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Petition for a new class leader.


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Ours has been gone for almost two weeks without a single post or reply especially in the midst of our new class questions.


The last post he made was on the fourth...


We don't need a new leader we just need to make sure we ask questions that will help the class for arenas and pve content.

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We don't need a new leader we just need to make sure we ask questions that will help the class for arenas and pve content.


Did you even read my post? Our class representative is supposed to take OUR feedback and DRAFT QUESTIONS. Without an active class rep, we cannot post our questions to be answered.


That is why we need a new one. He has been away from the forums since the 4th of August.

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So without knowing if the person had a serious medical, personal, or any type of RL related issue you jump to "we need someone new"


Please take a step back from the computer and get some fresh air, the game will be here when you get back.

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So without knowing if the person had a serious medical, personal, or any type of RL related issue you jump to "we need someone new"


Yes. Yes I did, and I still believe it. Maybe if it was any other time I wouldn't care, but when we need to have class questions in soon for responses I could hardly give a crap about whats going on in his personal life. Just like I care about your personal life and responsibilities. What I care about is having a real class leader finish what he started instead of going inactive right after taking the position.


You have to get it through your head, youre playing an online game. Nobody cares about you

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The Marauder class questions are 6 weeks away still so there is still plenty of time to canvas the group and prepare questions. In 3 to 4 weeks if the class representative has not actively engaged the community then it may be appropriate to communicate with Eric Musco on this, but now I feel it is premature.
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The Marauder class questions are 6 weeks away still so there is still plenty of time to canvas the group and prepare questions. In 3 to 4 weeks if the class representative has not actively engaged the community then it may be appropriate to communicate with Eric Musco on this, but now I feel it is premature.


I disagree. I'd rather communicate our questions well before 2.4 hits so we have time to hopefully get adjustments in.


6 weeks might seem like a long time to you, but he's already been gone for 12 days. By all accounts he hasn't even looked at these forums. If we're going to get someone that will be an active representative we have to do it now so we can get those questions in a timely manner to the developers.

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I disagree. I'd rather communicate our questions well before 2.4 hits so we have time to hopefully get adjustments in.


6 weeks might seem like a long time to you, but he's already been gone for 12 days. By all accounts he hasn't even looked at these forums. If we're going to get someone that will be an active representative we have to do it now so we can get those questions in a timely manner to the developers.


Instead of commenting on his disappearance (which I still say is premature) wouldn't be better to discuss the issues of our AC instead of waiting out for him to come back or a new REP get assigned ?


Edit: Beside you are still confusing his role, he is not a leader. His job as a Representative is to format our concerns into three questions. He can't decide on his own what to ask, We are required to discuss these things and provide him with the material. So go and discuss.

Edited by znihilist
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Instead of commenting on his disappearance (which I still say is premature) wouldn't be better to discuss the issues of our AC instead of waiting out for him to come back or a new REP get assigned ?


Edit: Beside you are still confusing his role, he is not a leader. His job as a Representative is to format our concerns into three questions. He can't decide on his own what to ask, We are required to discuss these things and provide him with the material. So go and discuss.


There is 14 pages of feedback in another thread discussing our AC and issues with it. The discussion has been beaten to death.


When is it not going to be premature? In a month when we only have 2 weeks left and we're still SOL with no class rep? I'm not like you, I won't blindly wait for someone to come back when we have stuff to do.

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The guy is a joke anyway (i'm sure he's nice), and serves only as a poster boy who was elected only by association (He's in a top 5 guild he must be good/respectable right(?)) and the throngs of wanna-be-minions kissing up for a shot to join in as entry level cheerleaders. (Politics... ever wonder why the cities of the world are rotting from the inside?).


Let him stay. Class rep duty is simple as others have said: format our concerns into three questions. He can't decide on his own what to ask, we're required to discuss these things and provide him with the material.


He'll be back a week before deadline (maybe as soon as tomorrow after the below E-mail).


To: Gudarze


Subject: **psst** Where the *** are you?


Hey brah! this just in. where are you? people are wondering why you haven't posted a damned thing on the forums for weeks! Megatfx started a thread asking for you to be canned!! ***, how dare he? watch out!


P.S: You heard it first from me. Maybe you'll let me hold your hand later, let's hang out!! I want it to be known that we're frends!


-Potential minion


I'm partially guilty of this, I did not vote for a class rep. I've never seen Oofa's content, but I know it exists, and I know he frequents the forums with constructive threads (not banter or "hahaha!" posts). The choice for 1st class rep was clear. The choice for 2nd term rep is clear.

Edited by Seengularity
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I'm partially guilty of this, I did not vote for a class rep. I've never seen Oofa's content, but I know it exists, and I know he frequents the forums with constructive threads (not banter or "hahaha!" posts). The choice for 1st class rep was clear. The choice for 2nd term rep is clear.


People voted for him under the false presumption that voting for a PvP focused player will somehow improve the PvP viability of the AC, and not realizing that it will not influence anything at all. People voted because they either liked him and he ran a good campaign on his stream (apparently) or because they had a false idea of what to come. I still would have liked Oofa to be the Rep, but here we are!

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As long as the Sentinel rep is on the ball, there is no need to worry about the Marauder person. The answers will be the same for both. If you haven't heard anything from the Marauder rep in a month, send questions over to the Sentinel person.


I agree that the interim time would be better spent asking and then reducing questions down to the most important, rather than wondering if a person is reading forums or not. Fix the problem at the next opportunity to elect a rep.

Edited by WHFlash
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I disagree. I'd rather communicate our questions well before 2.4 hits so we have time to hopefully get adjustments in.


6 weeks might seem like a long time to you, but he's already been gone for 12 days. By all accounts he hasn't even looked at these forums. If we're going to get someone that will be an active representative we have to do it now so we can get those questions in a timely manner to the developers.


This is not the powertech class calm down. It is 3 questions we have plenty of time. We voted gudarzz because we want marauder at its best for warzone/arenas.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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Hi Megatfx!


I'm sorry you or your friend were not elected in the who can get the most friends to vote for them contest run recently. Hell, I voted for Oof and I wanted to see him win.


But, the timing for the questions is SIX WEEKS AWAY. It's actually, if anything, really really really foolish to try and get the questions together so soon given the things that can change - especially with the arena class balancing that may be done further. Lastly? THEY'RE A REPRESENTATIVE. Just talk if you feel the need to jump the gun by 4+ weeks. It's a forum man. It'll still be there when the rep comes around at an appropriate time.


Really, even if the class rep was replaced - the new one would have to be absolutely dumb to start any conversation on the class questions right now.


So settle down Beavis - be productive like help out a newbie or write a guide or something.

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I heard the rep is on vacation in Vegas. No need to get alarmed. It is summertime afterall.


This if you listen to Snave's video he is on there from Sat talking about ranked removal. He is still involved in the game and planning to represent.

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