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Dye Hard With a Vengeance


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- Because they are rare. Of course, they are not rare like gold, oil, or even a McRib is rare... they are rare because you intentionally make them rare, apparently because they are popular and pleasing your customers is a concept mething.


So, only items that no one actually wants should be rare? What? :t_confused:

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I have to say, I loved the title for this thread. Much better than the other ones on this subject.


I have read through a number of these threads and although I understand everyone's viewpoint, the way I see it is they only priced it according to the current player driven economy. For example, on most servers, the Black/Black goes for about 2 million (I have seen posts indicating up to 5 million on other servers). You can get a cartel pack for 360 coins, and sell it for about 250,000 credits on average. Therefore if you sold 8 packs you would make enough credits to purchase the dye pack. 8 packs at 360 credits is 2,880 credits. Since buying it outright only costs 2,000 credits, they are actually saving you nearly $10.

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So, because it's optional people do not have a right to voice their complaint? This part was edited out because some people might take it the wrong way and too seriously.


As for the whole dye situation. I agree the price is absurd, let's make that absurd in bold. Personally, I don't buy dyes from the CM but I get why a lot of people are frustrated about it. It's not only the whole dye situation, there are other things aswell that have me boggled. You won't see me making posts about it though. Raising a complaint to Bioware is like talking to a brick wall in my opinion.


If people support the price of the dyes and the possible direction Bioware is headed with the prices, and buy the products, all power to them. Who am I to tell them otherwise, but if people do not appreciate the prices they have a right to voice their opinion and/or disgust about it.

Well said! Great reply and I could not agree with it more.

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I love when there are existing threads floating around on a topic...on the first page of the forums even...but people think their opinion on the subject is so much more important than everyone else that it supposedly warrants its own thread, lol. Basically, half a page of text to say the black/black and white/white CM dyes are overpriced, ha. (And, as I posted in the main thread on this issue, I happen to agree that they are overpriced so my comments have nothing to do with whether I agree or disagree with the opinion expressed).


Actually, those other threads had been hijacked by the usual suspects in their standard attempts to drown out discussion.

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Well said! Great reply and I could not agree with it more.


Hey TUXs.. don't sell yourself short here.. I'm sure you could agree with it even more. :p


On topic. while I agree that everyone has a right to express their views (negative, or positive) a lot of the posts about this topic in the forum have not been well articulated views... but rather just the normal hyperbolic temper tantrums. I never agree with the use of tantrum in forum discussion.


Does this change in how the dyes can be acquired reduce the price to get them or raise it? In fact.. it reduces it notably. What you used to have to spend on average to get a B/B dye via dye packs could now be used to directly buy 4 or 5 of them. Any way you slice it.. that's a notable price reduction. AND it will carry over into the GTN as well.


Are they cheap enough under the new model for some players? No.

Are they cheap enough under the new model for some players, where they were not earlier? Yes. (progress)

Will they every be cheap enough for some players? No.

Are they getting cheaper and more readily available by this change in offering? Yes. (again, progress)


Personally, I have no skin in the game. I don't like these dyes personally. But I can be dispassionate and objective and see clearly that the price to acquire has been reduced significantly here. And to be honest... probably revenue neutral for Bioware (they sell more dyes directly, but they cannibalize their dye pack sales). So the whole greed hyperbole does not wash in this case IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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The beauty is that CosmicKat can, and probably will, keep playing, despite having "quit." And eventually, CosmicKat will resubscribe. People who quit or unsub just quit or unsub, they don't go on an attention-mongering spree in the forums.


Bzzzzt. Wrong guess Hans. Would you like to try Double Jeopardy?


But, as usual, I would like to thank you for your continued contributions to my "attention-mongering spree".

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The dye module prices look odd to me.


Like a "test-balloon" to find out what people are going to endure before quitting/protesting.


It's about the 5th or 6th test balloon. The price of each continually goes up while the actual content of each continues to decrease.

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I have to say, I loved the title for this thread. Much better than the other ones on this subject.


I have read through a number of these threads and although I understand everyone's viewpoint, the way I see it is they only priced it according to the current player driven economy. For example, on most servers, the Black/Black goes for about 2 million (I have seen posts indicating up to 5 million on other servers). You can get a cartel pack for 360 coins, and sell it for about 250,000 credits on average. Therefore if you sold 8 packs you would make enough credits to purchase the dye pack. 8 packs at 360 credits is 2,880 credits. Since buying it outright only costs 2,000 credits, they are actually saving you nearly $10.



Someone who gets it! Thank you for being able to do basic math! Seriously, did people expect it to cost 5CC? How many people buy dye pack just for B/B or W/W? All those dye colors they didnt want now go on the gtn and create an economy. But sure, lets give B/B and W/W away for a buck. Then we would have everyone currently selling those colors on the GTN in uproar that they are out 2mil because there is no demand for them anymore. Or have all the F2P'ers ask why there are only purple, green, and brown dyes on the GTN because noone is buying dye packs anymore so only artifice dyes are left.


If you are a subscriber, hold onto your damn monthly allotment for a few months and buy it then. Or buy it on the GTN after you farm dailies for some cash. Work for it. Whether in ingame time or a reallife job.


Just to be clear, i too am in the boat of people who want B/B and W/W but would never buy them for 2 mil or $20. So I make my own dyes, and shop around on the GTN for other colors that look nice on my armor.

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I have to say, I loved the title for this thread. Much better than the other ones on this subject.


I have read through a number of these threads and although I understand everyone's viewpoint, the way I see it is they only priced it according to the current player driven economy. For example, on most servers, the Black/Black goes for about 2 million (I have seen posts indicating up to 5 million on other servers). You can get a cartel pack for 360 coins, and sell it for about 250,000 credits on average. Therefore if you sold 8 packs you would make enough credits to purchase the dye pack. 8 packs at 360 credits is 2,880 credits. Since buying it outright only costs 2,000 credits, they are actually saving you nearly $10.


This is NOT a player driven economy.


In a player driven economy, as most MMO's actually have, the supply of goods is controlled by the players, either via crafting or questing/mob farming.


What we have in this MMO is much closer to a narcotics model. One source controls the supply of goods. One source controls the distribution of those goods. One source thusly controls the price by controlling the supply, which in turn controls the demand.


This how they are able to "save us money" by charging us money for something that otherwise would not be available for money.


Oh, and lets not forget about their unofficial marketing department that has to come and edumacate us poor saps about how 0+0 does not actually equal 0, but instead equals $30. How lucky we are that Bioware is only charging us $20!

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Bioware's silence on the matter is deafening.


what do they need to say though? it's been in the patch notes for a few days and haven't even been released into the wild yet.


i'm sure if no one buys them, we'll see a response in the form of a change to the pricing model (rather than some yellow text on the forums), but if they sell really well, i doubt we'll see a change at all.

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Not to beat a dead horse but it has to be beaten once more.


Fluff is just fluff, it has no impact on your game nor is it required to play your game. Your subscription funds content. Stuff you buy on the CM is just extra change they can pick up along the way if someone buys something.


If the items in question were Pay2Win or required to play the game, you might have an argument. But Dye Modules are just fluff and not required to be bought by anyone.


I don't see anyone saying that the dye modules aren't fluff. The point you're making is completely irrelevant to the thread.

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I agree with the complaint that 20$ for a single dye module is silly but it's not a big deal because it's fluff that doesn't impact your gameplay at all and you don't have to buy it if you don't agree with it.


So you're basically telling us to shut up about it because it doesn't affect our gameplay? Good lord what has the community come to...

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The simple truth is this: It is totally insane to charge $20 for a dye module you can only use once and can't add o collections. Subscribers have only one thing that they can do to make BioWare listen to them that sends a clear message that this insanity is not acceptable and that's cancel their subscriptions.


That's the bottom line. I think we all understand it's fluff and it's completely optional but it's more exploitative than previous Cartel Market items have been. This is the logical evolution in wallet rape after the BS that's the gambling system of the current dye kits. Micro-transactions are the future of gaming commerce. That's the sad reality of it. Without them continued content releases wouldn't be feasible for developers after a game was released. This is more important for MMOs than most other game types.


But $20 for a single use dye is simply going too far. No dye module should ever be more than 500 cartel coins and you DAMN well should be able to add it to collections. Anything less is a rip off and unacceptable in addition to being insulting.

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I don't see anyone saying that the dye modules aren't fluff. The point you're making is completely irrelevant to the thread.


Quite the opposite.


The fluff in question is being treated as this "I have to have it item or else I'm gonna die but big bad EAware is trying to squeeze every penny out of me for it and it's not fair!" When in reality they don't really need it and the pricing although silly and I don't agree with it is fine, because the players themselves told Bioware they would be fine with paying this amount a long time ago.


So once more for the thousands in attendance and the millions at home reading worldwide....


"You don't have to buy it, if you don't agree with it."


Oh and btw, please stop harrassing me!

Have a nice day! :)

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Quite the opposite.


The fluff in question is being treated as this "I have to have it item or else I'm gonna die but big bad EAware is trying to squeeze every penny out of me for it and it's not fair!" When in reality they don't really need it and the pricing although silly and I don't agree with it is fine, because the players themselves told Bioware they would be fine with paying this amount a long time ago.


So once more for the thousands in attendance and the millions at home reading worldwide....


"You don't have to buy it, if you don't agree with it."


Oh and btw, please stop harrassing me!

Have a nice day! :)


The point isn't whether or not it is fluff. The point is that what is fluff to one customer is very important content to another.


PvP and raiding are pure fluff to me. It wouldn't affect me in the slightest way if they started charging $20 per whatever it is PvPers do. It would still be wrong though. It would still annoy and alienate customers and ALL customers are equally important to a struggling MMO.

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The point isn't whether or not it is fluff. The point is that what is fluff to one customer is very important content to another.


PvP and raiding are pure fluff to me. It wouldn't affect me in the slightest way if they started charging $20 per whatever it is PvPers do. It would still be wrong though. It would still annoy and alienate customers and ALL customers are equally important to a struggling MMO.


Sorry, you can't let your card expire; your posts are too intelligent and funny to cease. :rak_03:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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