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10 Good
  1. Nevermind. I've came to my own conclusion. Move along people. Thanks.
  2. So in my quest to level all my toons to 60 I've gotten my shadow to 56. I got tired of infiltration so I tried serenity and man is it powerful, and not to mention really fun. But everyone and their grandma are rolling with this spec now, and lets be honest here guys...... it feels pretty OP (Emphasis on FEELS. That's just my view). I'm not sure how it is in 60 pvp, but I want to go against the current and try something new for a change. All my toons are dps in pvp and I've been meaning to level a tank for pvp. Now that I have the chance, I'd like to try it. I feel that some of my teams in pvp lack competent tanks, and I've wanted to try shadow tanking for a while now. A well played tank can make an impact in most cases, and I plan to excel at it over time as I'm willing learn and work for good results. Meanwhile everyone is running Serenity/Hatred which is really fun, but I'm tempted to leave my comfort zone this time. So has anyone gotten their shadow tank to 60 and gave it a whirl in pvp? Is it worth the try? Or should I stick to dps?
  3. Yeah I've been hoping for something like that as well. I would be pretty fun to play with some imps every now and then.
  4. Yeah it is true. But it's not going to change the way people pvp. They'll stick their own ways. Which really sucks. All we can do is play better ourselves.
  5. 2/10 Much better than the original post. The other guy had 0.
  6. The sarcasm in this thread isn't even remotely entertaining. I figured this would be a useless thread but I made the mistake of clicking anyways. Very un-original. 0/10 Try again.
  7. This is from a pvp perspective. I've been a vanguard tank in pvp for a while, but I was thinking about trying dps for a bit. How is it? Am I better off tanking?
  8. This looks like a great spec and the stance dancing seems like it would be fun to do once you get it down. I had a feeling once I scrolled down and went on to the next pages of this thread I would find some haters. Evolixe you're a hater, but that's okay. Haters gonna hate. Maybe you aren't one, but you sure did come off as one. I haven't tried the spec myself but it looks promising.
  9. Yeah, I figured that out, and I do it when I get the chance. But some players will seriously wait out of my sight and then race to get it before me. It's just really annoying, so even when I think I'm alone on a mission I go after the objective first.
  10. The only time I'm annoyed by that is when I'm trying to test out something on a mob and the person burns through the mob when I meant to take my time with the fight. I'll tell you what really kills me: I hate it when I'm on a mission where I have to click an object or take an objective and I have to kill a mob to get to it, and another player waits for me to start fighting the mob. Then when they see that I'm busy fighting the mob they run past me and click the objective and I have to wait for a respawn. Most of them are pretty short respawn times but I've had to wait a bit for some. I just dislike lazy players who try to get others to do their work for them. I wouldn't be so irritated if people would be more subtle about using you as a shield to get mission objectives. But alas this is an MMO with real people who are just as lazy in real life. So I just suck it up.
  11. I happened to be in the Novare Coast in a Republic vs Republic match on my scoundrel. A lone Sentinel attacks the west bunker, two of my teammates come to help, I also go over. This guy rips through both of them, I came in and tried to help when he had them at half life but he cut them both down quick and all that left was me. I noticed he used cauterize quite a few times while fighting. It finally hit me when I saw his health recover by a small amount that he was specced into watchmen which isn't a very popular spec in pvp for sentinels. After he killed me last I came back to stop his cap. He played it well and he knew how to utilize his fire DoT's, defensive cooldowns and his damage was also very good for that spec which Is what allowed him to kill three people in a row while solo. He comes again later and the same thing almost happens again but we stop him. Man who ever you are I gotta give you your props on playing Watchmen so well. Maybe me and my two other mates sucked but nonetheless you still killed us all In a 3v1. I thinking of switching back to watchmen on my lvl 41 sentinel and learning how to play it well because of you. Good fight bro.
  12. I've recently started using more keybinds myself. I was a hybrid clicker/keybinder, but I'm considering unbinding A,S, and D as well. It really speeds up your reaction times.
  13. Yeah, I've noticed. If we had as many skilled gunslingers as the imps have snipers at mid in the Ancient Hypergate the republic might actually own mid for once or win by getting points from pure kills.(On my server that is). Yeah I agree, I only see a few actually putting out objective based damage opposed to those trying to top the scoreboard or get kills. I know right? I've always thought that was one of the things that makes gunslingers ******, aside from the dual wielding blasters.
  14. Thanks for the tips. I actually have an idea of what I want to do. I use Shift+1,2,3,4,5,6 for my second bar but my fingers can't reach past 6 without putting myself at a disadvantage. So I think I'm going to assign shift+ z,x,c,v,b to expand and see how that works out. Again thanks, that was helpful.
  15. Okay I've read through this thread and I must say I feel conflicted about my current setup. I do half keybinds half clicking, but now I feel like I should go full keybinds. I just don't know where to start though. I've been using W,A,S,D to move around so long I feel like I could never get used to moving with only my mouse. So would any of you proud keybinders share your current setup or a guide for a comfortable keybind setup? I mean if clicking is so bad, why not give some tips to those who want to improve?
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