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  1. Apparently a lot of people don't read everything before they get all up in arms, and rant about being mad about what Bioware is doing. Everyone please go back and read both posts made by Eric. A lot of you only care to complain about what Bioware said about their thoughts on where marauders are in PvP. While I agree that marauders aren't where we want them to be, definitely when compared to other classes, I do think Bioware understands and are looking into fixing where we are. Take 5 minutes and look at the marauder forums and see how many threads there are on how to fix marauders. Plenty of suggestions, good and bad. The areas of most concern that need addressing are utilities and mobility. Lots of suggestions to fix both. In both posts by Eric he has said they are looking into those two areas as ways to improve marauders. Bioware is looking exactly where we want them to and most people are getting mad because they didn't say marauders are the worst class ever and so on! While I may not agree 100% on what Bioware is saying when it comes to how they compare classes, they seem to understand there are issues with marauders. They are looking into solutions. Be happy! Yes we aren't getting a damage buff but I really haven't seen many people suggest they we do. Only in the context of since marauders are having time-on-target issues, a way to fix that is to increase damage to offset the time lost on target. But if Bioware fixes the utility and mobility issues, then we don't need an damage buff. They just said that before they announce changes so people won't be surprised when we don't a buff. Yes it has taken a long time and we will probably be waiting a bit longer but if you haven't noticed Bioware is taking a incremental change approach to class changes instead making big changes all at once. There are a few exceptions of course. Bioware is taking the time to make sure whatever changes they make are the correct ones that won't impact the game in a bad way. Be happy they have stated they know we have some issues and they are looking into them. Be patient and offer constructive suggestions to help Bioware make the best changes. Stop complaining that they have weird ways of comparing classes in PvP. Read everything they have said and understand the important parts like they are working on issues we all agree need to be addressed. Stop worrying about fluff issues like where marauders rank compare to other classes. We, including Bioware, know what is going on with marauders. Play the class you want to play instead of just the FOTM.
  2. Character Name: Vlalkess <Nemesis> Character Class: Marauder Character Spec: Annihilation Torparse Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/500011/time/1385015365/1385015665/0/Damage+Dealt 3048
  3. I'm usually a lurker in the forums. I Read what everyone says and always trying to get better but after reading over the last few days about using one of our questions to ask about 8x8 being removed, I figured I might share my thoughts. First I hate playing PvP. Just not my cup of tea and thats fine. You play what you want to play and I'll play what I want to play. But just because I don't play PvP doesn't mean I dont feel bad for PvPers losing out. I just think everyone needs to step back and calm down a second and think. I have no idea what Bioware is thinking and none of you do either. Sure we all can make educated guesses but they are just that: guesses. No matter what you think about Bioware, either love them or hate them, they are a business out to make money. I have no idea why they seem to think removing 8x8 will a good move but I'm sure they thought about it for a while. You guys will just have to see what happens from here. To the issue of using one of our questions to address the removal of 8x8 is just stupid and hurts us more in the end. First just because we ask doesn't mean they will give us an answer. It would mostly be BS and no one will be happy with the response. Bioware knows this decision will make a lot of people mad. They aren't stupid. They have made their decision and there isn't much we can do about it. The only way I think something might happen is if you ignore everything else and just ask about 8x8 or maybe if every class representative uses one of their question in regard to 8x8. Just one class asking will achieve nothing except a BS response and angry players. And like I said it hurts us in the end. What happens if after they remove 8x8 they introduce something better and we are screwed because the devs didnt get to hear all of our issues because we asked instead about a decision already made. I feel for you PvP players. I can only imagine how I would feel if they removed such a big part of PvE play. But this is not the way to express you anger and discontent. Find another way to let Bioware know how the community feels. Doing it this way just hurts our class in the end. This is suppose to be about talking about ways to improve our class, complain about how the overall game has changed.
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