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Is it worth it to roll a Jedi Shadow right now?


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I've just leveled my second 55 character and I want to mix it up so I don't get bored. The Jedi Shadow class has always looked interesting to me especially with the double bladed lightsaber. Not only that but I just need to try something new. I've seen a lot of complaints about Shadow tanks and dps in both pvp and pve. So now I'm feeling a bit skeptical about rolling a class that may be pretty sub par. But then again people may be exaggerating and the class may still be good if you know how to play it. So tell me. Is it worth rolling a Jedi Shadow right now? Edited by Trinzek
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Despite the feedback you may see on these forums, The Shadow class is a *fun* class to play. It has a set of tools that makes it a strange class in comparison to the rest, but once you get that down it suddenly becomes a blast. Now having fun doesn't necessarily mean being the most effective. I'll be honest with you, Shadows are currently underperforming in all 3 trees.


Our tanking suffers to spike issues which means sometimes we may be able to shield incoming damage properly, other times we can actually get 1-shotted. Our DPS (both trees) are also behind in damage. As a matter of fact, we are seemingly dead last with complex rotations for payoffs of mediocre efficiency.


That being said, what can be more fun than having stealth and picking your fights? If you don't care about excelling in any particular field then by all means, welcome and have fun!

Edited by Xinika
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I've just leveled my second 55 character and I want to mix it up so I don't get bored. The Jedi Shadow class has always looked interesting to me especially with the double bladed lightsaber. Not only that but I just need to try something new. I've seen a lot of complaints about Shadow tanks and dps in both pvp and pve. So now I'm feeling a bit skeptical about rolling a class that may be pretty sub par. But then again people may be exaggerating and the class may still be good if you know how to play it. So tell me. Is it worth rolling a Jedi Shadow right now?


Imo don't roll a shadow until we see how arenas FOTM comps will work.

Otherwise you'll be just the umteenth guy who wanted to play a fun class yet:


- in regular WZs you are loudly called to stick guarding pylons for your whole life. Most boring crap, you get low medals and if you "play best for the team" and stay away from the pylon (to make sap-cap harder) you don't even get those low medals.

- Both in regs and ranked (expecially Huttball) everybody expects you to be tank spec. Good bye the "fun class to solo with". In regs they will expect you to defend vs 2 people for 2 minutes "because good shadows do that (implying you basically must be tank spec)". In ranked you don't even get taken if you are not tank spec unless you are one of the handful-per-server super-extra geared, insanely skilled players. Basically not you, new player in the class.


- Even if you ignore your "lifetime pylon bot" duty and you ignore the "thou shalt spec tank" law, you'll find yourself easily dominating bads and bad geared people but struggling against good ones. Against good ones (expecially if they ever hotkeyed WZ med pack and a pair of defense CDs), your opener does not get you anywhere close to killing the enemy fast and if you don't kill them fast you lose all your steam and may as well restealth and try attacking another, hopefully worse player. Also, you'll notice how it'll be grim when the opponents get 2-3 ranged DPS or smashers. You'll pray to find the noob, roaming sin or the inexplicably alone sorc.

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What is your goal with the game and Shadow in particular? Is it to casually experience the Consular story and/or shadow play style and move on to your next character? If so do it and enjoy.


If you want to do highly competitive PVP or HM/NiM PVE then approach with caution.

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Shadow is a lot of fun, I'm currently at 51 with mine, spec in Kinetic Combat and loving it. Good mix of DPS and survivability that seems to get better as you level. For me I found it to be a late blooming class. I was in infiltration for awhile but found the survivability lacking so switched to KC. I wouldn't even waste time with Balance.


Stealth is a huge bonus, especially with blackout and mind maze. I can't tell you how much time I saved on the later planets just stealthing to a boss or objective because I didn't want to waste 20 minutes fighting the trash mobs to get there. It can be a huge time saver. I was also able to solo the Heroic 4+ "Trouble in Deed" on Coruscant that so many people have issues with. You will need to watch your agro with a Shadow as even though it's a "tank" you're not a very durable tank and reliant on your shield chance. As I mentioned above the class doesn't feel "tanky" until much later on in your skill tree.


My only gripes with my Shadow were I found the story fairly boring early on, a lot of rinse and repeat through the first 2 chapters, but I really did enjoy chapter 3, but that's going to be the same either Sage or Shadow. Also if you go Shadow you will be reliant on Theran quite a bit. I did try to use Nadia for awhile after getting her and her DPS is good, but unless you use Theran there is a lot of down time between mobs, with Theran the game is pretty easy. I'm enjoying my sage a lot more for this reason, since I'm able to use pretty much any companion since I can keep them upright, but Qyzen and Zenith are especially useless to me as a Shadow, or so it seems.


As for PVP I can't really comment as I just started getting into it and I'm only at Valor 17 right now. PVP did make me switch back into Kinetic Combat though, as I was getting ripped to shreds using Infiltration. I've found a nice niche as an objective defender I most warzones as the tanking normally falls to more durable Vanguards and Guardians. Easy way to earn medals getting defender points hiding in stealth, and I can usually hold the enemy at bay long enough for back up to arrive to keep the node in our possession. Damage is ok, but I don't really look at that being my role.

Edited by DaShuk
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Love Shadow/Sin for casual PvP. My favourite (tied with Concealment) lonewolf PvP class. Very high chances of killing anything 1v1, multiple ways to outrun what you can't outgun.


Tank spec offers amazing, *amazing* tactical flexibility and utility. Multiple ways to setup 1-shot kills (or to cause heavy damage to the enemy using natural hazards), solid lasting power, excellent objective denial potential, decent 1v1 performance.


Infiltration has a very intimidating potential for spike damage, but is a little random in this regard. When the stars align though, it gets truly hilarious - especially once you're properly geared. But there are times when you get several noncrit attacks, then a Marauder lands all 3 Gore Ravage hits through deflection, scream gets through Shroud and choke=>execute finishes you.:rolleyes:


As far as PvE goes, Kinetic/Darkness is my second-favorite spec for soloing 2+/4 Heroic content (first one is Gunnery Commando because explosions:D).

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Learning a shadow was more challenging than the other classes I've played, but it's a lot of fun. You can't just mindlessly go through a rotation. You have to be vigilant and know the mechanics well. So if you're a cerebral player with quick reflexes and want something a little more complex than mashing buttons, you'll love it. Otherwise, you'll find it very difficult and frustrating (evidenced by all the posters claiming the class is underpowered).
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Learning a shadow was more challenging than the other classes I've played, but it's a lot of fun. You can't just mindlessly go through a rotation. You have to be vigilant and know the mechanics well. So if you're a cerebral player with quick reflexes and want something a little more complex than mashing buttons, you'll love it. Otherwise, you'll find it very difficult and frustrating (evidenced by all the posters claiming the class is underpowered).


It's not exactly underpowered, it's just annoying to see other classes 3 hotkey their way to victory while you have to be 110% on your toes and never do a mistake.

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...your opener does not get you anywhere close to killing the enemy fast and if you don't kill them fast you lose all your steam and may as well restealth and try attacking another, hopefully worse player. Also, you'll notice how it'll be grim when the opponents get 2-3 ranged DPS or smashers. You'll pray to find the noob, roaming sin or the inexplicably alone sorc.


Up your game?

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Roll any class you want, even if people complain it's underperforming. You'll need to get to level 55 and have mid-to-high gear before the underperfoming thing really becomes a problem; in the meantime, patches can change the balance.



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Roll any class you want, even if people complain it's underperforming. You'll need to get to level 55 and have mid-to-high gear before the underperfoming thing really becomes a problem; in the meantime, patches can change the balance.




This is true, and in all honesty "underperforming" only matters if you are obsessed with PVP. Any class in this game(I've played just about all of them to at least level 30) is more than capable of handling PVE. PVE in SWTOR is almost a joke, the only game I've played with easier PVE and faster leveling is Star Trek Online.

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This is true, and in all honesty "underperforming" only matters if you are obsessed with PVP. Any class in this game(I've played just about all of them to at least level 30) is more than capable of handling PVE. PVE in SWTOR is almost a joke, the only game I've played with easier PVE and faster leveling is Star Trek Online.


If you are serious about PvE you join a progression guild. Progression guilds don't have a lot of spots for underperformers.

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If you are serious about PvE you join a progression guild. Progression guilds don't have a lot of spots for underperformers.


Again, as I mentioned, the PVE in this game is laughably easy regardless of class. Also the "serious" players are only a handful of the actual population in this game. The classes as they are now are largely fine for the majority of the player base for PVE. Not saying that means things don't need fixing, but that is probably the way Bioware looks at it. The majority of players aren't hardcore PVE'ers or PVP'ers, they are the ones probably more like me who can log on for 2-3 hours a night a couple nights a week and maybe if they are lucky get their dailies in. When I hit 55 I'm less focused on end game and more excited to roll a new class and level it. I'm not going to sit there and do a pointless commendation grind every day for what is largely lackluster end game content. BW/EA aren't going to cater to the small percentage of "serious" players that are calling for the fixes and changes, but that's typical of any company that runs a game like this. They are more focused on the cash shop which is the only thing keeping this game going right now because it's really the only place you can get "cool" armor and weapons that make you look different than everyone else.

Edited by DaShuk
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Again, as I mentioned, the PVE in this game is laughably easy regardless of class


Not on NiM 55 Ops, and certainly not as a Shadow tank on those ops. But OP is probably at least 3 months away from being able to attempt one, hence my advice to roll whatever he likes.



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If you are serious about PvE you join a progression guild. Progression guilds don't have a lot of spots for underperformers.


I suppose... if you're feeling the need to be hardcore. Or you can join a more laid back guild and just do what you feel like. It all depends on what you feel like doing. I always feel like the need to be only the top at DPS or to be in a hardcore guild is doomed to burnout and frustration much sooner than playing for fun. I've seen it in FPS clans and I've seen it in MMO guilds.


But again, it's up to the player. From what the OP said, he or she might be more on the fence. My advice with that is just go with it if it sounds like fun. I find my Scoundrel DPS to be fun, and my Shadow can be similarly fun (I just get more of a kick out of Smugglers). If the OP's main hangup is what other people say, find better people to hang with or ignore the haters. I've never seen anyone in a 55 match call for one person to guard a node based on their class and would ask why if they did. It's generally a call for volunteers or someone doing it because they choose to. Ranked types might get more specific in the arenas, but I guarantee there are other people out there willing to be flexible, because I've run into them plenty.

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