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Next expansion share your ideas be creative :)


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New lvl cap: 70

3 new planets for lvl 55-70: Dantooine, and I don't know enough side lore to pick the other 2, Dxun might fun.

1 new starter "planet" for new class: Asteroid Outpost Jedith

2 new classes: Jedith rogue, and Jedith combatant

The new classes focus around the Jedith amalgamation. A group of force sensitives who train together but are outside the Sith and the Jedi, they don't belive in the strict rules of the Jedi, or the hatred of the Sith, but they don't hate the other orders. However the Jedi want their order disbanded as they don't believe that you can have an order without their rules and not lead to the darkside. The Sith see them as an opportunity, the Jedi discover Jedith at the end of the 3rd chapter, and become distracted from the war effort, allowing the empire to make it's comeback. The Jedith are led by a very powerful Jawa named Jeebii. Though the Sith don't approve of the Jedith order per say, they are useful for now, and some of the Sith, such as Darth Marr believe that they may be the key to winning the war (and will accept them as permanent allies). seeing as the Sith aren't trying to destroy them, the Jedith are more ready to side with the Sith if they are forced to take sides. The Jedith train force sensitives to be able to use their abilities and give them a safe haven and a place to teach if it behooves their members. Other than that after training you're free to live your life, meaning that after you play through your tutorial you get to pick to either join the republic side or the empire. Jedith training focuses on not only using the classic force user powers but also on the use of conventional weaponry. Jedith rogues are armed with both a lightsaber and a pistol and choose between swashbuckler (dps, focuses on combat) and trickster (heal/tank, focuses on tech and force powers). Jedith combatants fight with all new weapons such as the light fist (essentially lightsaber brass knuckles) if they chose the pugilist advanced class (dps/tank, who dives into the fight) or lightwhips (lightsaber whips) if they chose the renegade advanced class (dps/stealth who practices tactical combat).

Prologue would be you training, and then moving on to a home-world to determine whether either faction is ready to learn of the Jedith yet as your final test. Chapter one you would be hired by Jeedii to gather more information on the factions by posing as a freelancer for the side you chose (there would be something going on as well but that's for Bioware to decide). chapter 2 you would be hired on by the faction to assist in their "War effort", climaxing with you performing some impressive feat for the side. Chapter 3 you would be hunting down your friend from training who was sent after a force artifact that is controlling him, and is making him try to destroy the amalgamation, you have to stop him. Chapter 4 (5?) you would be trying to prove to your side that the Jedith aren't a threat (if republic to the Jedi, if Sith to one supremacist Sith who has a lot of power) while also building the Jedith's strength for the war which they are about to be dragged into.


All classes would receive a new unique companion

All romancable companions would be made bisexual (and subsequently all conversations with said companions would reset as to not screw over people who have already completed)

New species: Android (would be so high tech it functions just like organic characters, with a few unique lines of dialogue but all the options of an organic character)

Republic classes trooper and smuggler would get the option to betray the republic and join the empire

(its really not fair that the BH and IA can join the empire but not vice versa)


New Warzone: Battleground Alpha- basic warzone, periodic air strikes and enemy npc soldiers all around devastated city, patrolling tanks, various locations you can take control of which give boosts to your teams bonuses.

New Operation: I haven't played all of these yet so I don't know what it would be.


Republic classes plot lines:

Jedi knight: Would be sent on the questionable quest of building up to eradicate the Jedith.

Jedi councilor: Would be gathering information on the Jedith.

Trooper: tries to keep in the war but gets dragged into the Jedith situation as that's where most of the fighting is happening now

Smuggler: Tries to keep the Jedi order away from the Jediths throat (an old partner you owe a favor to turns out to be a Jedith), while making some credits along the way.

Imperial Classes plot lines:

Sith Warrior: Gets the job of trying to decimate all republic/Jedi forces that set up to battle the Jedith or the Imperial forces.

Sith Inquisitor: searches for anything the empire can use to fight the war.

Imperial agent: assigned with the old group from imperial intelligence to defend the Jedith and get them to ally with the empire.

Bounty Hunter: hired by the empire to hunt down significant republic/Jedi heads.



In the end of the storyline the republic forces the Jedith to ally with the empire, and a whole new war begins. however the republic side hasn't wasted it's time, the knights preparations have wounded the Jediths strength and allow them to make a strike against the local Jedith encampment. The councilor raids the Jedith stronghold and retrieves the location of the asteroid facility. The trooper does combat with the Sith lord that was in charge of the defense of the Jedith (who can convince the trooper that the republic is wrong since they are trying to wipe out a peacful-ish group of force sensitives), and the smuggler saves a lot of the Jedith from the camp and makes a lot of money (being given the option at the end to become a privateer for the empire by the Jedith, with the argument that the republic just went genocidal on people who never did anything to them)



Jedith history has them being founded after the Mandalorian wars, a clan that was setting up an ambush on an asteroid belt after hearing about Malacor holed up there and decided that the force obviously wasn't like they had thought, and begun practicing it themselves. They were trained by a single Jedi who had betrayed the republic during the wars to join the Mandalorians when he decided that they would make better leaders of the galaxy. Since then they have simply existed, training anyone they can recruit, and staying hidden, they have produced many bounty hunters and mercenaries who the republic has always counted off as isolated incidents. Jeedii took command recently when his predecessor died of natural causes. Jeedii was a Jawa shaman in training who's tribe was destroyed by sand people, and was taken into the Jedith, since the neither the Jedi nor the Sith thought that Jawas were force sensitive.


If I forgot anything please let me know :)


EDIT: I forgot, it would also enable you to customize your ship.

Edited by iWeasle
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I'm just going to compile a list of things I'd like to see in future expansions.


1. Level cap increase

2. Guild Capital Ships

3. Pvp planets where factions can lose and gain control of planets due to capture points held. Depending on which side controls the planet npc dialogue could differ and also certain quests could be locked out from the losing team. Or possibly it just gives buffs to the winning team like XP boost and stat boosts.

4. Cosmetic gear.

5. New planets such as Kashyyk, Naboo, Yavin IV, Endor, Mustafarr, and ect

6. Space Operations

7. Open Space Pve

8. Space Smuggling

9. Continued class story lines

10. New companions

11. Let certain classes cross over to opposite faction depending on class story decisions. So for example, we could see IA's on both pub and imp side.


Bioware, I know you have downsized, but that don't mean you gotta downsize the quality of content. I still have faith in you guys! With space pvp, I see you guys are heading in the right direction, I just hope you add space pve too. :)

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I would like to see Zonama Sekot and the Yuuzhan Vong. the first Yuuzhan Vong arrived in the star wars Galaxy some time after Exar Kun became Dark Lord of the sith. even in the first KOTOR Revan has a conversation with Canderous Ordo who encountered a Vong scout ship. My suggestion would be to have a republic explorer vessel crash land on Zonama Sekot and send out a distress signal to the republic. the Chiss Ascendancy picks up this transmission and send a courier towards Dromund Kaas but is intercepted by a vong scouting party. the chiss courier reaches Dromund Kaas but dies shortly after delivering the message. this way you can have the republic racing to recover there explorers on a new and strange world while the sith will be seeking to claim a new planet for their empire. the Yuuzhan Vong will be looking for this planet since it is the offspring of their home world Yuuzhan'tar. therefore you get a three way battle. the twist will be that the republic and empire are unaware that the planet is alive and does not want to be found by the Yuuzhan Vong and will fight all three factions to remain hidden. this will be in keeping with the cannon since Zonama Sekot was not colonized till 89 years before the battle of Yavin. another reason i suggest adding the Yuuzhan Vong is that as a race they brought the new republic to its knees and crippled the galactic alliance so much that Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire was able to take over the galaxy. granted the main Yuuzhan Vong is several centuries away from entering the star wars galaxy so the Yuuzhan Vong will not be at full strength. however their bio technology is so far advanced that they can seriously challenge both the republic and empire. additionally the vong are absent from the force so they would be extremely difficult opponents for the jedi and the sith. also with masquer the vong could disquise themselves as humans thus allowing them to gather intelligence and seed chaos amongst their enemies. as for why there is no record of the Yuuzhan Vong before the main forces invasion, well lets just say that the this empire doesn't exist by the time darth vader is around and that the republic has a bad habit of not keeping very good records. for example the attack of the clones obi wan is trying to find records in the jedi archives about Kamino. the librarian there says that if its not in their records then it doesn't exist. when in fact Kamino does exist and there is and entire clone army ready for the republic to use. let me know what you all think.
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Two New Planets - Taanab and Mon Calamari


Chapter 5 - Massacre on Taanab



Taanab is an agricultural world based on the edge of the core worlds. Up until a few years ago, the planet was thriving providing food and medical supplies to the Republic. However, two years ago, a plague affected a large part of the farming area, killing off livestock and destroying many crops, as well as killing thousands of people. The source of the plague was unknown, but it caused huge ecological and economical damage to the planet which to this day they are still suffering from.


The populace, many of whom lost there homes and were suffering from starvation, began to get extremely angry and frustrated at the ruling Government, who they felt weren't doing enough to solve the issue and to find out who and what was responsible. Out of no where, a new party was formed, under the charismatic Gorvan Korlo, who suddenly produced the cure to this plague, and provided questionable evidence that the Jedi were somehow involved. Despite there being doubts of the validity of this evidence, the vast majority of the population, who were in a desperate situation, believed him anyway, and within a year the ruling government was thrown out and Korlo became the most powerful man on the planet.


With his cure slowly removing elements of the plague from the planet, and his approval rating sky-rocketing, Korlo began to make radical changes to the planets defenses. The Militia was turned from a few improperly trained regiments to a well trained fighting force of over 3 million troops. The largest cities had large walled fortifications built around them, which included turbo lasers, missile batteries, and shield generators. Opponents of Korlo who were very outspoken were found either dead, or, after being missing for a short time, suddenly very positive about him.

Korlo also continued his anti Jedi movement, firing up the populace into believing that there intentions were evil and that they wished to dominate the planet. Soon Jedi found themselves banned from public areas, and eventually the only place they were allowed to remain were on the grounds on the small temple based on the planet.

All in the mean time, Korlo managed to carefully monitor all communications leaving the planet, ensuring that the Republic did not know what was happening on Taanab or try to arouse any suspicion.


After months of hearing barely nothing from the planet, the Republic were suddenly surprised when the planet issue a red alert, informing that they have detected a large Imperial Force preparing to invade the planet. The Republic responded quickly, sending a large task force to assist with the defense of the planet, which included a fleet of almost 300 ships, a few dozen Jedi, and numerous special forces teams. Upon arriving, the met the Taanab Fleet, and they deployed there ground forces in strategic areas, and waited for the Imperial force to show up.


When the Imperial Fleet did show up, the Taanabians showed the true colors. Taanab guns suddenly turned on the Republic Fleet and opened fire on them. Before the Republic could react to what had happened, the Imperial Forces hit them as well, and soon the fleet was being hit by both sides. Outnumbered, and outgunned, the Republic Fleet was forces to make a hasty retreat.


On the ground, Republic soldiers found themselves being slaughtered by both Taanab army soldiers and hidden Imperial units. Jedi found themselves gunned down by a huge barrage of gunfire, whilst decorated Republic special forces were unceremoniously cut down in an act of betrayal. The Imperial army landed and soon added to the carnage. The remaining Republic Troops and Jedi eventually managed to break away from there ambushes and retreat back to the mountains and forests, where they are slowly attempting to regroup.


In what was to be known as the 'Taanab Massacre', almost 100 ships were destroyed, turned the orbit into a floating graveyard. 60% of the Republic ground forces were decimated, and over 30 Jedi Knights and Masters were killed. The remaining Republic forces are now attempting to regroup, setting up base in small towns spread across the planet and preparing to make a stand. The Republic are in shock of what happened, and are now gathering fresh troops and ships to assault the planet and save the trapped Republic Forces on Taanab. Meanwhile, reveling in there glorious victory, the Imperials and Taanab Forces continue there rampage across the planet, killing any Republic and Jedi Survivors.


Chapter 5 - Massacre on Taanab starts immediately after this event


Jedi Consular - Taanab Storyline



Whilst the Jedi make preparations for Taanab, the Council ask the Consular to investigate how Gorvan Korlo managed to get so much influence over the populace so quickly, and how he managed to obtain "evidence" of the plague being a Jedi action, as they believe there is something more sinister involved.



Jedi Knight - Taanab Storyline



Unsure about this one, any ideas would be appreciated



Trooper - Taanab Storyline



Your squad is one of the many special forces units sent down to Taanab to prepare for the Imperial invasion. Fortunately, you were one of the only units to get out of the massacre relatively unscathed. You gather what remains of the Republic force and plan an action of attack on the enemy stronghold before you are annihilated.



Smuggler - Taanab Storyline



Shortly after the massacre, Taanab forces head to the Jedi temple on the planet and attack it. The temple is levelled, and the majority of Jedi/Force sensitives are killed. Whilst passing nearby, the Smuggler is contacted by a noble, one of the few not affected by Korlo's influence. He asks you to find his son, who was a particularly potent force sensitive, see if he is alive, and if he is, get him off planet. Unfortunatley, another noble hears this conversation, and sends two dangerous Bounty Hunters to find the boy before the Smuggler does



Took me an hour to right this, ill try and continue it tommorow

Edited by Mossesman
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if i got to decide what the the expansion would be it would be this:

level cap: 60

New planet: Denova

New species: togruta

New classes: SIS agent (republic) commando (empire)

New WZ: something that revolves around CTF

New OP: shadows of the dark side


Notes: i also think there should be an option for empire players to give up on taris to stop pubs from getting balmorra and opposite should be true for the republic. besides, as an imp do you ever hear that something like "OMG WE LOST BALMORRA DUDES! AND securing taris ain't worth it man. i mean what will we do without all those valuable weapons"? NO! we dont and neither does the republic hear anything like "the empire just ravaged our rebuilding efforts on taris and now all the planets in the seat of the empire region actually belong to the empire. i guess the empire DID secure their symbol of ravaging us. sorry pubs, taris ain't being rebuilt. but dont worry its worth it cuz we have AMAZING weapons and its only a matter of years or even months before the empire makes its last stand on dromund kaas and we win".



I started reading this thread saw this and was like "this guy stole my thoughts" but seriously best idea ever...

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Two New Planets - Taanab and Mon Calamari


Chapter 5 - Massacre on Taanab


Jedi Knight - Taanab Storyline



Unsure about this one, any ideas would be appreciated


Here's an idea:

A few months ago (end of chapter 3) the jedi knight defeated the emperor. There is evidence however that he is not dead. The knight is sent out to find the cause of the plague. He will eventually fined out that the plague was indeed a jedi, a jedi possessed by the emperor. That possessed jedi is the 1st son and the other children are making the necessary preparations for the emperor's return. Although the JK has killed anagral, defeated the emperor's agents, and the emperor himself(for now) he has yet to fight his greatest battle yet.


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Title: The Return of the Infinite Empire

New Cap: 60-75

New Crafting Cap: 500 (Require's Infinite Crafting Tech)

New Species: Rakata (Only playable after beating the expansion) Echani, Mandalorians

New Planets: Lehon, Mandalore, Katarr, Felucia, Kashyyyk and Dantooine + Many more.


Plot Summary: After witnessing the events surrounding the Battle of Rakata Prime, one Rakata tribe turned their gaze back to the stars. With the desire to once more reach across the Galaxy, this one tribe united those that shared their vision, and wiped out those that opposed. For 300 years they have been watching and preparing, reclaiming and activating their former secrets, still hidden from the rest of the Galaxy.


Now with a Galaxy divided, with factions fighting multiple fronts, the Infinite Empire makes it move. Attacking both Imperial and Republic worlds with superior technology and mastery of the force, the Infinite Empire's endless fleets and armies push at the borders of both superpowers relentlessly. A Galaxy divided will surely fall, only together can the Republic and the Empire hope to survive against the once extinct superpower. Can both side's find a way to work together to stop the Infinite Empire? Or will one attempt to manipulate the situation and seize all?

Edited by Bowersda
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Title: The Return of the Infinite Empire

New Cap: 60-75

New Crafting Cap: 500 (Require's Infinite Crafting Tech)

New Species: Rakata (Only playable after beating the expansion) Echani, Mandalorians

New Planets: Lehon, Mandalore, Katarr, Felucia, Kashyyyk and Dantooine + Many more.


Plot Summary: After witnessing the events surrounding the Battle of Rakata Prime, one Rakata tribe turned their gaze back to the stars. With the desire to once more reach across the Galaxy, this one tribe united those that shared their vision, and wiped out those that opposed. For 300 years they have been watching and preparing, reclaiming and activating their former secrets, still hidden from the rest of the Galaxy.


Now with a Galaxy divided, with factions fighting multiple fronts, the Infinite Empire makes it move. Attacking both Imperial and Republic worlds with superior technology and mastery of the force, the Infinite Empire's endless fleets and armies push at the borders of both superpowers relentlessly. A Galaxy divided will surely fall, only together can the Republic and the Empire hope to survive against the once extinct superpower. Can both side's find a way to work together to stop the Infinite Empire? Or will one attempt to manipulate the situation and seize all?


omg im loving this :) :) :) :) :) :) i want to kill Rakata 1 on 1 not just in op!!!!!

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I've got a few ideas to share tonight. The first is my 4th idea for a new player class (the description will come from the Sith side, of course; I like the Empire's style). As I've already taken Aim, Cunning, & Strength in previous posts, this new playable class will use Willpower & Endurance as their primary stats. And of course, most people reading this will see something very similar to the Inquisitor class, but (if they read very carefully) will notice quite a few fundamental differences.


This new class (on the Empire side) will be the Sith Disciple, who will start on the same world as the Fanatic: either Korriban or Ziost (preferably a level 1-10 area of Ziost; we already have alternate areas of Corelia & Belsavis, let's make two areas of Ziost - one as a starter area & the other for Alricka's idea for the Ziost Massacure). Now Disciples are heavy into force powers like the Inquisitor, and are trained under an little-known Sith lord to create his/her own secret army of malignant force users. [i'd recommend making the master a female just because female lords are always both more sinister & more appealing - just look at Lord Zash.]


The story will of course focus on this renegade lord training the player and a small army of similar disciples to be his/her secret weapons to ensure his/her own advancement to... (brace yourselves) the throne of the Empire! Basically, you'll be playing a character where your master wants to use you to secure his/her place as the supreme ruler of the Empire. To that end, you are trained to take in the darkness that radiates from Sith lords and use the presence of others [whether they be enemies or friends] to compliment your own power. Which means that if you ever come across the Emperor, his power will fuel your power.


Chapter 1 will of course focus on training to become the galaxy's most potent weapon. From covert missions on Dromund Kaas with two of your fellow disciples (who later become your romancable companions) to probing an ancient Jedi archive on Alderaan for more secrets, all your time is focused on either finding forgotten dark side rituals or coming up with your own.


However somewhere along the way, like at the beginning of Chapter 2/end of Chapter 1, you discover that your own master's insanity will prove to be disastrous for the galaxy & decide that you either don't want him/her to take over (light side) or you'd rather take his/her power for yourself (dark side). To either end, you betray your master, a nice little break from your master betraying you, and you snuff him/her out at the end of Chapter 2.


You gain control of the secret disciple army, minus the ones you've killed to secure your advancement, and then begin a campaign to prove yourself worthy to become the 13th Dark Council member. To that end, Chapter 3 focuses on achieving supremacy & respect of the other Dark Council members. Naturally, the Council's against allowing there to be a thirteenth member (they weren't too fond of Grathan because of that); however, none of them can deny the amount of havoc and devastation your army visits upon Belsavis. Nor can anyone argue against the fact that you were able to tap into the power in the Nightmare Lands on Voss, augmenting your power with its darkness. Then there's the fighting on Corellia, in which you single-handedly lead your disciple army to conquer Corellia and wipe out an entire army of Green Jedi.


With all that done, the Disciple travels to Korriban & demands that the Dark Council make him/her member 13. However, the rogue Sith Lord Grathan also wants this honor and arrives on Korriban to challenge you. Naturally, it's either Grathan or his son depending upon which the Sith Warrior chose to side with, but the Disciple of course won't know the difference; all that the Disciple will see of Grathan is a masked Sith Lord. At that point in time, the Dark Council offers the Disciple a deal: kill Lord Grathan and you'll be given a seat. You can guess how it goes from there...


Advanced Classes: Devastator & Desolator


* Devastator - the Devastator is modeled after the Sith Assassin - double-bladed lightsaber, light armor, & the classic Sith Fury. The difference between the Devastator & the Assassin, however, is that the Devastator will not have stealth or tanking ability; instead the Devastator will project an aura around himself/herself that can either cause burst damage to nearby enemies & restore Force power (center tree dps - Aura of Destruction), cause periodic damage that restores small amounts of health to the player (right side tree dps - Aura of Leeching), or will heal allies within 10-15 meters of the player (healer skill tree - Aura of Empowering). That's right: the Devastator gets to be a melee healer class. Reason why is because Assassins already have tanking ability & the Desolator will make for a very unique tanking class - details to follow.


One very interesting thing about the Devastator is that the auras will not cost any energy to maintain. The only things that will cost energy are the melee attacks & the healing abilities. Also, a healer-speced Devastator will be pretty handy to melee dps such as the Marauder or the Juggernaught, since the aura does a fair bit of healing as long as the players stick close together.


One more difference between the center and right-side skill trees is the special ability at the top: Center tree dps have a Dark Shockwave ability that causes a massive amount of damage to enemies that are in front of the player, up to 30 meters away; whereas the right-side dps have a Dark Pulse ability that causes a moderate amount of damage to enemies within 15 meters of the player (in all directions), stuns them for 4 seconds, and causes periodic damage for the next 10-20 seconds after the stun ends.


* Desolator - The Desolator resembles the Sorcerer in that it's a ranged dps class with a lightsaber; however, the Desolator will have one extra free attack: the ability to shoot black-and-red bolts of Dark Side energy at enemies up to 30 meters away. In other words, the Desolator casts aside its lightsaber in favor of a new ranged attack. Like its Devastator cousin, the Desolator also projects auras; the difference is that while they have the shared Aura of Leeching, the Desolator has the Aura of Death (center tree dps which causes their other attacks to do even more burst damage) & the Aura of Darkness (the tanking tree which lowers players threat by a significant amount & gives the Desolator increased defense, shielding, & absorption). Desolator tanks can also invest their skill points to unlock several tank-unique abilities:

1:) Dark Ward, which any experienced Assassin tank knows & loves.

2:) Cloud of Despair, a large targeted-area ability (like the Sorc's Storm) which causes affected enemies to have reduced attack strength (damage).

3:) Wipeout, which is basicially an explosion of dark side energy that affects nearby enemies with a moderate amount of damage, stunning them for 4 seconds, and reducing their accuracy for the next 20 seconds, all the while not affecting any targets that have crowd control affects on them.


Desolators with skill points invested in the right-side tree would also have the Dark Pulse ability, though it'd work on enemies up to 30 meters away in exchange for lesser amounts of damage. Center tree dps Desolators would get the Blood Lightning ability: a bolt of red lightning that can kill standard, weak, or strong enemies in a single shot, & cause a lot of damage to Elites or Champions in exchange for a long cooldown.


My thanks to the game Galactic Battlegrounds for the name "Desolator" - though in that case, it was the name given to a type of vehicle that could one-shot enemies. Naturally, the Desolator here is a far cry from other tanks in the game, whose abilities require the player to get in close. But that's the point: this particular kind of tank would be the only truly ranged tank in the game, as in no close-range only abilities. A player with a Desolator tank could tank enemies from 30 meters away; just use the tanking aura & have skill points invested to make ranged abilities generate more threat.


Whew, this is a long post! I'm gonna cut off here & continue my ideas in a new post. Please read up on my posts of the other classes & tell me what you think. And Bioware, I recognize that these new classes and their story lines would cost a lot to make; no problem, just offer the new classes in their own expansion pack in the same way you did Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Because let's face it: more variety will cause people to play more and therefore draw more subscriptions. Hell, make a video showcasing the Imperial classes I've mentioned & you're sure to get some more subscribers overnight!

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For this post, I'd like to point out what has worked out in this game & offer suggestions for moving forward:


1:) Daily areas - when designing new battlefields, please don't do another Makeb. Reason why is because Makeb dailies are so annoying to do. They stretch out all over the mesas, you have to hop from mesa-to-mesa to get them, & some of them you have to explore the map to find them. That's why I liked CZ-198 & Oricon (even though Oricon dailies are tough): because they were available on one single mission terminal. No island-hopping, no searching involved; just pick up the dailies from one terminal and go. And I don't know about other players, but I thought that having to complete longer versions of the Oricon dailies before actually unlocking the dailies themselves was a nice touch.


However, I should point out that the excessive number of enemy npcs on Makeb were just plain annoying. They were grouped way too close together, came in rather annoying volumes, etc etc. My advice is use the template of the earlier worlds: tough mobs spread out over a large area with plenty of space between them. Gives players some breathing room, allows them to avoid combat if they please, & helps minimize wipes.


2:) New areas to explore - some people say they want new planets, others say they want to expand upon existing ones. I say do both! Like have pubs go back to Taris to fight off the Imps, and the Imps return to Balmorra to destroy the arms factories so the Republic can't use them. And give these new areas a level range of be 55-60 & have them serve as both new daily areas & starting points for the next chapter. As in, the Empire wants to prevent the Republic from gaining new weapons to use in the war & the Pubs are trying to establish a staging point for their invasion of the Seat of the Empire.


3:) The next chapter - "The Bold Push" - the Dread War is concluded, the Hutt Cartel has had its plans for galactic conquest shattered, & the Republic has begun its invasion of the Seat of the Empire. A beachhead established on Taris, they surge forward into Imperial space, anxious to crush the Sith Empire once and for all. However, the Sith are aware of their plans and foil the Republic's invasion of Ziost - see Alricka's idea for the invasion of Ziost, simply inspired story lines that MUST be put into the game.


However, before adding Ziost in, have the players take a detour to Denova, where both sides struggle to complete their story lines and secure the baradium deposits for their factions [basically, Denova would also be a daily area, but with individual story lines for each class]. Afterwards, the pubs launch a diversionary attack on the Imperial fortress on Rhen Var, a snow & ice-covered planet that appeared in Battlefront. A story planet, each class must struggle through the cold & bitterness of Rhen Var in order to fulfill their individual objectives which will lead up to them joining the massive battle over & on Ziost.


After the events on Ziost, the Republic withdraws to its own space to lick its wounds & the Empire can breathe a sigh of relief. Through strength & unity, they have stopped the Republic's dreaded advance dead in its tracks. Thanks to the Isotope-5, they have new defenses to protect their worlds & the baradium deposits on Denova are giving their fleets a much-needed boost. With this, Darth Marr approaches each of the characters with a new mission: to fly to Kashyyk to investigate strange devices left behind by the Infinite Empire. Cue the start of the next chapter: "Secrets of the Infinite Empire"......


4:) Bounty Contract Week - a couple of things to do there. First, since the Coruscant missions take us to the Silent Sun cantina in the Black Sun sector, a quick travel point should be added there. Second, at the moment you've got to use 2 Friendly Drinks or 2 Interrogation Probes to get 50 alignment points either way. Using one doesn't yield any points and using 4 only gives 50 points. For the next week, alter it so that each Probe or Drink will give 25 points.


5:) A couple new planets - I've heard that people enjoyed Dathomir in Star Wars Galaxies and I for one liked Kashyyyk so... consider adding those in at some point.

Edited by Klishar
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Rhen Var


Expanding upon my earlier post about the next chapter, I'm gonna describe the layout of Rhen Var as I would like to see it. For those who've played Star Wars Battlefront I & II, Rhen Var is a known location: a snow & ice world like Hoth with an ancient fortress, possibly ancient Sith. Unlike Hoth, which had vast plains covered by snow, Rhen Var would be more mountainous, with lots of high ground for players to exploit in PVE/PVP. While the Republic players begin in a small hidden base in the mountains, the Sith have established their base camp inside the fortress itself.


Now the idea behind the Republic's invasion of Rhen Var is to distract the Sith Empire from its true plans to invade Ziost. However, as a pub player plays the planetary story line, they "discover" that the Sith Empire has plans of its own and that the ice-covered world holds more value than High Command had originally thought. As such, at first, the planetary quests are focused on simply drawing the Empire's attention away from Ziost; later on, they involve a deadly battle in a massive story instance where they must take over what is believed to be an imperial command center which contains valuable data that can be used in the upcoming invasion of Ziost.


I'll explain things from the Imperial standpoint later; first, here are the Pub side story missions:


Jedi Knight: the Knight is tasked with dismantling a Sith "cult" (for lack of a better word, I don't know what word to use) which has discovered a way to kill people using the Force across great distances, even across entire star systems. As in someone on Dromund Kaas could kill someone on Korriban with their mind. As it turns out though, the whole thing is not located on Rhen Var as originally believed, leaving the Knight dismayed at all that wasted effort...


Jedi Consular: the Consular is dispatched to recover or destroy ancient Sith artifacts hidden in an ancient vault below the main fortress. The Consular finds the artifacts and destroys them one by one. After a long trek thru the vault, all is assumed well...


Smuggler: the Smuggler is contacted by the SIS to infiltrate a high security area of the fortress with the intention of discovering anything that would be of use to the Republic fleet when they launch their true invasion. What the smuggler doesn't know is that Imperial Intelligence is two steps ahead and has planted false info...


Trooper: the Trooper's job is to assault the Imperial fortifications and crush the Imperial army anywhere possible. That job involves hunting down Imp camps hidden in the mountains, setting up ambushes, etc. Basically, their job is to kill as many Imps as possible, potentially drawing the Empire's attention away from Ziost.


I know you're reading this post and saying "Wait a minute. 'All is assumed well'? 'Wasted effort'? 'False info'? Sounds like the pubs are being played for fools." Well... you're absolutely correct. For more info, continue on to the next post: Rhen Var - the Empire's Ploy

Edited by Klishar
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The Empire's Ploy


On the Imp side, the idea is to create a quagmire on Rhen Var in the same way they did on Hoth: draw the Republic's attention with myths & false leads that force them to sacrifice critical resources in pointless missions. The planetary quest line will play on this main concept, with the class stories following along.


Imperial Agent: the Agent is the one who infiltrates a secret pub base to discover the Republic's plans for invading the Seat of the Empire, so Agents everywhere can give themselves a pat on the back for such a find. Afterwards, they are sent to Rhen Var to disrupt their Republic counterparts, the SIS, in any way, shape, or form they can. The idea is to create confusion so that the Republic will not discover the truth of Rhen Var's importance, and therefore waste more resources trying to do so.


Sith Inquisitor: the consulars may believe that they have destroyed artifacts left behind by the ancient Sith; the truth is that those artifacts they found were actually planted by the Inquisitor. Entering that same vault via a tunnel located inside the main fortress, the Inquisitor's job is to secure the artifacts one by one and replace them with fakes imbued with the Inquisitor's own power, so as to sell that they are the real deal. Once the vault has been cleared, the Inquisitor exits via the same tunnel he/she used to enter, but then seals the entrance behind him/herself so that the Jedi will not discover it when they delve into these ruins. That way, as far as the Jedi know, there'll be only the entrance by which the Consulars use and they'll be none the wiser as to the Inquisitor's deception.


Bounty Hunter: the Emperor's Hand reaches out to the hunter with an offer: kill or capture Jedi masters on Rhen Var for money. Naturally, the hunter will get more if they bring the masters back alive: the Empire will want to interrogate these Jedi. However, the hunter will have a tough job of trying to deliver them as their quick travel ability will be disabled for the duration that they have a Jedi master in tow (frozen in carbonite of course). As such the hunter will have to travel across the frozen world of Rhen Var and haul the frozen masters back to the Imperial fortress before they can hunt another target; choosing to simply kill the masters will eliminate this trek and allow the hunter to continue with the hunt unhindered.


Sith Warrior: the Wrath is contacted by the Emperor's hand - the Emperor hid a powerful device here centuries ago. Keeping silent about the nature of his/her mission, as power-hungry Sith lords might try to steal the device, the Wrath ventures into a system of caves which lead right under the main Republic base. [The true irony is that the Jedi have suspiscions about this device, yet have no idea that the device is located just beneath their feet!] Upon locating the device, the Wrath discovers that he/she has been tracked: a 14-year-old human female who is apprenticed to Satele Shan has followed the Wrath in hopes of finally proving herself to her master. After a brief battle, the Wrath defeats the girl, who retreats in the direction of the Emperor's mysterious device. :eek:Big mistake!:eek: The device ensnares the young Padawan, turning her into the Emperor's Voice. Now the Wrath has two things to deliver to his master: the device that will restore his body and a new Voice.

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hi people i think that this thread should be ll about what we want what level cap story etc. Please dont get mad at anyone or worry about code

examle: i think it would be cool to go to kashyk with maybe the wookies have created a new technology and the empire and republic is fighting to get it. i think that it would be nice to have the level cap up to 60 and seperate stories for the classes. for example the BH starts going on a mission to become mandalore for the fame and glory or for pub side The jedi oreder has discovered sith ruins while exploring more of kashyks past and now the jedi consular struggles to destroy the evidence:D


I would really like to see individual stories expanded. I had the same idea for the BH story, rising among the Mandalorians and eventually becoming the Mandalore. I'm not sure where some of the other stories would go, but I am getting tired of getting the same story line regardless of class.

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I would really like to see individual stories expanded. I had the same idea for the BH story, rising among the Mandalorians and eventually becoming the Mandalore. I'm not sure where some of the other stories would go, but I am getting tired of getting the same story line regardless of class.


The only thing it does is allow me to play that story twice (once for each faction). For me, Makeb was my Inquisitor vs. my Trooper. If the next segment is another uniclass storyline, it might involve 2 different characters.

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The only thing it does is allow me to play that story twice (once for each faction). For me, Makeb was my Inquisitor vs. my Trooper. If the next segment is another uniclass storyline, it might involve 2 different characters.


That's exactly my point. I'm tired of uniclass missions because I want all my characters to experience all the content, but I get tired of doing the same mission over and over again. Constantly doing the same missions is very tedious.

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That's exactly my point. I'm tired of uniclass missions because I want all my characters to experience all the content, but I get tired of doing the same mission over and over again. Constantly doing the same missions is very tedious.


I'm right with you there. Heck, I'll do the planetary quest chain with one character. I try to do the same with random sidequests, but some can be structured in a way that they're repeatable, and others I just start to lose track of who did what.

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IMO, the BH gets gypped story-wise compared to the other classes. Why does he/she not get a position of power?


Imo, that also happens to the agent as well. The most that would happen to them is that they simply disappear from existence. And I also felt that the agent should be allowed to kill Darth Zhorrid. So, at some point, let's see that happen: the agent kills Zhorrid and her father, then takes a position of power within the Empire. For the bounty hunter, let's see a point where he/she becomes Mandalore.

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Expansion idea: The Primordial WarThe dread masters defeated the sith and republic resume full scale conflict against each other. In the unknown regions the sith, who are more in tune with the dark side of the force sense a powerful dark energy from an unexplored area of the galaxy. The empire sends a small recon team, accompanied by the player obviously, to discover the source of this power. Little do they know the Republic is aware of imperial military activities in the unknown regions and follows them with their own recon team, consisting of the Republic players . The sith and republic come across a primordial world that has advanced only as far as world war 1 technology. The situation on the ground is a world war of primordial nations. The central power has somehow acquired weapons more advanced than anything the other nations of this world have seen and is using them to set about on global conquest.* The imperial recon team lands outside the besieged capital of the artic nation to the north east of the map.* The republic lands in the west on the outskirts of the major naval(as in battleship naval) base of the island nation on the western side of the map.* The imperials are unaware they were followed and in order to not draw attention to their activities decide against any kind of full scale invasion of the planet. The republic being humanitarian in nature is not looking to intervene in primordial development unless the empire acts first.* The empire side makes contact with the rulers of the artic nation and is informed of their situation. They are fighting a war against the central nation and are allied with the western island nation. The imperial recon team senses the dark energy is somewhere in the forests of the Central nation and is astounded at the power of their advanced weapons, some more powerful than their own.* The imperial quest line involves assisting the artic nation in their war to repel the central nations invasion. The republic on the other hand is reluctant to help the island nation to the west. The republic is confounded at the tribal warfare and mass killings that are occurring for what the Republic sees as no good reason. After witnessing an air raid from the central nation and the advanced weaponry being wielded the Republic agrees to lend limited assistance, meaning just the recon team,* to assist in the war for humanitarian reasons(but also largely to investigate how this primordial nation acquired such advanced weapons. The republic quest line involves them helping the island nation to repel the naval invasion from the central nation and follows by taking them to the desert of the southern continent to help the island nations southern allies. The quest line for the Republic culminates in the massive d-day style invasion of the Central continent that is in an open world area where npc's battle like some spots on balmorra but better.* The imperial quest line culminates in the final push into the capital of the Central nation and the investigation of the forests where the dark energy is emanating.* There the imperials discover that the central nation has been conducting intense dark side rituals. It is discovered that the high priests of this nation worship the dread masters as gods and wear replica masks for their rituals. When the gree hyper gate was opened on asation minds of several of the high priests were flooded with images of the dread masters.* The rituals performed here allowed seemingly primordial weapons to be infused with raw force power making them stronger than most weapons from the known galaxy.* Armed with the knowledge of force infused weapons and isotope 5 the empire makes final preparations for a massive counter assault.


I think this idea will work because it draws inspiration from actual human history like much of the story of star wars follows cues from the roman republic, roman empires, and the American Civil War. The inspiration for this would be thepperiod of world wars and the ensuing cold war. The bonus series or daily quests for this planet can have imperial and republic players help their respective sides consolidate power and go into cold war mode against each other much like what happened following world war 2 and like what happen in star wars lore. I think that the idea of entire planets of one ecosystem is worn out I would like to see this planet modeled after earth. More specifically Europe and North Africa. I think that being primordial getting around would involve trains boats, maybe even zepplins. Finally I think this idea will really satisfy the fantasy of being a sith lord or jedi knight and wreak havoc on an earth like battlefield. Force crushing tanks and blasting airplanes out of the sky would just be awesome. If anyone wants to expand and improve upon this idea feel free.

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