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Dye Hard With a Vengeance


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Just wondering if people realize that Bioware is the developer and EA is the publisher and owner of Bioware . EA always gets final say since they are the boss and in fact probably the richest video game publisher out there but don't quote me on that because I know its between Activision and EA for the top 2 spots and both of those publishers are very successful and good at what they do and its the reason they have been around forever and continue to take over or buyout developers like Bioware which now only has like 10 percent of its original devs and group since most of them quit, retired, or god knows when EA took over them since they got a lot of money.


Now in gaming there's very few devs that publish and develop their own games like Capcom, Nintendo, and some others did then and still do and have the power to do what they want with their games. I worry that even those companies will end up getting bought out by the bigger fish if they don't keep profiting all except Nintendo since they have enough money in banks to where they can fail multiple times before that would happen heck they are one of the few companies can even develop and release a console without any third party support and with only their games and still do good but that's besides the point.


I brought this up because I heard quite a few people on this topic keep saying bioware this bioware that but without realizing that Bioware has a boss and collects a paycheck like anyone else so they may have some say but in the end they have a Boss that has and makes the final decision. Unless they had a contract that gives them total control and power with everything involving SWTOR which I doubt then EA is still the boss and major part of all decisions made on this game.


Regardless of everything I said it was only to point out things to the people blaming just Bioware and wondered if they knew how things work and whats What. Im not against Bioware or EA since they are a business and don't blame either of them since developing and publishing games is their job and how they to make money and a living and not for fun. i blame us the consumers since alot of times things don't change because most people love to talk but in the end wont back it up. Think of it this way if they continue making money why change anything but if people take stands and back up what they preach and they start to lose money and customers then we see changes get done.


Now I don't care what any Dev or Publisher saids its always about the numbers and that's the only reason any business would listen to their customers which I understand since its part of the life we live in and just like on the flip side being a customer the only thing I care about is getting a quality game and when I pay for a game is getting what I paid for and basically my money's worth and am always willing to pay for just that its worth nothing more. As matter of fact I don't even want it for free and rather pay for it and know that i own it because i know if its free it might not be truly yours and nothing is ever free there's always a cost and someone always has to pay or more like ends up paying. If you don't believe me then a good example to see what I'm talking about is Americas Debt and how people are now realizing how getting anything free from our government is never really free and it not only hurts us further and even if it doesn't bankrupt American in the end our children and next generation will still have to pay for it all. That's free for ya it never that simple or just free.


Sorry to double-post, but just have to say I agree completely with this. It really is EA running the business side of things, but Bioware are copping all the flack for those failings.

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Sorry to double-post, but just have to say I agree completely with this. It really is EA running the business side of things, but Bioware are copping all the flack for those failings.


BioWare isn't the same anymore.


Even the founders have jumped ship and moved on.


It's now BioWare in name only.

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And it's not like they are forcing you to buy it.


There are lots of people who want cosmetic stuff like the dyes. Myself included.


EA recognizes this, so they charge premium for it.


This is why EA is rich, cause they look at what people want and calculate how much they can possibly ask for it without driving people away. If the money is in the dyes, the money is in the dyes.


And yes, it is ********


You are free to vote with your wallet or your feet. If enough people would do that, they might adjust pricing, but they would still charge for it.

Edited by Karkais
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I hate the "You don't have to buy it" crowd.



You allow a company like Bioware to do stupid **** by excusing their bad behavior. It is bad form to charge 20 bucks for a freakin dye.


Who is excusing them? We are just saying you dont have to buy it, doesnt mean we agree with them.


Why is it so hard not to buy it? If I dont have enough money or I think its not worth it, I just dont buy it.

Do you have to buy every thing in the world just cause you like it?

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So sad bioware won't say a thing about the price either other than it will return. This is such a price gouge. I've been a sub since launch and now nioware wants another $20 for a dye that they are manipulating in game. Like op said there wasn't anything special required making the color compared to the others. The fact that everything subs have asked for is being added to the cartel market and not any other way in game. Then they are reskinning existing gear and making it bound to legacy. It would be nice to see some original gear for rep.
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