for Sith,

Kreia for Grey.

Arren Kae for Jedi :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


But other contenders? Plo Koon, Ventress, Dooku, Maul, Mother talzin, Gethzerion and probably Plageuis.

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Anakin Skywalker up untill the point that he got the suit i didn't mind him dark side i just never cared for Darth vader when he got the suit . Jacen Solo / Darth Cadeus would be tied i only read 2 of the legacy books so far but he reminds me of anakin skywalker.
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  • Jacen Solo (one of the best developed characters of the Post-RotJ eras, esoteric abilities)
  • Boba Fett (the original Mando)
  • Cipher 9 (I loved, loved, loved the agent storyline)
  • Thrawn (genius)
  • Ganner Rhysode (epic finale)
  • King Adas (dual wield battle axes against Rakata Tech FTW!). Probably in that order as well.
Edited by StarSquirrel
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Dao Stryver (even though we see little of her), Exar Kun(all-time favorite) Darth Bane, and Jango Fett (people don't give him enough credit. Plus, I really enjoyed playing Bounty Hunter when it came out).


Honorable mention to: Boba Fett, Revan, Malgus, Kao Cen Darach, Ulic Qel-Droma, and the Sith Warrior from SWTOR (my personal favorite class, but seems a little too cliché to be a favorite)

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5. Celeste Morne.

4. LS Jaesa Willsaam.

3. Thrawn.

2. Ton Phanan. I laughed. I cried.

1. Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Not totally sure where to put it: Matt Stover's characterization of Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith. It's up there. Somewhere.


Also receiving votes: Xim, Xendor, the Jedi Exile, Nick Rostu, Wes Janson, Firmus Nantz, Gara/Lara/Kirney, Zsinj, Garm bel Iblis, Ganner Rhysode, Anakin Solo, Vergere.


Never receiving votes: Revan, Skadge, Darth Bane, Iceheart, Kyp Durron, Tahiri, any Rakata, any Mandalorian.


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I too enjoyed the Wraith Squadron books. Honestly, Kell was the guy I liked the most, but Lara was a fun character and Ton was just tragic.

Kell's all right. Face/Phanan and Wedge/Janson are pretty awesome, but Kell was good for a fair amount of comedy. The psychological issues that he had with combat were pretty well done, too. But what I did notice is that he very quickly dropped off the radar after Wraith Squadron. He was the main PoV character in that book, which was kind of a Kell OD. But after that, he slowly matures into a completely normal, competent professional. He's sort of there in Iron Fist, but in Solo Command he basically just shows up for the Binring mission and then stays in the background the whole time.


That's not an indictment of his character, or anything, far from it. But his lack of visibility in the later books means that he didn't really own any of the really good moments of those books. Phanan's always got his death scene, which is probably the single most powerful thing Allston's written for Star Wars. Face has basically everything starting with Iron Fist. Janson has Kettch and all the shenanigans on Adumar. Gara/Lara/Kirney has her epic breakdown - same with Donos - and then her Iron Fist takedown at Selaggis. Piggy has Mercy Kill. And Wedge, of course, is the God of War. But what do Tyria and Kell have? Well...less.

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Darth Revan. (He needs a book about his years as the dark lord, Jedi revans a *****.)


Darth Maul.


Darth Talon.


Marka Ragnos.


Naga Shadow.


Darth Nihilus.






Malak. (Probably the greatest SW villain ever, so underrated.)



Most hated








Every gungan


Anakin (pu55y a55 ******)





Sure there's alot more.

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