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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

oh. ( free rothc for subs )


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Tell me guys, do you return your movie tickets when the movies start running on HBO or Netflix? What about DVDs you've bought?

Do you return your $60 new games when they're on sale for $15?



No? I didn't think so.


But there's actually a real market for used games. Especially with outliers like Disgaea or Valkyrie Profile where they exceed original sale price.

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This is just sad, I got my friend to re-sub 3 days ago. He did and then had to buy ROTHC to lvl up and goto Makeb. Now it will be free, he is going to be pissed when he gets home. BW/EA better make it right somehow and anyone that re-subbed within the past week should be given a refund.


He'll be less so when he gets his 1050CC in the bank at the end of the month. Buya few pack sell on the GTN and turn into game credits if hes not into the CM. Thats half way to a treek unlock, or cathar + packs.

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ROTHC's content wasn't worth the10 dollars to begin with....how could I have possibly gotten my money's worth already.


This is EAs continued gouging and dismissal of current subscribers worth....they know we are already on the hook right. What's the point of trying to do right by the people who have been with you from the start? Clearly after all the crap they've served up and gotten away with already, none of us are going anywhere....right?


It's not getting better.....it's getting worse.


In your opinion. I personally felt content was worth $10. Got more enjoyment out of that than say gut bomb from poor fast food for about the same price, or 3 hours of sitting through a bad movie (John Carter goes to Mars anyone?).


Not saying wipe tush and flush it, but $10 really isn't all that much when compared to most things today.

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Tell me guys, do you return your movie tickets when the movies start running on HBO or Netflix? What about DVDs you've bought?

Do you return your $60 new games when they're on sale for $15?



No? I didn't think so.


Don't even get me started on what happened when VHS went out of style....

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I would just like to say F$*# EA and whoever decided on putting a limited window on the CCs. I bought the expansion on the 4th of August. The FOURTH! I got a little bit over a month of access to the content, and now it's becoming free for all subs. And since it was just that week over a month, I get NOTHING for the money I gave to the company besides a ****** title I'll never use.


Edited to change "game" to "expansion". I've been here since pre-order.

Edited by Auricelia
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In your opinion. I personally felt content was worth $10. Got more enjoyment out of that than say gut bomb from poor fast food for about the same price, or 3 hours of sitting through a bad movie (John Carter goes to Mars anyone?).


Not saying wipe tush and flush it, but $10 really isn't all that much when compared to most things today.


As if your opinion is at all viable....you don't even like the John Carter movie. You prolly don't like The Goonies either.

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I would just like to say F$*# EA and whoever decided on putting a limited window on the CCs. I bought the game on the 4th of August. The FOURTH! I got a little bit over a month of access to the content, and now it's becoming free for all subs. And since it was just that week over a month, I get NOTHING for the money I gave to the company besides a ****** title I'll never use.


Don't feel bad. I bought it for $20 bucks on August 9th. lol

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I must confess... even tho I usually try to support BW in their actions im alil annoyed that ppl who have supported the game throughout only get a title... where as other ppl get the the exp for free and 1000+ cartel coins. like atleast give us loyalists a varactyl variant. idk, I just feel like we got the short shaft this round.
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This game is turning into the train wreck SWG became.


Getting closer and closer to quitting due to the lack of respect and service from these rotten, scummy, *****.


I certainly do feel entitled. I am paying to play this game.



I was under the false impression that going F2P would get more people to try the game, then subscribe. However, instead of subs getting perks insane or new content for everyone, it seems like every update has been broken/bugged, given f2P less restrictions/ incentive to sub and more stuff reskinned and offered back to us.

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I must confess... even tho I usually try to support BW in their actions im alil annoyed that ppl who have supported the game throughout only get a title... where as other ppl get the the exp for free and 1000+ cartel coins. like atleast give us loyalists a varactyl variant. idk, I just feel like we got the short shaft this round.


This is what happens when people don't read. The only ones getting CCs are those who paid for the expansion in the last month.

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I must confess... even tho I usually try to support BW in their actions im alil annoyed that ppl who have supported the game throughout only get a title... where as other ppl get the the exp for free and 1000+ cartel coins. like atleast give us loyalists a varactyl variant. idk, I just feel like we got the short shaft this round.



They are giving a title?!?! I sure they know where they can stick that.

I would rather nothing over some title I will NEVER use, anyone satisfied with a title clearly ate too many paint chips as a child.

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This game is turning into the train wreck SWG became.


Getting closer and closer to quitting due to the lack of respect and service from these rotten, scummy, *****.


I certainly do feel entitled. I am paying to play this game.



I was under the false impression that going F2P would get more people to try the game, then subscribe. However, instead of subs getting perks insane or new content for everyone, it seems like every update has been broken/bugged, given f2P less restrictions/ incentive to sub and more stuff reskinned and offered back to us.




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This game is turning into the train wreck SWG became.


Getting closer and closer to quitting due to the lack of respect and service from these rotten, scummy, *****.


I certainly do feel entitled. I am paying to play this game.



And you got to play that game and are far more along than others who haven't yet purchased said game. Will also have access to the high end gear sooner (having higher levels) had access to the end game crafting sooner and over all had 4 months of play.


It was worth $10 back then. As of next few weeks it will be worth $15 dollar subscription. Those who have paid for it in the last few weeks get 1050CC for not having had 4 months as not having had $10 worth of entertainment value out of it.


If you don't feel like you have gotten your value of out it, that is unfortunate. BUT demanding more when you paid for what was offered is not acceptable.

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So I bought the "expansion" because it was supposed to be the only way to play the new content, if you would've told me that in reality it was a 6 month early access to the expansion I would've kept my money and wait 6 months.


And no title is worth 10$ to me, you can keep your fancy title.

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So I bought the "expansion" because it was supposed to be the only way to play the new content, if you would've told me that in reality it was a 6 month early access to the expansion I would've kept my money and wait 6 months.


And no title is worth 10$ to me, you can keep your fancy title.


I preorded the digital deluxe version of the game, then it went F2P. It's the way the industry works. You got what you paid for.

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I preorded the digital deluxe version of the game, then it went F2P. It's the way the industry works. You got what you paid for.


So basically, I shouldn't buy stuff from swtor because they will probably give it for free later on?, lesson learned i guess.

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