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A few Questions for us all...


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You, sir, are a maniac xD


Palpatine's megalomania over the flaws you perceive on the Jedi Order justifies it? :p

I just don't like good guys, and therefore enjoy seeing them killed. Is that so bad? :p


That said, Order 66 did do away with a rather stagnant Jedi Order, and paved a path for a better one under Luke.


EDIT: Dead Wookiee's thought, that was sad.

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1) Sith

2)Korriban,Dromund Kaas

3)single,purple, probably like a Sorcerer


5)Overlords Command Throne

6) Master Yoda

7) Darth Nox

8)Darth Dagrces

9)Revenge of the sith

10)return of the jedi

11)idk im not creative

12)episode 2 attack of the clones(across the stars)


14)I haven't gotten into the EU yet


16)A epic battle between good & evil


round 2



Rule of 2, it would be interesting being part of a thousand years of sith evolution.

imperial agents ship


Darth Vader

Master Yoda

Boba Fett

Changing the way Darth Sidious & Vader tried to turn Luke to the dark side

He would of caused more division, and would of made both Empires lose the war faster because the Republic would've sat back & watch them destroy themselves. No

I don't believe so

Vibroblades guy

No idea what that means

Never got a chance to get into the clone wars

order 66

When Padme said" So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause."

The Empire's defeat

"Why, Master Yoda, what a delightful surprise! Welcome! Let me be the first to wish you Happy Empire Day!"

Ian McDiarmid

whoever voices the sith warrior

Yoda vs Sidious

single bladed

Mind dominate

I do not know of any other

Across the stars

Satele Shan, so I can finish of the work that Malgus could not

Darth Marr, his idea of a unified Empire would make it nearly unstoppable

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[*]Revan or Meetra?


If you could belong to any Era of Jedi/Sith orders, which would you belong to and why?

Post-Dark Wars, the sole purpose of helping rebuild the remnants of the old Order into a superior Order lacking the same mistakes as before, an actual evolution of the Jedi.

If you could belong to any Non-Force Sensitive order, which'd you pick and why....

Havoc squad, they do whatever it takes to defend the Republic.

If you could have ONE ship, which'd you pick? Any class.

Assertor-class Star Dreadnought

Favorite Character?

Meetra Surik

Favorite Jedi?

Meetra Surik.

Favorite Sith?

Kel'eth Ur

Favorite Non-Force User?

Ulic Qel-Droma(No longer force sensitive).

If you could change one thing in Galactic History, what would you change?

Scourge's choice.

If Malgus' Sith Empire had survived the False Emperor storyline, what do you think would have happened? Would he have won the war? Would you have joined him?

No and no.

Pre-TPM or Post ROTJ?


Favorite Clone Wars episode.

Maul's arc.

Your favorite Star Wars scene.

Vader's redemption.

Funniest moment.

HK-47 revealing Malak was the original meatbag.

Saddest moment.

Padme's spirit forgiving 'Anakin'.

Favorite quote.

"Eternal life…"

"The ultimate goal of the Sith, yet they can never achieve it; it comes only through the release of self, not the exaltation of self. It comes through compassion, not greed. Love is the answer to the darkness."

―Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn

Favourite Actor.

Ian McDiarmid.

Favourite Voice Actor.

Grey DeLisle

Favourite Lightsaber Duel.

Kol Skywalker's final stand.

Favourite Lightsaber Hilt.

Satele's, beautiful hilt.

You can master any one Force power or technique, which would you pick?

Achieving immortality as a Force Ghost.

If not Jedi or Sith, which Order of Force users would you join?

Order of the Silver Jedi.

What is your favorite music track from the movies?

Yoda's teachings.

If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as a rival and why?

Darth Bane, so I can stamp out the source of the Rule of Two.

If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as an ally and why?

Master Fay, I would much rather travel the galaxy and stop wars than fight those wars in it.


Finally done.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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A few questions, courtesy of Jensarai, Yarael Poof and his fan...

I thought it'd be nice for us to answer together, looking at each others opinions and see what we agree on and disagree on....


1)Jedi or Sith?Jedi


2) Favorite Worlds?Iridonia, Talus, Alderaan to name a few.


3) Type of lightsaber, Lightsaber color and fighting style?Single blade, maybe with a slight curve. Orange blade. Soresu/Ataru/Makashi styles.


4)Favorite Species?Zabrak!


5)Favorite vehicle?X-WING!


6)If you were a Jedi which master would you want?Hard to choose, but Saba Sebatyne would be a good one to learn from.


7)If you were a Sith which master would you want?Zannah.


8)If you were a Sith, then what would your "Darth" Name Be?I would not use a Darth name.


9)Favorite Film?ESB


10)Least favorite film?AotC, those scenes beteen Anakin and Padme, especially the "love" scenes, were forced. No chemistry between the actors at all.


11)If you could write your own Star Wars novel, what would it be about?Follow link to find out;)http://kilikaa.deviantart.com/gallery/


12)Which film has your favorite soundtrack?The Clone Wars movie


13)Do you collect figures?I have a couple, yes


14)In your opinion, what is the best thing about the EU?How it expands upon the SW universe and does so in a singular timeline.


15)In your opinion, what are the worst things about the EU?The Crystal Star and Death Troopers. horriblee novels.


16)What Does Star Wars mean to you?Adventure, excitement and a great way to kill time lol.



Round 2:



[*]Revan or Meetra?Meetra. Revan is over-rated.

[*] If you could belong to any Era of Jedi/Sith orders, which would you belong to and why?Skywalker's NJO. More freedom to live my life the way I want.

[*]If you could belong to any Non-Force Sensitive order, which'd you pick and why.... And yes, simply being a smuggler counts :jawa_wink:New Republic/Galactic Alliance Starfighter Command. I love X-Wings.

[*]If you could have ONE ship, which'd you pick? Any class.See Above.

[*]Favorite Star wars animal?NEXU!

[*]Favorite Character?Jaina Solo

[*]Favorite Jedi?See above.

[*]Favorite Sith?Zannah

[*] Favorite Non-Force dude? :p

[*] If you could change one thing in Galactic History, what would you change?Mara Jade's death. I would not save her, as much as I would love to, I would just give her a more fitting death.

[*] If Malgus' Sith Empire had survived the False Emperor storyline, what do you think would have happened? Would he have won the war? Would you have joined him?Sith and Republic team up to defeat Malgus before turning on each other again. No, I would not join him. I hate Malgus.

[*] Do you think Darth was originally intended to be Darth Vader's first name? (always bugged me)Since Darth is just a title, no.

[*] Which blaster would you wield, if you did? Or you A Vibroblades guy?Rifle-wise would be either a TC-22 or DC-15. Pistol-wise would be a FWG-5

[*] Pre-TPM or Post ROTJ?Post Jedi.


Answers in red.

Edited by Kilikaa
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Round 2:



  • Revan or Meetra?
  • If you could belong to any Era of Jedi/Sith orders, which would you belong to and why?
    Bane's Order of Sithlords. True power and only have to worry about one person taking your power.
  • If you could belong to any Non-Force Sensitive order, which'd you pick and why
    SIS. Big James Bond fan so have to be spy.
  • If you could have ONE ship, which'd you pick? Any class.
    (Not strong enough opinion)
  • Favorite Star wars animal?
    (Not strong enough opinion)
  • Favorite Character?
    Darth Bane
  • Favorite Jedi?
  • Favorite Sith?
    Excluding Bane, Exar Kun
  • Favorite Non-Force dude?
    Jet Nebula
  • If you could change one thing in Galactic History, what would you change?
    How the Senate/Republic uses the Jedi as a scapegoat for their troubles
  • If Malgus' Sith Empire had survived the False Emperor storyline, what do you think would have happened? Would he have won the war? Would you have joined him?
    Lost, Lost, Yes
  • Do you think Darth was originally intended to be Darth Vader's first name? (always bugged me)
  • Which blaster would you wield, if you did? Or you A Vibroblades guy?
    (Not strong enough opinion)
  • Pre-TPM or Post ROTJ?
    Courtesy of Beni...
  • Favorite Clone Wars episode.
    Only saw a few but the ones with Maul's return pretty cool
  • Your favorite Star Wars scene.
    First time see Yoda duel in Eps II
  • Funniest moment.
    Jar Jar stepping in poo
  • Saddest moment
    When Anakin chokes Padme
  • Favorite quote
    Yoda: Blind we are, of creation of this clone army we could not see.
    Mace Windu: I think it is time we inform the senate that our ability to use the force has diminished.
    Yoda: Only a Dark Lord of the Sith knows of our weakness. If informed the senate is, multiply our adversaries will.
  • Favourite Actor
    Ian McDiarmid
  • Favourite Voice Actor
    Frank Oz
  • Favourite Lightsaber Duel
    Yoda vs Dooku
  • Favourite Lightsaber Hilt


And Aurbere, Rayla and Mathemagica (and Sell-Dog!!!)

  • You can master any one Force power or technique, which would you pick?
  • If not Jedi or Sith, which Order of Force users would you join?
    Grey Jedi (if that counts)
  • What is your favorite music track from the movies?
    all cool
    (The following answers are neutral not picking a Jedi or Sith side necessarily)
  • If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as a rival and why?
    Any Jedi that shoots lightning (especially Plo Koon!! ha just kidding), Naga Sadow b/c he's an ugly and conceited punk, or Lord Kaan for the obvious reasons
  • If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as an ally and why?
    Darth Marr or Yoda. Both are powerful. Yoda for obvious reasons. Marr b/c he keeps goals in perspective.


Please see above

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Round 2:



  • Revan or Meetra?
  • If you could belong to any Era of Jedi/Sith orders, which would you belong to and why?
  • If you could belong to any Non-Force Sensitive order, which'd you pick and why.... And yes, simply being a smuggler counts :jawa_wink:
  • If you could have ONE ship, which'd you pick? Any class.
  • Favorite Star wars animal?
  • Favorite Character?
  • Favorite Jedi?
  • Favorite Sith?
  • Favorite Non-Force dude? :p
  • If you could change one thing in Galactic History, what would you change?
  • If Malgus' Sith Empire had survived the False Emperor storyline, what do you think would have happened? Would he have won the war? Would you have joined him?
  • Do you think Darth was originally intended to be Darth Vader's first name? (always bugged me)
  • Which blaster would you wield, if you did? Or you A Vibroblades guy?
  • Pre-TPM or Post ROTJ?
    Courtesy of Beni...
  • Favorite Clone Wars episode.
  • Your favorite Star Wars scene.
  • Funniest moment.
  • Saddest moment
  • Favorite quote
  • Favourite Actor
  • Favourite Voice Actor
  • Favourite Lightsaber Duel
  • Favourite Lightsaber Hilt


And Aurbere, Rayla and Mathemagica

  • You can master any one Force power or technique, which would you pick?
  • If not Jedi or Sith, which Order of Force users would you join?
  • What is your favorite music track from the movies?
  • If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as a rival and why?
  • If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as an ally and why?


Jesus this was long....


Round 2(fight!)

1)you guessed it....Revan.

2) Probably either TOR or CW era

3) None, I'd just create my own...

4) Nebula class

5) Veractyl

6) Revan/Obi wan

7) Revan/Obi wan

8) Vader

9) Echo *sniff*

10) Luke Skywalker's birth......or conception....

11) Nope. Nope aaaand Nope


13) DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System (DC-17m ICWS)

14) Pre-TPM.....because Luke Skywalker ruled in Post ROTJ....


15) Supply Lines, The Lawless, Massicare, Umbara Arc, Counterattack( why Echo why?!)

16) All the NOOOOS really

17) Luke Skaywalker's face

18) Obi wan dying

19) What?

20) Ewan McGregor

21) James Earl Jones

22) Obi vs Ani

23) Obi Wan's hilt


25) All kinds of Mind Tricks

26) None I'd just create my own....

27) Augie's Great Municipal Band

28) Hmmmm, other than Luke, Revan amd stuff.......Sidious & Vader. Hell Yeah!

29) Obi Wan Kenobi. Nuff Said.



Now Tell me....isn't this a lovely post? :p

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Round 2:



  • Revan or Meetra?
  • If you could belong to any Era of Jedi/Sith orders, which would you belong to and why?
  • If you could belong to any Non-Force Sensitive order, which'd you pick and why.... And yes, simply being a smuggler counts :jawa_wink:
  • If you could have ONE ship, which'd you pick? Any class.
  • Favorite Star wars animal?
  • Favorite Character?
  • Favorite Jedi?
  • Favorite Sith?
  • Favorite Non-Force dude? :p
  • If you could change one thing in Galactic History, what would you change?
  • If Malgus' Sith Empire had survived the False Emperor storyline, what do you think would have happened? Would he have won the war? Would you have joined him?
  • Do you think Darth was originally intended to be Darth Vader's first name? (always bugged me)
  • Which blaster would you wield, if you did? Or you A Vibroblades guy?
  • Pre-TPM or Post ROTJ?
    Courtesy of Beni...
  • Favorite Clone Wars episode.
  • Your favorite Star Wars scene.
  • Funniest moment.
  • Saddest moment
  • Favorite quote
  • Favourite Actor
  • Favourite Voice Actor
  • Favourite Lightsaber Duel
  • Favourite Lightsaber Hilt


And Aurbere, Rayla and Mathemagica

  • You can master any one Force power or technique, which would you pick?
  • If not Jedi or Sith, which Order of Force users would you join?
  • What is your favorite music track from the movies?
  • If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as a rival and why?
  • If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as an ally and why?


Jesus this was long....


1. Revan

2. NJO.... freedom

3. Rebel special ops because fighting for a cause and still being able to do it how ever I please is the best way to me.

4. Majestic-class Heavy cruiser its such a nice ship both in look and well rounded even its name is Majestic :).

5.Tauntaun so helpful

6. Luke

7...... Luke.....

8. Vader

9. Wedge

10. Maul surviving being chopped in half and falling hundreds of feat and some how not ending up dead from shock alone.

11. If I was darkside I would have joined him but he would not have lasted it would have just been a third faction that would have been gobbled up and destroyed in the war at a later time.

12. No

13. AC-280 I love me some armor piercing blasters

14. post-RotJ



1. haven't watched enough hard to get into with all the retcons that I find to be total BS and the little explanations I have heard have also been total BS.

2. everytime I think I have one I think of another can I not awnser this one so many epic moments.... uggh

3. R2 zapping the Ewok after he was set free in RotJ

4. Dead Ewok scene.

5. You're all clear kid now lets blow this thing and go home

6. Harrison Ford

7. Mark Hamill

8. RotJ Luke Vs Vader

9. Luke's so rugged.

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One thing I sorta wanna address....


The Darth thing... Look at the script a little closer, the way he's referred to as "Darth".... This was before all the info looking into the background of Darth, and before we even knew the Emperor was named Sidious.

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Is Tunewalker the first to say Post-ROTJ? :o


for me there is often times no tension in Pre-TPM..... oh no is Obi-wan going to live I mean I don't know..... oh know Qui-gon is in a tight spot is he going to die? /sarcasm its why I generally don't care for the before time something time lines there is little tension I already know who is going to live so I cant be invested that's why I like asking what happens next rather then what happened back then, unless back then is really far back so Old republic kind of thing.

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for me there is often times no tension in Pre-TPM..... oh no is Obi-wan going to live I mean I don't know..... oh know Qui-gon is in a tight spot is he going to die? /sarcasm its why I generally don't care for the before time something time lines there is little tension I already know who is going to live so I cant be invested that's why I like asking what happens next rather then what happened back then, unless back then is really far back so Old republic kind of thing.


As opposed to... "Oh, is luke going to one shot this guy in So-and-So way or This-way?"





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As opposed to... "Oh, is luke going to one shot this guy in So-and-So way or This-way?"






Well you have to remember when I picked up Post-RotJ we didn't know Luke was going to become that powerful at the time when talking about Post-RotJ I don't usually think about anything past 20 ABY as much past that is just so far past RotJ that it can be considered its own time line and most things pre 20 ABY didn't have Luke at ROLF powerful level things were reasonable.

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Well you have to remember when I picked up Post-RotJ we didn't know Luke was going to become that powerful at the time when talking about Post-RotJ I don't usually think about anything past 20 ABY as much past that is just so far past RotJ that it can be considered its own time line and most things pre 20 ABY didn't have Luke at ROLF powerful level things were reasonable.


Ahh, Ok... It was meant to be a Before-Movies or After Movies question... But that works too :p

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Ahh, Ok... It was meant to be a Before-Movies or After Movies question... But that works too :p


Well if we were to talk EVERTHING before vs EVERYTHING after then obviously before there is just so much more stuff that's explored before, I just don't care about anything that has to do with the Prequel knights before TPM but the old republic stuff like this game or KotoR or Exar Kun and such of course they have thousands of years of history to explore while Post RotJ they have only gone to about 130 years after it so there is just so much less space explored so when thinking Pre TPM and Post RotJ I don't like to think of it as EVERTHING before or EVERTHING after because I find there to me more era's spread out then just everything Pre TPM or Post RotJ when stuff like the old republic are so far removed they have nothing to do with the movies. And stuff like the Yuuzong Vong war are also incredibly removed. Once you have removed yourself that far I consider them part of their own era rather then the era of the movies.

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Am I really the only one on here that doesn't mind GM Luke?


No I didn't mind him truthfully it was just hard to have tension when you felt 1 guy could solo the situation. At the same time I really like the idea of the Yuuzong Vong as well the hate is likely how they handled it more so then anything else.



And the whole hating Post-RotJ because of all the OP stuff well look at force unleashed, look at Vitiate, look at Nihilus at the end of the day star wars has a lot of OP characters and stuff in it. Its not regulated to Post RotJ Luke.

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