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Ex-SWG players,...do you


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SWG was much more well thought out indeed. The team behind it were true professionals.


By that I mean, they were able to maintain a true Star Wars feel despite the resources at their expense.

Edited by Varnosh
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For me SWG was shut down with the NGE, and a total different game in the same skin was launched, a game which i did not like and i quit with an immense feeling of loss.


SWG was really a revolutionary game, absolutely amazing player driven economy and cities, mix and match skill system that even had no visibile level before the "upgrade".


OK it had some bugs, but the good parts were compensating.


SWTOR is a different kind of game, and i enjoy it for what it is currently.

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I loved SWG until the NGE. I still played, but focused on Space.


If this game makes the Space part like SWG, I'll be here for a long time. If not, I'll have a wait and see approach about the long term.


I am enjoying it now and look forward to creating an alt and doing a second story line.

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No, no I don't. Why? Because I know the difference between a Theme-park MMO and a Sandbox MMO.


Sandbox = MMORPG

Theme Park = Online RPG




Can we make an MMORPG? No, but anyway make one, call it Theme Park MMO, and if some1 dont like our world, just tell them, because its not a Sandbox MMO just an MMO Light

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The only thing i miss about SWG is;


1) the Galactic Civil War era :(


2) Free form space exploration and the ability to have really personalized and unique star ships. But I have faith Bio will expand upon the starship areas of SWTOR


3) Iconic, playable SW races. Why cant I be a Trandoshan, Rodia, Gran, Ithorian, etc? Twi'lek and Zabrak are the only other really SW feeling species.


Otherwise, no real problems with this game. Im havin a blast.

Edited by genghiscon
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Play this game, then remember how much better swg was? Not complaining, it's a great game, but I can't help but want:


Player made cities

More class choices

More realistic

Less WoWistic

More depth

I can name a solid 5 more.


don't flame me, it's just an opinion i thought I would share with other ex-swgers

Games great, I'm sure I'll adapt, but just off of first week impressions


I enjoyed SWG myself a lot and played it for 3 years, but it had a lot of problems I think people forget that. Some of the things i really would have liked to see in SWTOR was a JTL type sapce experience which might still be on it's way (Remember SWG didn't launch with any space, player cities, or mounts). Player housing & cities was probably one of the best features of the game besides crafting.


But balance was terrible in the pre-CU game there was always another FOTM especially once people started grinding out professions to unlock Jedi. Part of the reason for this was the number of professions & hybrid professions they had in the game, while it was nice to have the options it was almost impossible to balance. If you look at it every class in SWTOR has 2 advanced classes in which each has 3 skill trees you can climb for different specialties. One of them being shared between the advanced classes. You can also go the hybrid approach between the specialties which how that will work out remains to be seen. In SWG you had your combat skill as separate profession SWTOR basically consolidates it and gives you the option to go tank, Healer, DPS (Ranged & Melee) for most of the 8 classes, and be fairly viable in PVE possibly PVP.


The questing system in SWG was horrible, you can tell that BW made this one of the most important facets of developing this game. I love the questing sytem , I never feel like I'm grinding, and the missions all make sense to my character's story & progression.


And how about the all the bugs. SWG had tons of them, I remember there being bugs from the first few months of the game 3 years later. I think the dev team for that game was uhugely inexperienced on what it took to run one of these games, and never was able to get it right. In comparison SWTOR has very few bugs, and really is a polished game. Are there need for improvements yes of course, but based on what I've seen of the game so far I'm confident this dev team is capable of handling those changes & addiitions. I think at some point they had to say they were releasing with a set of features that were most important to making the game playable & fun. I'm sure over the next few weeks & months we'll see a lot of changes & additions that make the game that much better.


Hope you didn't take this as a flame, but I'm just trying to point out the differences between the two games.

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I still play Galaxies 1 or 2 times a week, usually between que's ;p


Not anymore you don't! Servers dropped last week.


On topic however, yes. I miss those things but I also understand that those things don't fit in here as they did with SWG. I'll be happy with guild ships and ship customization. SWG Pre-CU and some part of the CU was one of my favorite games. I do have memories of what it once was but it's long gone now.

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Play this game, then remember how much better swg was? Not complaining, it's a great game, but I can't help but want:


Player made cities

More class choices

More realistic

Less WoWistic

More depth

I can name a solid 5 more.


don't flame me, it's just an opinion i thought I would share with other ex-swgers

Games great, I'm sure I'll adapt, but just off of first week impressions


Let's address your points:


Player made cities: SWG didn't start with that ability, and to be honest, it was a neat idea, but it was implemented poorly. LOTRO did a little better with this, making instanced "player housing/guild/cities." I could see something like that happening here.


More class choices: Really? When SWG launched you had to be a certain combo, otherwise you couldn't do anything.


More realistic: Umm, sure. Yes this has a stylized feel to it, but it is staying true to what made KOTOR/KOTOR2 great games. Do I like that every other NPC or player I run into is overly-large (bordering on obese)? Not exactly. Especially the fat bridge officer running in Esseles, but you forget some of the combos on SWG too.


Less WoWtastic: ???


More depth: Umm, what planet were you on? This game has way more depth than SWG ever had.


Do I like TOR? Yes, I do. Do I blindly follow it? No, TOR has its issues, just like any game. I just choose to not make a big deal over the things that - in fact, some of those things are what is allowing me to play on my laptop while my desktop is unable to be used (no place to set it up).

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Yeah more body types would be wonderful. 4 Doesn't really cut it. The rest of the customization options are great and plentiful.


I miss having a house.


I miss having a PoB Gunship that my friends could hop in the turrets and we could cruise around blasting stuff. Right now, while we all still have a PoB ship, it's closer to the Sorosuub yacht. Good for RP and that's it. There's not even a workbench or mailbox on the thing so you can do your own tradeskills and stuff. You should be able to do your own crafting on your ship while your crew are out there.

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Play this game, then remember how much better swg was? Not complaining, it's a great game, but I can't help but want:


Player made cities

More class choices

More realistic

Less WoWistic

More depth

I can name a solid 5 more.


don't flame me, it's just an opinion i thought I would share with other ex-swgers

Games great, I'm sure I'll adapt, but just off of first week impressions


Player made cities -- that were almost always emtpy

More class choices -- until they nerfed the skill system with CU and NGE

More realistic -- Yeah I loved having to physical move batterys from my wind power unit 5 feet over to my mining unit becuase there was no way to connect them.

Less WoWistic -- ? is this even a word? Yes wow is the bigest around but it was not the frist to do the locked classes and skill trees they are just the one that made it work and sell.

More Depth -- Debatable at launch there was much like any MMO it got more depth from being around and adding content. It can also be said the the CU and NGE actully took away Depth.


not a flame but I have to disagree with your opinion and I was playing SWG since beta until after NGE when I just walked away.

Edited by Saice
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Ok for me it would be- all this before pre nge..


The Cantinas- the dancers, the musicians, the beauticians the whole community thing...making a camp and playing music and dancing for buffs..I love this game but if you put this in life would be awesome!


The Space Combat- once you played Swg space combat then nothing will compare- but it is fun in this one don’t get me wrong but I would rather have it like Swg...Like your ships on fire and you have to leave your turret and run through the ship to put them out (so many broken fingers playing SWG Space Combat LOL) ..Take the space combat from SWG and add your excellent questing that this game has and omg that would be the best!


Ok someone said the way points I think you are forgetting the worst thing ever was trying to remember which planet your crafting machines are on....omg I am laughing so hard remembering the countless hours trying to locate them.


Ok I will go along with the guild cities I miss them then again I don’t - when guilds abandoned them all that space started to clutter..But I love the decorating of the houses...


The outfits in SWG- the sexy dresses and clothes where the best in that game I had two houses just to store them all..I could shop for days..Which brings me to the next why not the malls that they had? With the Merchants set up? I loved that...


But other then that the New Starwars comes in on top- no lag in cities- great quest- great story- I am just loving the New Starwars so no going back for me..but those extras would be nice:o

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Played SWG from launch and all I can say is that it was singularly the most awful MMO to date.


I for one am extremely happy that the blemish of SWG is forever removed from the face of gaming. And no I'm not trolling I genuinely was so disappointed in that game that to this day I'm still angry that I spent the money purchasing it. I've been ripped off before but man SWG was the most blatant exploitation of the SW name to date.... And this is coming from a person that owns a Jar Jar Binks (a gift) Pez dispenser.

Edited by Acesome
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TBH these are two separate and very different games that share a similar subject (star wars)


SWG's sandbox aspect was what drew me in, that and the more realistic (if that's possible in a fantasy setting lol) character design. I do not like the character look in this game but the story lines and stability seems to be far more than what SWG would dream in achieving... oh and lets not forget the number of players lol


TOR - At the moment the story line is what is keeping me here, the PVP is fun I know Ive not seen as much as there is being a level 20. I'm keeping my hopes that the game will continue to get better and better... as far as the character design? im just glad there are helmets!


Two great games, both with their own following and critics... SWG was fun for some, i know it was for me but then again so has TOR - which I was rather unsure of about a year ago!


SWG still lives on with the EMU (just not my thing) BUT if anyone knows of a CU emulator or an emulator of the last version, please do let me know as the game was (in my opinion at its most towards in the CU and towards the end)

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Its unfortunate, but I believe because of WoW's wild success , we may never again see an MMO with the depth of some of the earlier-age MMO'S.


WoWs success took MMO's from niche market to mainstream fare. As such, every game maker wants to me that next popcorn thriller, they wanna be the next lady-gaga, the next WoW, unfortunatley "Pop"ularity does not always coincide with quality entertainment.


So no, this is not SWG or any of those classic MMO's that actually had depth, this is WoW stuffed in a Star-Wars wrapper..


Its the Justin Beiber of MMO's, minus the stupid haircut.

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Play this game, then remember how much better swg was? Not complaining, it's a great game, but I can't help but want:


Player made cities

More class choices

More realistic

Less WoWistic

More depth

I can name a solid 5 more.


don't flame me, it's just an opinion i thought I would share with other ex-swgers

Games great, I'm sure I'll adapt, but just off of first week impressions




SWG who??? as a devout fan of SWG that is my ONLY response after playing this game. it beats swg in every way possible.

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Play this game, then remember how much better swg was? Not complaining, it's a great game, but I can't help but want:


Player made cities

More class choices

More realistic

Less WoWistic

More depth

I can name a solid 5 more.


don't flame me, it's just an opinion i thought I would share with other ex-swgers

Games great, I'm sure I'll adapt, but just off of first week impressions



Yes...let's look back at the "better" game Star Wars Galaxies:


-Poorly implemented player made cities: I love how everywhere I turned on Tat there was always a house on every corner of the planet. That isn't very lush and beautiful. It is if you're a industrial man and like seeing the environment destroyed.


-By "class" you mean profession. Ah yes, the great professions that gave players the ability to shape the ingame economy and buff system at their will. It was so much fun organizing a monopoly with other Traders and raising the prices on ingame equipment to the point where everything was 5mil or more.


-Oh yes, SWG was so realistic I really loved how half naked men would run at me with wooden staffs not vibroblades, but wooden staffs that can apparently parry a lightsaber.


-More depth? Jedi profession in a nutshell: We fight for peace and should always try to take survivors. Now that I said that I need you to go kill 75 thieves and thugs because they stole some guy's wedding ring. Why? Well..um...Good luck!


Don't flame on me this is an opinion. It didn't feel "heroic" until you hit lv 90 and started fighting rancors and doing instances. Other than that the rest of the levels consisted of killing womp-rats and other small animals.

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My guild consists of people of who played SWG with me and none of them miss SWG. Ya, we had good times in that game; but, we don't cling to the past and for what it's worth, we saw SWG for what it was in the past. It was nothing but a broken hodgepodge if the worst Star Wars canon all thrown into one place. The only thing that game had going for it for a very short time was it's community. Once CU then NGE came, that game was destined for December 15th.


If you honestly believe that game was better than this, you're simply deluding yourself.

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I agree that there are many aspects of SWG that are light years ahead of this game, especially the space combat. The space combat in this game is perhaps the worst I have seen in years. I do think that this game is more in depth though as far as the storyline, they did a great job with the voice overs and the cinematics. Another aspect that I wish they would fix would be that everything should be soloable. Yep I completely understand its an MMO but I only play MMOs because technically they never end because they are always being updated with patches----yeah I know sounds weird I play an MMO but don't like playing with other people lol.
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