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20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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i agree.


if, however, they added dyes to collections, i wouldn't see this as much of a problem imo.


Yes, those kind of RL cash should make it bind to collections.


I dont object to much regarding the cartel market, but this is kind of absurd....

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Would you want both colors at that price point? Remember, black commands more interest than white IMO.


Can't say I really pay much attention to the GTN prices (other than: oh, couple of million :/), so I can't talk about their in-game value, but if we're basing the CC cost off of their percentage chance to drop and if White/White and Black/Black have the same percentage chance to drop, yes.


If not, then adjust prices accordingly.

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What does my post have anything to do with reading your post?


I notice that lots of folks are complaining about the current price, but do not want to offer suggestions for alternate prices or setups.


There are better ways to handle rarity. However that would intell make it reusable. They want people to pay $20 bucks for a dye? Well then it had damn-well better be reusable at the players discretion. Not trade-able, Not something to be sold on the GTN after some ridiculously long bound timer either. But bound to the toon it was purchased on at that time. It keeps it rare while making it worth while and worthy of considering spending $20 on it.


Mostly everything.

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Right....I'm going to go over the entire thread to find the suggestions I can figure out from posts and add them as suggestions to the list.


nah, don't have to do that. if you don't want to look over the whole thread, that's not an issue at all. in fact, i do it all the time.

it was just really funny to me that you said a lot of people are complaining, no one wants to offer any suggestions, and then make the one suggestion that's been made several times already.

it's even more funny to me now that you apparently came to this conclusion that people are complaining without offering suggestions having not read any of the thread. but you don't have to read all of it to see that suggestion. just the first reply.

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Ok, here is the list as it stands from all the folks that offered alternatives that I could find.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.

Edited by LordArtemis
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nah, don't have to do that. if you don't want to look over the whole thread, that's not an issue at all. in fact, i do it all the time.

it was just really funny to me that you said a lot of people are complaining, no one wants to offer any suggestions, and then make the one suggestion that's been made several times already.

it's even more funny to me now that you apparently came to this conclusion that people are complaining without offering suggestions having not read any of the thread. but you don't have to read all of it to see that suggestion. just the first reply.


Oh boy. Ok, a few corrections for you.


First, here is the quote:


I notice that lots of folks are complaining about the current price, but do not want to offer suggestions for alternate prices or setups.


It is a completely accurate statement. Lots of folks ARE complaining without offering suggestions for alternatives....and lots of folks are offering alternatives. I think everyone should offer alternatives. Hence my statement.


Second, I'm not sure where you get the idea that I didn't read the entire thread....of course I did. Otherwise I wouldn't know that folks were complaining without making alternate suggestions now, would I.


Jumping to conclusions, out of context. Folks, if your going to comment on comments made, at least take the time to READ them to make sure your accurate in your contentions.


Please don't make me post the multiple posts that complain without offering alternatives in this thread. I'm sure you can find them yourself. There are plenty.


Now that that has been put to bed, perhaps we can get back to the matter at hand and leave this silliness behind.

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Was just browsing the forums and... LOL

" BioWare would make more money simply putting black/black, white/white, pink/purple, etc on the CM for CC instead of hiding it in gambling packs. Charge 2100 CC for a black/black, and watch the profits zoom in. "

Just today a guildie of mine blown 90% of what he had on a hypercrate in attempt to obtain either one specific item or something "investable".


To very little avail.

And that ain't $20.

We supportively offered our mockeries and toldyousos.

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I agree the price is crazy for a one time use item, but..."it's robbery!!" "How dare they!?!"....you idiots realize you don't have to buy it right?


aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I won't buy it. Most people quit after the steaming pile of dog crap that was 2.1 came out. Populations are at their lowest and I'm sure they know why and just don't care.


The gambling packs and one time use crap killed this game. Every time I get the little monthly Cartel Coin email it just serves as a reminder that I forgot to cancel. I think I have like 10 billion Cartel Coins at this point. Whatever. I will never play another EA game ever again. What a bunch of garbage.

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Ok, here is the list as it stands from all the folks that offered alternatives that I could find.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable.


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack instead of a single dye.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.


Here's my suggestion:


Option 6: Leave it at the current price and let the people willing to pay for it fund my continued enjoyment of the game.


If no one buys it, they can drop the price later. I think people will buy it at the current price just fine, and since it's a cosmetic only thing, I don't see the problem. If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it.

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Here's my suggestion:


Option 6: Leave it at the current price and let the people willing to pay for it fund my continued enjoyment of the game.


If no one buys it, they can drop the price later. I think people will buy it at the current price just fine, and since it's a cosmetic only thing, I don't see the problem. If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it.


Ok, ill add that as option 7...I believe one other person mentioned that as well.

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Oh boy. Ok, a few corrections for you.


First, here is the quote:


I notice that lots of folks are complaining about the current price, but do not want to offer suggestions for alternate prices or setups.


It is a completely accurate statement. Lots of folks ARE complaining without offering suggestions for alternatives....and lots of folks are offering alternatives. I think everyone should offer alternatives. Hence my statement.


Second, I'm not sure where you get the idea that I didn't read the entire thread....of course I did. Otherwise I wouldn't know that folks were complaining without making alternate suggestions now, would I.


Jumping to conclusions, out of context. Folks, if your going to comment on comments made, at least take the time to READ them to make sure your accurate in your contentions.


Please don't make me post the multiple posts that complain without offering alternatives in this thread. I'm sure you can find them yourself. There are plenty.


Now that that has been put to bed, perhaps we can get back to the matter at hand and leave this silliness behind.

you made a few statements in sequence that seemed like putting your foot in your mouth, and i thought it was funny. you don't need to get so defensive. i'm not trolling you, just giving you a hard time.

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Mostly nothing.


I noticed that folks were complaining without offering alternatives. If you have read the thread you will see that folks are doing that...they should be offering alternatives instead of just complaining IMO. So my statement was accurate, your statement was not necessary.


I also noticed that folks ARE offering suggestions for alternatives. Those I will add to the list.


Context. It's important.


Nice try. You are off but nice try.


I read. I pointed out my disappointment as many have. I also gave a suggestion. The thing you seemed to be thinking was lacking. Also others have given suggestions as well.


As for your saying my statement wasn't necessary the same can be said about your opening statement..


If you going to point out the lack of suggestions then save yourself the trouble before hand. It's silly to point out something is lacking when it's not lacking. Only your desire to read x amount of pages is, or your only focus is on the negatives. It's not a issue, but you might as well be asking for it.


All I have done is point of that suggestions have been made even if you choose to ignore them.

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Ok, here is the list as it stands from all the folks that offered alternatives that I could find.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Option 7: Leave the prices as is.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.

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you made a few statements in sequence that seemed like putting your foot in your mouth, and i thought it was funny. you don't need to get so defensive. i'm not trolling you, just giving you a hard time.


Fair enough.


Nice try. You are off but nice try.


I read. I pointed out my disappointment as many have. I also gave a suggestion. The thing you seemed to be thinking was lacking. Also others have given suggestions as well.


As for your saying my statement wasn't necessary the same can be said about your opening statement..


If you going to point out the lack of suggestions then save yourself the trouble before hand. It's silly to point out something is lacking when it's not lacking. Only your desire to read x amount of pages is, or your only focus is on the negatives. It's not a issue, but you might as well be asking for it.


All I have done is point of that suggestions have been made even if you choose to ignore them.


There are posts without suggestions. Cut it out.


How about this...what would you like me to say so this silly exchange can end? Just let me know.


BTW...your suggestion is in the list as well.

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Here's my suggestion:


Option 6: Leave it at the current price and let the people willing to pay for it fund my continued enjoyment of the game.


If no one buys it, they can drop the price later. I think people will buy it at the current price just fine, and since it's a cosmetic only thing, I don't see the problem. If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it.




Let stupid people that can spend 20 bucks to spend it. I'm not interested on it, more people that buy, more money for bioware, not my money of course.

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I'm sorry guys.

If you make the dye cheaper, it will do one of two things: (1)Devalue the dye, so everyone is running around in black all of the time, thus making it worthless as a status symbol (and lets face it 99% of the people who own it view it that way). (2) It stays insanely popular, and suddenly people are converting CC to millions of in-game credits, wrecking the economy. I would go with 1, especially eventually, but if they wanted black dye to lose its cache, they would make it one of the Reputation rewards. And most people would be pissed about that. Right now, it's pretty fairly priced. It will still be in demand, it will probably start going under 1 million on the GTN. What's the problem again?

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Wait wait wait, they are charging 20 bucks for a one time use dye on the cash shop? :D LOL More than the mini expansion that they had, more than a months sub fee. Oh this is rich, this just made my day. I can't wait to tell my friend who left back in 1.2. He is going to love this hehehehe.
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Wait wait wait, they are charging 20 bucks for a one time use dye on the cash shop? :D LOL More than the mini expansion that they had, more than a months sub fee. Oh this is rich, this just made my day. I can't wait to tell my friend who left back in 1.2. He is going to love this hehehehe.


Yea it's kinda sad when you think of it that way. Think of the dev effort that went into the expac vs black dye.


Granted, it would appear from this thread not everyone is going to buy the dye (and I imagine at this point everyone has bought the expac) but still...

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Well... even at 2000 CC for Black/Black (on the average exchange rate peg for CC = Credits) That would be ~2M credits in a stable market (undercutting will drive it down even further). So.. while I personally would never pay 1000, much less 2000 for a consumable on the CM... it does represent a fee that will actually drive down the prices on the GTN in game.


The new GTN prices for Black/Black will be sub-2M and for White/White sub-1M. And this is before discounts on the CM. And it's high enough that it does not totally gut the rest of the dye market in the process.


I get that people want dyes for sale on the CM for cheap.. but If anything.. the prices here will drive the supply up and the prices down in the server GTNs.


People wanted direct purchase.. and thought the in game prices were too high... and here you go. If they sell well.. then you as players are your own problem. If they do not sell well.. they will be heavily discounted on the CM. Nobody is forcing you to buy them.


And NO.. I am not defending Bioware or supporting their price model.. I am simply analyzing the price and it's results.. and pointing out that you got what you asked for.. just not a cheaply as what you desire.

Edited by Andryah
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They need to adjust the dye modules as player crafted, and when you apply the module to an item, it opens a color wheel and lets you choose the brightness, hue, and tint that you want. Not everything needs to be overpriced on the cartel. Most of the stuff sure, but not freakin colors.


seriously, you guys are ************ about the wrong thing.

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Fair enough.




There are posts without suggestions. Cut it out.


How about this...what would you like me to say so this silly exchange can end? Just let me know.


BTW...your suggestion is in the list as well.


You are only making me laugh. First you say something is missing, now you want to acknowledge that it is in fact present.


I'm not asking you to say anything. I only aimed to help you see the thing that you claimed was missing. The thing you practically asked for. And this is silly. However I wasn't the one being silly.


I've been nothing but polite to you. How about we both move on and thankx for forging a list.

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