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Post your spike parses


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Sometimes there are refrences to various spikiness stories in the discussions but there is a lack of parses. It would be useful if we could make a collection of parses with various spikes. Personally I have only done DG, TWH and op9 in nim so far so dont't have many logs yet.


A collection of these spikes will makes us have somethign to refer to in future discussions and get more hard evidence about the spikiness problem.


It's not imporant if you survied or not or if the boss was beaten. The amount of dmg taken in a short timeframe is what is interesting. Both nim and hm parses can be of use.


Shadow thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6694516#post6694516]




TWH 8man

18.5k in 1.2 sec

20:13:16.839 The Writhing Horror's Melee Attack hits Drebi for 6218 kinetic damage, causing 6218 threat.

20:13:16.839 The Writhing Horror's Melee Attack hits Drebi for 6218 kinetic damage, causing 6218 threat.

20:13:17.977 The Writhing Horror's Nasty Bite glances Drebi for 2342 energy damage, causing 2342 threat.

20:13:17.992 The Writhing Horror's Nasty Bite hits Drebi for 4239 energy damage, causing 4239 threat.


DG 8man

32.6k dmg in 1.5 s from Kelsara

21:16:43.933 Kel'sara's Voltaic Slash hits Drebi for 16167 energy damage, causing 16167 threat. (4801 absorbed)

21:16:45.430 Kel'sara's Force Scream hits Drebi for 16033 kinetic damage, causing 16033 threat.


Nightmare 16-man Dread Guard

23:29:19.542 312s Voltaic Slash 18900 energy No Kel'sara

23:29:21.015 314s Force Scream 19304 kinetic No Kel'sara

23:29:23.936 316s Discharge 8913 elemental No Kel'sara

23:29:25.942 318s Force Scream 18325 kinetic No Kel'sara


Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

20:29:36.513 175s Melee Attack 10504 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

20:29:36.513 175s Melee Attack 5695 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

20:29:38.379 177s Melee Attack 10067 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

20:29:38.380 177s Melee Attack 10067 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

19:53:56.194 228s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

19:53:56.194 228s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

19:53:57.597 229s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

19:53:57.597 229s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

20:20:00.574 306s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

20:20:00.574 306s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

20:20:00.909 306s Nasty Bite 4117 energy No The Writhing Horror

20:20:00.910 306s Nasty Bite 4047 energy No The Writhing Horror

20:20:00.931 306s Nasty Bite 4186 energy No The Writhing Horror

20:20:04.061 310s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

20:20:04.062 310s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


Nightmare 16-man Dread Guard

23:06:06.442 250s Force Scream 22319 kinetic No Kel'sara

23:06:07.894 251s Voltaic Slash 12428 energy No Kel'sara

23:06:10.936 254s Force Scream 12662 kinetic No Kel'sara

23:06:12.523 256s Discharge 10262 elemental No Kel'sara




Trasher 16man

28k spike, sniper(4k)+swipe(24k)

Edited by Berjiz
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Holy cow, that 32.8 spike is dreadful, I don't know if I could heal through that


Few healers can, usually only ones that are well past HM content and even then it is a struggle for them and often requires both healers focusing the sin back up. I simply don't tank that guy anymore because of things like that, let my partner juggie tank take care of it.

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Definitely going to have to start charting. Took well over 20K on a spike against Titan in SM. The only boss we wiped on with the group I was in. Technically I would have been fine if I were at 100% health, but the point of boss fights isn't really to allow you to stay at full at all times anyway. I also do get that part of the experience is further to at times force multiple tried to increase your gearing, but we had competent healers and there was just no surviving that.


It's one thing to push you, another for a single class to face death time after time that is a non-issue for other tanks. Of course, they hate Sins for DPS as well and whatever "l2p" talk they want to put out it's clear Sins/Shadows aren't being involved in testing in higher level content.

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Holy cow, that 32.8 spike is dreadful, I don't know if I could heal through that

It was from terminate so you can see the cast in advance and know that the assasin has to be at 100%. However neither I or the healers expected that much dmg. It is annoying but since it's so predictable it's more fine than trasher. It's not the end of the world if a tank dies from terminate but if trasher gets lose it's a wipe. The 28k dmg from trasher is actually worse because it can come at anytime.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The main problem with Sin Tanks is Armor Rating. If the Tank Sin had atleast armor ratings comparable to an Operative or Marauder, we would be in a better place. but since we are light armor tanks, we have to stack Shield and Absorb to stay alive, Dark Ward helps, but isnt THAT big of a boost. It's only 10% (i cant remember off the top of my head) Shield rating and after 8 shields you can have an extra 8% Absorb, which CAN help tremendously.


Some other things, Does a full stack HD Force Lightning heal the 2% Per tick of Force Lightning or is it a raw 2% Over the entire cast? If it's 2% per tick, then that's comparable to that of say, all 4 Shoulder Cannon shots from a PT Tank (which heals you). If it's 2% over the duration well that's not all that useful... I will say, of the 3 tank styles i love my Sin the most. I never have to worry about threat, because AOE Threat is so plentiful with Discharge and Wither (and Shock to some extent), and Self-Heals rock.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure how relevant this is with the 2.5 changes coming, but my raid group had a double take when I went from around 60% health to dead in, literally, the blink of an eye. During the last 0.3 seconds I was alive, I took 27,669 damage. I'm not sure about you, but my healers can't really handle 92,230 incoming damage per second, no matter how long that period of time is :p . With the 2.5 changes, I would have been alive. At almost no health, but I would have been alive, and I had my medpack and Battle Readiness to pump my hp back to survivable levels. Yeah, if I had used them prior to the RNG gods turning their back on me, I also would have lived, but 60% health should be a reasonably comfortable level to be at, considering I can survive being down to 30% against this guy for a while, even with no cool downs going.



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I'm not sure how relevant this is with the 2.5 changes coming, but my raid group had a double take when I went from around 60% health to dead in, literally, the blink of an eye. During the last 0.3 seconds I was alive, I took 27,669 damage. I'm not sure about you, but my healers can't really handle 92,230 incoming damage per second, no matter how long that period of time is :p . With the 2.5 changes, I would have been alive. At almost no health, but I would have been alive, and I had my medpack and Battle Readiness to pump my hp back to survivable levels. Yeah, if I had used them prior to the RNG gods turning their back on me, I also would have lived, but 60% health should be a reasonably comfortable level to be at, considering I can survive being down to 30% against this guy for a while, even with no cool downs going.




Thundering Blasts do hit me for 11k (if i dont force shroud or shield them) and not for over 16 k in 16 man hm :). I did write something about that in this forum aswell :) (pve hybrid)


After my advertising a closer look on your parse:

At your spike you got unlucky in multiple ways: Slow time debuff did run out, attacks were not shielded/defended....


But nevertheless i did find a few things you can improve ( i try to write with shadow ability names):

Your rotation doesn't look to be very tight (there's delay between the abilitys for example 1,0 sec between casting a new Slow Time and your last TkT)


You have wrong prioritys, especially prioritizing Project over Slow Time (just judging from the last few seconds of your parse 9 sec after your second last Slow Time) as you did cast Project (and afterwards TkT) instead of another Slow Time and the slow time 5% debuff did run out (15 seconds cooldown) even before you were casting another Slow Time (9 seconds cooldown) which is not very good.

With proper rotation it would've been way more likely that the damage debuff for an additional 5% reduction would've been present on the Boss.

Edited by THoK-Zeus
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