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Arenas are coming. And with them the return of Concealment?


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So, I was doing a little bit of concealment, because it is without doubt the funniest spec to play.




That was the reason i switched to lethality, and playing lethality, I forgot about that. But concealment ops get trolled by the game. That's so frustrating.


And no, I wasn't getting healed up nor did i have a dot running on someone.


Just hiding in crouch, not moving, not breathing.

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Clear example of the dunning-Kruger effect. You can't do it, I can...healers I killed HAD to be bad! Law of averages would suggest that there would be at least a few good healers.

Saying a name from wikipedia for a phenomen doesn't make you right too.

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Saying a name from wikipedia for a phenomen doesn't make you right too.


Try coming back with something more substantial than "you're wrong!" How about a theory or proof to back up that drivel you keep posting.


Until then, I'm just going to think you're not skilled enough to have a valid opinion like the other lemmings begging for unnecessary buffs/nerfs.

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I'll also add, I like how you played Lethality and pretended to use Concealment. The 6.4K Hidden Strike kind of gave it away.


And the Novare Coast, I couldn't help but notice a Sage having 12 deaths. 12 deaths while surrounded by 5 healers? He must have been undergeared, therefore a Lethality Hidden Strike could grant you that big number.


Try again!

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Try coming back with something more substantial than "you're wrong!" How about a theory or proof to back up that drivel you keep posting.


Until then, I'm just going to think you're not skilled enough to have a valid opinion like the other lemmings begging for unnecessary buffs/nerfs.


No operative ever killed me as a healer. Tons have tried, surely there were good ones amongst them.

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No operative ever killed me as a healer. Tons have tried, surely there were good ones amongst them.


U must be one of those healers that goes into complete self survival when someone gets on u...like no one else on ur team needs heals. No decent op healer should be soloed by anyone in a true 1v1. It is when u have to use gcds on others is when u r vulnerable. So what if u survived...u just lost 2-3 dps.

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U must be one of those healers that goes into complete self survival when someone gets on u...like no one else on ur team needs heals. No decent op healer should be soloed by anyone in a true 1v1. It is when u have to use gcds on others is when u r vulnerable. So what if u survived...u just lost 2-3 dps.


And that's why that Operative is soloing healers - those healers are healing everyone else but themselves. :))


told you it was a l2p issue for healers if they died to operative.

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I'll also add, I like how you played Lethality and pretended to use Concealment. The 6.4K Hidden Strike kind of gave it away.


And the Novare Coast, I couldn't help but notice a Sage having 12 deaths. 12 deaths while surrounded by 5 healers? He must have been undergeared, therefore a Lethality Hidden Strike could grant you that big number.


Try again!




Just because you can't do it doesn't mean there aren't others that can. The spec's damage is totally fine, when you don't have people tunneling the **** out of you constantly and you know how to play.

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Just because you can't do it doesn't mean there aren't others that can. The spec's damage is totally fine, when you don't have people tunneling the **** out of you constantly and you know how to play.


I pull 800+DPS on average without ever going against 2-3 healers over a mill. He was Concealment, but I've never seen a Concealment do over a mill. I haven't had the chance to fight in a warzone with 5 healers pulling over a mill hps.


I guess if I fight bads who die 12+ times, and managing to find myself in a long mid fight than maybe I could pull it off. But what does that prove? lol Now, maybe if he was playing against solid competitors than I'd be more impressed.

Edited by JohnElias
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The problem that OP Damagedealers (and especially Concealment) have, is that they are harder to be played good and still "weaker" compared to other classes. The balance between Single-Target-Damage/AoE-Pressure/Survivability/Utility is simply not existing if you compare Concealment with Maros for example.


Maros have more survivabilty, more aoe pressure, they have short buffs for the team, better single target pressure because of heal-debuff.


Compared to the assasin, it looks bad aswell. both classes are very similar, since they both are stealth classes. But the assasins defensive cooldowns are way better than operative cooldowns. Both classes often face eachother in 1v1 situations. Assasins will win if gear and skill are equal, just because the cooldowns, because crits are important in these fights and the assasin has cooldowns to have high crit chance. the operative would have to be extremly crit-lucky to have a chance.



The other thing that annoys me is the "You're in combat" crap. I've made several threads in the PVP, Agent and Scoundrel forum, without much luck. It is a major issue not to be able to get into stealth for 30 seconds or more.

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I pull 800+DPS on average without ever going against 2-3 healers over a mill. He was Concealment, but I've never seen a Concealment do over a mill. I haven't had the chance to fight in a warzone with 5 healers pulling over a mill hps.


I guess if I fight bads who die 12+ times, and managing to find myself in a long mid fight than maybe I could pull it off. But what does that prove? lol Now, maybe if he was playing against solid competitors than I'd be more impressed.




800 dps is what i used to drop pre expac... its ok tho since I invented Concealment pvp

Edited by PerronCedric
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Toc is better than me and this is more normal for him, but I've hit these numbers a few times. Most games are either 8-1200 DPS or getting smashed to pieces at 550. Best I've seen is 1.2mil.


The problem (imo) is that I can easily match the high end of those numbers on my marauder as carnage, or hell even vengeance or deception, even when I'm getting focused, whereas concealment just goes POP.


Above post is an example of what I'm talking about when I say know how to play. You think these numbers are achieved by waiting to get back into stealth to hidden strike someone? You are mistaken.

Edited by Racter
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Just joined a quick game and did this. Tomorrow I'll try beating it.




52 kills, 3 deaths, 2 healers over 1mill, 2 healers over 700K


Yeah, pretty ez to do when the stars align, smh


Anyway, I don't really depend on a game with 3 tanks+4 healers in it. As you can see, I make **** happen naturally, fufufu

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Toc is better than me and this is more normal for him, but I've hit these numbers a few times. Most games are either 8-1200 DPS or getting smashed to pieces at 550. Best I've seen is 1.2mil.


The problem (imo) is that I can easily match the high end of those numbers on my marauder as carnage, or hell even vengeance or deception, even when I'm getting focused, whereas concealment just goes POP.


Above post is an example of what I'm talking about when I say know how to play. You think these numbers are achieved by waiting to get back into stealth to hidden strike someone? You are mistaken.


Are you guys on Pot5?

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  • 2 weeks later...
The problem that OP Damagedealers (and especially Concealment) have, is that they are harder to be played good and still "weaker" compared to other classes.

They are harder to play BECAUSE they are weaker : the problem is not about their gameplay, but about their survivability.

I play a concealment OP, I know my class, i know the others classes quite well, and i am able to counter them. But i do not have either the burst or the tools to do so. Survivability is so poor that any fight 1v1 against a good opponent puts me on a tightrope. We are the nemesis of... No one, actually. And we've got several ones.


The solution could be to get more burst, at least the one a dps 'sin has. But as our squishiness makes us nearly useless in mass fighting, i'd prefer widely to get more survivability first. The one a dps 'sin has too :D

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