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20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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that's the point. its a luxury item for the few who will and can pay, not for everyone




I know everyone is against the analogies but you don't make a luxury sports car and price it so high for "everyone" that's what the Toyota corolla is for. you make a luxury sports car for the people who want something more and price it so that you get top dollar out of that small customer base. and yes in the context of dyes the black / black and white / white are the luxury sports cars of the dyes


I really cannot understand this "Exclusivism" thing. Is this an American thing ? Because here in germany, it's not as important as you sound it to be.


Point is, that Exclusives are meant to distinguish one "from the rest" of society. Luxury is nothing but a sign of higher social status.


The point I begin to become angry is that "the lower kastes" are trated like "Bread And Games" like the proverb is describing Roman behaviour towards lower social classes. Things like planned obsolescence". Meanwhile, okay, more money implies better quality, but it just becomes ridiculous at one point.


Bomb Shelters for politicians and the upper classes - who are they going to govern if no-one has survived outside of these bomb shelters in an A-War ?


Germany has always had a strong common believe that meanwhile luxury is a normal thing, people whould nevertheless be able to get prety much everything, too.


That has changed with what Germans call the "americanization" of German economy - and of German society as well.


Nowada<ys, everything's going like Reaganomics : The riches try to make believe that "eventually, money will trickle down". What a joke !


No. In fact, the upper classes are keeping everything within their circles. Money NEVER trickles down - except as investments into projects started by upper class members. Go figure ...


In my opinion, the U.S. suffers such an uneasy market, simply, because there is no inland market left. All the profits get to the top positions of firms. I recently read in an article that meanwhile wages in general had been stagnating in the U.S. since the 80s, the wages of the top positions went up for a whopping 400 % ...


Now, if you see it as a set of scales, then the one side went up, and the other side went down.


And the one side receiving so much more wages clearly wouldn't want to give anything up.


So, meanwhile the one side is getting oh so much money - which they are driving the Luxury Industry into new heights - the other side is stagnating - and thus just doesn't earn enough money to support any form of inland market.


And that's why I believe that the U.S. is suffering so much.


And now people here try to explain to me that a good and healthy Luxury Industry is something to strive for. Yeah, right ...


"Greed is good", as Gordon Gekko said.

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And yet more reality for you....I would support dyes being added to collections wholeheartedly. Ive never said I wouldnt.


So you are attacking me for nothing...


Now who looks childish...




Have you ever attacked someone in this thread? Have you then turned around and commented 'Whoa dude, stop hitting me?'


Nope? Then obviously it wasn't entirely directed at you.

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Shortened by me :





I really cannot understand this "Exclusivism" thing. Is this an American thing ? Because here in germany, it's not as important as you sound it to be.


Point is, that Exclusives are meant to distinguish one "from the rest" of society. Luxury is nothing but a sign of higher social status.


The point I begin to become angry is that "the lower kastes" are trated like "Bread And Games" like the proverb is describing Roman behaviour towards lower social classes. Things like planned obsolescence". Meanwhile, okay, more money implies better quality, but it just becomes ridiculous at one point.


Bomb Shelters for politicians and the upper classes - who are they going to govern if no-one has survived outside of these bomb shelters in an A-War ?


Germany has always had a strong common believe that meanwhile luxury is a normal thing, people whould nevertheless be able to get prety much everything, too.


That has changed with what Germans call the "americanization" of German economy - and of German society as well.


Nowada<ys, everything's going like Reaganomics : The riches try to make believe that "eventually, money will trickle down". What a joke !


No. In fact, the upper classes are keeping everything within their circles. Money NEVER trickles down - except as investments into projects started by upper class members. Go figure ...


In my opinion, the U.S. suffers such an uneasy market, simply, because there is no inland market left. All the profits get to the top positions of firms. I recently read in an article that meanwhile wages in general had been stagnating in the U.S. since the 80s, the wages of the top positions went up for a whopping 400 % ...


Now, if you see it as a set of scales, then the one side went up, and the other side went down.


And the one side receiving so much more wages clearly wouldn't want to give anything up.


So, meanwhile the one side is getting oh so much money - which they are driving the Luxury Industry into new heights - the other side is stagnating - and thus just doesn't earn enough money to support any form of inland market.


And that's why I believe that the U.S. is suffering so much.


And now people here try to explain to me that a good and healthy Luxury Industry is something to strive for. Yeah, right ...



"Greed is good", as Gordon Gekko said.


Actually its not so much greed as striving to improve yourself. If status quo was acceptable there would be no growth. If there was not profit to be made there would be no reason to create anything. If Bioware did not feel there was money to be made they would not have made any of this. If people feel that dyes are a good thing, bioware feels there is a market, they will make dyes. If everything was made available to everyone there would be no growth and separation of players. Whats the point of doing end game raids is comms were cheap, and easy to get. If there is no sense of progression there is no growth, everything stagnates and game goes pfft.


Its the challenge, the sense of growth that drives people. The "for mother Russia" didn't work out to well for the other guy. whats ACTUALLY hurting America at this point is the "good for all" "its NOT FAIR" "I'm entitled" "Profit is bad" "social responsibility", "something for nothing" "we want it NOW, CHEAPER (free is better), and if its not what I like I DEMAND you change it (again FREE)"


Socialism only works until you run out of other people money....

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Can you point to any poster ever saying "I wish I could spend $20 to change the color of a single piece of my armor?"


Lol what am I your forum search monkey?


I thunk I'll just wait until the dyes sell like hot cakes and trust your integrity to come back into this thread and admit the price was reasonable based on the only thing that matters....the volume of sales ;)



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I would also like to see these threads :)


Please prove your point :)


Plenty of players have requested dyes be made available as guaranteed single items in the CM....the fact you are too lazy to read them for yourself does not make it any less true ;)


As I said how about we let the only thing that matters prove the point...the volume of sales....I am sure you will be the first to admit the pricing was reasonable when they sell like hot cakes :)


Now stop harassing me please...


Have a nice day :)



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The price is offensively high to me for what I think it's worth. It's so high, it offends me that other people are okay with it, or trying to negotiate it just a little bit down or with added functionality. To placate me, BioWare would have to apologize for the initial offering before I consider a second offer; it's that offensive to me as a consumer. I think there are people who feel the same way as me, but can't articulate it or won't be honest about their feelings. This item and its price sours my view of BioWare beyond the SWTOR dev team.
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The price is offensively high to me for what I think it's worth. It's so high, it offends me that other people are okay with it, or trying to negotiate it just a little bit down or with added functionality. To placate me, BioWare would have to apologize for the initial offering before I consider a second offer; it's that offensive to me as a consumer. I think there are people who feel the same way as me, but can't articulate it or won't be honest about their feelings. This item and its price sours my view of BioWare beyond the SWTOR dev team.


Cause you already held them in such high esteem.

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I've lost interest in the cartel market. I have cartel coins that I would surely throw away or give away if I could. I already had issues with how the CM was being run. Who knew such a small thing could be so insulting. I won't lost sleep over it. However there is much disappointment.


Yeah sure.. Some fool will say that phrase that pays "You don't have to buy it." etc. Yeah whatever to that nonsense. I don't plan on buying it as there is zero obligation to. Then there's the "Well you asked for it now you're complaining. When you get it what you wanted." Grossly inaccurate as well, as I didn't ask for this. I sure as hell don't like when people speak for me. Especially when I don't know them. And I fullheartedly know that those using that fail of an excuse aren't in the acceptance of someone speaking for them either. So try again.


The ends simply do not justify the means, let alone show any appreciation to the customer. This dye system is only proving more and more of a fail. Especially when in the hands of the wrong people.

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1) I'm not defending anything. I am discussing the topic, and I am not following the sheeples off the edge of the cliff over the price of something completely optional in the game. I'm able to clearly see that this move represents progress in the availability of these dyes to players both in terms of more of them, and at lower prices to acquire.


2) stop playing intellectual victim. Be an adult and have an adult discussion, rather then resorting to faux indignation over "intelligence". Discuss the topic, not me.


This is the really funny part about being labeled a bioware fanboy.


When you try to explain why something is, or how a free market works, you get labeled a fanboy.


I wish bioware gave out free dyes and we could just color our gear to the end but I'm smart enough to know why things are priced the way they are.


The market will support it. Customers will support it. Gamers talk but they don't walk. They buy everything in front of them.

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This is the really funny part about being labeled a bioware fanboy.


When you try to explain why something is, or how a free market works, you get labeled a fanboy.


I wish bioware gave out free dyes and we could just color our gear to the end but I'm smart enough to know why things are priced the way they are.


The market will support it. Customers will support it. Gamers talk but they don't walk. They buy everything in front of them.


So following this logic, why not remove the Unify Colors feature? Bioware are killing their profits by allowing one $20 dye to make all your gear black. Surely it's much better to make players need to spend $140 to dye all their gear black. It's a free market right? Put it in front of them and they'll buy it.


Actually, why stop there? Instead of a combined primary & secondary dye slot, why not implement two separate dye slots. So if you want total black you'll need to fill both slots with black dye, for each armour piece. That would bring in $280 per character. Now we're talking! It's a free market after all, surely no-one will mind?

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So following this logic, why not remove the Unify Colors feature? Bioware are killing their profits by allowing one $20 dye to make all your gear black. Surely it's much better to make players need to spend $140 to dye all their gear black. It's a free market right? Put it in front of them and they'll buy it.


Actually, why stop there? Instead of a combined primary & secondary dye slot, why not implement two separate dye slots. So if you want total black you'll need to fill both slots with black dye, for each armour piece. That would bring in $280 per character. Now we're talking! It's a free market after all, surely no-one will mind?


Nope, no one will mind at all.

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Prior to this change players had to spend hundreds of dollars to get a chance of obtaining a BB / WW dye. Now they are guaranteed for just 20 dollars. This will equate to a drop in revenue or maybe a nill change at best for BW.




if people were actually spending hundreds of dollars exclusively in hopes to get one single item then clearly people have lost there mind and no point in wasting my breath. like moths to a flame...

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I'm going to go through this line by line because as a whole it's a confusing mess:




Playing Monopoly with real dollars sounds far more "absurb" to me.


well my friend, sadly it is the exact same thing. I used that as an example for a case in point to help clarify what hundreds of players are actually doing with there money.



4 mil would be around $40 actually, though it's painfully obvious you have no concept of the SWTOR economy which is why you don't understand my post in the first place. The MMO industry has changed quite a bit in the last 10 years, mostly for the positive IMO (obviously not in yours).


you are right about one thing...I don't know the conversion ratio, nore do I really care. because I don't purchase anything from the CM. with that said, the SWTOR economy as you so delicately put it, doesn't effect the value of a CC as they are completely different then a game economy. so I think your statement about having no concept of the games economy is a your equivalent of maybe, throwing dirt?



No, the value of the CC is controlled by the players. It's up to us how much we pay on the GTN for CM purchased items, always has been (ever notice how you can't vendor CM items? they don't set ANY price).


I actually LoL'ed on this one..the value of the CC is controlled by the player?...REALLY?..so we can buy CC's at a player controlled price as opposed to BW's price??..where is this option, I haven't seen this option:P..I think you must have this backwards. the ingame economy is effected by how much they charge us for items in the CM. and the price per CC is controlled by BW..by your own words in your next paragraph have already admitted to this.


Of course BioWare is out to make money, that's what a company does (unless it's non-profit). The fact is they're putting up a hot commodity for a direct cost instead of keeping it the gamble (that costs you 4x+ as much) it is right now. In doing so they'll actually lower the cost of the randomized ones on the GTN - as I said this is a win for people who don't want to spend real $ too.




I like a good conspiracy theory as much as anyone but really wish people would stop bringing 9/11 into conversations about video games. Cheapens any attempt at a point you're trying to make.


you might be right, but the concept is the same. keep in mind it wasn't really focused on 9'11 itself but the fluxuating gas prices i was trying to mirror with BW



The difference is there's no conversion back to cash from the in game currency. Since it can't be proven you're ever profiting by gambling in this game, it isn't really legal gambling (and thus cannot be taxed or regulated). You're just paying the company money :)


tooche to this. i will admit to uneducated rhertoric on this. well played

Edited by displaynamee
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I don't think the issue is cost really...the issue might be how enjoyable it is to earn credits in the game.


Lets face it...folks that run dailies are not phased by 3-5 million for a dye...it's chump change. Folks that have much less are upset by it perhaps, but those folks dont really enjoy the current methods in the game to earn credits perhaps.


If there were more alternate ways to earn credits perhaps this might not be as much of an issue...after all, people rarely complain about the cost of armor on the CM, but the prices on the GTN are not that high.


Just a thought.

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