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What's the deal with new "vibrant" colors?


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I started playing this game a week ago or so and already mentioned to some my friends how awesome its look was. Now I just logged into the game after new patch was applied and all I feel when looking at character selection screen is disgust.


Makes me wonder if game developers realize there could be people out there who work professionally with graphics and may use expanded color gamut displays? Whats the deal with the over-saturation? If you intended to make it "vibrant" then make it honor my display color profile.


Gosh it is practically unplayable to me now with those reds, greens and ugly looking shadows. Did anyone actually complained about this game was not looking "vibrant" enough before?

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It seems that you can disable the new colors:


It looks like there is a manual toggle in the settings file.


First, get to the main settings folder by pressing the Windows Key and R, and entering: %localappdata%/swtor/swtor


After opening the client_settings file, you can change the AllowColorRemapping value to "false" to revert to the old look.

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I for one don't think the graphics look better now. It feels like a waste of resources.


In my opinion, the graphics were best before 1.3. I look at old screenshots and the game just seem so much brighter. Better colours overall. Animations were better, too. I don't know about other classes, but as an Operative I sure as hell noticed that the animations got worse in 1.3. Kolto probes didn't glow as neon-y as they did before 1.3, and Orbital Strike became a lot less awesome. Screenshot:





I'd rather they waste their time trying to fix bugs and optimize the game performance rather than waste time on improving the graphics... because the graphics were fine :/ ..

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It seems that you can disable the new colors:


It works! Thank you sir, you are my savior. May the Force be with you and let the twi'lek slaves you buy on the market will always be of exceptional quality.



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It looks a lot better, so stop moaning idiots!...


Better in terms of looks is mostly opinionbased, so as there is an easy workaround to get the old colors it doesn't even require any sort of complaining one way or the other.


It works! Thank you sir, you are my savior. May the Force be with you and let the twi'lek slaves you buy on the market will always be of exceptional quality.




Glad to be of service :D

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Im quite the graphics junkie.. and new engine stuff is always welcome and awesome..




While I don't have a too much of a problem with the saturated colors (as much as I thought I would), and absolutely really enjoy the texture filtering enhancements.. the shadows are straight up YUCK. Makeb was gorgeous and now looks nasty. Can't do it. I'll be checking future release notes for a change before trying this again.


Thanks for the tip for turning it off!

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It looks absolutely aughful. Please:


* Revert back to the old colours per default.

(So I don't have to "hack" the game I've been playing almost 2 years just to get it ito look decent again).


* Allow a "Turn SWTOR into World of Warcraft" button for the kinky candy colour people.

(For those tasteless souls who PREFER this..? Beats me)

Edited by Fedaykiin
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Just wanted to add.. the sense of relief I just experienced after turning the graphics back to their old look was such a strong feeling of delight.. I haven't felt so grateful, relieved and appreciative of TOR in a long time.


Well done bioware!!! Phew.


Edit: Its not a complete loss.. though some planets did fare better than others. I haven't logged into all of them sure.. but Tython looks good, so does fleet, same with ord mantel. Makeb, korriban and taris (imp) were a complete nightmare though..


If we could somehow get that new texture filtering as a separate setting for the old stuff would be great..! Hopefully its not that new yuck shadow enhancement.. actually it probably is sigh.

Edited by stockmks
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This reminds me of two things:

1. When Bioware changed the quickbar animations and ended up making a it a multiple choice option.

2. This SImpson's reference:

Kang: Abortions for all.

[crowd boos]

Kang: Very well, no abortions for anyone.

[crowd boos]

Kang: Hmm... Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.

[crowd cheers and waves miniature flags]


The moral of the story in both instances people don't like change and do like choices.

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It looks a lot better, so stop moaning idiots!...

It looks horrible on everyone who have half decent display. That new filter just boosts the saturation and gamma to ridiculous levels.


I wonder what they did in this patch... Totally ruined SLI performance.

Edited by Eraan
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It seems that you can disable the new colors:


Thank you thank you thank you! You are a lifesaver! I don't know why they don't advertise this functionality.



It looks a lot better, so stop moaning idiots!...


Cuz everyone has the same idea of what better is right (sarcasm)? Everyone likes the same food, the same music, the same movies...


I'd love to see someone shove something you hate down your throat (well, not you per se, but all others who think like you) cuz they think it's better.


You can't generalize to other people based on what you feel and what you experience. Their neural network phenotypes instantiate differently, not that their genotypes are identical to begin with. Identical stimuli produce different effects. Sorry for the rant, I'm just sick of aesthetic absolutists.

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Yeah, on a solid display with settings at max this change is an eyesore. It's so dark on the fleet I feel like my character should be stumbling around, the level of contrast on previously brightly lit planets is horrid, and the new 'vibrant' colors are way oversaturated. This is Star Wars, not WoW.


Will definitely be attempting to turn that setting off per the suggestion above. Thanks!

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New graphics update looks great. It's just another one of those things you need to adapt to. We have been playing with the dull drab colors ever since the game launched so we have gotten used to it. The new vibrant change is for the better and is really great. :) This goes to show you, there will always be some who don't like it :p But I can understand that to. You are very, very used to the old way, cause like I said it was there for a year and a half.


Just play. Adapt. And take it for what it is. A great update on the color of the old drab, dull looking fogified SWTOR :p

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New graphics update looks great. It's just another one of those things you need to adapt to. We have been playing with the dull drab colors ever since the game launched so we have gotten used to it. The new vibrant change is for the better and is really great. :) This goes to show you, there will always be some who don't like it :p But I can understand that to. You are very, very used to the old way, cause like I said it was there for a year and a half.


Just play. Adapt. And take it for what it is. A great update on the color of the old drab, dull looking fogified SWTOR :p


I wholly disagree with this. The original more drab palette was a stylistic choice I agreed with for a gritty setting---and honestly it isn't the colors that irritate me so much as the jacked up contrast. I turn my character away from a light source and his shadowed side basically vanishes into black. Way too stark, old way was better.

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It looks horrible on everyone who have half decent display. That new filter just boosts the saturation and gamma to ridiculous levels.


I wonder what they did in this patch... Totally ruined SLI performance.


I have a Samsung 30 inch P2770HD. Doesn't look horrible on mine. It looks a lot better. Old one was very drab, dull and dreary looking :(


New one is great looking! The game pops more. But I would expect a post like this on the colors cause everyone wouldn't like it. In fact, I was waiting for a post like this :p


I think it looks great! :) Brings a whole new great look to the game. Especially the grass, trees, fauna, actually...everything.

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Why is there unanimous hate for the color change? What kind of display is everyone running on, I'd like to get an idea of what this is relating to.


It's because it's a change. The game was the old color palette since launch. It wasn't vibrant at all. Everything had a fog over it and appeared "gray-ish" Everybody got used to it. Now the people that really got used to it and liked the old way and do not like the new one at all, which makes the game look nicer and more detailed, are upset and angry and are voicing their displeasure about it on the forums.


It's a very nice change :)

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