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A guide to the upcoming Bounty Contract Week


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Hey everyone, as you all know by now, the Bounty Contract Week event will start off tomorrow. Bioware havn't announced a time yet. Here are some information I have typed up that may help you with the upcoming event if you havn't experienced it first hand on the PTS.


:sy_darkside:Where do I go?:sy_darkside:

  • Once the event have started, head to main fleet and look for NPCs standing around carbonized bounties. They are usually around the intersections between the big quadrants on the fleet.
  • Talking to them will give you a one time mission to head to the Cartel Bazaar (south most end of the fleet for Empire players, northmost end of the fleet for Republic players).
  • From the Cartel Bazaar, you will see mission terminals that will give you the missions for bounties.
  • You need to be level 15 + to participate.
  • This event only lasts 1 week every month so make sure to do them when it is on or you will have to wait for the next month.

:sy_darkside:Henchman Bounties:sy_darkside:

  • You will start off with Henchman Bounties for the first 5 days of the event. The mission terminal have a choice of 6 planets and you can pick any one of them to start off. (These missions do have level requirements but if you are above Level 42 you can do any of the planets).
  • You can only do 1 Henchman bounty per day per character. However, most of you will probably have more than one character so you can do more than one henchman bounties per day.
  • Each Henchman bounty you do will give you a Completed Bounty Contact (in addition to a blue rep item and some basic commendations), which is tradeable and can be purchased from other players.
  • Once you have 5 Completed Bounty Contracts on a character, you can unlock Kingpin bounties on that character (more on that below).
  • Henchman Bounties follow a basic pattern:
  • 1) Travel to planet X
  • 2) Short convo with the NPC in planet X
  • 3) Collect info from shady characters located in a cantina somewhere in planet X
  • 4) Talk to a contact with some short convo/same sex flirt options
  • 5) Locate the Henchman target and either kill or capture them.
  • The main road block will be in step 3, getting info from the Shady Characters. There is a limited number of them and once someone has interacted with them, you will need to wait for them to despawn and respawn (<1 min). On top of that, not every interaction with them is successful (~30% failure rate?)
  • To interact with them, you can either use the investigation probe given by the mission or purchase Drinks (give light points) and Interrogation Probes (give dark points). All three of them share a global cooldown but they also have individual cooldowns that are bit longer. The most optimal way I find is to pair either Drinks or Interrogation Probe with the Investigation Probe so you can use one of them as soon as the global cooldown is over.
  • You do not need to stand and wait for the Shady Characters once you have interacted with them. Move onto the next Shady Character immediately.
  • I have drawn maps with locations of most Shady Characters for every planet in my Henchman guide. They might come in handy for tricky locations like Hutta/Dromund Kaas.
  • You can try group up with other players to make step 3 faster.
  • Once you get to the Henchman target, the fight is pretty simple but you have to pay attention near the end of the fight. Once the Henchman target is at 10% or below, you can use the carbonize stream provided by the quest item to capture that target. Alternative, you can simply kill the Henchman.
  • For every Henchman (there are 8 in total), there are achievements for both capturing and killing all of them. You have to keep track of who you killed and who you captured if you want to complete the achievement in a reasonable amount of time. I have a word document below you can print out or use to keep track (or make your own).
  • There are five possible Henchmans for every planet and which one you get is purely random. In addition, each Henchman can be encountered in at least 3-4 planets. Out of the eight Henchmans, there are some that may appear very rare to you simply due to RNG.
  • In the later months of Bounty Contract Week, when you are just hunting for achievements, you can simply reset the mission if you don't get the Henchman you need but you will need to repeat step 2-5 all over again.

:sy_darkside:Kingpin Bounties:sy_darkside:

  • You will need to have 5 Completed Bounty Contracts to unlock a Kingpin mission.
  • Each unlock is character specific and once unlocked, you can keep doing that Kingpin mission daily on that character.
  • Like Henchman bounties, you can only do 1 Kingpin bounty per day per character.
  • Once you picked up the Kingpin mission for a specific planet, the Henchman bounty for that same planet will disappear from the mission terminal. It will re-appear once you have finished the Kingpin mission and turned it in. This was done I believe to prevent people from picking kingpin and henchman bounty for the same planet at the same time, thus saving some traveling time.
  • Each unlock will give you a blue rep item, and each completed Kingpin bounty will reward you with a blue rep item.
  • Once you have unlocked your first Kingpin bounty, your next Kingpin bounty unlock on the same character should be faster since you are earning 2 Completed Bounty contracts per day instead of 1.
  • Kingpin bounties follows a different pattern
  • 1) Travel to Planet X
  • 2) A different short convo with same NPC on planet X
  • 3) You get sent to a location to release some bounty probes and then you will use provided macrobinoculars to scan them (fairly easy to find).
  • 4) Once you scanned 5 bounty probes, the location for the Kingpin will be revealed and you can either kill or capture him.
  • The bottleneck for Kingpin bounties will be at step 4 since there is only one Kingpin per planet. Kingpins can be soloed if you are in say at least Arkanian/Black Market gear but it is always faster to do it with other players and reduce the lineup at the same time.
  • Like with the Henchmans, there are achievements for capturing and killing all of them. However, this one is much easier to get since there is no RNG involved.
  • If you want to unlock all Kingpin bounties in the first week, you will need to have 5 characters, one of which is in the opposite faction. You will need to do Henchman bounties on them everyday and on Saturday you will unlock your first 5 Kingpins. Then pick 2 of the characters and a third character from the opposite faction and keep doing Henchman/Kingpin missions on them to unlock all 8 by end of Monday of the week after.

:sy_darkside:Guides & other stuff:sy_darkside:



Edited by Iwipe
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Great guide, thanks for all the hard work. The event sound fun but I do hope they changed it so we don’t have to wait in line for Shady Character /Kingpin and made it work like the Tauntaun quest where everyone can click the objective then get their own spawn to kill. That made the quest so much funnier as you weren’t waiting in line or being cut off by other players but either way looking forward to it. :D Edited by SithEmpress
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If one groups up fror the kingpin, the kingpin has the level of the highest in group? Wonder how difficult it will be to get a right group for people who are not at level cap yet to get a kingpin down.


Not too sure on the scaling of these mobs as I did them all at 55. Guess we will find out soon though :D

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[*]You cannot do this until day 5 (Saturday) at the earliest. You will need to have 5 Completed Bounty Contracts to unlock a Kingpin mission.


This is wrong, they are mailable.


*Edit* Never mind seen your post second up about them being tradeable. A lot of people still believe they aren't though.

Edited by FlyinSpaghetti
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Nice guide, as always.


However, unlocking Kingpin missions only gives a blue rep item, not a purple one. At least for unlocking Nar Shaddaa.


Hmm guess they changed that from the PTS, thanks I will correct it.

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