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Hate given to light-side Imperials.


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Hello! I have noticed an interesting phenomenon on my server. I recently created a new Sith Warrior to replay the story in a new way (light side) opposed to my other Warrior, who went full dark side. From the get-go I quite enjoyed the new outlook on the story and typed in chat, "Man, LS Sith Warrior is pretty fun," to share my enjoyment. However I then got many whispers and posts in general chat saying how I was a wuss, should go play the hello kitty MMO, roll a Jedi and that I should quit the game. I really found this funny how the other people really took offense to that. Later in Black Talon I was cussed at for making the choice to spare the captain and once again told I was a carebear, while said player left the group. Does this happen on every server? I never noticed this before...it almost makes me laugh how people get angry at a Sith who makes light side choices.
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Those people are immature and you shouldn't give a second thought to those people, ignore them and make whatever choice you want. On a second note I am a empire only player and when I do see people make a lightside choice I usually raise my eyebrow and make a surprised remark. I suppose that's because almost everyone goes darkside almost like a requirement.


I guess all I can do is wish you luck and say your a brave man to venture into the lightside lol

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I think light side Black Talon can take a little longer if I remember right. He might have been after a super fast speed run.


I also think some people don't realize that they don't get the alignment points of the conversation winner, so he might have though you were giving him light side points.

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I'm with Deathen_Shada on this. ignore them. they ain't worth it.


Honestly, every MMO I've played with an "evil" faction has players like this. They revel in playing the "bad guy" and openly despise anyone who would play anything different.

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I think light side Black Talon can take a little longer if I remember right. He might have been after a super fast speed run.

Not really. Pretty much takes the same amount of time to kill the squad of soldiers as it does to kill the sabotage droids.

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When I made a dark knight....nobody really cared. I just found it exceedingly strange how negative reactions are to LS Imperials. Guess it's a community thing with more examples from lore of "evil maniac" Sith Lords, and not too many Sith Lords with at least semi-decent morals, barring Vader, who was redeemed.
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Yes, you are a wuss. Without a shadow of a doubt. You are an embarrassment to the glorious Sith Empire.


Now, we true, evil Sith are going to go to a wonderful garden party, and you're not invited. There will be cakes and finger sandwiches and lovely rounds of croquet.


But you cannot join us.


Because you are a wuss.


*sweeps cape*


Oh and when you're evil, wearing capes is cool. When you're good and wearing a cape, you just look like a ninny.

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Yes, you are a wuss. Without a shadow of a doubt. You are an embarrassment to the glorious Sith Empire.


Now, we true, evil Sith are going to go to a wonderful garden party, and you're not invited. There will be cakes and finger sandwiches and lovely rounds of croquet.


But you cannot join us.


Because you are a wuss.


*sweeps cape*


Oh and when you're evil, wearing capes is cool. When you're good and wearing a cape, you just look like a ninny.


Oh noes! Can I have some wussy cake at least?

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I try to make my toon not really a "goody two shoes" like a Jedi, more of a pragmatic anti-hero in a way. He does not kill people for fun or kick puppies, but seeks to serve the Empire as a whole rather than sitting with the Dark Lords and their power struggles and cruelty. He does make some DS choices like killing (Super tiny spoiler) a certain Vemrin, or deceiving the Jedi prisoner on Korriban. For the most part he is merciful to his allies and a nightmare to his enemies, not killing when it is not necessary, and priding honor above all else, seeking to serve the Empire, not the sadists who run it. It's really hard to play a neutral character the way I want to because the relic alignment system really hurts neutral players, kinda strange in a game that champions building a character the way you want to, forcing me to lean light side.
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People always complain when you win the LS roll on Black Talon. I've had people tell me the reward is better if you choose the dark side. If someone is being rude I just ignore them. Its the best way to diffuse hostility. I rarely read Gen chat due to excessive amount of idiotic behavior and the reaction you got is par to the course.
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(Slightly off-topic, but on the general case of imperial diehards) I was in a FP with my IA, when it came across in convo that I had a Rep char. A group mate then proceeded to insult me and states "I can't play with someone who has a republic character," and rage quits the FP. Some people make you question society: it's a game.
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I think the Agents and Hunters get the pass on the Light Side thing since LS is more... pragmatic. Versus dark side which seems to be borderline kicking puppies and shooting kittens at times.


Actually some of the DS choices are nothing but puppy and kitten shooting, and not borderline either. Several are plain stupid, they don't advantage you personally, the damage your faction, and make enemies. Now if they at least gave you some advantage, or were obviously enjoyable (which they are not) than they would make sense.


On the other hand some of the LS choices for the republic are just as insane, ok I'll save these two people here, but condemn those ten thousand just over there to a horrible death, aaaaghh. (not this choice literally, but in this spirit).

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I say, play whatever you want, no one else but you should care about it anyway. Some sad people play this game when they feel that insulting someone for their choices in a game makes them happy. Though a funny or even snarky comment is okay I think. For the evulz!


I have a LS BH for the simple reason that it just made more sense for that character. My Warrior is full dark as is my Inq. I was a little torn when it came to aligning my Agent but when I realized how awesome the corruption actually looks on a Cathar I had to go full dark as well. :D


And it's true, you almost exclusively get that kind of reaction on Imp site. Pubs rarely comment on DS choices, at least as far as my experience goes.

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Hello! I have noticed an interesting phenomenon on my server. I recently created a new Sith Warrior to replay the story in a new way (light side) opposed to my other Warrior, who went full dark side. From the get-go I quite enjoyed the new outlook on the story and typed in chat, "Man, LS Sith Warrior is pretty fun," to share my enjoyment. However I then got many whispers and posts in general chat saying how I was a wuss, should go play the hello kitty MMO, roll a Jedi and that I should quit the game. I really found this funny how the other people really took offense to that. Later in Black Talon I was cussed at for making the choice to spare the captain and once again told I was a carebear, while said player left the group. Does this happen on every server? I never noticed this before...it almost makes me laugh how people get angry at a Sith who makes light side choices.


WAIT! There is a hello kitty MMO!!!!


also I was thinking of doing a light sided mercenary(I have a darkside powertech but there were some choices that I felt bad for doing like what was it using my flamethrower on taris to get rid of those help less settlers)

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Thankfully, I have yet to run a FP where anything but a joking remark has been made about LS/DS choices coming up with mixed results. The whole concept seems *extremely* ridiculous. I did however, have a lovely convo in gen chat on Alderaan about two weeks ago. There was a couple people talking about LS/DS choices, and I started discussing it as well, with one other player being more prominent in the discussion. It came to a point where he stated that you *need* to go full swing one way or the other, for the endurance from Relics, to which I said that leveling alts, I just make choices the way that I want for the story, that I don't worry about the relics until cap, and that it doesn't really make that much of a difference unless your twinking for pvp, and I said I dont. Following response?

"Well then your a noob"

Alrighty then, convo over, welcome to ignore.

I was just shaking my head. Yes... yes, how DARE I play my character the way that I want in a way that works fine and has no negative effect on anyone else. I am a total failure, and a waste of air for not conforming to a preset rigid guideline of ds or ls to be able to add 500 more hp to my character before I reach cap.:rolleyes:


People never cease to amaze me, its just sadly, more often than not, amazing how big of an A-hole they act like.;)

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Hello! I have noticed an interesting phenomenon on my server. I recently created a new Sith Warrior to replay the story in a new way (light side) opposed to my other Warrior, who went full dark side. From the get-go I quite enjoyed the new outlook on the story and typed in chat, "Man, LS Sith Warrior is pretty fun," to share my enjoyment. However I then got many whispers and posts in general chat saying how I was a wuss, should go play the hello kitty MMO, roll a Jedi and that I should quit the game. I really found this funny how the other people really took offense to that. Later in Black Talon I was cussed at for making the choice to spare the captain and once again told I was a carebear, while said player left the group. Does this happen on every server? I never noticed this before...it almost makes me laugh how people get angry at a Sith who makes light side choices.


Don't let those idiots marr your fun. I have mostly dark side characters, but I've rolled light side counterparts, just to 'see how the other half live', and I find it interesting. I've played just about all aspects in this game, male/female, light/dark/neutral, sith, alien, human, just to see the story variances. Enjoy, and don't let morons judge you.


In truth, a lot of times, the light sith are potentially more dangerous. They waste less resources, and consider their moves carefully to the best advantage. They're just not blindly psychotic, that just kill kill kill, so there is that possibility that they're a lot more unpredictable and dangerous.


I think people equate light with mercy...but I'd say it's more like mercy, so long as the sith or empire benefits more from the life than the death...

Edited by Lunafox
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Those people are immature and you shouldn't give a second thought to those people, ignore them and make whatever choice you want. On a second note I am a empire only player and when I do see people make a lightside choice I usually raise my eyebrow and make a surprised remark. I suppose that's because almost everyone goes darkside almost like a requirement.


I guess all I can do is wish you luck and say your a brave man to venture into the lightside lol


That's actually interesting. If you look at the number of players on the Empire who play a darkside character and compare it with the Republic, you'll find it not as different as you think. There are quite a few dark side Republic players also. It's as if the taboo for going Lightside isn't restricted to alignment as you'd think. It's much easier for a Republic toon to go Dark, than an Imperial to go light.


The stigma, essentially, for going darkside on a Republic character is nonexistent.

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