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Everything posted by Chistnaa

  1. Just wanted to update this as I just went through the whole experience. If you get the datacron on republic fleet (either in a group or by soloing - there are some really good guides for it on youtube) you will automatically get the Achievement for the other side upon logging in. Say you solo it on pub side (as I just did) you will get the Emblem in the Datacron section of your Legacy - it just says Fleet, no mention of faction. You will also get a completion for the Achievement under Location -> Republic Fleet -> Exploration -> Republic Fleet Datacron Master. The one for Imperial Fleet, however, will remain at 0%. When you log onto your imperial character, the Achievement will complete for Imperial Fleet -> Imperial Fleet Datacron Master. You will also be unable to get to the blue crystal (if you've done it you'll know which) in the Museum. I hope that answers some questions. Happy Achievement and Datacron hunting Love // Bacon
  2. Just did Maelstrom Prison at lvl 35 and was sync'd up to lvl 39... not down to 29 as the initial post indicates. This may be the case for the corresponding imp side flashpoint, however I cannot confirm that at this time.
  3. Had this bug just today. Tried logging out and starting from another computer - no go Tried to reset phases, however, it wouldn't bring up the option no matter where I went Travelled back and forth between my house, Nar Shaddaa (planet side), house, ship, reset the quest several times, then finally went to my ship, hit Start and Launch and it worked. It would seem that patience is the key here (something I do not possess in great amounts ). I would suggest logging out, playing another char for a bit and then trying again.
  4. Still a problem. Myself and 2 other guildies, each in separate instances, bugged out on this. I've had no luck with any of the suggested workarounds posted here. I made a ticket on it and got the usual automated responce to look here (go figure). Will be following this thread and hope there's a sollution soon.
  5. Figured I should update this. Go to the shuttle point in the Dune Sea (there is only 1), then travel to the coordinates (-706, 484). It is, as already mentioned, in the Sand People village under the arched rock formation to the SE of the outpost. At 370, 898 there is a load of lvl 50 elite imps too
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