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Why I think the Empire is better than Republic

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Having been playing this game on and off for many weeks I've been switching allegiances like a yo-yo, at some points I wanted to be the good hero (Republic) rather than the villain (Empire) and you would of thought it be doable, but in the Star Wars universe the Republic are a long shot far from being heroic good guys, especially for the Jedi.


Sure the Empire has it's own problems, tyranny, slavery, torture, betrayal and lots of death, but lets look on the bright side, at least the Sith are free to show all of their emotions and passions, basically they are allowed to do whatever they like.


For the Republics own problems lets start with the Jedi code. Lets be honest, not being allowed to show your emotions and passions just makes you act like a mindless drone. True peace is impossible to achieve, there's perhaps more truth with the Sith code than the Jedi code. Also it sucks Jedi forbid love for which I feel sorry for those Jedi lovers on Tython, if it weren't banned then their idea of bribery would of never happened. Secondly there's no end of corruption in Coruscant, the big heads are doing nothing for their people, in fact many of them Senators are corrupt themselves which leads to a rather nasty mission where you try to expose one by taking it from a carrier droid and then this guy comes to stop you...to find that the light side choice is to take the out of date information and have a corrupt Senator walk away...WHAT???! How can you be a true hero of the light if you allow things like this?


Putting the story a side, Empire have better character animations (for instance; lightning > rocks), the Empire classes overall have better storylines than the Republic, British accents are simply sexy and if we include the movies, the best Star Wars character ever is Darth Vader.


To finally conclude, although I prefer being the hero but sometimes as they say, it's just good to be bad. :csw_vader:

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I play both, but the majority of my toons and time are Imperial. Personally I think evil is a point of view. Like you say, atleast the sith and imperials are honest about their feelings. They love who they love, they hate who they hate, and that's that.


I've hated the jedi since the Anakin movies. I saw what a pack of hypocrites the Jedi are, and I'd never want to be a part of that. My Jedi is darkside, and I'm fine with that. When you play pub side, you see that they're just as evil and crooked as anyone. There are crooked politicians, there are people doing experiments bordering on torture to people, and even the ever sainted Satele Shan is guilty of looking down her nose at the Voss, just because they think differently than the jedi, means they're closer to being sith. Heh. If I could make my Jedi defect and join the sith, I would.

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kudos to whoever wrote Satele Shan lines and character, that lady is the biggest hypocrite in the game, constantly insulting jedi left and right yet she has a child of her own :| why cant she go do something other than yell at me lol
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I'm for the most part an Empire player and I find that I enjoy the Empire side of things more, but I hesitate to say that it's the "better" side. Yes, Satele Shan can be a bit condescending, but she's nowhere near the full-on, unapologetic horrible of Darth Malgus, for example. The Jedi habit of being kind of stuck up, judgmental, and unrealistic at times about people and their emotions is fairly benevolent, all told, when compared against the Sith's merciless embrace of hatred, fear, pain, and tyranny as desirable ways of life.
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I'm for the most part an Empire player and I find that I enjoy the Empire side of things more, but I hesitate to say that it's the "better" side. Yes, Satele Shan can be a bit condescending, but she's nowhere near the full-on, unapologetic horrible of Darth Malgus, for example. The Jedi habit of being kind of stuck up, judgmental, and unrealistic at times about people and their emotions is fairly benevolent, all told, when compared against the Sith's merciless embrace of hatred, fear, pain, and tyranny as desirable ways of life.


Most of the Sith are sociopaths. That right there puts the Republic up on them.


Sure, Jedi can be jerks. But most of the Jedi out there are still trying to help people and do good. Yes, there's corruption in the Republic. But there are also people trying to weed it out and the Republic is still a democracy while the Empire has an absolute monarch. Aliens might not always get a fair shake in the Republic, but it's better than being an Imperial slave.


The Empire does have its good points, but it's still an autocracy built on slavery and elitism.

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No system is perfect. There will always be flaws, as the Republic quest line shows. But the one that at least strives to do better and tries to respect its citizens and their rights is vastly preferable to the one that readily employs tyranny, slavery, torture, fear, etc. without hesitation to maintain power. Edited by Sauride
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Personally I think evil is a point of view..


Such a dangerous attitude and false equivalency. Is morality gray? Absolutely. Most of the world is gray. But the US, Canada, Europe, etc are not North Korea or Nazi Germany.

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Such a dangerous attitude and false equivalency. Is morality gray? Absolutely. Most of the world is gray. But the US, Canada, Europe, etc are not North Korea or Nazi Germany.


Um...we're talking about game politics here lol. But you know what, there were still good German people, even when they were under Nazi rule. Not all of them believed in what the Nazis were doing. They weren't all murderous jerks. There are decent people in every system, even if it's run by 'evil.' Same goes for Sith. There are good and decent people in the Empire, just as I'm sure as there are some good pubs...but alas, I like the Empire more. :p


So I guess some are grey-er than others...


And don't forget, the victor writes the histories.

Edited by Lunafox
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Most of the Sith are sociopaths.


I don't have many nitpicks about this game, but that's one of the few. A significant portion of the Sith with whom you interact over the course of the Empire storylines seem to be deliberately, cartoonishly evil, purely for the sake of being terrible. I much prefer Darth Silthar's all-consuming passion for ancient knowledge (with his "sinister-but-clearly-affectionate-grandfather" way of doing things) to the reckless love of violence seen in such dangerously unhinged maniacs as Thana Vesh.

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Well, the Jedi and Sith are polar opposites in pretty much every regard.

The Light Side wants you to show restraint in everything, while the Dark Side is all about embracing pure emotion - in all of its forms, good and bad - such as love and anger.

Neither is completely good or evil, which is what makes it fun.

Also the reason why stopping the package is a Dark side choice is because you are interfering with democracy - you have chosen it's up to you to deny the Senate a vote on this matter.

Instead of letting the people choose you've chosen for them, a very Sith thing to do.

Mind you that quest and the one with Senator Vanara Kayl almost ALWAYS end up earning me Dark Side points - even though I know the reasons why I'm getting them. :D

Edited by Callaron
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Well, the Jedi and Sith are polar opposites in pretty much every regard.

The Light Side wants you to show restraint in everything, while the Dark Side is all about embracing pure emotion - in all of its forms, good and bad - such as love and anger.

Neither is completely good or evil, which is what makes it fun.

Also the reason why stopping the package is a Dark side choice is because you are interfering with democracy - you have chosen it's up to you to deny the Senate a vote on this matter.

Instead of letting the people choose you've chosen for them, a very Sith thing to do.

Mind you that quest and the one with Senator Vanara Kayl almost ALWAYS end up earning me Dark Side points - even though I know the reasons why I'm getting them. :D


Were you hoping for a date with the lovely Senator? lol :D

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Were you hoping for a date with the lovely Senator? lol :D


Generally, yes. :p

The first time I did that quest I happened to be on a Jedi Knight, and I found it so iconic - the Jedi Knight and the Senator, where have we seen that one before? :o

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I play both, but the majority of my toons and time are Imperial. Personally I think evil is a point of view.

No, evil often isn't a point of view. Slavery, for instance. Always evil, every time.


IYes, Satele Shan can be a bit condescending, but she's nowhere near the full-on, unapologetic horrible of Darth Malgus, for example.

And ironically, Malgus was executed for trying to racially integrate the Empire.

Edited by Caelrie
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No, evil often isn't a point of view. Slavery, for instance. Always evil, every time.


To play devil's advocate... that's only because we, as an "enlightened" society have deemed it to be so.

If we had all been raised in a society where it's an accepted practice we'd all find it perfectly acceptable, so to a certain degree it is a point of view.

Mind you, I'm not saying you are wrong - in fact I fully agree that it's despicable.

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To play devil's advocate... that's only because we, as an "enlightened" society have deemed it to be so.

If we had all been raised in a society where it's an accepted practice we'd all find it perfectly acceptable, so to a certain degree it is a point of view.

Mind you, I'm not saying you are wrong - in fact I fully agree that it's despicable.


I chose slavery because first, it's rampant in SWTOR, and second, because it's possibly the easiest of all moral questions. No grey area anywhere. It's never necessary. It's always harmful to a society that practices it. Even those doing it know it's wrong. They just don't care.


Interestingly enough, both sides in SWTOR practice and tolerate it.

Edited by Caelrie
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No, evil often isn't a point of view. Slavery, for instance. Always evil, every time.



And ironically, Malgus was executed for trying to racially integrate the Empire.


Well, you won't get any argument from me as a human being and player...but my Sith doesn't seem to mind that much. She treats her people very well lol. I do know what you're saying though, in reality I would be appalled by it.


It is interesting though...Malgus had some interesting ideas, that would have been good for the empire's cause, but I reckon he just went about it all wrong. :)

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I chose slavery because first, it's rampant in SWTOR, and second, because it's possibly the easiest of all moral questions. No grey area anywhere. It's never necessary. It's always harmful to a society that practices it. Even those doing it know it's wrong. They just don't care.


The Southern states during the American Civil War would've strongly disagreed with you, they believed their entire economy was highly dependant on slave labor if my recollection of American history is anywhere near correct (not being American I could be off somewhere).

I'm pretty sure it's been done several times on Sci-fi shows, but imagine what would've been today's standing on it if they had actually won that conflict instead of good ol' Abe Lincoln.

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Well, you won't get any argument from me as a human being and player...but my Sith doesn't seem to mind that much. She treats her people very well lol. I do know what you're saying though, in reality I would be appalled by it.

Even your Sith knows slavery is wrong. Simple proof would be making her a slave and asking her what she thinks about it.


She just doesn't care because she believes it's happening to "weak" people.


The Southern states during the American Civil War would've strongly disagreed with you, they believed their entire economy was highly dependant on slave labor if my recollection of American history is anywhere near correct (not being American I could be off somewhere).

I'm pretty sure it's been done several times on Sci-fi shows, but imagine what would've been today's standing on it if they had actually won that conflict instead of good ol' Abe Lincoln.

Oh they knew it was wrong. Why do you think they pretended so hard that that war wasn't about slavery, but instead "States Rights"?

Edited by Caelrie
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Generally, yes. :p

The first time I did that quest I happened to be on a Jedi Knight, and I found it so iconic - the Jedi Knight and the Senator, where have we seen that one before? :o



Haha, thought so. :D I tried to get on her good side too, with my both my male jedi, which meant a dark hit. I wanted to see what would happen lol. I'll probably try again when I take my male smug and trooper thru as well.

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Even your Sith knows slavery is wrong. Simple proof would be making her a slave and asking her what she thinks about it.


She just doesn't care because she believes it's happening to "weak" people.



Oh they knew it was wrong. Why do you think they pretended so hard that that war wasn't about slavery, but instead "States Rights"?


My inquisitor's were slaves...ah if I had a credit for everytime I was called 'slave' lol. I doubt anyone would live long enough to enslave my SWs tho. But in a sense...they serve the emperor...same thing, they just have more power.


Like Callaron said, if we were raised with it, we wouldn't think it was so terrible, but fortunately we know better, and were raised better.

Edited by Lunafox
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The Empire is more interesting than the Republic, because sociopaths are more interesting to observe in a made-up environment than goody two-shoes.


Evil has a certain appeal not because we are secretly Nazi-lovers, but because it's willing to do things most of us (hopefully) never would to achieve its goals. Good has a lot of limitations and is not as rewarding when you know your "good deeds" don't really matter (unlike RL).


I've said it before: I think George Lucas did a terrible job with portraying Good and Evil.

He made Evil powerful but extremely stupid and shortsighted and Good competent but extremely cheesy and boring. There are no real "gray" areas in the Star Wars lore and those that do exist are frowned upon by both the Republic and the Empire. Bioware is just perpetuating the stereotypes originally created by Lucas. The "irrationally malevolent" Sith that kill someone who might be an asset in the future and constantly shoot themselves in the foot by killing each other in their personal quests for power and the unbelievably stupid Jedi/Republic that are willing to spare their enemies' lives (while at war) but can't accept love or hate because they're just "too distracting".



tl;dr: In real life, most of us are (or at least trying to be) more like the Republic than the Empire. It's fun to see the other side of things when it doesn't have any impact on anyone. That's why playing an Empire character is more interesting.

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Oh they knew it was wrong. Why do you think they pretended so hard that that war wasn't about slavery, but instead "States Rights"?


Some of them no doubt knew it was wrong, but they didn't want to give up the wealth the system brought them - but I guarantee you, a lot of them would have been of the opinion that it was their God given right to be better than the people they kept as slaves, because their skin color was different. Another flaw they shared with the Empire.

In the Empire that's been isolated for centuries from the rest of the galaxy, your average citizen is taught that they are better than aliens - so many of them view it as no different than having a talking dog.

Which is another reason the Republic and the Sith Empire will always be at each other's throats - even if the Empire wasn't an aggressive expansionist.

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But you know what, there were still good German people, even when they were under Nazi rule. Not all of them believed in what the Nazis were doing. They weren't all murderous jerks. There are decent people in every system, even if it's run by 'evil.' Same goes for Sith. There are good and decent people in the Empire, just as I'm sure as there are some good pubs...



Sure, but that has nothing to do the actual totalitarian government. Saying "the Empire is evil" doesn't mean everyone living in it (or serving in it) is.


Anyway, cartoonishly evil Sith are all over the quest lines. I mean half of the IA storyline is realizing how the Sith are sadists who can't actually govern. Most of the Republic "evil" is much more realistic/gray area. E.G. Senator Kayl, Trooper military questline, etc. As I said before, the Republic isn't "good," it's just a more realistic picture of flawed beings living in a flawed society. But it is a serious false equivalency to say it is the same as the Empire which is an outright authoritarian regime based on fear, racism, slavery, and murder.


Same with the Sith and the Jedi. Are the Jedi perfect? Of course not. Is some of their Code stupid? Absolutely. But the Sith are literally sadists who rise to power by killing each other.

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