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Everything posted by Master_Calrandir

  1. Think that SWTOR will make a come back with this next expansion?
  2. So I have just recently started playing SWTOR again after walking away from it after Rise of the Hutt Cartel. I hated how they fired many of their writers and didn't have enough staff to write stories that were the likes of the class stories. I kept tabs on SWTOR watching and following their updates and it reallyy seems they have upped the ante with their latest expansion. I see huge improvements in the game, but what I don't understand is why all the servers are like completely dead! It is truly a real shame. I haven't reached end game content yet... but is there something that I'm missing that is keeping people from returning...? I don't wanna see this unique and wonderful star wars mmo disappear
  3. I'm just going to compile a list of things I'd like to see in future expansions. 1. Level cap increase 2. Guild Capital Ships 3. Pvp planets where factions can lose and gain control of planets due to capture points held. Depending on which side controls the planet npc dialogue could differ and also certain quests could be locked out from the losing team. Or possibly it just gives buffs to the winning team like XP boost and stat boosts. 4. Cosmetic gear. 5. New planets such as Kashyyk, Naboo, Yavin IV, Endor, Mustafarr, and ect 6. Space Operations 7. Open Space Pve 8. Space Smuggling 9. Continued class story lines 10. New companions 11. Let certain classes cross over to opposite faction depending on class story decisions. So for example, we could see IA's on both pub and imp side. Bioware, I know you have downsized, but that don't mean you gotta downsize the quality of content. I still have faith in you guys! With space pvp, I see you guys are heading in the right direction, I just hope you add space pve too.
  4. I read awhile back that before they let all the writers go that they already have future chapters written. Alexander Freed even stated on his Twitter account that he had already finished future chapters for the Agent before he left. It'd make sense for them to do that, I mean, why give us everything at once?? Span things out to prolong the life of SWTOR. That's my 2 cents.
  5. Lol first off your English is perfectly fine, but yes I totally agree with you! Class stories shouldn't be THAT hard to do. I read a long time ago that the lead writer for the Agent said before he left Bioware that he had several future chapters for the class already written. Honestly, I bet they are trying to implement smaller features into the game first with these moderate digital expansion packs and are working on a much larger expansion pack that will add more class stories, familiar planets (Naboo, Kashyyk, Mustafar, Endor, Yavin IV), large level cap increase, and who knows what else?? The complexity of adding story with multiple choices and endings for an MMO has got to be time consuming to make it right. Swtor has only been out barely 2 years, I feel we are getting close to seeing a content packed expansion pack hopefully next year sometime! Fingers crossed!!
  6. First off I just want to say how much I love this game and can't wait to see where it's headed in the future!! But I can't help to not worry about one of the things that makes SWTOR stand out... story. And the choices you can make that alter your story. I understand that there's a bigger threat in the galaxy that requires faction based story lines, but even as Luke was fighting against the Empire in all 3 movies, he still had his personal quest that he was on to discover who his father is and to confront him. I just feel that I feel most immersed into my character when I'm making personal choices in my story. I support Bioware in bringing in faction based story because that is important in a galactic war. Just don't shy away from the stories that shaped our characters into becoming the hero's they are at the end of their 3rd chapter. I know you listen to what the players want and so I hope other players read this and share their love and passion of personal story in SWTOR and how we want to see more of our character's path down their personal story.
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