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Cheating and bots


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I don't see it as cheating unless they're farming mobs that others need for a mission, and making it more difficult for others to complete the mission.


It's no worse than EA allowing people to use real money to gain an advantage in game. Yes, the CC market gives an advantage by allowing them to get in game currency faster, and in larger quantities.


At least those people are getting their stuff from in the game.


If it doesn't interfere with what I am doing in game, then I couldn't care less if they're farming kills.

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OP seems like an anxious tattletale... we're debating the ethics of right or wrong in....video games? you're not the hallmonitor, they aren't hurting you or anyone. report them all you want but why you let it bother you or affect you the way it does baffles me.
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The OP has a valid complaint. Also, I play on "Prophecy of Five" and "Bastion" (both PVP servers). Most of the people on both servers are decent, so not sure what you mean by "you're asking for trouble for being on PVP server".


At the time I didn't understand what the OP was saying because the OP was poorly written. I did a few posts later. It is a problem. If a person is going to resort to farming, they should at least have some honor and not resort to exploiting a game to have unfair advantage over other players through use of a bot that will play nonstop.


And what I meant when i said you're asking for trouble for being on PVP server is you play at your own risk, I'm not surprised alot of people play PVP to feed a epeen or to troll low level players. Not saying that all players on PVP servers are like that but I do think you're more likely to get the more trolly players there then in other servers.

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Frankly I am amazed and more than a little saddened by the number of folks attacking the OP for pointing out a blatant botter/cheater.


I mean if those folks really don't get why it is an issue for people then they need to spend some time a) growing up and b) reading the CoC/ToC for the game that specifically states what is acceptable behaviour by people in game...


You know that big wall of text they skipped past and clicked accept to...


Personally I hope the botter/cheater is banned and Bioware I would hope you are looking into this as a report feature is MEANINGLESS if you ignore it.




Coming to the forums and making a post about a botter/cheater does not make the accused a botter/cheater.


As I said earlier, the amount of people who accuse others of botting when they aren't is staggering.


Kill someone in PvP?


Chances are that someone may accuse you of cheating because they can't die ... they are awesome.


Farming for credits or other such nonsense?


People like the OP pop on the forums and accuse you of botting because you are doing the same thing constantly.


As I also said earlier, i've seen people use "I whispered them, but they didn't respond. They were a bot" as actual proof they had found a botter.


People whisper me, I rarely respond. I'm not botting i'm just ignoring them because i'm an ignorant git and can't be bothered chatting to folk I don't know.

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It's really pretty simple. If you suspect a hack of any sort, you report it and give the pertinent information. EA/BW will take it from there.


If nothing is done to someone you reported, then obviously it isn't a bot/hack. EA/BW will get around to investigating but if they don't find any proof they aren't going to do anything.


Case in point: We have a guildie that will go to certain areas and farm kills for Bioanalysis and Scavenging. He often is listening to music and isn't paying attention to much of anything outside of his grind pattern, to the point of even missing whispers from guild mates.


He isn't a bot, but he also isn't going to change things just because someone he doesn't know comes up and starts whispering at him...if he sees the whisper at all.


Coming onto the forum and whining about hacks and bots doesn't do anything. EA/BW will not discuss any actions they take against a hack or bot player. You aren't going to suddenly get a message saying "we'll get right on banning those people you reported on the forum".


Report and move on, there is nothing more you need to do.

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I would like to bring everyone to the attention of THIS VIDEO in which clearly shows a player abusing the game using a hack program that is assisted by a "bot".


This player specifically has bee reported numerous times by the OP of this thread...yet almost a month later, this player is still permitted to exploit the game.





Confirmed at least one player.




Also confirmed. The Bot never attacks players, only NPCs.




Also confirmed. I am in full Partison PvP gear with one Conqueror Ear Piece on this particular character with almost all pieces Augmented. (Note, there is very little difference between Partison and Conqueror gear.) This particular Bot became very hard to kill, which indicates the bot used to hack, had an AI that activated cool downs at precise times.




The OP has a point here. All a Dev has to do is log on, and watch the bot in action. This post was made by the OP way back in 9/02/13. It is now 9/24/13. Yet, the player is obviously still using bots and it is obvious the GMs has done little, if anything, to prevent this player from doing it again. It is quite apparent this particular player has a clear and blatant disregard for the EULA.


Has it now become policy for the Devs to ignore reports made against hackers? I notice Gold Farmer companies who consistently spam lowbie worlds for their web sites also go extended periods of time without being removed from the game. I have to question the Devs on this one. You come to the forums and discuss forum moderation...you are instantly suspended from communicating on the forums. Action against your account is almost immediate. Yet a player can hack the game for weeks if not months and nothing is done about it. Devs...what exactly is your policy for the game now? Has your policy changed? When I see things in game like this, it truly makes me question what rules are overlooked if broken and which ones are not. Is it perhaps time to revise the rules and the tolerance levels coincided with those rules? Would sure make my gaming experience less stressful if I knew which rules were not worth my time to stop and report when I see players who abuse and exploit the game. If I knew which reports would be overlooked if not outright ignored, I could move on and not waste my time reporting these Hackers. I do not like wasting time to write out a report, if that report is going to be ignored.


Lol...nice vid :)


Obvious bot is obvious...hopefully a ban is incoming!!



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This guy is a menace.


You realize that is your toon in the video. You may think bioware is dumb there but watch for the love you will soon get. Your whole guild should be sweating since 2.4 won't be happening for you. Just keep acting like its not you since people are not stupid. Keep using the same username all over the internet since bioware won't know. Good job on changing your youtube username since you are so pro.

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You realize that is your toon in the video. You may think bioware is dumb there but watch for the love you will soon get. Your whole guild should be sweating since 2.4 won't be happening for you. Just keep acting like its not you since people are not stupid. Keep using the same username all over the internet since bioware won't know. Good job on changing your youtube username since you are so pro.







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Please tell me I am not the only one who about fell out his chair laughing when Doc asked the botting Juggernaut, "Did you not notice my jedi friend?" as the bot continued ignoring the jedi attacking him? That was frankly priceless as far as I am concerned.
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