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15 straight losses in one night...


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Happens. My record streak is 7 hours straight losing streak.


PuGs are like that. Sometimes you get to finish the weekly in one night, sometimes not even a single win possible.


Suck it up.

Edited by kweassa
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Funny how people often say its the poster who must be a badie, when normally the issue is faction inbalance or they are solo queueing into premades. Riddle me this: how come before server transfers became available It took me 5 weeks to complete the pvp weekly on my Jugg, while losing 6 games a day for my dailies? well over a 95% loss ratio. Meanwhile on both rep toons I had 80% win ratios while solo queueing. Now all the good premades seem to have emigrated and the win loss ratios on Red eclipse are now ~50/50 for all my toons regardless of faction.


Its cos I'm bad right?

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I pug Warzones alot.


Its funny, I have Rep toons and Imp toons in 55 bracket and pre 55 brackets.


I start of on my Rep toons and do about 3-4 Warzones. By then you get a feel for whether there are more baddies queing than good players. Baddies in this case are players that dont understand the basics of Warzones and therefore you get smashed by average enemy pugs.


If thats the case then I switch to my Imp toons.


If 55 PvP is bad due to poor pugs then I switch to pre 50 PvP.


Sometimes it might take a while to find the pugs that are working well and therefore find the fun :-)

Edited by FrogSkin
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Funny how people often say its the poster who must be a badie, when normally the issue is faction inbalance or they are solo queueing into premades. Riddle me this: how come before server transfers became available It took me 5 weeks to complete the pvp weekly on my Jugg, while losing 6 games a day for my dailies? well over a 95% loss ratio. Meanwhile on both rep toons I had 80% win ratios while solo queueing. Now all the good premades seem to have emigrated and the win loss ratios on Red eclipse are now ~50/50 for all my toons regardless of faction.


Its cos I'm bad right?


I dont always post statistics, but when I do I always over-exaggerate. :rolleyes:


If you can post some actual statistical evidence of those W/L %s, I'll believe you. But if not, it means just as much as all the other anecdotal QQs we see here: NOTHING.

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Everyone has a bad run.


My worst run was 19 losses in a row over 2 days. this was Recruit/BM days.

My best run was 13 - 14 wins in row.


difference between the two was I had better gear and grouped with 1-2 others during my win streak and some good draws in the pug. You don't need a 4 man premade every time. Find a decent healer and 2 man Q. At least you know you have better odds of surviving and guaranteed healer in the game.

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I dont always post statistics, but when I do I always over-exaggerate. :rolleyes:


If you can post some actual statistical evidence of those W/L %s, I'll believe you. But if not, it means just as much as all the other anecdotal QQs we see here: NOTHING.


ye sure heres my figures


in 5 weeks I played every day 6 games for the daily on a trooper sage and jug. so 42 games a week and about 210 games total for the jug. It was a bit less for troopy and sage as I would frequently have the dailies done with 3 straight wins, then I'd move onto my next toon. the rep chars got the weekly done each of the 5 weeks. The jug got it completed at the end of the 5th week. So 9 wins out of 210 games which is just under 5%?


Im now averaging 50/50 win ratios on all chars and getting the dailies completed in 2-4 games and the weeklies done about half way through the weekend on all toons. The only differences that have occured is my toons have geared up and the premades all migrated to Tofn.

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Im now averaging 50/50 win ratios on all chars and getting the dailies completed in 2-4 games and the weeklies done about half way through the weekend on all toons. The only differences that have occured is my toons have geared up and the premades all migrated to Tofn.


... where now it sucks to play, because due to lack of real PUG players, all we get is 7-8 consecutive hours of single or double premades. They don't even need to play the queue to get a double premade running, they just form the majority of the online playerbase and so they end up together.

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Funny how people often say its the poster who must be a badie, when normally the issue is faction inbalance or they are solo queueing into premades. Riddle me this: how come before server transfers became available It took me 5 weeks to complete the pvp weekly on my Jugg, while losing 6 games a day for my dailies? well over a 95% loss ratio. Meanwhile on both rep toons I had 80% win ratios while solo queueing. Now all the good premades seem to have emigrated and the win loss ratios on Red eclipse are now ~50/50 for all my toons regardless of faction.


Its cos I'm bad right?


Faction balance on TRE never was as rediculous as you mentioned. There were days when I struggled to get a win solo-queuing on either side, but seriously it doesn't have to do anything with faction balance. It's simply presence of few good groups on one side at the moment, while none on other side. And this have always been changing quite often. Both imp and rep side players have always been complaining how bad their faction is blahblahblah. Not all players of course, but in general.


Same situation yesterday: ~15 wins in a row, with 0 of "even close to equal" matches. Queued with group, but I was mainly with a guildie alone bashing reps at their node 2vs5 or smth.


PS: and omg I liked civil war

Edited by glocklB
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Funny how people often say its the poster who must be a badie, when normally the issue is faction inbalance or they are solo queueing into premades. Riddle me this: how come before server transfers became available It took me 5 weeks to complete the pvp weekly on my Jugg, while losing 6 games a day for my dailies? well over a 95% loss ratio. Meanwhile on both rep toons I had 80% win ratios while solo queueing. Now all the good premades seem to have emigrated and the win loss ratios on Red eclipse are now ~50/50 for all my toons regardless of faction.


Its cos I'm bad right?

Well your either bad or really unlucky, there was even a point a few months before transfers where rep went really quiet for a while and imp had more pvp guilds with premades. I mean you only have to look at ranked kickballs, imp always had more teams and players during those nights.

I never found it particularly one sided to one faction or another though for pugs.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I dont know, I also dont keep statistics, but for the dailies its ussually like 2-3 losses and 1-2 wins, so in general not that bad.


Well, I play sentinel and I do consider myself a good player, ofcourse with the limited abilities of my class, which means that Huttball is difficult for me for example. since my class cannot really offer anything special for this WZ (except maybe one speed boost). I have almost full conquer gear and play a lot with the mods, so I am well off, but it still depends on the team. There are many frequent PVP players on our server, but no one really wants to team up. Yet generally we do quite good, I would say its balanced and as it was mentioned before, if you see that the imps are premade and win all matches, then just wait a few hours and try again :)


I dont think anyone should complain about PVP, its random after all, if you get 7 healers against you its hard and premade are also quite difficult so no one should complain about how they do in PVP. At least form groups and learn the WZ and strategies.


So good luck everyone!!

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I dont think anyone should complain about PVP, its random after all, if you get 7 healers against you its hard and premade are also quite difficult so no one should complain about how they do in PVP. At least form groups and learn the WZ and strategies.

It seems we both play different games because 7 healers is complete nonsense and srsly it's nowhere close to difficult, because they just won't kill anyone, while 2-3 dpsers will easly kill them 1 by 1 without a tank

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Does it ever occur to anyone that their own performance has something to do with losing often?


I solo queue and regulary ends up in the top three in my team regarding medals, so at least i'm playing the objectives. And hopefully i'm not causing my team to fail in any other way. The problem is that all of the opposite team is really good players and all night was outleveling us with between 5-10 levels


Note that I'm not whining about pugs, premades or any of the normal whines. I'm just frustrated that it's hard to practise at getting better when the other team is so dominant.

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Same situation yesterday: ~15 wins in a row, with 0 of "even close to equal" matches. Queued with group, but I was mainly with a guildie alone bashing reps at their node 2vs5 or smth.


PS: and omg I liked civil war


Haha, you must have been the stealther that killed my healer every f---n time I exited our start zone every game :p

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I dont always post statistics, but when I do I always over-exaggerate. :rolleyes:


If you can post some actual statistical evidence of those W/L %s, I'll believe you. But if not, it means just as much as all the other anecdotal QQs we see here: NOTHING.


And you're so suppose to be a class rep, LoL. :rolleyes:

Edited by Asturias
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Haha, you must have been the stealther that killed my healer every f---n time I exited our start zone every game :p


From your previous post I conclude you were in lower bracket, not in 55th :p And no, I wasn't on a stealther, I was on my sorc as usual on imp side.

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And you're so suppose to be a class rep, LoL. :rolleyes:


didnt know he was a class rep; thought he was just a random troll. Swtor forums are renowned for being full of them, insisting recruit gear was just fine and we just had to L2p. Its funny how he intrepreted my post as QQ though. I was quite happy at how much fun I had on my rep toons pwning imps. My point (such as it is) is with that kind of disparity something other then my skill or lack of it must be causing the dramatic failure rates that sometimes DO get reported here on the forums, then promptly dismissed with "l2p". I beilieve it was premades, but I might be wrong and it doesn't matter as the cause has stopped affecting my game.


I do wish though the forum community could be more constructive in its debates and leave all the smack talk and belittleing troll comments to the LOL comunity where it belongs. Oh look flying tauntaun...

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didnt know he was a class rep; thought he was just a random troll. Swtor forums are renowned for being full of them, insisting recruit gear was just fine and we just had to L2p. Its funny how he intrepreted my post as QQ though. I was quite happy at how much fun I had on my rep toons pwning imps. My point (such as it is) is with that kind of disparity something other then my skill or lack of it must be causing the dramatic failure rates that sometimes DO get reported here on the forums, then promptly dismissed with "l2p". I beilieve it was premades, but I might be wrong and it doesn't matter as the cause has stopped affecting my game.


I do wish though the forum community could be more constructive in its debates and leave all the smack talk and belittleing troll comments to the LOL comunity where it belongs. Oh look flying tauntaun...


Your point of view is valid and Cash maybe having a bad day because I have those days as well. I believe the PvP community is disgruntled and split in different directions. I think BioWARE jumped the gun on Bolster which caused so much confusion and lead to other problems like PVE players queing in premade groups (Hence why you see so many healers than before). I don't think people relize or remember why a PvP stat was introduce into the MMO genre.


I for one know for myself that if 2.4 doesnt bring about change I will be done with the game.


Anyways good luck to you and hope your winnings will get better in time.

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I dont always post statistics, but when I do I always over-exaggerate. :rolleyes:


If you can post some actual statistical evidence of those W/L %s, I'll believe you. But if not, it means just as much as all the other anecdotal QQs we see here: NOTHING.


You forgot the picture.

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I solo queue the vast majority of the time and have never had a streak of anything like 15 straight losses.


You do have some evenings where it's harder to get wins than others - usually when you're playing the same two premades repeatedly. I think it's this sort of experience which colours people's perspective of faction balance on their servers. On The Red Eclipse I often see people whining on the Rep side in General Chat that "Sith always win". And then you queue up and the match is a tedious face roll where the enemy team fails to get a kill. YMMV basically...


As I've said before due to the way backfill works - in a heavy defeat the losing side will often have 15+ players while it's rare for the winning side to lose a player (excluding d/cs). So this means that more players experience defeats than wins. This warps people's perspective of how well their faction is doing overall.


But the OP is right. Better match making is vital. One sided matches are generally boring, and I don't really see how being in a premade which wins lots of games in a row against (usually bad) pugs is even remotely fun.

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