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Re-Call Gudarzz as Marauder Class Representative


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Note #1: If you disagree with this thread, you will be tempted to bash me. To call me names or call out my abilities or anything else to undermine me when the simple fact remains that the best way to undermine myself and this thread is to simply ignore it and not post. If I am wrong and if I am alone in my views, this thread will get buried in a matter of hours never to be seen or heard from again. Personally, I doubt any of the QvQers who read this will have the self-control to not post some sort of flame response, but I wanted to try to point out the logical step.


Note #2: Only posts which contain the name, level, and server of the posters Jedi Sentinel or Sith Marauder will be taken into consideration (EG: Kàryu - 55 - The Harbringer) because too much regarding the Sith Marauder Class Representative was decided by people who do not play that class.


Note #3: In all instances the colloquial term "PvP" has been replaced with the moniker "QvQ" based on the popular phrase "QQ" referring to crying, in particular of the childish variety as it is clear that this is what the QvQ community stands for. Also, this is an attempt to inflame the QvQ community into "blowing" this thread up and getting it read by a much larger community. It is a shallow and silly attempt, but one I feel is worthwhile.




The point of this thread is to 1) raise awareness of the actions of the Sith Marauder Class Representative Gudarzz which indicate that his bias lies not with the class he represents but rather with the QvQ faction that he associates with and 2) propose that the role of Sith Marauder Class Representative be given to Oofalong who was the second most voted for in the poll and actively participates in conversations regarding Sith Marauders and Jedi Sentinels across the forums.


The first, and most significant point can be shown using the following quote:

Dear QVQ community.


Dear friends.


For long Bioware has ignored our requests of a decent reply why ranked is removed.


For long Bioware has spread their propaganda towards players who agree with their decision whilst ignoring the criticizers.


For long Bioware has spit in our QVQers face while lying about features coming soon and not done anything for us for over a year.


But this shall not be that day.


The Marauder Representative has agreed on making his neutral third question into a question Bioware cannot ignore regarding the severe problems of removing ranked. They will answer for their incompetence and this will happen by the help of the Marauder Representative.


However, he cannot act on his own.


He needs your support.


Show him your support. Support his action of forcing Bioware to answer a question they cannot hide from after all their attempts!




The link at the bottom leads to the thread in which many aspects of the Sith Marauder Advanced Class were being discussed until the thread was hijacked by QvQers attempting to subvert the desires of the Sith Marauder and Jedi Sentinel community. This quote indicates that Gudarzz has already agreed, without consulting with or listening to the Sith Marauder Community, to use one of the Sith Marauder's questions in this way. This flies directly in the face of what Gudarzz himself stated during the voting:

Hello! I just wanted to thank everyone for voting (even if it wasn't for me :p). This class representative idea is a great initiative and will hopefully bring about some positive changes to the game.


There has a been a lot of discussion about the "ideal" class representative. People seem to be completely confused about the actual responsibility of this position. It has been exaggerated to the point where people believe these representatives will be altering class balance singlehandedly. As such, a "PVE vs QVQ" mindset is starting to develop. We don't want this.


The class representative is merely responsible for collecting and organizing the concerns/ideas of the community to present to the developers. While it is beneficial for the representative to be "best in class", the ability to establish a real conversation about class balance is more important.


There have been some posts criticizing my lack of participation in the marauder threads (see above). I would argue that there are other ways to interact with the community outside the forums. I have a strong twitch.tv following. Viewers of all classes and backgrounds (PVE/QVQ) come to ask questions AND to provide commentary/feedback on MY gameplay. (i.e. "Gudarzz you noob! Stop smashing without stacks!" or "Gudarzz watch out for the Vanguard!" :)). WIth over 35,000 views, 400 + followers, and hundreds of hours of content, my community interaction is certainly not lacking.


Finally, I am not quitting the game. I wouldn't accept the nomination if I was planning to quit.


Hopefully, this clears up some of the confusion. Now get out there and vote!


TLDR resume:

2900 rating/1000+ ranked games with <Hey im mvp>, a top ranked QVQ guild.

Close ties/alt toons with <Suckafish>, a top PVE progression guild.

Strong stream following.

Organized SWTOR charity event and raised over $1100 for Toys for TOTS.

Created the 360 saber throw.


However, it is possible that what was meant in his reference "the community" was not in fact the Sith Marauder community but rather the QvQ community, which is not the group he was selected to represent.


Gudarzz, if by chance you read this (though given how rarely you have posted both before and after being nominated, I doubt you will unless one of the QVQers tells you to), please prove me wrong. The honest truth is the odds that I will even vaguely succeed in my attempts are effectively nil. I am no fool in this but given the absolute flood of support for something which had never before been proposed, the way in which you were elected (see quote below), and the fact that someone close to you claims they have your support openly and freely (just not in the forum for the community you were elected to represent) its hard to believe I am wrong. Still I ask that you do one of the following things:


1) If you cannot separate representing the Sith Marauder community from representing the QvQ community, simply step down. Ask the devs to give the position to someone who will truly, in your own words, collec[t] and organiz[e] the concerns/ideas of the community".


2) Simply do what you claimed you would and represent the Sith Marauder Advanced Class in terms of its desires and ideas.


Bastionette here, and I just wanted to let you know why we are all WORKING together. I would have thought that a server working so hard together, both the top PvE and QvQ guilds, is what this whole class rep thing was supposed to foster. Every time i see a "We don't need a QvQ Mara" comment i think those people really don't understand that this position is more about promoting community discussion than just having their minions come on this thread and post angry, font happy, tantrums.


Truth is, Gudarzz's knowledge of his class is top notch, which is why he is so popular on Twitch and well known. He also has already come to my guilds Marauders (which everyone knows ARE the best PvE Maras. Anyone wanna go against Gorband and Steadfast?) about PvE, just like the Paowee has already gone to <Hey I'm MVPs> Snipers and made a public spreadsheet for other snipers to contribute to. It's a little silly to poo-poo on community involvement and cohesion, since this is what the whole thing is about.


So, here's my endorsement, from the #1 US PVE Progression guild: Vote for Gudarzz!

(Who is also in Suckafish on his Jugg, which technically makes him a PvE'r)


Kàryu - 55 - Sith Marauder - The Harbringer // Adrostya - 42 Jedi Sentinel - The Harbringer

Edited by kennethdale
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LOL...I leave for a little while to deal with IRL stuff (job interviews, family vacation, etc) and everyone freaks out.


The freaking out is about the part where some are saying that you promised to dedicated a question for the PvP community who feel the 8v8 was wrongly removed. But I agree the other thread with that person demanding your removal just because you were away for few days is crazy!

Edited by znihilist
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LOL...I leave for a little while to deal with IRL stuff (job interviews, family vacation, etc) and everyone freaks out.


There was no mention of absence in my post. Simply facts about promises you made and the lies you told to get elected so you could push your own issues with no regard for the SITH MARAUDER community. But thanks for proving Note #2

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There was no mention of absence in my post. Simply facts about promises you made and the lies you told to get elected so you could push your own issues with no regard for the SITH MARAUDER community. But thanks for proving Note #2


Are you not being very harsh right now ? I don't see those lies that you are talking about.

Yes there is a problem (in my opinion) with him forcing the ranked issue through our questions (but due to misguided idea of what is a community and what is valid as a question IMO), and you do seem like you are stepping over a line here.

Edited by znihilist
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As someone who's mained sentinel since launch, I'm certainly willing to make a small sacrifice by using one of our questions to adresss BW's terrible decision to remove 8v8 ranked. You PvE sent/maras are relatively spoiled (2 new ops in the upcoming major "PvP" patch), so stop complaining and take one for the team :)
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All I care about is carnage/annihilation becoming optimal specs for pvp. I am pretty sure oofalong would care even less about that than gudarzz does because he mainly cares about pve. That is why we voted for gudarzz over oofalong. Most of us pvping as marauder did not roll the class to play this boring smash spec.(besides the people who rolled it just to smash because all the other melee dps suck compared to it) I don't see gudarzz pushing hard for marauder to be optimal in non rage(like xinika is for sins) but there's no way we would have a better chance of that with oofalong as rep.


edit: idk what it would take for carnage and annihilation to be as good an option as rage but the marauder questions look pretty good.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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I actually care a great deal about having each Marauder/Sentinel spec be unique and useful in different capacities, which unfortunately may mean every spec can't be equally viable in every situation. I am sorry you feel otherwise, and I would appreciate if you could avoid making assumptions about my interests and concerns. Throughout this forum and the Sentinel one, I have tried to challenge the community to take a step back and think more broadly. I have suggested new paradigms and new ways to consider issues. I would have done this regardless of who the class rep(s) were. Plus, I actually do not think it is the class rep's responsibility to pose solutions; I feel class reps should focus on clearly identifying the issues, doing so may manifest solutions, but the focus should be on specific issues.


In arenas, winning will ultimately go to the team who does the most effective damage. This can be expressed as:


Damage Done less Mitigated Damage less Opponents' Heals


One option might involve leaving Smash as is the on-demand burst AoE spec, Carnage the least mitigated damage via Gore also being unshieldable, and give Annihiltion the ability to shut down healers through greater interrupts and/or have to focus on cleanses as opposed to proper healing. (I came up with these ideas in about 5mins so don't put too much stock in them.)


In any event, Gudarzz has a little over 4 weeks to draft questions to the Devs. Everyone's time would best be spent reviewing and contributing to those questions.

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As someone who's mained sentinel since launch, I'm certainly willing to make a small sacrifice by using one of our questions to adresss BW's terrible decision to remove 8v8 ranked.


This is the most retarded **** I've heard out of you dude. And wait, did you come back to the Bastion under a slightly different name?

------------------------------------------ <> ----------------------------------------------------

I'm mainly replying to this after hearing someone claim that gudarz said he was cool with turning one of the marauders questions into "Why was 8v8 ranked canned (waaaa)". Yes the imminent removal of 8v8 ranked sucks, and it is stupid and most everyone would want to keep it along with arenas (if possible).


The prospect of changing 1 AC specific question into a question that affects the majority of the PVP community is dumb. Let's say it isn't dumb... why is Marauder giving up one of their questions? why is it that gudarz quickly says this is a good idea, instead of thinking "Hmm, maybe all AC reps should gather and draw straws to see which AC will sacrifice one of their questions for the good of all"... Why not have the (insert non mara AC) sacrifice their question...? (If at all: I say any AC sacrificing 1 of their questions for this is just stupid, when there's other avenues thru which it can be done).


Don't you all think that by now, (after all the threads/videos/feedback box submissions and general QQ) bioware already knows that most everyone wants the plans to axe 8v8 ranked cancelled?...

Edited by Seengularity
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This is the most retarded **** I've heard out of you dude. And wait, did you come back to the Bastion under a slightly different name?


Charming. Nope, my sent is still on pot5 for now, but I still have 6 55s on bastion so maybe you saw one of those. Haven't been playing recently though, busy with RL.


I'm mainly replying to this after hearing someone claim that gudarz said he was cool with turning one of the marauders questions into "Why was 8v8 ranked canned (waaaa)". Yes the imminent removal of 8v8 ranked sucks, and it is stupid and most everyone would want to keep it along with arenas (if possible).


The prospect of changing 1 AC specific question into a question that affects the majority of the PVP community is dumb. Let's say it isn't dumb... why is Marauder giving up one of their questions? why is it that gudarz quickly says this is a good idea, instead of thinking "Hmm, maybe all AC reps should gather and draw straws to see which AC will sacrifice one of their questions for the good of all"... Why not have the (insert non mara AC) sacrifice their question...? (If at all: I say any AC sacrificing 1 of their questions for this is just stupid, when there's other avenues thru which it can be done).


Because it's not like an AC specific question has a significant chance of resulting in an actual change anyway. KBN did just fine at his job, but the sentinel question/answers seem to support that claim. As far as "why is Marauder giving up one of their questions?- someone has to do it, and I simply expressed willingness to use one of the questions for my main AC in this manner. If the ACs that have yet to ask their questions want to draw straws to see who sacrifices a question, go ahead, but I highly doubt that's gonna happen. Anyways, the more AC reps that do this, the better. BW needs a wake up call, and it's pretty difficult to scream too loud when speaking to their almost-deaf ears. A Q&A exchange that was designed to be AC specific is obviously not the preferred channel by which to address such concerns, but at least they HAVE to answer this question. The petition thread can make it to 200 pages but they probably won't still respond to it. IMO, asking a ranked 8v8 removal question has a higher chance of catalyzing an action from BW on said issue, than a 3rd mara specific question's chance of resulting in resolving whatever concern would be addressed therein.


Don't you all think that by now, (after all the threads/videos/feedback box submissions and general QQ) bioware already knows that most everyone wants the plans to axe 8v8 ranked cancelled?...


I think you underestimate BW's skull thickness my friend. And like I said, even if they're aware that most of the community hates their decision, they're probably just gonna ignore it. Their response to a question about it as the 3rd mara AC question won't be satisfactory, but purely asking it in this manner might help wake them up to the reality and seriousness of their mistake.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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I'm usually a lurker in the forums. I Read what everyone says and always trying to get better but after reading over the last few days about using one of our questions to ask about 8x8 being removed, I figured I might share my thoughts.


First I hate playing PvP. Just not my cup of tea and thats fine. You play what you want to play and I'll play what I want to play. But just because I don't play PvP doesn't mean I dont feel bad for PvPers losing out. I just think everyone needs to step back and calm down a second and think.


I have no idea what Bioware is thinking and none of you do either. Sure we all can make educated guesses but they are just that: guesses. No matter what you think about Bioware, either love them or hate them, they are a business out to make money. I have no idea why they seem to think removing 8x8 will a good move but I'm sure they thought about it for a while. You guys will just have to see what happens from here.


To the issue of using one of our questions to address the removal of 8x8 is just stupid and hurts us more in the end. First just because we ask doesn't mean they will give us an answer. It would mostly be BS and no one will be happy with the response. Bioware knows this decision will make a lot of people mad. They aren't stupid. They have made their decision and there isn't much we can do about it. The only way I think something might happen is if you ignore everything else and just ask about 8x8 or maybe if every class representative uses one of their question in regard to 8x8. Just one class asking will achieve nothing except a BS response and angry players. And like I said it hurts us in the end. What happens if after they remove 8x8 they introduce something better and we are screwed because the devs didnt get to hear all of our issues because we asked instead about a decision already made.


I feel for you PvP players. I can only imagine how I would feel if they removed such a big part of PvE play. But this is not the way to express you anger and discontent. Find another way to let Bioware know how the community feels. Doing it this way just hurts our class in the end. This is suppose to be about talking about ways to improve our class, complain about how the overall game has changed.

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I think you underestimate BW's skull thickness my friend. And like I said, even if they're aware that most of the community hates their decision, they're probably just gonna ignore it. Their response to a question about it as the 3rd mara AC question won't be satisfactory, but purely asking it in this manner might help wake them up to the reality and seriousness of their mistake.


I think anyone that has seen how BW responses or lack of response is fooling themselves if they think BW is going to respond to the question at all in particular one that has half of the community in flamed and the other half sucking off their teet, smiling ear to ear as they comment on the forums.


Best guess is they copy and paste their first response in. I dont know I feel like going that route will just lead to an answer that isnt satisfactory regardless and likely just a repeat of what was already said on top of angering half of the mara's on the forums.


Good luck.

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As the OP of this thread I have to say that I find the names some people have called me hilarious ("jealous"? What exactly of? lol Infuriated, enraged, victimized by a demagogue, yes but "jealous" thats just too much lol) and to those that think I truly believed this would result in some true action, you clearly cannot understand English:


The honest truth is the odds that I will even vaguely succeed in my attempts are effectively nil.



I wanted to shed some light on the actions and intentions of the person who is supposed to represent my main class. Now that has clearly been achieved to some degree as this is still on the front page of our sub-forum which means I did at least accomplish part of my goal, and for that I have the QvQers to thank. Based on the sample questions its seems perhaps Gudarzz thought better of himself or more likely he is simply posting those questions to placate those of us who disagree (read: the actual Marauders) so I suppose this thread has run its course.

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As the OP of this thread I have to say that I find the names some people have called me hilarious ("jealous"? What exactly of? lol Infuriated, enraged, victimized by a demagogue, yes but "jealous" thats just too much lol) and to those that think I truly believed this would result in some true action, you clearly cannot understand English:





I wanted to shed some light on the actions and intentions of the person who is supposed to represent my main class. Now that has clearly been achieved to some degree as this is still on the front page of our sub-forum which means I did at least accomplish part of my goal, and for that I have the QvQers to thank. Based on the sample questions its seems perhaps Gudarzz thought better of himself or more likely he is simply posting those questions to placate those of us who disagree (read: the actual Marauders) so I suppose this thread has run its course.


I think the fact that this thread is still open is proof of my qualifications as the representative. I believe every person should have a voice, no matter how inflammatory or personally insulting that voice may be. That being said, I could have easily requested to have this thread removed since your post is likely in violation of ToS for harassment. But that's fine...I can take the heat. I'll even promise to give your actual suggestions in the actual marauder discussion some serious consideration because you seem to be very knowledgeable about our class.


Insulting the representative and alienating the entire PVP (or "QVQ" as you call it) community is not a way to garner support behind your ideas/causes. I didn't post the questions in order to "placate those who disagree" or because I "thought better" of myself...I did it because I was chosen to do so.


*Shots deflected*

Edited by Gudarzz
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I think the fact that this thread is still open is proof of my qualifications as the representative. I believe every person should have a voice, no matter how inflammatory or personally insulting that voice may be. That being said, I could have easily requested to have this thread removed since your post is likely in violation of ToS for harassment. But that's fine...I can take the heat. I'll even promise to give your actual suggestions in the actual marauder discussion some serious consideration because you seem to be very knowledgeable about our class.


Insulting the representative and alienating the entire PVP (or "QVQ" as you call it) community is not a way to garner support behind your ideas/causes. I didn't post the questions in order to "placate those who disagree" or because I "thought better" of myself...I did it because I was chosen to do so.


*Shots deflected*


:D Edited by AngelFluttershy
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I think the fact that this thread is still open is proof of my qualifications as the representative. I believe every person should have a voice, no matter how inflammatory or personally insulting that voice may be. That being said, I could have easily requested to have this thread removed since your post is likely in violation of ToS for harassment. But that's fine...I can take the heat. I'll even promise to give your actual suggestions in the actual marauder discussion some serious consideration because you seem to be very knowledgeable about our class.


Insulting the representative and alienating the entire PVP (or "QVQ" as you call it) community is not a way to garner support behind your ideas/causes. I didn't post the questions in order to "placate those who disagree" or because I "thought better" of myself...I did it because I was chosen to do so.


*Shots deflected*


In all instances the colloquial term "PvP" has been replaced with the moniker "QvQ"...this is an attempt to inflame the QvQ community into "blowing" this thread up and getting it read by a much larger community. It is a shallow and silly attempt, but one I feel is worthwhile.


I do hope you read that initially and understood the reasoning behind it as it was rather effective. Personally? I actually really enjoy PvP on my lowbie Assassin. On my Marauder, given the issues with Carnage and how truly boring Rage is, I just can't get into it. I have nothing against PvPers, I simply used a tactic to, in my own words, inflame them. Aside from that I said nothing insulting. I do enjoy the fact that you claim you could have had the thread taken down for violation of the ToS.


Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything to another player that is unwanted. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.


The only way in which I violated that would be if my claims were justified in such cases though, since in order to explain that the reason you found claims that you were going to co-opt what should be an Advanced Class question into a PvP one insulting you would have to explain that you were indeed doing just that that the moderators probably wouldn't have removed it since it would therefore be valid.


If you had truly wished to have it called "harassment" this does not meet the following requirements for that claim:


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players...Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Since it I clearly stated my motivation for posting, including the reasoning behind using the possibly insulting moniker "QvQ" I could easily argue that this was not intended to cause distress or offend other players simply because it wasn't.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


The important word in that first phrase is "and" which also considering no attempt was made to alleviate the situation (in fact your first post in the thread was meant to be rather insulting, which makes it seem more likely that I could argue the first was true of you).


Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed.


I, in no way, shape, or form referred to any of these categories.


A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


Since the judgement lies in the hands of Bioware, no I don't think you could have had the thread deleted. The continued existence of this thread has no relation to you except that you continue as the representative.


In regards to my comment: "more likely he is simply posting those questions to placate those of us who disagree" - I arrest people for a living. I have heard people lie about everything and anything in an attempt to get themselves out of trouble. I'll admit that it has affected my ability to see the good in people, but rather I always simply assume the worst (and yes I use the word "assume" specifically in relation to the colloquialism) and hope that I am proven wrong.


Now, if this is still being read, I will say that what does speak volumes about you as a person is this:


I'll even promise to give your actual suggestions in the actual marauder discussion some serious consideration because you seem to be very knowledgeable about our class.


While the truth is I don't know as much as many others, I am passionate about our class and I want to see us treated properly. Without any offense to you, that is why I voted for Oofalong - I have personally seen his conviction and passion. Aside from seeing you win the vote the first impression I had of you was a link to post with a guy who had just interviewed you saying you had agreed to give away one of our questions. I am sure that any reasonable person can understand why when with a little research this seemed to be true, I was upset by it and had a negative impression of you. As I said though, I assume the worst and hope I'm wrong (which is why I included a plea to you in the OP). In the end, I honestly don't care if every PvPer in every game ever hates my guts, I don't care if you think I am an angry 10 year old banging this out on his mother's computer because the people who know me in real life and know me in game know differently. What I care about is that since this is, in my opinion, the best class in the game that it is represented in the best way.

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I think if any class is in a good enough position to sacrifice a question for the good of the community, it is marauders. You have 3 specs that are viable. No one else can say that.


You either have some grudge against the Guda or you hate PvP. Neither are reason to remove arguably the best marauder from this position.


Guda/Waka 2016

Edited by PhatMcMuffins
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I think if any class is in a good enough position to sacrifice a question for the good of the community, it is marauders. You have 3 specs that are viable. No one else can say that.


You either have some grudge against the Guda or you hate PvP. Neither are reason to remove arguably the best marauder from this position.


Guda/Waka 2016


^That about sums it up.

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  • 4 months later...

This thread needs to be resurrected, Gudarzz has done a terrible job at representing the class and constantly brags about it on his stream. He's clearly a power mad ego maniac, no doubt he comes from a privileged background where his parents would buy his affection.


He clearly doesn't care about the class with him frequently bragging about flying to vegas to take drugs and beat up women, he should be removed and replaced by kennethdale who clearly cares more about the class performance.

Edited by snave
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This thread needs to be resurrected, Gudarzz has done a terrible job at representing the class and constantly brags about it on his stream. He's clearly a power mad ego maniac, no doubt he comes from a privileged background where his parents would buy his affection.


He clearly doesn't care about the class with him frequently bragging about flying to vegas to take drugs and beat up women, he should be removed and replaced by kennethdale who clearly cares more about the class performance.


I am not familiar with this type of sarcasm.

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I played an Assassin since launch got to valour 98 knew the class inside and out and eventually got bored with it.


After watching Gudarz in his marauder videos I was stoked to be a marauder. I eventually made it my main and rekindled my love for the game (being a star wars fan made it easier) but Gudarz made me pick another class to master not just create, learn, shelf like I did with so many.


I watch his stream often and he's just a normal guy. You need to remember this is just a game he plays for a hobby he in no way is getting paid or benefited by being a class representative, so stop trying to hold him to a noble tier.

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