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Open world PvP for ALL SERVERS!


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I think it would be AWESOME if we could get one whole world dedicated to PvP. Add dailies and objectives to lure people into the world and give us the ability to take part in open world PvP for PvP rewards such as Valor and WZ coms.


Why add this?


-Another way to earn War Zone Coms and Valor

-Letting players that aren't on a PvP server partake in open world combat. People partake in RP and PvE on PvP servers, why should open world PvP be any different?


My suggested location for this PvP would be Mustafar


Edit: Changed the last line as it seems to distract people from the main point. Also added clarification for people who have not read my later responses.

Edited by NeroTethras
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I think it would be AWESOME if we could get one whole world dedicated to PvP. Add dailies and objectives to lure people into the world and give us the ability to gank any MOFO who takes two steps onto the planet's surface. (Like the Ilum PvP dailies)


My suggested location for this PvP would be Mustafar


It is posts like this that remind me why we don't have open world PVP..


The OP should be reminded that a lot of people do not like PVP and open world PVP on all servers would ignore a large numbers of players.. But then all he wants is the ability to gank people, so ignoring others is probably how how he plays..


There is no force with this thread.. It is just a bad idea that should never happen..

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hahahaha no.


What's wrong about an entire planet dedicated to world PvP? PvE players aren't forced to go there, and it can't be considered "out of the way" either. The closest thing possible is speaking to an NPC and landing on the planet to learn more about it.

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What's wrong about an entire planet dedicated to world PvP?


What is wrong, is what the OP wrote..


Add dailies and objectives to lure people into the world and give us the ability to gank any MOFO who takes two steps onto the planet's surface. (Like the Ilum PvP dailies)


That is what I have issue with.. Because any MOFO in the game has to bow and provide him entertainment..


There doesn't need to be any PVP dailies.. He doesn't need an area to attract people so he can harass and ruin the game for.. There doesn't need to be any open world PVP to allow someone like him to harass others.. Anywhere on any planet.. He is part of the reason there is no open world PVP.. People like him, do not need to PVP..


It is people like him that have ruined the image of the PVP community.. PVP isn't about ganking someone.. It never has been and it never will be.. Something that the OP needs to learn.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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What is wrong, is what the OP wrote..




That is what I have issue with.. Because any MOFO in the game has to bow and provide him entertainment..


There doesn't need to be any PVP dailies.. He doesn't need an area to attract people so he can harass and ruin the game for.. There doesn't need to be any open world PVP to allow someone like him to harass others.. Anywhere on any planet.. He is part of the reason there is no open world PVP.. People like him, do not need to PVP..


It is people like him that have ruined the image of the PVP community.. PVP isn't about ganking someone.. It never has been and it never will be.. Something that the OP needs to learn.. :)


Sorry bud you don't get to decide what PvP is and isn't. If Bioware really didn't want people to be ganked in the PvP area on Ilum, it wouldn't have been made a PvP area with dailies.


I'm not harassing anyone by killing them in an area made for PvP. You're assuming I'm an *** hole just because I want a open world PvP area where you have the chance to gank other players. If you don't want to be ganked while doing your dailies then don't do the PvP ones, same thing I told the complainers on Ilum.


You want to know who really ruins the PvP image? People who complain about ganking in a daily area where PvP is allowed. If people enjoy ganking in a PvP area what's the problem? Players enter said areas knowing this is a possible outcome and those who complain about it are simply acting childish.


Bottom line, PvP worlds would be there for people who want to go there. Don't like being ganked? Don't go there, plenty of other dailies. If dailies or any sort of benefit isn't added, not many people are likely to go. Do you think people would honestly do WZs if there wasn't any type of reward attached? I enjoy WZs, but if I wasn't getting a reward of some sort it wouldn't be as appealing to enter one.

Edited by NeroTethras
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It is posts like this that remind me why we don't have open world PVP..


The OP should be reminded that a lot of people do not like PVP and open world PVP on all servers would ignore a large numbers of players.. But then all he wants is the ability to gank people, so ignoring others is probably how he plays..


There is no force with this thread.. It is just a bad idea that should never happen.


Containing it to one world lets player who enjoy it get their fix while players that don't can simply ignore the world.


Did I say it was all about ganking? No. You're also ignoring the fact that you don't have to do those dailies if you don't want to get ganked.


That sir, is YOUR opinion. Even though you made your post into an attack of sorts, I respect it even if you don't respect mine.

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I think it would be AWESOME if we could get one whole world dedicated to PvP. Add dailies and objectives to lure people into the world and give us the ability to gank any MOFO who takes two steps onto the planet's surface. (Like the Ilum PvP dailies)


My suggested location for this PvP would be Mustafar


They already have quests in an open world PVP area. It's called Ilum.


If that isn't enough to satisfy your need to gank, you can transfer to a PVP server and get all the world PVP you want. Unless you can't handle a fair PVP fight and only want to gank those PVE players trying to get their dailies done, which is exactly what it sounds like.

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They already have quests in an open world PVP area. It's called Ilum.


If that isn't enough to satisfy your need to gank, you can transfer to a PVP server and get all the world PVP you want. Unless you can't handle a fair PVP fight and only want to gank those PVE players trying to get their dailies done, which is exactly what it sounds like.


First, Ilum is dead since the dailies aren't active at the moment. Second, it's not all about ganking no matter what it sounds like to you. It's about creating a world where people can go to PvP, the dailies serve as a reward to attract people.


While I enjoy fair fights I also think it's sometimes fun to gank people from time to time. Enjoying the occasional gank does not make me a criminal nor a bad PvPer. I didn't gank everyone I saw on Ilum, I usually waited until they used up their orbs and what not. I'm not saying I've never ganked before, I'm saying it's not the only reason I enjoyed PvPing in the Ilum area.


If you don't like the idea, then don't land on the planet or do the dailies. If you do like the idea then lands and do the dailies, that simple.


I'm now ignoring anyone who says "All you want is ganking" because I shouldn't have to keep explaining myself when I already addressed that complaint.

Edited by NeroTethras
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No. When you put dailys on a planet especially on a PVE server then it should be like the rest of the planets. People do dailys for a reason.


If this was on a pvp server or in a specific locations on a planet then that is fine because you are not keeping an entire planet from people who would like to do things on a planet but they can't because of the entire planet being pvp and the point is also you don't have a choice whether to flag or not.


A pve server is where you have a choice .

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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First, Ilum is dead since the dailies aren't active at the moment. Second, it's not all about ganking no matter what it sounds like to you. It's about creating a world where people can go to PvP, the dailies serve as a reward to attract people.


While I enjoy fair fights I also think it's sometimes fun to gank people from time to time. Enjoying the occasional gank does not make me a criminal nor a bad PvPer. I didn't gank everyone I saw on Ilum, I usually waited until they used up their orbs and what not. I'm not saying I've never ganked before, I'm saying it's not the only reason I enjoyed PvPing in the Ilum area.


If you don't like the idea, then don't land on the planet or do the dailies. If you do like the idea then lands and do the dailies, that simple.


I'm now ignoring anyone who says "All you want is ganking" because I shouldn't have to keep explaining myself when I already addressed that complaint.



If it is not all about the ganking, then transfer to a PVP server. You will be able to world PVP to your heart's content.


Instead, you want a new area with dailies to draw in players, most likely PVE'ers. You want this area to be an open PVP area, in which you can, by your own words, "gank any MOFO who takes two steps onto the planet's surface".


It would seem that despite your claims, maybe you cannot handle a truer, more fair PVP, if you are going to ask for an area in which you can "gank any MOFO who takes two steps onto the planet's surface", and yet remain on a PVE server, where you can run for safety when the odds are not so stacked in your favor.

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If it is not all about the ganking, then transfer to a PVP server. You will be able to world PVP to your heart's content.


The point is to bring open world PvP to non PvP servers without making PvP hating players put up with it. How is server transfer the solution to this?


Instead, you want a new area with dailies to draw in players, most likely PVE'ers. You want this area to be an open PVP area, in which you can, by your own words, "gank any MOFO who takes two steps onto the planet's surface".


I want the rewards to draw other players in, that in no way implies I want PvErs to come on in. Make them PvP dailies with PvP rewards (Coms and Valor) to entice people with PvP gear and experience. The dallies would serve as a reward to draw PvPers in, nothing else.


Also, if you bothered to read anything I've said you'd know I acknowledged that I said I sometimes gank and enjoy doing so, but it's not the main point of brining open world PvP to all worlds.


It would seem that despite your claims, maybe you cannot handle a truer, more fair PVP, if you are going to ask for an area in which you can "gank any MOFO who takes two steps onto the planet's surface", and yet remain on a PVE server, where you can run for safety when the odds are not so stacked in your favor.


Again, asking for open world PvP and a means to draw people in does not make me a horrible PvPer. You've fixated on one line in my OP, which is not the main point by any means, and taken it out of context. I've already pointed out it's not all about ganking as well as outlined the points, yet you still fixate on the part about ganking.

Edited by NeroTethras
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As a PvE server player, I'm OK with the idea of a PvP planet with PvP quests with PvP rewards on it. I am not OK with putting PvE quests with PvE rewards on a PvP planet just to to provide fodder for MMO bullies who want to pick on weak players.


The dailies on this planet would offer coms and valor which are not PvE rewards


@Bolded Like I've said, that's not the point of open world PvP.

Edited by NeroTethras
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The point is to bring open world PvP to non PvP servers without making PvE hating players put up with it. How is server transfer the solution to this?




I don't care who shows up for the open world PvP, I just want someone to show up. Make them PvP dailies with PvP rewards (Coms and Valor) to entice people with PvP gear and experience. The dallies serve as a reward to draw PvPers in, nothing else.


Also, if you bothered to read anything I've said you'd know I acknowledged that I said I sometimes gank and enjoy doing so, but it's not the main point of brining open world PvP to all worlds.




Again, asking for open world PvP and a means to draw people in does not make me a horrible PvPer. You've fixated on one line in my OP, which is not the main point by any means, and taken it out of context. I've already pointed out it's not all about ganking as well as outlined the points, yet you still fixate on the part about ganking.


I have a question, an honest question. Why do you want to draw non pvper's to an pvp only planet when it serves no purpose to them whatsoever. I mean seriously think about this, on the one hand you said it yourself that you enjoy a little ganking and generally just enjoy owpvp but not everyone likes it and I even dare say some pvper's don't like it either.


But pver's will not come to a planet without an incentive. Also no, wanting to draw people in does not make you a horrible pvper but I do have to wonder why it is so important to you when you know that if players came to said planet they would be pver's. Ask yourself this, what is the purpose for them? Are they getting enjoyment?


Finally you do know that i'ts current state the engine can't handle owpvp. This is why Ilum was killed. Also from your responses you are trying really hard to justify that notion that owpvp is needed on pve servers. Sorry I do not agree. Even with enticements some people simply do not like that and forcing it on them in any way is not the way to go.


You have to accept the fact that not everyone enjoys the play style not everyone wants to take part and most importantly most people consider owpvp as ganking because lets be honest the majority of the time when it happens randomly it is. So as I said, ask yourself why you want non pvper's to join when it does not serve them a purpose.

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No. When you put dailys on a planet especially on a PVE server then it should be like the rest of the planets. People do dailys for a reason.


If this was on a pvp server or in a specific locations on a planet then that is fine because you are not keeping an entire planet from people who would like to do things on a planet but they can't because of the entire planet being pvp and the point is also you don't have a choice whether to flag or not.


A pve server is where you have a choice .


They would be PvE dailies. You're saying that people who enjoy PvP shouldn't get dailies of their own?


The planet would be an open world planet with PvP rewards. It would be content created for PvPers and even people on PvP servers could benefit from it.

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I think it would be AWESOME if we could get one whole world dedicated to PvP. Add dailies and objectives to lure people into the world and give us the ability to gank any MOFO who takes two steps onto the planet's surface. (Like the Ilum PvP dailies) [/Quote]


Play on a pvp server and enjoy what you like.


Why add this?[/Quote]


A good question as it will take not only more than the Hero engine can handle, but a chunk of dev time that could be used for other things like fixing bugs.


-Another way to earn War Zone Coms and Valor


Not enough warzones to play in, or what?


-Letting players that aren't on a PvP server partake in open world combat. People partake in RP and PvE on PvP servers, why should open world PvP be any different?


How much room do you need on this "planet" for the massed hordes of pvp players that will be living there?

Just wondering as I have been to Outlaw's Den, which is a pvp zone, and did not see much, if any, people there hanging around.


Edit: Changed the last line as it seems to distract people from the main point. Also added clarification for people who have not read my later responses.


Still shows a perspective of no concern for PvE servers and your intent "to lure" easy prey that aren't geared or interested into your sports, gankfest, and harassment.


Try a pvp server and see if you really have what it takes to hang with the real pvp players.


Leave PvE servers without adding any more forced pvp quests.

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They would be PvE dailies. You're saying that people who enjoy PvP shouldn't get dailies of their own?


The planet would be an open world planet with PvP rewards. It would be content created for PvPers and even people on PvP servers could benefit from it.


You are contradicting yourself.


First you say there would be pve dailies and then you say pvp rewards so the way you are describing is you want to have pve dailies on a planet that you want to be pvp where pve players who don't pvp will be attacked just doing pve dailies.


You are essentially wanting to force players into pvp by putting pve dailies on a planet that you have specifically stated should be pvp.


And just for the record I believe pvp players should have rewards and dailies that is geared for pvp.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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