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oh. ( free rothc for subs )


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So you're saying that they should straight up tell their most loyal customers "LOL THANKS FOR YOUR MONEY BUT TIME TO GIVE LOTS OF STUFF TO NEW PEOPLE WHO ARE CLEARLY MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU"


Like I said earlier I'm not even sure why I reply to you since you spout the most inane blather in General. If only Ansalem were here to dogpile you with me :<


Shine on, you crazy fanboy diamond.


oo..... I'm shaking with fear and horror at your ad hominem attacks. :p


You are a loyal subscriber since launch, yes?

So am I.


You are bent over this. Yes?

I am not.


Did you get $10 worth of entertainment value for your RoTHC purchase? I did.

Did you pre-order/purchase early? I did.


We discuss it and disagree. None of this has anything to do Bioware.. at least not to me.


Protip: You'll survive. I'm certain of it. :)

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What is the spin?


I was an early adopter and I understand that I pay a small price for doing so. Bioware made 10 bucks off me...so what.


I have no sense that I am owed anything. Prices change in the industry all the time. When a steam sale goes up and someone paid 50 dollars the day before, they don't get a refund. This was 10 freakin bucks and now its free. And even in this case bioware is covering recent adopters with some coins.


Anyone moaning and crying that they don't feel appreciated has bigger, deep seeded issues that they need to take care of. I never log on and think...bioware doesn't appreciate me while I sulk in the corner.


If I ever do feel that way ill cancel my sub and go play something else.


Not to get off topic, but i'm referring to the fact that Andryah is ALWAYS on the side of bioware, no matter what the "outrage" or "issue".

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So you're saying that they should straight up tell their most loyal customers "LOL THANKS FOR YOUR MONEY BUT TIME TO GIVE LOTS OF STUFF TO NEW PEOPLE WHO ARE CLEARLY MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU"


Like I said earlier I'm not even sure why I reply to you since you spout the most inane blather in General. If only Ansalem were here to dogpile you with me :<


Shine on, you crazy fanboy diamond.


I'd also like to point out that giving everyone funny money (cartel coins) costs them literally nothing. That's like, what, three gamble packs a person? If they're so broken up about losing potential cartel coin sales they could easily drop the cc amount to under ten bucks, you could even make it an odd number so people would have some cc left over to encourage more buying if you want to do it that way

Likewise, a title costs them nothing too. They could easily implement two titles and it would make everyone happy. It would be so easy.


Did you want a parade?

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Not sure why you even bother continuing going to these forums. Everyone sane can tell you're spinning as furiously as Fox News.


I enjoy the game and enjoy discussing the game with other subscribers to the game. I don't need everyone to agree with me. Why is it that you do? I welcome disagreement and open discussion. Why are you so intent that only people who agree with you post in the forums?


If this was your attempt to intimidate me from posting in this thread.. you failed.



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Looks like I made some mads


That's cute


I enjoy the game and enjoy discussing the game with other subscribers to the game. I don't need everyone to agree with me. Why is it that you do? I welcome disagreement and open discussion. Why are you so intent that only people who agree with you post in the forums?


If this was your attempt to intimidate me from posting in this thread.. you failed.




I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I do expect people to have an opinion different than "x is always right and y is always wrong".

And it's not intimidation, simply ridicule.

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Not to get off topic, but i'm referring to the fact that Andryah is ALWAYS on the side of bioware, no matter what the "outrage" or "issue".


I've see her disagree with bioware a lot.


And just for the record, defending a business or their right to do XYZ is just defending the principle.


There are a lot of things of like to see change in this game but I'm smart enough to know they need to make money and they will keep pushing that line when people are buying.


Its not bioware's fault gamers talk a big talk and then take it anyway. Gamers, and consumers in genersl, have zero self control.

Edited by Arkerus
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I've see her disagree with bioware a lot.


And just for the record, defending a business or their right to do XYZ is just defending the principle.


There are a lot of things of like to see change in this game but I'm smart enough to know they need to make money and they will keep pushing that line when people are buying.


Its not bioware's fault gamers talk a big talk and then take it anyway. Gamers, and consumers in genersl, have zero self control.


Ooh, I love victim blaming. Tell me more.

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Not to get off topic, but i'm referring to the fact that Andryah is ALWAYS on the side of bioware, no matter what the "outrage" or "issue".


I love it when someone decides to get absolute in their ad hominem attacks.


ALWAYS you say? Really?




here.. let me give you the cliff notes version... I am highly critical of Bioware in that thread because instead of manning up and doing proper class redesign to allow players to properly deep-spec hybrids as pure DPS.. they are going to cheese out by making endless micro-tweaks to classes and just piss people off forever.


So much for ALWAYS. Suck it up. :D Let me know if you need more examples of me being critical of Bioware.. since I know you can't be bothered to actually read my posts where I am. Fair warning though.. the first one was free.. the rest are pay-2-access DLC. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Ooh, I love victim blaming. Tell me more.


Who's the victim?


The only reason companies charge for DLC and use cash shops is because consumers eat it up.


The market supports it. Trying to argue that is like trying to argue the earth is flat.


Companies wouldn't run these practices if consumers weren't buying it. The model would fall flat.


But alas, gamers buy it all up.

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I love it when someone decides to get absolute in their ad hominem attacks.


ALWAYS you say? Really?




here.. let me give you the cliff notes version... I am highly critical of Bioware in that thread because instead of manning up and doing proper class redesign to allow players to properly deep-spec hybrids as pure DPS.. they are going to cheese out by making endless micro-tweaks to classes and just piss people off forever.


So much for ALWAYS. Suck it up. :D Let me know if you need more examples of me being critical of Bioware.. since I know you can't be bothered to actually read my posts where I am. Fair warning though.. the first one was free.. the rest are pay-2-access DLC. :p


There was also that one about the underwhelming rewards of the legacy system that you made months ago. There is way too much to dig through to find it so I'll pass on putting that supporting evidence.


Still, though I will say that there are situations in which Andrayh's defense of Bioware where they deserved such criticism were a bit on the irritating side.


I try to speak as little negativity as possible because I do thoroughly enjoy this game but I do see there are some faults that should be fixed.

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j/k i'm sure there was an exception in there but I don't have the fortitude to comb through an entire post history

Maybe you've got time for that but I'm doing things like killing bosses and improving the game with my feedback on the PTS




I think we've thoroughly derailed this thread though :s

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I'm not upset about it, but I do fear it might send a bad message to the players, particular those that pay for it. Right now the message is pay for earlier access or you can wait and get it for free. How many people are going to hold off on buying the next expansion because they assume they can get it free in a few months? I might, depending on what it is. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if this impact future expansion packs sales. Edited by SithEmpress
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Right now the message is pay for earlier access or you can wait and get it for free.


Old message though.. been around for years now, and not just in the MMO industry.


How many people are going to hold off on buying the next expansion because they assume they can get it free in a few months?


These are MMO players we are talking about here.


I won't derail the line of discussion by linking all the rage about the B/B and W/W dyes not being on the CM right nao! for 2000/1000CC each. :p These same dyes that last week were rage worthy for their overpriced nature. :p


Some people will wait. Not everyone needs access or wants access to an new expac. But the majority will and they will pay a premium for the right to get it early, get early access, and get virtual freebies that they won't get if they wait. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Old message though.. been around for years now, and not just in the MMO industry.


I think people have less issues with the xpac becoming free than they do with the "reward" for buying it late (the CC's). I'm guessing it's just to keep people from demanding a refund during a certain statute of limitations. They thought it would sound better if they labeled it as a reward of appreciation, and that backfired for some, obviously.


I couldn't care less about those CCs, but since it's not an actual item, I don't see why it would hurt them at this point to just give them to everyone who bought the xpac and is a subscriber.

Edited by chuixupu
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Nothing in my comment to you in any way undermined what you stated. Sorry if I did not make that clear enough.


I used your comment to make a specific set of points... for readers in general.. not as a rebuttal to you. :)


Early adopters that think they deserve the coins too.. they are just greedy self-interested people and I could care less what they feel they deserve. Note: I am an early adopter.


And there you go doing it again. That's not what I was saying. Nowhere did I suggest early adopters deserved coins, so stop putting words in mouths (seems to be quite a habit you have for this). I'd appreciate it if you didn't quote me out of context as a launch pad into some more general tirade, its pretty poor netiquette.

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I bought two pairs of pants at the store last week and this week they have a sale of buy one get one free pants, I should go to the store and demand my money back right?


A lot of stores have a low price policy. If this were Walmart or Best Buy, for instance, they would honor the sale and give you the difference. I get your point and I wouldn't expect any money back. IMO this is a good thing. I just think your analogy was bad.

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Marketing. No more, no less.


It also hints that there must be a new expac coming sometime in the next 6 months... because an MMO always has another one coming before they start discounting or giving the old one away. I'm surprised we have not seen any hints yet.... unless SSSP is the hint of what is coming.


Most likely and would totally rock!

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And there you go doing it again. That's not what I was saying.


And there you go again.. acussing me of doing something I'm not doing.


Stop being so sensitive. I can quote and make any comment I choose. As can you. Most readers can understand and tell the difference as opinions are expressed. Besides. if I was singling your comment out for direct rebuttal.. I am much more direct about it and anyone who knows me knows this about me.


But I tell you what.....I'll be sure to add the following disclaimer though if it helps: "Cernow was in no way targeted by my opinion, nor does my opinion in any way reflect on him either positive or negative. The opinions expressed in this post are mine and are in no way reflective, refractive, or any way theoretically aligned or misaligned with any comments made by Cernow.. even when I quote him as a stepping off point for this comment" ;)






Note To Readers: "Cernow was in no way targeted by my opinion, nor does my opinion in any way reflect on him either positive or negative. The opinions expressed in this post are mine and are in no way reflective, refractive, or any way theoretically aligned or misaligned with any comments made by Cernow.. even when I quote him as a stepping off point for this comment".

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I bought two pairs of pants at the store last week and this week they have a sale of buy one get one free pants, I should go to the store and demand my money back right?


In fairness some stores WILL actually do that, if a sale on exactly what you bought is within a certain time frame and you bring in said items with the receipt they will honor that sale. Now nothing says they have to do that or that they will do that, but in trying to appease some of their customer base they will make policies like that part of their company mission statement.


With that said, do I actually expect to get my money back, in full or even partially? No I don't. I see they are giving out a title, which in general I don't really care for and think maybe they should throw something else in there to sweeten the deal some more, but you also aren't going to see me start 100 "EAWARE is the worst company evarrrrzzzz!!!111!!1!!1!" threads either. Maybe toss in something that doesn't ahave to cost them anything but people may actually want/use like a free character slot or maybe a free character rename or server transfer. Or even better give those people eligible a choice of 1 of X, Y, or Z. There are ways to hold that bottom line and still appease the customer base.

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A lot of stores have a low price policy. If this were Walmart or Best Buy, for instance, they would honor the sale and give you the difference. I get your point and I wouldn't expect any money back. IMO this is a good thing. I just think your analogy was bad.


Don't think it was bad, know for sure it was a bad analogy.

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Old message though.. been around for years now, and not just in the MMO industry.




These are MMO players we are talking about here.


I won't derail the line of discussion by linking all the rage about the B/B and W/W dyes not being on the CM right nao! for 2000/1000CC each. :p These same dyes that last week were rage worthy for their overpriced nature. :p


Some people will wait. Not everyone needs access or wants access to an new expac. But the majority will and they will pay a premium for the right to get it early, get early access, and get virtual freebies that they won't get if they wait. :)


Whether that message has been around for years in this industry or not, it doesn't make it a good practice to try and do.

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I think this is a good move on Bioware's part. Probably could have had a better "refund" for those who bought it recently, like a month free or something.


I don't get the outrage from the early purchasers though. It was either $10 or $15, months ago. Some of us paid $60 or more for the game up front too, now it's free. Games devalue rapidly.


There is also an ulterior motive at work here that I haven't seen anyone bring up. If any CM content is restricted to owners of the expansion, then they are excluding a lot of potential customers. Not that this is "shady" or anything, this is how it is supposed to work. Spending money to make money.

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so i came back two months ago and used a game time card - does that make me an active subscriber - cause i dont get a stipend at all. i've changed my payment plan to monthly - but the date is only for the 23rd of September.


will this mean i dont get anything - not even the lousy title?

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In fairness some stores WILL actually do that, if a sale on exactly what you bought is within a certain time frame and you bring in said items with the receipt they will honor that sale. Now nothing says they have to do that or that they will do that, but in trying to appease some of their customer base they will make policies like that part of their company mission statement.


Within a certain time frame is the key. It's usually not 6 months later. I think the CCs are kind of their way of having that kind of "sale".


I think they definitely need someone who is more saavy with PR and advertising though. Seems like they make mistakes every step of the way.


I think this is a good move on Bioware's part. Probably could have had a better "refund" for those who bought it recently, like a month free or something.


I don't get the outrage from the early purchasers though. It was either $10 or $15, months ago. Some of us paid $60 or more for the game up front too, now it's free. Games devalue rapidly.


Look, guys, someone who is about as far from being a white knight as possible thinks this is a good move, maybe it's not the slap in the face you think it is. :D


There is also an ulterior motive at work here that I haven't seen anyone bring up. If any CM content is restricted to owners of the expansion, then they are excluding a lot of potential customers. Not that this is "shady" or anything, this is how it is supposed to work. Spending money to make money.


I'm pretty sure there isn't any CM content that is restricted to owners of the expansion. None that I can think of, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. The only content that is restricted to owners of the expansion is the expansion content itself (Makeb, Czerka, Oricon, level 55 Operations and flashpoints.)

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