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The Esseles crashes when ship crashes in cutscene


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  • 2 weeks later...

Confirmed: Bug is still present. Try to do Esseles solo (I did with lv 19 Scoundrel) for rep, crashes every time IF you leave the window up.


I was able to get by the bug by clicking a conversation response and IMMEDIATELY minimizing the window, so looks like something to do with client graphics display. I posted this 'workaround' elsewhere too.

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Confirmed: Bug is still present. Try to do Esseles solo (I did with lv 19 Scoundrel) for rep, crashes every time IF you leave the window up.


I was able to get by the bug by clicking a conversation response and IMMEDIATELY minimizing the window, so looks like something to do with client graphics display. I posted this 'workaround' elsewhere too.


This workaround does not work. For me and many others. Game is broken yet.

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  • 2 months later...
Have you tried the workaround of setting your game to Fullscreen, instead of any kind of Windowed?


My game's setting always be Full-screen.


I find a solution from other player via "flapping" the game screen(Alt-tab out and back)

,and try to make the screen skip the animation by using background mode.


I'll try it later. I wish that work for me. :)


Is there any way to turn off this broken warping animation?


I don't like to flapping all the time when I move my ship from one plant to another, and it annoy.


This problem already live since 2012 or before, and seems like ready hard to fix. :(


My PC (AMD Radeon™ HD 7870) is not very powerful but can play -

Planetside2 with high quality smoothly

EVE ONLINE with High quality that 2 accounts in Jita or doing lv4, mining ,0.0 operation, WH gank, etc...

In Swtor, doing everything is fine, but the warping animation always cause a little screen frost no matter in star ship or in quest. Esseles is the worst situation and game crash to desktop.


Sorry for bad English.

Edited by ronchen
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  • 2 weeks later...

How has this never been fixed? I'm pretty sure I've posted in a thread like this almost a year ago. And i just made a new toon and tried to solo esseles and got booted at the same point as always. I've even upgraded my card since then, running a Nvidia GTX 760 and still crashing


I can do the tab out workaround only when in fullscreen mode, works better when i turn all graphics down to super low. I normally play windowed and on the highest setting, very strange :confused:

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Still a problem. Myself and 2 other guildies, each in separate instances, bugged out on this.

I've had no luck with any of the suggested workarounds posted here.

I made a ticket on it and got the usual automated responce to look here (go figure).

Will be following this thread and hope there's a sollution soon.

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Yup, still a problem. Initially, i thought it was graphics card related (i normally use an ATI card), and it always crashes, through several generations of them (4870, 5870 and 7970).


But now i have a secondary computer (Asus ROG *something*), with an Nvidia GTX 660 card (i think), and lo and behold, that just crashed too (newest drivers available).


So this is apparently a crappy coding issue, not a client issue as such...

Edited by PlacidDragon
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I think that they DO NOT have the ability to fix this problem or they just DO NOT want to.


Just like EA style.


Okey, here is the solution from me, its work for me.

The problem still there, so you need to do this solution everytime when you do those flashpoint.


First, you must know when the Bugged hyperspace jump will start.

(In Esseles, the jump is right after the conversation)

1. make the game screen to "FULL SCREEN" mode.

2.1 Do the trigger button and make the hyperspace jump start.

2.2 You need to HIT "ALT" and "TAB" at the same time on you keyboard to make your screen back to desktop.

The point 2.1 and 2.2 need to be complete in about 1-2 second, and better at the same time.

3. Relex and wait about 10 second, and than HIT "ALT" and "TAB" back to the game.

4. Now, your ship finally pass the Esseles Bug Field/ Black Talon Bugfield, and enjoy the rest of the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This issue is not only for Esselees, it's also for Black Talon on imperial side and happens both on same way,, on Esseless it will crash on final talk when ship is about to leave hyperspace same Crash happens on Black Talon at the point right after choosing to return Dromund Kaas or to Imperial Fleet. Solution on both are same (happens only on Nvidia cards) solution is alt tab out to windows then come back when you hear hyperspace completed), There is few other flashpoints on various points that can't recall exactly where those are but each time solution is same , alt tab out and in. game does not crash , and you can continue , you don't alt tab client will crash. and you will have to restart client ending up to same spot that you were (just before last talk / cutscene)


Plz EA, you've known this bug for almost 2 years now ,, still haven't fixed this issue, if I recall right bug was already reported by us Beta testers. but then there was also bugs on cutscenes themselfs too like floating doors etc. those you've fixed but not this issue.

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