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7 days early and 5 waves, bravo


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I just have to get to say this.


Giving people gradual access to the servers during 5 days isn't rewarding the early birds, but punishing the latecomers. After all we all probably paid approx. the same amount for the game etc. The bottom line is that if a latecomer and an early bird would have get the access at the same time there would be less whine, because all would be happy playing. That's just marketing / economics 101, therefore my educated guess is that they try to move the whole pre-order customer base during the coming 2 days to the server to hold up the "up to 5 days of pre-access" for everyone. Points for that if they do.


Altho little criticism I would give to the information and reporting of the launch. Servers were overloaded and everything was "keep refreshing your mail" etc. If they would have just told us the plain truth that "nope, you cant play today, because this and this." I wouldnt have been a weightload to the server trying to read everything on the forums and hitting refresh on the login etc. Buuut that's just me. It seems that showing your timetables to the public is the same whether you're a game company or the feds.


Anyways, as the punchline, they probably did an outstanding job today, but because bad communication to the customers they failed to broadcast it to us.

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Hello there... I was reading throllings and post filled with rage... Somehow i can understand it. But somehow i am dissapointed too...

Letting us in (of course who were lucky) 7 days earlier its a nice thing. But i still do not understand something. Why? Why not let everybody in. By this date they should have know if their servers are capable running with many players online or not. Arent the beta tests for this? Why letting ppl in through waves?


Years ago...If i remember well when WoW was lunched they closed their beta test with only a few days before the lunch and their servers were running nicely. This was years ago. Havent we evolved since then?


I'm just a bit dissapointed because nobody knows when we will get the invites....there are too many insecure things from a company who made a very expected MMORPG. They should have taken their PR more seriously...


From my point of view it looks like they are not knowing what will going to happen next...


P.S. And if its true that some ppl who had redeemed their code in November and December are in game before those who did the same in july-august then its really sad...not fair (yeah some of you could say Life is not Fair)...but still not nice and then i will see no logic in it.

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That's exactly what I would call it. No they are distributing the player base and reducing the load of each server so that people don't pile on certain servers. And to get people out of the starting zones so each server isn't flooded constantly, even with the instancing of the starting zones there are technical reasons as to why they don't exactly want 10k people hitting the same zones all at once. The beta Stress test was staggered for this same reason.


What is exactly what you would call what?

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Do you even know the size of each wave, or did you just hear "wave" and decide to suck up to Bioware?


Did you know that they haven't even gotten all of the July pre-orders in yet? It went July 21st codes to July 27th.


They should not be congratulated for moving at a snail's pace.



As opposed to what? Kicking the goose laying the golden egg? You think it makes you cutting edge or hardcore to be seen to be wailing about things that you have no knowledge of? It doesn't. If you think that he or anybody else is sucking up to a big outfit like BioWare where nobody of consequence even looks at these forums then you are exceedingly naive.

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I figured I would post something that is logical and stuff. Not only did Bioware up the invite date 2 days, they got 5 waves in on the first day. That's a lot more than i was expecting. Keep it up guys!



5 waves of invites, funny how other games just let all pre-orders in on the same day. kinda makes me laugh at the amount of "work" they do

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I'm also rather disappointed.

Bioware proved in their stress test that regardless of having up to 200k connections per server, they managed to keep the servers up.

I have never had such a smooth and calm beta experience. No lag, 1 single server crash, absolutely normal amount of waiting for quest mobs (considering how many got in), and now they decide to move slower than a snail. BioWare is absolutely disregarding that the people that get on first have time to make 50+ characters and reserve names all over the place, not only that but the 18 hour gap between the 5th and the 6th wave is absolutely rediculous.

I never expected to get in the first day, but to see people who ordered on the first day of pre-orders not getting in, just makes me think that BioWare will need a hell of a lot more time to smooth things out. Instead of 7 days to spread people out, at this pace, they need 7 months.

They have been ignoring the community's concerns, given us no information whatsoever (except "We have now sent a wave" like that matters much) and are acting like 10 year olds in how they are progressing with the invites.

They could have created an automated system that sent out waves of invites every 3-4 hours over the night, instead of patting themselves on the back for a ****** job and calling it a day only to come in 2 hours LATER tomorrow than they did today.


BioWare lost a big amount of respect and trust from me today, and I really, REALLY hope future problems will be handled a lot better. I wouldn't be surprised if we only get 3 waves tomorrow before they go back to bed again.

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About 119k pre-orders in July. ~900k more pre-orders to go.


So, nope!


oh plz stop with the "this is how many per-ordered....." because you'll never get it right.


People are claiming so and so many have ordered the game on any given date and as of today there are, what is the new number 900+K?


There is no way of knowing that, you can tell some buy how many hard-box copies where sold at one retailer, but you can't tell with the digital ones. (how many in the US or EU have ordered?). Sure if you have a link with real numbers feel free to share.


I ordered and redeemed mine in July, and am not complaining. Wasn't expecting to get in until sometime on the 15'th - and reading the Dev posts, I think they are doing a good job.


If you are mad because you haven't gotten in yet, fine that is your Prerogative.


edited: spelling, sorry english isn't my main language

Edited by Maylora
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To all of you who think those 2 additional days were pure charity: ********. SR wrote on Twitter, "You'll still get Early Game Access; at least a day." @ someone, who preordered on 5/12. At least a day. Not "hey, since we are 2 days ahead, youll still get a good ammount of early game time". So what are those two days in fact? Neccessary! They miscalculated their early access time - 2 additional days are required to keep up to the promise, that all preorderers are getting early access.
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Bottom line the devs obviously do not believe the servers can handle more people which is why they have not invited more waves or just let everyone in at once.


If they could do this they would because there is no downside, the players would all be happy. It most likely can't be done, so it won't be, no sense complaining about it.

Edited by Aisar
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I think BW should tag the guys moaning and ************ regarding the speed of which BW are letting people into the early access and make them wait till the 20th.


BW are being pretty clever with having an early access period, by having us enter in waves means that they have made it less likely for them to encounter the normal MMO fail on launch day.


What shocks me more is that people feel that because every one got in on the stress weekend that it all went smoothly and the servers can handle everything... They have already stated that they encountered issues, not only that but it was a test to see what happens to the servers and how they hold up.


I sit here looking forward to my email, if I don't get one then I'll wait till the 20th, thank your lucky stars that we have a company running this game that have their head screwed on... Most MMO launches do not go this smoothly and fail epic style on launch days.

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I'd rather not know when I'm getting in vs. knowing that they stated I'd be in by the, say the 14th, and something happens that pushes it back...


The crybabies would have a coronary if they were given a date and something major happened to the servers and they couldn't log in when Bioware told them they could.


Ever think of that angle? Maybe they are trying to avoid that?


Oh wait, that's right, this is all a conspiracy. They have my money.....(BS, I haven't paid for anything yet because my order wasn't charged) So yeah, tell us another one you over reacting whiners. :rolleyes:

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I'd rather not know when I'm getting in vs. knowing that they stated I'd be in by the, say the 14th, and something happens that pushes it back...


The crybabies would have a coronary if they were given a date and something major happened to the servers and they couldn't log in when Bioware told them they could.


Ever think of that angle? Maybe they are trying to avoid that?


Oh wait, that's right, this is all a conspiracy. They have my money.....(BS, I haven't paid for anything yet because my order wasn't charged) So yeah, tell us another one you over reacting whiners. :rolleyes:


If they would have told me that I would get in on the 15th, I would be extatic. Even if they bumped into some problems causing them to postpone it, at least then I would have gotten SOME USEFUL information out of them for once.

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