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I find this a bit saddening about grouping


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Ive been playing since the 17th and I'm already a bit saddened to one big thing Ive noticed.....


no one bothers to group unless its a flashpoint or heroic quest. I understand some people don't like working in groups but come on this is a MMO not Kotor. it sucks how some people don't want to even do mundane side quests with each other. which was one of the reasons i left WoW. I know this sounds like a rant and it is but for good reason. the developers put all these choices and quests for us to not just do alone but as a group i mean its not like its a hindrance like in other MMO's to do quests together.... come on people



*rant over*

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I kind of agree there..


As a sith juggernaut, I find it hard to complete some quests, even class ones.


The lack of a good healer(quinn) tho.. I mean I only gear him thru the gear I get thru quests. I get commendations as much as I can, but I gear myself first.. so idk *** is going on there.. and what they want me to do


I have to pay people now to help me with quests and its ridiculous.


I understand that this is supposed to be a HARD game, but paying people to help you out? thats seems a bit unfair.

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I personally am leveling with 2 mates and we are always in a grp, we holo to each other quests when we hand them in if we get seperated for a bit for class quests or whatever, the Social Points aspect really makes it worth being grouped up at all times.


Plus it really makes your MMO experience what was intended with MMO's to begin with... about time too!

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whenever i roll into a new zone, i make sure to see if anyone wants to group up. so far its worked well..and ive met some nice people!


And thats awesome as hell and i do the same but ive actually had people ask what heroic and when i say im just doing the regular quests they leave the party.

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It's not always out of a lack of desire to group with people. I like to go at my own pace. Sometimes I am turning and burning, other times I stop to smell the roses, and sometimes I just like to take a break and hang out. I'll also just randomly stop everything to work on crafting, run warzones, hop into space missions, and check on alts crew missions. I really enjoy group content, but I think if someone accompanied me on the landscape they would get annoyed and I don't want to be rude. :)
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First of all my game is messed up for last 4 days..am one of those ppl that gets the black screen of death and have to reboot whole machine.

Second, I prefer solo for the side quests because I go afk often to let my dogs out, laundry, dishwasher etc.

I play mmo's to chat with other ppl, compare notes and do "group" quests. I always help ppl who need it but to quest as a duo all the time would frankly make me too tense...and that is my choice to not hold ppls hands on simple quests that you can fly through. I like to look around and usually find odd things that I enjoy. I am not going to slow someone else down on a regular basis. As it is before the pc freeze..I went on several group quests and tbh, I don't care about getting level this or that by this time, so I felt too rushed and was missing a lot of the story line because of it.

I understand your desire to group but its up to you to find a partner, its not our obligation to do the side quests as a group because its how you like it...not meaning to sound harsh. I have always thought there should be a roster of some kind on the forums for ppl to search for regular leveling partners that way you can set up dates/time. :)

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First of all my game is messed up for last 4 days..am one of those ppl that gets the black screen of death and have to reboot whole machine.

Second, I prefer solo for the side quests because I go afk often to let my dogs out, laundry, dishwasher etc.

I play mmo's to chat with other ppl, compare notes and do "group" quests. I always help ppl who need it but to quest as a duo all the time would frankly make me too tense...and that is my choice to not hold ppls hands on simple quests that you can fly through. I like to look around and usually find odd things that I enjoy. I am not going to slow someone else down on a regular basis. As it is before the pc freeze..I went on several group quests and tbh, I don't care about getting level this or that by this time, so I felt too rushed and was missing a lot of the story line because of it.

I understand your desire to group but its up to you to find a partner, its not our obligation to do the side quests as a group because its how you like it...not meaning to sound harsh. I have always thought there should be a roster of some kind on the forums for ppl to search for regular leveling partners that way you can set up dates/time. :)


Hmmm the only thing there I have a issue with is the, holding peopls hands. alot of the classes on this game, are actually not great at soloing content. Alot of classes are. The main classes that people are having issues with are Warriors. I only here about warriors tho and I do feel it.

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Instead of paying people buy yourself and Quinn gear on the GTN. Sometimes you might want to spend commendations on your companion first if their gear gets too bad to keep up with you.


So wait... I only get about..... 16 commendations a planet... mabye a bit more.... and each gear costs me 10 of those? Thats just 1 peice. Im sorry, but Im not there to do every single quest, and skip out on my own potential gear. I will take a commendation if theres nothing else there.


but gear if brought to me, companion or not, is what I use. Refer to also the reply to the girl about this thing as well. ty

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I think the problem with WoW is that if you were in a group and questing, the kills give less xp. Thus it's actually more beneficial to not group if you want to level faster.


I haven't actually seen how SWTOR handles that.

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I am not the biggest group player but definetly would group for quest not just flashpoints. I am a Sith Maurader and it took me forever to kill Captain Ryner (or whatever his name was). It was frustrating and would have been nice to have help. I am Lv 19 now and on Nar Shaadar on server The Constant. If anyone is in the area and wants to group for quest message me.:D
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I think the problem with WoW is that if you were in a group and questing, the kills give less xp. Thus it's actually more beneficial to not group if you want to level faster.


I haven't actually seen how SWTOR handles that.


everyone gets exp based on their lvl difference against the enemy in question.

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I've always seen MMOs as games that you should play in group as often as possible.

Yet, in SWTOR, I find myself rejecting invites more and more if I'm not going to try a big flashpoint or a Group 4 quest.

The reason is that I'm really enjoying leveling here, and for the first time I don't want to do it as fast as I can. I take my time time looking at the scenery, the npc, thinking about the choices during conversations, etc.

So, while I cannot label this as a bad thing, I'm not so eager to group...

Edited by Daernar
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I've always seen MMOs as games that you should play in group as often as possible.

Yet, in SWTOR, I find myself rejecting invites more and more if I'm not going to try a big flashpoint or a Group 4 quest.

The reason is that I'm really enjoying leveling here, and for the first time I don't want to do it as fast as I can. I take my time time looking at the scenery, the npc, thinking about the choices during conversations, etc.

So, while I cannot label this as a bad thing, I'm not so eager to group...


I agree. On the other hand I've had some really nice moments so far in groups.

Just there isn't just much such contents you really need to do.


Instances are bit uneven and while they may give nice gear there isn't any actual need to go any of them.

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I agree. On the other hand I've had some really nice moments so far in groups.


Absolutely, but I'm usually calling one or two like-minded friends to do that, so we can take our time while questing; no pick-up group will allow me to take a look at every stone to uncover lore items, or wait while I read the latest codex entry before entering that temple just because I want to know the story behind it.

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So wait... I only get about..... 16 commendations a planet... mabye a bit more.... and each gear costs me 10 of those? Thats just 1 peice. Im sorry, but Im not there to do every single quest, and skip out on my own potential gear. I will take a commendation if theres nothing else there.


but gear if brought to me, companion or not, is what I use. Refer to also the reply to the girl about this thing as well. ty


I think your strategy is wrong. Get some moddable gear and keep that up to date. You can spend 2 or 7 commendations upgrading a piece as you see fit. You'll get to a point where your gear from the previous planet is better than nearly every quest reward on the current planet, and then just start taking commendations every time they are offered. You'll be getting 20-30 at least.


Keep your professions up to date and they will likely help you with gear by either allowing you to fill in slots with up to date gear or modding pieces.

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I understand what the OP is saying but personally if its not Heroic or Flashpoint outside of guild I don't group with most people.


If there is a kill task or a quest that another person near me is doing I will offer group just to get that done but most of the time we part ways after that periodically if they are running the same gambit we may be grouped longer.


I can't agree with some of the other statements as a Jugg I am able to plow through most of my quest fairly easy but its about keeping your gear up. as others have said if you get mod gear and use the quest mods you can keep where you need to be at least to some part.


Community isn't something that happens right away I would say if people are worried about grouping just remember its a two way street offer assistance and I am sure you would find most are actually willing to work with people.

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The main classes that people are having issues with are Warriors. I only here about warriors tho and I do feel it.


I've had no issues soloing content on my warrior when necessary. My husband and I play together on our Jedi, but break up for the class quests rather than just sitting and watching the other complete a quest.


As for "hand holding"? Why be so negative about others? I know I got into a group on my scoundrel and one of the people said every group he had been in had trouble with it and still hadn't completed it. I just told them what I knew about each fight and we got through fine. You never know when you are going to be the one who needs help. Karma and all that stuff!

Edited by Msbungle
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OK, that's me. I very seldom group. Only once or twice to help someone with a Heroic. I don't do flashpoints or Heroics I can't solo. There is so much content that grouping isn't really necessarily to level. I have to cut back on my space missions to keep from being too over leveled with the story line.


Get a trade that keeps money coming in. Keep you and your companions armor and weapons up to date and the solo content will keep you leveling. Or join a guild that's online when you are, some of them are very helpful and the members go out of their way to help others.

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It's a little bit weird. This game is perfect to group with one another person. But it's also the best MMO to solo your quest.


I'm generaly someone who enjoy to group a lot, for the social aspect. But this time is the exeption : I'm so happy with my storyline that I don't want to break the immersion of my story by grouping with someone else. (I'm also Imperial Agent, so it fit better to be alone)

However, I regret to not have a real player sidekick to share my adventures with. I'd have loved to play with my boyfriend, but he a lot more free time than I and he is also playing relatively fast, while I'm very very slow.


And lastely, I'm also filming my story line (if you are interested, you can check it on the Youtube link in my sign, or that thread). It take me some times, cause I try to have good angles and such, and sometimes if I've missed to take a nice capture, I'm reseting he quest. So I'm not the ideal partener for questing ^^


So maybe I'll play an alt together.

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