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Yes dungeon finder has its flaws, but id much rather be playing with a dick(and leave/kick him if it gets to much) that stood around doing nothing...


I never realised how much people disliked wows dungeon finder. I never really had any issues with it, then again I was always a tank or healer so maybe people just act differently depending on how valuable your class is? :S


That will be why you've not noticed a problem then, since in my experience tanks/healers ARE the problem. For the exact attitude issue that just reared its head in your post.


"I'm the tank/healer I can do what I want, I'm more valuable to you so you cant say **** to me, even if I'm terrible at my role and wasting everyones time."

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My personal list of pros and cons, since everyone else has decided to post this stuff...

(level 25 consular)



- Combat is very good

- The quest system is very good.

- It feels like starwars.



- The games planets feel as though they have been entirely built around the quests, rather than there being a world, populated by npcs, who just happen to have quests to do. (Ie the MMO is wayyy to much of a theme park to feel as though the planets matter)


- The planets aren't planets. They are a series of instances. I cant for example just wander off and explore the deserts of tatoonie... (as i could in SWG, and as i can in any world/area in wow)


- STEAL WOWS DUNGEON FINDER FFS!!! Its annoying and daft to have to spend 30 minutes spamming lfg....


- Not every person on the planet likes having a useless thing follow them around the entire game. Have an option to turn the companion off, and give the player increased stats to compensate.


- Introduce brackets into pvp.


- UI mods. Please.


- Space combat is a joke. An on the rails shooter? Come on!


All in all I'm pretty confident I will be quitting this game as soon as Guildwars 2 launches...



GW2 is close... 2 mo max till beta

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That will be why you've not noticed a problem then, since in my experience tanks/healers ARE the problem. For the exact attitude issue that just reared its head in your post.


"I'm the tank/healer I can do what I want, I'm more valuable to you so you cant say **** to me, even if I'm terrible at my role and wasting everyones time."



Ahh, Well my groups are always very pleasant! :)


They should still look at taking wows dungeon finder... I loved running the dungeons in wow (and probably will in swtor), they just make it so much of an effort to get in one!


How about if they used wows system but not cross server? That would mean if someone was a dick they would at least have to worry about there reputation on the server?


Ie if tanks a dick it is unlikely he will be in his guild for very long ? :)

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My personal list of pros and cons, since everyone else has decided to post this stuff...

(level 25 consular)



- Combat is very good

- The quest system is very good.

- It feels like starwars.



- The games planets feel as though they have been entirely built around the quests, rather than there being a world, populated by npcs, who just happen to have quests to do. (Ie the MMO is wayyy to much of a theme park to feel as though the planets matter)


- The planets aren't planets. They are a series of instances. I cant for example just wander off and explore the deserts of tatoonie... (as i could in SWG, and as i can in any world/area in wow)


- STEAL WOWS DUNGEON FINDER FFS!!! Its annoying and daft to have to spend 30 minutes spamming lfg....


- Not every person on the planet likes having a useless thing follow them around the entire game. Have an option to turn the companion off, and give the player increased stats to compensate.


- Introduce brackets into pvp.


- UI mods. Please.


- Space combat is a joke. An on the rails shooter? Come on!


All in all I'm pretty confident I will be quitting this game as soon as Guildwars 2 launches...


In reply



- Agreed

- Agreed

- Agreed



- Agreed - but i'm only 22 so it could open up.

- Kinda Agree - Open areas are truly awesome but instanced areas mean less server load. I'm a big sandbox fan but I can understand the server load problem.

- Disagree - WoW dugeon finder is too sterile. A instance group channel would be nice though

- Disagree - I like companions... think they're awesome. I've never TRIED to turn one off but I've certainly had to invite them on a few occasions.

- Meh - You want balanced PvP go play TF2. Balanced PvP in an MMO is a misnomer.

- Agreed

- Disagree. Space Combat and Spaceships in general are freakin awesome. Instanced player housing and a great little mini game all tied into one ;)


GL with GW2.. I hope you have fun :)



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Agree with everything except needing a Group Finder and Warzone brackets. a. I don't care about Flashpoints or Heroic stuff so I don't care, but when i do I don't have any issue finding groups. b. it's not necessary at this point and hopefully it won't be later either, I think they will be able to tweak it so similar ranked players just get matched together.



The whole spiel about targeting WoW players I think is just a marketing statement. They want the market, but they don't want to copy WoW in any way - that is obviously apparent. The concept is self-labeled "Star Wars with Bioware story telling." How does that sound like a MMO? It really is a AWESOME single-player RPG "with friends" at the moment. Is Bioware going to continue to double-speak about the player base that it wants or is it going to be happy to remain niche and just make the best Star Wars game that they do? I'm sure that only the Star Wars fanbois will sustain the game for at least a couple years, if they want to attract a larger audience they will have to change or supplement the direction of development.


Producing expansion to add another 40 hours of the same style stuff eg Flashpoints and Heroic type stuff, even new planets designed to be story hubs will not achieve a goal that supersedes the Star Wars lover market. It likely wont keep even those guys around for that long either, but it will do ok. But really it's too soon to tell, because well, it's also apparent that the lower ranks are intended to play out in a great storytelling fashion. Player versus player types will likely find something to make them happy, but nobody knows what and for how long that will be. I also don't know how Operations will come, but I don't know if that will do it for me, especially with PvP alterative gear so easily available. I've never ever seen so many redundant Vendors in any game I've played before.


Bioware has NO experience making a MMO yet so many people are CRAZED to expect just that. That sounds exactly like a trainwreck situation, but EA and Bioware are ominous and have been making great games for decades. Will these guys want to change the way they approach and make their games? EA says they want to keep the game alive for ten years, they are going to have to make a player-fashioned world, not a egotistical bubble of what they think it should be.


Either way it won't matter much, I can't see them changing much - they don't need to, they just need to ADD content that matters. A 'theme-park' MMO as you guys put it is the definition of niche, that is not a good marketing strategy. But as long as the game keeps paying for itself then who cares, if they stop making expansions for it then that would be sad. They will have to scale back the project someday. Sorry I started kind of drifting there...

Edited by WLpride
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I agree that much of the open land is ignored in wow, but it is really nice while you are doing content in that area for it to actually feel like an area, and not a series of instances, but maybe that is just me? For example, there is no reason to stop people from being able to walk/ride in the deserts of tatoonie vertically down from anchorhead? (i think that's the town) to the next quest hub. Its immersion breaking, and for me completely kills the entire planet.


You honestly think the space combat is great? Do you not see the potential they've missed here? Allowing players to actually pilot there own ship and decide where they wanted to go would be so much better than this linear on the rails shooter we have... That never changes.


Out of interest, why do you not agree with the dungeon finder? Do you like struggling to find groups? (serious question)


Meh, the worlds being like they are is not that immersion breaking for me. It is when I think about it outside the game, for example, the way nar shadda seems broken up. But when I'm in game it really seems so fluid that I don't notice it unless I really try to find the edges. It's not like they could have made the whole planet for each planet anyway (unless it was just tons of wasted open landscape).


Honestly, the space combat is a really fun side game. It is very cinematic to play and watch. If you read my post you would have noticed that I also said I would like to see it expanded upon eventually. There is great potential, but it is not game breaking that it isn't all in yet (Bioware said they have an expansion to it in the works). The mini game we have is actually pretty fun as is for now, and is a nice change of pace from questing.


As far as the dungeon finder goes... it really makes no difference to me. In WoW, it pretty much ruined the community (what little there was), but I'm not saying it would do that in this game. I just don't think it adds or takes away anything of value for me. Grouping with random strangers that I will never see again adds very little of value for me personally. I like doing dungeons with guild members and longer term friends I have met in my adventures in game.

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- Disagree. Space Combat and Spaceships in general are freakin awesome. Instanced player housing and a great little mini game all tied into one ;)


Thanks for the reply, Im glad your enjoying the game :)


Just on this quote though, did you ever play SWG? if you look at that failure (sorry all SWG fans, but the NGE killed it!) of an MMO and then look at this, SWG's space combat completely wipes the floor with it..


In SWG you could actually steer your ship and get into dogfights..


Its not that the space combat here is terrible, its that they have a complete lack of vision of what it could (and should) be.

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Thanks for the reply, Im glad your enjoying the game :)


Just on this quote though, did you ever play SWG? if you look at that failure (sorry all SWG fans, but the NGE killed it!) of an MMO and then look at this, SWG's space combat completely wipes the floor with it..


In SWG you could actually steer your ship and get into dogfights..


Its not that the space combat here is terrible, its that they have a complete lack of vision of what it could (and should) be.


And SWG had a complete lack of vision of what the rest of its game should be. TOR wipes the floor with SWG's combat and gameplay and story. They are two very different games only related by their namesake.


On a related note, Sonic's ring collection completely wipes the floor with Mario's coin based collection system.

Edited by Fellthar
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And SWG had a complete lack of vision of what the rest of its game should be. TOR wipes the floor with SWG's combat and gameplay and story. They are two very different games only related by their namesake.


On a related note, Sonic completely wipes the floor with Mario's coin based collection system.


They are two very similar games.


Both are MMOs and both are star wars.


TOR has the benefit of a larger budget, and being able to draw from its predecessors, and improve upon what was does correctly, as well as the majority of people having better computers.


SWG did space well, several people I know only continued to play SWG only for its space after the NGE hit and destroyed the game. Thats how good it was.


Surely TOR should have learnt from SWG, seen how they did space, and not went with this on the rails shooter that we have?



And to use your own analogy, sonic's creators saw how Mario collected his coins and said, hey, why don't we improve upon this, and hence gave sonic a better coin collection system...

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They are two very similar games.


Both are MMOs and both are star wars.


TOR has the benefit of a larger budget, and being able to draw from its predecessors, and improve upon what was does correctly, as well as the majority of people having better computers.


SWG did space well, several people I know only continued to play SWG only for its space after the NGE hit and destroyed the game. Thats how good it was.


Surely TOR should have learnt from SWG, seen how they did space, and not went with this on the rails shooter that we have?



And to use your own analogy, sonic's creators saw how Mario collected his coins and said, hey, why don't we improve upon this, and hence gave sonic a better coin collection system...


They are not similar, not even close. Because both have lots of people in the same world (mmo), does not make them similar. By that metric WoW and Eve or Darkfall are similar games. Why does TOR have to do everything that SWG did? SWG is dead, let's move on.


SWG did space well, yeah I agree, but again, that was SWG and it did everything else terribly.


I like the rails shooter personally. It is cinematic and fast, feels like the movies, and fits in well with the cinematic approach to the game. They will expand on it. Nothing wrong with that.


Your addition to my analogy was pretty pointless. Sonic's system was not better than Mario's system. They were different. That was my point, it's called sarcasm.

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They are not similar, not even close. Because both have lots of people in the same world (mmo), does not make them similar. By that metric WoW and Eve or Darkfall are similar games. Why does TOR have to do everything that SWG did? SWG is dead, let's move on.


SWG did space well, yeah I agree, but again, that was SWG and it did everything else terribly.


I like the rails shooter personally. It is cinematic and fast, feels like the movies, and fits in well with the cinematic approach to the game. They will expand on it. Nothing wrong with that.


Your addition to my analogy was pretty pointless. Sonic's system was not better than Mario's system. They were different. That was my point, it's called sarcasm.



SWG did many things other things well, such as player housing ect, but thats not the point.



TOR doesnt have to do everything SWG did (and I have never stated it should), it just seems backwards to ignore something so successful in a game that's similar to yours.


People will get bored of these type of space missions in less than a month. Very few sane people like doing exactly the same mission over and over and over.

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If you split the SWTOR galaxy into 2, joined all of the planets landscapes of one group together and joined all of the planets landscapes of the second group together you would have the 2 starting continents of wow.


What you have to remember is this is a space theme park MMO. You can't go creating vast areas that aren't going to be used initially - its a waste of time and money. It's not one planet but many planets. This is the difference between landscapes like wow and landscapes like SWTOR. I think what they have done is perfectly alright and fits in with the SW universe and the concept of space travel.


Besides, by structuring it the way they have, they have the option to add more planets (many more) OR add more zones to existing planets. Their expansion options definately provide more options than wow does...

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I agree with the last poster on this. I do think that the worlds aren't very open, yeah, but there is a lot of potential for expansion in the future. It'd be easy to add more locations/planets if the developers so choose to and that is what I look forward to the most.


I am hoping for more bigger/open worlds in the future for higher level peeps once the game has matured.

Edited by KooperGuy
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If you split the SWTOR galaxy into 2, joined all of the planets landscapes of one group together and joined all of the planets landscapes of the second group together you would have the 2 starting continents of wow.


What you have to remember is this is a space theme park MMO. You can't go creating vast areas that aren't going to be used initially - its a waste of time and money. It's not one planet but many planets. This is the difference between landscapes like wow and landscapes like SWTOR. I think what they have done is perfectly alright and fits in with the SW universe and the concept of space travel.


Besides, by structuring it the way they have, they have the option to add more planets (many more) OR add more zones to existing planets. Their expansion options definately provide more options than wow does...


I understand all of that.. but why do i have to pay a taxi to travel from anchorhead to the next quest hub on tatoonie?


Theres an invisible wall in the way.


I should be able to simply travel south on my speederbike.


Its this that is game breaking.

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SWG did many things other things well, such as player housing ect, but thats not the point.



TOR doesnt have to do everything SWG did (and I have never stated it should), it just seems backwards to ignore something so successful in a game that's similar to yours.


People will get bored of these type of space missions in less than a month. Very few sane people like doing exactly the same mission over and over and over.


SWG was a sandbox, TOR is a themepark with a cinematic focus.


Also, SWG was a failure commercially for the most part. It never attained huge sub numbers.


Why would they want to mimic features exactly from a failed game that was from a completely different branch of mmo's?


No matter how good SWG's space combat was, TOR is its own game with its own path. Why not compare TOR's space options to Eve instead?

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Why do I have to pay to get on a zepplin to fly from Kalimdor to Eastern Kingdoms? Surely I should be able to fly over there on my mount?


I haven't been to tattoine so I don't know exactly what you are talking about with the invisible wall, but I would hardly say that something like that is game breaking. There are limits like this in every game and so long as you can get to the next hub, what is the real problem?

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Here, in this game, if I choose not to use a pet, I am not on an equal par with others and hence I have been punished by being made less effective.


This is wrong.


Again, please stop trying to blame other people for your own choices. You're embarrassing yourself. Nobody is punishing you.

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  • 4 months later...
You aren't playing a petclass, none of the classes are pet classes. You just get a companion that you can choose to use or not to use.


Spoiler: You can totally play just fine without the companion.


false. you play just fine without them 1-40(unless your a healer or a bad tank-then you have to always have a companion)


trust me, i know, i hate not having to use a pet, but having to use a companion. in kotor for bosses i would usually try to solo them. in other games i might or might not have a pet, but it didnt detract from the experience since it was mindless grinding. in swtor however, a companion is another person. someone in your story is competing with you for whos better and challenges you to a duel. you do so, and then you get creamed if you dont have a companion. but if you do have a companion, then it hardly feels fair 2 against one. all i wish they would do is design bosses to be fought without a companion and automatically dismiss companions during boss fights.


sorry if i necroe'd, i didnt check, just giving my 2 cents

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I dont understand your argument?


In my solo play I am being forced to use my pet to play my character most effectively :S.

I return for not using my pet I lose his healing/dps/tanking and hence I am less effective...


If I want to play my character to his maximum potential I must use my pet.


This is as opposed to say, a warrior in WOW, where he has no pet and hence to play his class most efficiently he does not need to use his pet.



Now, I am not advocating the deletion of companions, I'm just asking for a small buff in return for not using them to fight with. Ie, so instead of me doing 500 dps and my companion 200, I will do 650 dps. Again, this is in solo play only. Anywhere were companions disappear so will the buff....


The big difference is that there is no "warrior" class or a class that does not need to use a companion to play to its maximum potential, in this game. ALL classes are created with companions in mind. If you choose to play without your companion, that is your choice. You are not being "punished" for playing without one, you are CHOOSING to reduce your effectiveness.

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