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I have noticed that many people seem to lack the ability to use it or are just ignorant to use interupts. Every class has atleast one solid interupt, do they use it to interupt anything or use it at all, no they do not.


It's actually a good thing to play the storymode trough because it forces you to learn to use you talents and skills and not just sit on the backseat in a pug warzone.

Edited by Beansoup
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I have a better question: how do you lightning sorcs deal with someone in your face spamming interrupts? I have to be nearly dead to lose against a DPS sorc/consular running an AP powertech with a six second CD interrupt and two different CC's at my disposal.


Fixed that part for you.


Also it deals with a lot of running away, Affliction, Shock, Knockback with root, Bubble stun/hardcast combo, Force Slow, insta-Chain Lightning, and 1.5 second Force Lightning.


Or, if whitebarred, activate Polarity Shift and spam cast with 20% alacrity and immunity to interrupts.

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The main reason people don't interrupt is because its essentially pointless in PvE. The only time interrupts are essential are in HM flashpoints/raids or soloing heroic 4's at or below content level. Because of this, most people fail to learn how to interrupt properly. Edited by JackNader
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Fixed that part for you.


Also it deals with a lot of running away, Affliction, Shock, Knockback with root, Bubble stun/hardcast combo, Force Slow, insta-Chain Lightning, and 1.5 second Force Lightning.


Or, if whitebarred, activate Polarity Shift and spam cast with 20% alacrity and immunity to interrupts.


Sorry, yeah 6 seconds and it locks out an ability for 4 seconds when running AP.


The running out of melee range works, but you have to clear out of 10 meter radius. Most don't bother and die.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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As dynamic as pvp is even in rateds interrupts are normally only effective 1v1 or against someone who isn't paying attention. In a group setting my target normally won't know where I am quick enough to interrupt the average casted ability. Even then many interrupts have a short range and most range classes have decent tools to keep the target from closing in close enough to use it. Personally I use knockbacks as interrupts probably more often than the dedicated ability. Edited by Chimerako
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I think too many classes are immune to interrupts or can spec into it. 15s every 2 mins is fine. 20s every 40s is NOT fine. every class seems to have an uniterruptable channel too. which is stupid. but it makes sense as well only because the resolve mechanic is so stupid that the white bar takes forever to gain and can dissipate before you ever leave spawn.


TL; DR: if resolve rewarded immunity properly, then all of the spec'd immunities shouldn't exist. however, resolve needs to be fixed before most of the interrupt immunities are fixed. and they are both broken, imo.


as for ppl not interrupting...well...they're new and/or bad. that's part and parcel with life. deal with it and move on.

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I think too many classes are immune to interrupts or can spec into it. 15s every 2 mins is fine. 20s every 40s is NOT fine. every class seems to have an uniterruptable channel too. which is stupid. but it makes sense as well only because the resolve mechanic is so stupid that the white bar takes forever to gain and can dissipate before you ever leave spawn.


TL; DR: if resolve rewarded immunity properly, then all of the spec'd immunities shouldn't exist. however, resolve needs to be fixed before most of the interrupt immunities are fixed. and they are both broken, imo.


as for ppl not interrupting...well...they're new and/or bad. that's part and parcel with life. deal with it and move on.


having a single uninterruptable move is fine. Everyone has an interrupt, and they all have at least 33% uptime (4s duration @ 12 second cooldown). Usually these moves are ones that are absolutely critical to the spec, -or- the move would be garbage without it.


Wanna hear a joke? A melee class without a 15% speed boost that is expected to channel 3 (note: stand still) seconds every 9 seconds. Vigilance guardians pre 1.2 LOLOLOLOL. That's like a ranged class where 1 third of their moves, and their hardest hitting moves, are instants. Ranged classes cannot be mobile, a decent player playing it would be a NIGHTMARE.


They got it uninterruptable in 1.2, and now they finally got their 15% boost in like 2.1 or 2.2 lawl!

Edited by Zunayson
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yes. but would you prefer uninterruptal or full resolve more often and not in spawn? I want interrupts to work. as a vg/pt I have two stuns and a short interrupt. that amounts to having 3 interrupts. punters have that too. that's kinda stupid. if only interrupts were interrupting, I wouldn't need interrupt immunity on a 12s channeled abil.


well, that's my rationale.



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I have noticed that many people seem to lack the ability to use it or are just ignorant to use interupts. Every class has atleast one solid interupt, do they use it to interupt anything or use it at all, no they do not.


It's actually a good thing to play the storymode trough because it forces you to learn to use you talents and skills and not just sit on the backseat in a pug warzone.


because they are dps :D if they come from pve - they wont interupt. that is tanks job, so they dont even think about it, lot of people dont even have it on quick bar. to me as tank it is one of the most important hot keyed ability.


in pvp you have 2 kind of people who interupt - pvpers only who knows other classes and what to interupt and pve tanks who interupt because they are used to it.

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because they are dps :D if they come from pve - they wont interupt. that is tanks job, so they dont even think about it, lot of people dont even have it on quick bar. to me as tank it is one of the most important hot keyed ability.


in pvp you have 2 kind of people who interupt - pvpers only who knows other classes and what to interupt and pve tanks who interupt because they are used to it.


you know that dps have to interrupt in pve too, right? in fact, many tanks refuse to interrupt at all (stupid, I know).

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