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I am sick and tired of being hot pink!


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LOL this is why they never post. And this is why they won't post again for a couple days at least.


I completely understand the "we can't reply to every thread" concept, I do. It would be impossible to respond to every little thing. But the fact that it got such a quick response here while going completely unnoticed in the correct forums raises red flags. This and the issue with shadow tanks not being responded to until it was plastered all over the general forums leads to a clear indication that they just don't pay attention to the class forums at all.

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Pink assassine would actually be a reason to play that, but since it seems it is not intended I will not go and start playing that class. Still the thread gave me the idea to ask how about getting an option to chose colors for certain effects, I mean like the green fire thing in WoW for warlocks? So, that assassine could chose with color their lightnings will have or other classes how the bubbles, aruas and whathave you look like.
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Pink assassine would actually be a reason to play that, but since it seems it is not intended I will not go and start playing that class. Still the thread gave me the idea to ask how about getting an option to chose colors for certain effects, I mean like the green fire thing in WoW for warlocks? So, that assassine could chose with color their lightnings will have or other classes how the bubbles, aruas and whathave you look like.


It took CoH 5 years to mod power colors and WoW 8 years. Don't hold your breath, but cautious optimism is a good idea.

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Or as many others have said just restore it to its original form..?? If people cant figure out when to use dark ward maybe they shouldnt be tanking at all..?? however to me its not just the color its also the entire spinning thing around me that cuts through saber blade and everything else near me.


Maybe its about time to make a particle effect slider or off button..??

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
A giant pink disco ball ... OF DEATH! Seriously though: agreed on all counts, and just checked with the class design guys and they agree the visual effects should be changed to better match the darker purpler Inquisitor theme. We'll see what we can do!


Still waiting.


Also, are you ever going to fix discharge for Darkness Assassins? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=641573

Edited by MillionsKNives
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  • 1 month later...

On Champions Online players subscribers have an option to change the color of theirs skills (a pallete near skill icon), the customization its awesome, from deep red of death to subtle semi transparent force like effects, and even that isnt perfect. But here on SWTOR we see so many many players complaining about the effect that i bet these customization options would be perfect for the game.

I dislike the effect too. I have a lvl 26 assassin tank that ive stoped playing once it becames a pink ball.

The good salles on CM for armors and such its a demonstration of how much players are concerned about how their chars looks. So when so many ppl complaings about a skill graphic the devs should at least give some update of the discussion. :mad:

Edited by CarlosTrevisan
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There needs to be an option in this game to toggle all these kinds of effects on or off. I wish I could also turn off my lightsaber having lighting, darkness, whatever you want to call it all over it. Then you have Sentinels glowing all sorts of blue, and there are others too. It really would be fantastic to be able to decide whether we want them shown or not.
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Don't get rid of it entirely, GIVE IT TO VANGUARDS!


I paid good money to make my VG as pink as possible. Having energy blast give me a pink bubble would be ULTRA FABULOUS!


Imagine the Reactive Shield but in pink instead of "radioactive" orange

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Looks like it, if it isn't cartel related you can expect a fix 1000 years from now in a galaxy far far away...


Remember when Corrupter 0 was bugged for three weeks straight and in that time they took the servers down and didn't patch it? Even worse they waited until there was cartel items ready to actually patch the problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...
A giant pink disco ball ... OF DEATH! Seriously though: agreed on all counts, and just checked with the class design guys and they agree the visual effects should be changed to better match the darker purpler Inquisitor theme. We'll see what we can do!

I'm sorry but a post like this and then a complete and utter silence on the subject for the next 5 months is something beyond ridiculous. First you get our hopes up and then you abandon us like this, this is a perfect example of how the devs shouldn't treat their playerbase.

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A giant pink disco ball ... OF DEATH! Seriously though: agreed on all counts, and just checked with the class design guys and they agree the visual effects should be changed to better match the darker purpler Inquisitor theme. We'll see what we can do!


While you are at it, can you please fix the saber throw? I want to throw my blue lightsaber on my Jedi Knight and not some random colored one, or the white one I magically throw most of the time. Can't you developers just spend a day where you just check all the cosmetic issues with skills and effects. For instance the Guardian Strike and the floating lightsaber issue with the skill.

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I'm sorry but a post like this and then a complete and utter silence on the subject for the next 5 months is something beyond ridiculous. First you get our hopes up and then you abandon us like this, this is a perfect example of how the devs shouldn't treat their playerbase.


Clearly this is a very complex issue to change the color and brightness of the ability. First he has to load the assets into an image editor, then he has to change the color, and next he probably has to change the brightness in the settings somewhere. How could you expect this to be done in less than a year?!

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Yes, please, finally change this, my Assassin looks riddiculous in battle :mad:




The other day I was doing an ops when a black-blue color crystal dropped and my guildmate rolled on it, because he wanted the color. He only realized later that he actually was already using that crystal, but couldn't tell because of the stupid pink light! He thought it was purple.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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