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Getting out of combat (a stealthy post!)


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I am fairly new to the agent class (I suppose an assassin may have a similar question), however I have 3 55's which i have done a lot of pvp on.


I've been leveling my agent (lvl 40) and the only problem I have with the stealth mechanic is getting out of combat to restealth. I know I can use cloaking screen to vanish and get away, but when that is on cooldown i have a hard time being able to restealth. Often, I engage a target, kill it, and run away to a location where I haven't been attacked or done any attacking for what is probably approximately 8-10 seconds and I am still in combat!


Is there a trick to get yourself out of combat when you havent actually engaged in combat recently?


Also, is there something similar to cloak of shadows to remove DoT's from yourself before using cloaking screen? (sorry for the wow reference, I promise I haven't played that game in ages!)

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Stealth and force stealth are bugged to hell. All call for nerfs due to the ability to restealth when it works only once out of 3-4 attempts and it takes 15 or so seconds to get out of combat when you can't force stealth.

This degree of brokedness happens by removing DoTs before force stealthing of course, else it'd never work at all.

Edited by Vaerah
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Once you engage combat with someone, it will not drop untill that person is either dead or out of range.


There is no 6-second rule here like there is in WoW for example.


Tbh, I myself like to refer to the combat system as magic :p


I have played several utterly broken MMOs like this and I have learned some "rules" that work even in SWTOR.


When you need a "break", you must unselect any character in combat, expecially one who was against you.

Then go out of LOS and out of the longest range ability in game. Many times just being out of LOS and without anything selected is enough even if you are quite close, just make sure nothing AoE based may hit you.


An example is going near the zerker buff items in Huttball: sitting behind the boxes "shielding" those zerker buff items is enough to let you drop combat even with the fight raging nearby.

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so shround will remove dots?


Wait, I thought you said you where using a "agent" or operative, they don't have shroud. They have Evasion which gives 100% M/R dodge chance plus it cleanses all removable effects. Bear in mind that stuff like sticky grenade and thermal detonator (pre-explosion) can't be cleansed by evasion

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cool thanks! no cloak of shadows type ability though?


Evasion removes two dots as well as boosting your chance to dodge Ranged and Melee attacks by 100%, and it's the only way for you to remove Force debuffs (it works on all debuffs, you've a cleanse that works on Tech ones). Using Evasion before Cloaking Screen is standard practice, to clear dots that would bust you right back out of stealth.


It's a pain to have to use your best defensive cd just to make sure your combat stealth isn't wasted, but there you go. If you're on the ball, you can check your debuffs when you hit Cloaking Screen to see whether you can get away without using it.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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I've found that the combat mechanic is buggy as hell. Most of the time it'll drop once I've finished off someone solo, other times it'll stick around for 10+ secs when there is no one else around and I don't have them selected either. Even when I die it'll leave me in combat for some time and as a stealthier that is a massive pain in the ***
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