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Need help levelling (stop laughing, please...)


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Yes, playing a Sith warrior, Marauder, so I anticipated being kinda awesome, but not...


Seriously, I get my arse handed to me regularly in the storyline, not to mention the time I tried a H2 (3 levels above), when I didn't even kill the first enemy I met...


Basically, I suck at this, so I need help in the worst way. I've read a lot on the forum and I only get more confused. Can anyone point me toward a spec that will help me go from lvl 30 to lvl 50 and maybe manage to solo a FP or H2 area?


Also, can anyone draw up a rotation, in small words and layman's terms, that I can understand and use?


Please, pretty please?

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Make sure your gear stays within 5-10 levels of you and stay a few levels above your quest at least. Keep your healer companion geared and use him at all times.(Quinn)




Use the skill build from the link and the rotation. You are not supposed to solo heroics and flashpoints. You can solo heroics if you are good and or geared but you aren't meant to.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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H2s are "difficult solo quest" but require a good companion (read geared) and are easier on tank/healers. H4 requires that and a hefty presence bonus. Flashpoints are mostly story driven H4 with sometimes special mechanics.


As for what is wrong :


In most case its a gear issue, in some case its a spec issue. And sometimes, its a matter of not dealinh efficiently with groups.


For gear, as said keep it up. Blues from planetary commendations does a pretty decent job at it, + some craft on the GTN to fill in the gaps. Ideally refresh every 4-5 levels.



For marauder, spec wise, solo leveling goes better with annihilation. Regardless of end-game preference for carnage, thing does not have an anni mara's survivability via self heal and the ability to lock out a big hitter indefinitely. Rage eventually is the ez button spec for your average thrash pull.


And efficiency : go for stuff that dies easily first. One less person trying to carve their initial witha blaster in your butt is never a bad thing ;)

Edited by verfallen
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I level up most of my marauders in green gear with some blue, same level or <3 behind, with DPS companions (Vette, then Jaesa) all the way to 50. Don't forget, your companion needs gear as badly as you do, and their performance is affected just as much by it.


Just don't try heroics by yourself, do all the missions and all the bonus objectives so you don't get underleveled, and make sure you understand how to use your spec.


Some people prefer Rage for leveling because you can one-shot crit-Smash entire groups if there's no Strong or Elite. Some people prefer Annihilation for the self-heals. I prefer Carnage because it's just silly how much damage you can do if you time everything right.


All three are valid approaches.


Just keep your gear up, stay at or ahead of the level of your missions (get XP boosts if necessary, but if you're a sub, staying rested generally works), and most of all, use your head. Make sure to keep your Rage up so you can do more than just stand there going Assault, Assault, Assault. Try sending your companion at one of the normal mobs while you leap in and take down the Strong. IMPORTANT: Make sure all your companion's abilities are turned on.


There are a few rough patches - the Lord at the center of the hexagon thingy in the level 40ish class quest (kept vague so no spoilers) for one - but for the most part, you shouldn't have too much trouble leveling.


Hope this helps.

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I level up most of my marauders in green gear with some blue, same level or <3 behind, with DPS companions (Vette, then Jaesa) all the way to 50. Don't forget, your companion needs gear as badly as you do, and their performance is affected just as much by it.


Just don't try heroics by yourself, do all the missions and all the bonus objectives so you don't get underleveled, and make sure you understand how to use your spec.


Some people prefer Rage for leveling because you can one-shot crit-Smash entire groups if there's no Strong or Elite. Some people prefer Annihilation for the self-heals. I prefer Carnage because it's just silly how much damage you can do if you time everything right.


All three are valid approaches.


Just keep your gear up, stay at or ahead of the level of your missions (get XP boosts if necessary, but if you're a sub, staying rested generally works), and most of all, use your head. Make sure to keep your Rage up so you can do more than just stand there going Assault, Assault, Assault. Try sending your companion at one of the normal mobs while you leap in and take down the Strong. IMPORTANT: Make sure all your companion's abilities are turned on.


There are a few rough patches - the Lord at the center of the hexagon thingy in the level 40ish class quest (kept vague so no spoilers) for one - but for the most part, you shouldn't have too much trouble leveling.


Hope this helps.


Said lord is not too hard if you understand to burst when a possible defensive move isn't on. It is a nice fight tough.


Btw for companion, I personnaly send him/her on the strong/elite and take out the thrash, then proceed on the bigger guy that was kept busy. With dps class, I find the "party" (you and your comp) take less damage, and if your comp gets knocked out, you leave the big mob weakened and you in a rather undamaged state.

Edited by verfallen
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OK, with the above advice, things are a bit better. Played for six hours, only got killed four times and levelled up from 30 to 32. Still a horrible grind. Not sure I'm looking forward to even slower levelling as I (eventually) progress upward. Oh, well... *sigh*
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What is your spec, opener, and rotation/priority for your abilities that you are using? If you aren't using those effectively, you can expect to die a lot. Marauders are a little on the squishy side anyway, so a few deaths are to be expected along the way.


One thing I had to learn early on was look for patrolling mobs and kill them when they are isolated when possible. Most of the time, if I die, it is because of 'adds' in the form of a patrolling mob, disastrous if it is gold or silver.

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I'm running with the spec from


But I'm only lvl 32, so I haven't filled up the tree yet.


I'm trying to use the rotation from the same place, something like:

Battering assault to get some rage points


Sweeping slash


Assault to refill rage

Vicious slash while waiting for cooldowns


Then when I get to the boss, it's mostly the same, but instead of sweeping slash and smash, I use throw and scream.


But, it's not really the dying that gets me, it's the incredibly and increasingly slow grind for XP. It's very slow.

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Just flying in to say: STOP USING NOXIC. Their stat priorities are wrong, as is their rotations. I'm surprised their talent build is worth a damn.


Seriously, stay away from Noxic with all classes. And those of you recommending Noxic - Shame on you. There's plenty of forum posts that explain everything Noxic does not only better, but correctly.


But, it's not really the dying that gets me, it's the incredibly and increasingly slow grind for XP. It's very slow.


The fact you said this means you're F2P. Ensure you do your heroic, FP, and PvP dailies and it's not so bad. Do the planetary bonus missions as well.

Edited by Maelael
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Just flying in to say: STOP USING NOXIC. Their stat priorities are wrong, as is their rotations. I'm surprised their talent build is worth a damn.


Seriously, stay away from Noxic with all classes. And those of you recommending Noxic - Shame on you. There's plenty of forum posts that explain everything Noxic does not only better, but correctly.


The fact you said this means you're F2P. Ensure you do your heroic, FP, and PvP dailies and it's not so bad. Do the planetary bonus missions as well.


OK, if you want me to stop using NOXIC, what should I use?

I'm not F2P, no. I tried soloing FP and heroics with no success. I can try to group more, though.

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Just flying in to say: STOP USING NOXIC. Their stat priorities are wrong, as is their rotations. I'm surprised their talent build is worth a damn.


Seriously, stay away from Noxic with all classes. And those of you recommending Noxic - Shame on you. There's plenty of forum posts that explain everything Noxic does not only better, but correctly.


The fact you said this means you're F2P. Ensure you do your heroic, FP, and PvP dailies and it's not so bad. Do the planetary bonus missions as well.


She wouldn't be posting if she were F2P. As far as Noxxic goes, it's decent for levelling guides since there isn't anything you really need to care seriously about stat priority wise and their rotations are fine (if not ideal). No need to jump all over her for using an obvious resource even if it's faulty later on.


To the OP, I levelled as Annihilation with relative ease but eventually changed over to Rage later on and haven't gone back. The quick AE burst setups are really ideal for taking out the packs of trash you encounter solo grinding. Just stick with it whatever you do, it DOES get easier as you start to get more (and more overpowered) defensive cooldowns as you grow, prolonging your life/avoiding death.

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She wouldn't be posting if she were F2P. As far as Noxxic goes, it's decent for levelling guides since there isn't anything you really need to care seriously about stat priority wise and their rotations are fine (if not ideal). No need to jump all over her for using an obvious resource even if it's faulty later on.


There is preferred status.


I'm not jumping over her. I'm jumping over the people who claim to be good, yet suggest using noxxic.


Noxic is seriously to blame why I see so many people running around in crap optimized gear, bad specs, and bad rotations. I've flat out asked people whom I give help to throughout the evening (2+ times an evening) and the most often specific source answer of where they heard X wrong thing from - it's noxic.


OK, if you want me to stop using NOXIC, what should I use?

I'm not F2P, no. I tried soloing FP and heroics with no success. I can try to group more, though.


Quick answer: The forums.


Long answer:



Gearing and leveling:


I'd assume by now you have the healer companion. If you have not geared out both you and your companion in planetary blue mods in custom armor (Use planetary commendations on the fleet to get the best/highest level stuff you can), do so. Go back to previous planets with easier heroics and grind out coms and get up to date.


Assuming in full that you are P2P and not preferred, If you play about 4 hours a night (or less really), just by doing your class missions, non heroic missions, bonus missions, and PvP dailies you will hit 50 before, or right as you start Corellia. I've done this now on 6 toons - it takes 2 weeks of semi casual play to hit 50.


Ideally, buy your class mission xp bonus, and exploration xp bonus in your legacy to make it even faster. Space your XP bonus items out and utilize them in areas where you have multiple quests - ie you're not wasting 15 minutes of them traveling. Ensure you log off in a cantina for the mob XP bonus the next day.


FPs are amazing xp, just queue up once a day for the daily (great for Planetary coms too). You want/need a group for them. Below 35/40ish they aren't hard and don't require your tank and healer have more than a pulse, 40-49 is when it is required for them to at least have a pulse and be looking at the screen the whole time, and 50+ they should have a pulse and a working brain. In the end most of it is a gear check, as opposed to a competency check. I'm not being sarcastic either. I was rather surprised at the difficulty change 50+.


You can solo heroics (2+ usually) if your gear is fully up to date, your healer companion's gear is fully up to date, and you have a decent connection. It's not an easy faceroll but it is doable. Its not really worth your time though.


Update your gear every ~5 levels. Ensure you are getting strength primary, power secondary, and surge tertiary. If you do your FP daily and just select the planetary coms for each quest, you should have enough coms to gear yourself out every 5-7 levels if you turn some warzone coms into Planetary coms as well. Its okay if your companion is a bit further behind, just make sure to update their barrels.


I did carnage on both a Sentinel (Combat) and my Mara. None of the content was difficult whatsoever with Planetary modded gear. If you can't beat an encounter or boss, go back to the older planets, do heroics for coms, and gear up.


If you're still having a slow xp gain leveling, something is seriously wrong and you're not getting the subscriber XP bonus.


Specs and rotations:


If you're gonna stay with Carnage - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=659058


Since you're level 32: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#1000cZhGMRRbZb.3


Short fuse isn't as priority as other choices in the Carnage tree (for now). The Fury stacks become more important for Rage later on in your 40's, and Carnage in your 50s - but for now just move up the Carnage tree.


I'll be dead honest here: You can faceroll your skills on stuff until you hit 50. FPs included. The content is so tuned down you really need zero skill to get to 50. Follow the non heroic quests, fight however you want to, and you'll make it through. Most likely, it's your gear that is causing you problems, not your rotation or skill tree choices.


If you're going to move onto Rage later - The rotation is so easy, it doesn't require a guide. Leap+smash with shockwave stacks preferably (Just read shockwave) and otherwise spam whatever skills you want (Preferably ones that proc Overpower, again just read Overpower).


Don't play rage till your mid-late 40's. Seriously, just wait till you're 50+ for it. The groups of mobs aren't large or tough enough to warrant the spec (50+ dailies are though) and you'll be too slow on the class mission elites and bosses.




Just level for a while. Enjoy the content. When you have the offtime, read through the first 3 pages of the Sentinel and Mara forums. You'll see all of the above info is there and more - usually along with the "whys" of it too.


Join a guild. Group up - even with random strangers. Its part of the fun of an MMO. I soloed for 98% of the storyline/mission content - while relaxing and casual to do so solo, it is more fun in a group.


If anyone laughs at you for asking for help, they're stupid. Its the people who ask or search for help that are usually the intelligent/mature ones. Trying to figure out stuff on your own when the information already exists is either done by people looking for a challenge, or the dumb.


Edited by Maelael
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I'd pretty much say stop trying to do heroics solo they really aren't worth it unless you are properly geared. Yes as a Jug or Mara we can do them easier than some other classes but for what you have to do normally the rewards just aren't worth it. If you really want to do them find a group. Post in chat that you are looking for a group for {insert heroic here}. Either that or just keep questing until you see a post for one and then whisper or respond right away. Once you group up keep questing until the group is ready to go.


Gear you companion. Contrary to what some people seem to think you do need your companion. You need them to be geared. It is more important to gear yourself but you can do that through FP's. Queue up all the time and quest while you wait. You will not even realize that it took forever to pop if you keep busy. I prefer to use quest items and planetary coms for my comps but I also do it for me when I can get a juicy upgrade.


Even though it isn't really necessary from time to time check the GTN. You can find some good upgrades for cheap sometimes. Level your comps with skills that match up so you can farm and make upgrades for you and them.


I think you see the theme here because gear is kinda big. However rotation is priority as well. If your rotation is bad then it can take forever to kill mobs that you could have downed 30 secs ago. Keep trucking because this is a fun class to play. At first I really like Marauder then I didn't like it so much then it became my favorite right behind sorc.

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I'm currently leveling a sent (the sent forum is kinda dorky though so i prefer this forum) and I havent ran in to any survivability issues so far (level 42). The companion will make or break you on the tougher content though, I was solo'ing some of the H4 content on Hoth and that wouldnt have been possible without a healer (a trick i use is to stealth and give the companion aggro when it gets rough, to share the damage) . Same thing applies to warzones, with a healer I'm practically invincible. Without one, not so much.


As for rotations, I havent done any research outside the ability descriptions. I've played focus/rage since around level 30 and that has worked out well. I don't have it down like on other classes yet but I'm getting there, still screwing up from time to by draining my yellow bar. It is lightyears easier and faster to regain mana on sent compared to sage though.


Oh and I'm trying to keep my mods 5 levels within my current level. I did forget about it at one point though and leveled to 37 in 30 mods.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Don't use noxic.

I would say without a full tree watchman/annihilation is the way to go you get most of your main dmging abilitys early on. Carnage kinda sux when you don't have full tree. All trees you won't get max dmg but annihilation you get the most dmg without top tier talent i've found.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I'm also leveling a Marauder and you should definitely be going up the Rage tree since it has the hard hitting Smash for mobs. I don't even bother with Flashpoints because most of the time the higher level guys XP gimp you. I do Heroics on occasion but it is just faster to pick up missions and do things solo. Don't forget to use your XP boost and buy blue gear (from the GTN or planetary comm vendor) every few levels or so and you will be fine. Make sure to do the planet quest line along with your class mission since these provide gear for your companion.

If you get to the level cap and want to do more advanced content (FPs, Ops) then you should look into switching to Carnage or Annihilation.

EDIT: I also used to like Noxxic because everything was so conveniently located, however, most of the info there is wrong especially after 2.0. If you need help its better to use these forums, mmo-mechanics or the r/swtor subreddit on reddit.com.

Edited by mlambros
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For marauder, spec wise, solo leveling goes better with annihilation.


Some people prefer Rage for leveling because you can one-shot crit-Smash entire groups if there's no Strong or Elite. Some people prefer Annihilation for the self-heals. I prefer Carnage because it's just silly how much damage you can do if you time everything right.


All three are valid approaches.


To the OP, I levelled as Annihilation with relative ease but eventually changed over to Rage later on and haven't gone back.


I've played focus/rage since around level 30 and that has worked out well.



I would say without a full tree watchman/annihilation is the way to go you get most of your main dmging abilitys early on. Carnage kinda sux when you don't have full tree. All trees you won't get max dmg but annihilation you get the most dmg without top tier talent i've found.


I'm also leveling a Marauder and you should definitely be going up the Rage tree since it has the hard hitting Smash for mobs.


If you get to the level cap and want to do more advanced content (FPs, Ops) then you should look into switching to Carnage or Annihilation.


See? I get almost as many opinions as I get replies... *sigh*

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See? I get almost as many opinions as I get replies... *sigh*


Don't be frustrated. Opinions are like (bleep), everyone has one - but in this case, it's due to the game design.


Most of the lower level content (Read: Pre 55hm FPs, Ops, 55 PvP) is designed around you playing whatever you want. Sure, some specs (mostly hybrids) will take longer to kill stuff, but it is doable even in the worst specs.


So in the end - as long as your gear is appropriate, it shouldn't matter what spec you play, or what rotation you use if you're just soloing your storyline/planet quests. It's good game design - you can play what you want, how you want, and still win. Enjoy it.


Want the best bang for your buck? Read Oofalong's Watchman/Anni guide. Read KBN's Combat/Carnage Guide. Rage/Focus is really easy to figure out but if you feel lost or need confirmation ask.


Respec to whatever you want, play it. Head back to the fleet. Respec again. Repeat as necessary until you find out what is fun and works FOR YOU, and enjoy the game. Example:


-I liked Combat/Carnage for leveling up the most. It's good single target damage with short burst (high numbers in short fights)

-Watchman/Anni works well too, and I enjoy it in end game PvE. It's not as bursty, but does more damage over long fights.

-Rage/Focus is awesome in PvP, and great for clearing out groups of mobs.

-I feel you don't need the high AoE damage prior to 50, as the groups of mobs aren't high enough HP or hard enough to warrant the large AOE damage. I'd rather have the higher single target damage to kill the Elite and Boss mobs easier.


Thats what I experienced, and how I chose to play. Other people will really like Watchman/Anni. Others love Focus/Rage.


Were all right. Play the game how you want to, and enjoy it. Heck, learn to play all three (I did) and play what you enjoy and are good at in the places you like doing it (PvP, Solo, FPs, Ops, Etc...)

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This will cost you thirty dollars, as well as lots of time crafting and GTN sales, but with an adaptable armor set and Treek I am soloing all PVE content including flashpoints and heroic 4. I would love to tell you it's because I'm skilled, I'm not I suck, but the gear combined with the best healer/offensive ranged companion in the game makes my Mara pretty unkillable.


A way around the thirty bucks is to buy all orange/adaptable armor and Treek on GTN which is possible but very time consuming. And this is on top of the time needed to manufacture/buy upgrades on GTN. Sure you can use planetary credits but again that's another time sink.

Edited by Lecaja
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Ok, my opinion:


I don't blame you. My first was a sentinel, and they're even worse off, due to no healing companion until 35. The way I'd suggest it is:


Annihilation to start. They're probably the best off in the early levels, as Carnage needs to get Gore before it can start getting results, but also requires the rage refund for a proper rotation and massacre before the rotation functions properly. Rage, I would not recommend, but that's just because I find it dull. If you have to spec rage, then wait until you've gotten some of the key skills from it (the second leap and attached auto-crit.


When dealing with standard foes, you just mix up your stun skills. Although Marauders don't have a functional hard stun to speak of, Smash, Scream, and Ravage will stun standard or weak enemies, so use them in that order on different targets to reduce incoming alpha burst.


When dealing with your heavier targets, you worry less about your attack rotation, and need to worry more about your defensive cooldowns. As a marauder, you get a lot of interesting defensive cooldowns, and although the order isn't too critical, logic is as important as timing (don't use force choke after Cloak of Pain or Obfuscate, don't use Obfuscate on a target that uses a lot of force or tech skills, don't use Force Camoflauge unless it is a serious emergency, things like that). As long as you aren't spamming assault, you should be keeping the attention on yourself, so Quinn can focus his heals on you.


I really can't think of anything else to say that hasn't already been said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahh, my apprentice.... A Marauder is a fist with lightsabers..... that sounded weird, but you probably get it. Vette is your friend for leveling. If you mod her weapons and upgrade her armor alot; A) she looks really cool B) She helps a hell of a lot more than Quinn does.


Also, always balance Strength, Crit, and Endurance, in this priority order: 1) Endurance 2) Crit 3) Strength.... The other stats matter, but aren't important.





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Ahh, my apprentice.... A Marauder is a fist with lightsabers..... that sounded weird, but you probably get it. Vette is your friend for leveling. If you mod her weapons and upgrade her armor alot; A) she looks really cool B) She helps a hell of a lot more than Quinn does.


Also, always balance Strength, Crit, and Endurance, in this priority order: 1) Endurance 2) Crit 3) Strength.... The other stats matter, but aren't important.






Wow, that's 180 degrees against what everyone else is saying! Interesting. Either it's genius, or it's totally wrong. Need to try that for a while, and see.

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Yeah I don't agree with leveling using Vette over Quinn. He heals well enough that I can chain pull and rarely need to break to regen. Using Vette I would need to stop every secondish pull, and I keep my companions gear up to date. In my experience it's faster using Quinn since there is rarely any downtime unless I do something stupid.
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